How To Easily Get Your Content To Convert To Sales While You Sleep
Without Launches, Sales Calls, Events, And Endless Posting On Social Media

4 Days To Plan A 6-Figure Funnel That Easily Converts Content To Sales On Autopilot
- Are you frustrated that you’ve already put so much time and energy into your blog, vlog, podcast, or social media account, and you’re just not getting the results that you feel you deserve?
- Are you currently sick and tired of dedicating every waking hour to creating content for your business but you’re not getting the revenue you desire? There has to be an easier way right?
- Are you upset that you feel like you’re neglecting your friends, family, your health, and everything else that’s important in your life because you’re so busy keeping up with your never ending content creation schedule?
- Are you ready to throw in the towel if this doesn’t start working soon?
- Are you exhausted and lacking in motivating because your business has zapped the life out of you?
- Do you find the thought of launches and promotions stressful and you wish there was another way to make money?
- Do you spend every day creating social media posts from scratch, and it leaves very little time or creative energy left for anything else in your business?
- Do you have a product that you know people really need, but you’re just not selling enough of them?
Don’t worry you’re not alone. When you’re on the treadmill of content creation, it can be relentless and unrewarding.
I’m going to show you that there is a way to get paid well for the content that you’ve already created so you can take a well-deserved break, AND see your revenue shoot up dramatically.

Do you:
- Wish you could take a vacation and see your revenue go up and up while you are away?
- Desire to make money on autopilot while you are sleeping, spending time with friends and family, and having much more fun?
- Want to create a reliable business that makes consistent money automatically and predictably, that can easily be scaled to 6-figures?
- Want to focus on what you love doing within your business, but easily get paid well for sharing your existing products?
- Long to be able to take more breaks from your business but you’re too scared to in case it impacts on your income?
I can totally relate to what you are going through.
Over the last 10 years I have created numerous businesses that are all based on creating content.
I have created thousands of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and countless social media posts to help people to transform their lives with my free content.

I totally understand the frustration of pouring everything you’ve got into creating content after content and not making any money from it.
I’ve been there, and although I really enjoyed creating content and helping people, I also believe that we need to have fair exchange in our businesses. I give freely to others, and I wanted to receive some revenue in return.
When I was pouring my effort into my blog, vlog, and podcast and not getting much revenue back in return it can feel like a thankless task and started to zap my motivation.
I was getting so many emails and comments from people thanking me for providing such helpful content.
People were pleading with me to create a product to help them, so I did. When I sold it to my first few customers they told me how much it transformed their lives, and I was over the moon. I knew this had the ability to help so many more people.
The only problem was that nobody was buying it.
I poured everything into finding out how to get my product into more people’s hands and after years of testing out what I learned with many different businesses, I have finally come up with a system that gets sales on autopilot from your content.
I have tested this on numerous different businesses and it works like magic regardless of the type of business or type of content that I am using.
Once I started implementing my system for making sales on autopilot for the first time my business revenue soared to 6-figures within just a few months just by selling one product alone.
At the time, I was busy with my first baby, pregnant and not feeling very well, so I stopped working on my business for about 9 months. During that time my income continued to rise because I had systems in place to make me money on autopilot. I was so grateful I learned this as I didn’t have to worry about money that whole time while I wasn’t able to work.
6-Figure Content

6 Figure Content helps you make sales from your content on autopilot so that you can:
- Focus on having fun, more time with loved ones, and a healthier more balanced life every single day so you can experience more happiness than you’ve ever dreamed of
- Dramatically increase the amount you make per hour by earning more and working fewer hours so you feel abundant and free
- Take way more time off than you normally would so you can really enjoy life to its fullest
- Discover the secrets of high earning entrepreneurs so you can plan your business in the same way that they do
- Take your audience on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans
- Create a marketing model that consistently makes you money from different sources and various streams of income

- Discover how to script binge-worthy blog posts, podcasts, and videos that constantly convert your audience into customers without you having to be salesy or pushy
- Create a sales trigger that runs on autopilot to create passive income for your business while you are sleeping

After just 4 days you’ll have content that converts and you are going to feel incredible.
- You will approach your business with so much confidence as your plan has lit the path towards success for you
- You’ll feel so relieved that you don’t have to worry about what to do next
- You will feel so free to walk away from your work at the right time of the day, so you can have some fun and enjoy a balanced life
- You will feel abundant because you’ll be working your business like a pro
- You will experience way more happiness in your days as you’ll enjoy both your work and your downtime
I’m already seeing results from the strategies I’ve learned here
I’ve admired Kath’s output for some time and I’m very happy to say that 6 Figure Content continues to deliver her signature style of no-nonsense, high quality, business coaching and mentoring.
The value add in this program is excellent. Alongside the comprehensive videos and example Kath provides workbooks and bonuses that helped me get the best out of the program.
The thing I love about this content is that it is evident that Kath has “been there and done that”. The content reflects that. There are no shortcuts taken, everything is explained extremely well and context is given.
I’m an experienced coach and mentor, but I needed help with my marketing and here’s where the course really shined for me. Before taking it I didn’t understand the journey a potential client might be on, but Kath outlined the sort of content you should deliver to people on each stage of that journey. I can’t begin to describe how helpful that was for me. I’m now able to engage all of my audience rather than just a portion of them. I didn’t even know that I would need to do this but after putting it into practice I’m seeing increased engagement including from people at an advanced stage of their journey, ready to buy people.
Another thing I found incredibly enlightening was how to create a customer-centric funnel. I’m the sort of person who wants to deliver maximum value and Kath taught me how to create what is an organic method of leading people towards a desired end-goal that is beneficial for all parties. And let’s be honest, this is a 6 figure content program, we’re here to learn how to make money, so being able to convert my ideal clients in a natural way that also seemed really easy, but is backed up by experience and strategy, is exceptional. I’m already seeing results from the strategies I’ve learned here and I’m excited to make it a core part of my marketing strategy
Rand St John
Life Coach |

I just wanted to say I started the course and did some of the exercises and I’m blown away!
Your Course was soooooooooooo amazing, wow I have a lot more clarity now around my business, strategy, and what’s working and what’s not working, so thank you a million times. You’re a natural teacher and you explained everything so clearly.
Kath is an amazing teacher and her courses are absolutely excellent. Kath not only helped me identify areas of improvement in my business, she helped me strengthen my mindset and look at things from a different perspective. I can’t say enough great things about Kath and her courses. Do yourself a favor and enroll in her course today, you’ll love it!
This course was amazing and it truly helped bring clarity to my business. Thank you 1000 times!
Erika McCarthy //

Hi Kath
I just wanted to let you know I am really enjoying your course. I am finding it really helpful even though I have been running a business myself for over 10 years. I like the combination of a short video lesson and then activities to get on with and they don’t take too long to complete. The workbook is great, I have printed it all off and have it all in a folder and I look forward to the time I spend on it.
The course is certainly making me think about my business in a totally different way. Although the lessons are supposed to be done daily I tend to keep going through a few at a time when I have some spare time as I just want to know what is next!
Thank you for this course. I am really excited to keep going!!
Kind Regards
Julie Sawyer

Awesome course. I can see that you are a very great teacher Kath. The course is great overall and I really appreciate that you have practical steps.
Great course, Dragos
Dragos & Alexandra //

This course has opened up a whole new world to me that I would not have known before! And as I move through it, more and more ideas come to me for my online biz!! It’s fun and exhilerating! I love it and often have to make myself stop working!! Thanks Kath!! You are Brilliant!! ;D
Elizabeth Dahlen // Betzz Biz

Before I started the course, I had a few products launched and a few other business ideas, but could never have them properly marketed.
Now I’ve taken the course, I think everything is possible. If I have a new idea for a product, I know exactly what steps to take to turn it into a successful business and create the passive income I need.
My favorite lesson was how to communicate my value proposition to my potential users and funnel them into buyers.
The whole section that got me all fired up was about marketing my product. I always felt I had great ideas that just wouldn’t be heard. Now, I know how to make people understand what I’m offering.
After taking this course I can finally realise the building blocks of a successful online business and how they fall into place. By integrating my talents and passions with the needs of my ideal client, I feel much more secure to start my business.

I am a single mother of three kids and my hours fluctuate constantly. Your course has been challenging but quite welcomed.
The mindset shifts I have had so far have been transferring my occupational mindset from a personality, i.e., me, to a legitimate business.

Kath has created a great programme that will help you align your personal principles with success, and connect those to your business aims at the same time. By making you focus on the positives, in personal and professional spheres, she inspires you to build aspirational frameworks that you can align your business intentions to. Kath combines strategic thinking and intelligent business practice with a natural positivity and humility that makes you want to work with her. She is clearly living her truth and this course will help you plot your own path in the same direction.

Who am I and Why You Should Listen to Me
Kath Kyle
My name is Kath and I have been creating successful online businesses for 10 years and loving every minute of it.
My vision is to help entrepreneurs focus first on their mindset before they even start working on their business. Once more people start doing this, we’ll see the number of successful businesses increase in this world, and that’s very exciting.
I am a mother of 2 young kids so I know what it’s like to build a successful business around hectic family life.
I am a reformed hustler. I now work around 30 hours a week or less. I have set my businesses up in such a way that people find me and buy my products while I’m sleeping. It doesn’t get any easier than this.
I am so grateful that I have the life that I once could only have dreamed of. I live with my husband and kids and we are 5 minutes walk away from a sunny beach. We also live close to my extended family, something that I never used to think was ever going to be a reality for me.
I wake up every morning excited to do work that I absolutely adore, helping entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses, and I couldn’t be happier.

Are you ready to make consistent sales automatically from the content you’ve already created in your business?
6-Figure Content will help you do just that in just a few days

4 6-Figure Content Training Videos
3 hours of content in total. Binge-watch these videos Netflix style, then go back and watch them one more time to do the powerful life-changing exercises.
4 6-Figure Content MP3 Audios
So you can download the audio version of the videos onto your phone and listen to them on the move.
4 6-Figure Content Slides
To download so you can refer to the information on the videos at a later date.
6-Figure Content Workbook
This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course. Use this workbook by answering the questions to plan your own 6-figure content that converts.

The Content In 6-Figure Content:
1) Fast Familiarity Funnel Formula
Take your audience on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans. This is a core concept and used in future lessons, so don’t miss this one.
*This training is valued at $97*
2) Magical Marketing Model
This is the backbone of your business. Without this you won’t know how to consistently make money.
*This training is valued at $197*
3) Automatic Sales Trigger Script
I give you the exact script you need to easily create a sales trigger that runs on autopilot to create passive income for your business while you are sleeping.
*This training is valued at $397*
4) Constantly Converting Content Strategy
Here is the exact script to help you create binge-worthy blog posts, podcasts, and videos that constantly convert your audience into customers without you having to be salesy or pushy.
*This training is valued at $297*
And that’s not all. You also get these fantastic bonuses…

Access To Our Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I give you the utmost attention and answer any questions you may have. I also provide coaching in this group. I have a vested interest in seeing you succeed. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you high and dry after you go through this training. I am here to personally support you through your transformation. The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by wasting time on social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community. (Valued at $497)
How To Plan Your Dream Business In 30 Days Workshop

Not only will this workshop show you how to plan your dream business in 30 days, but it also is an example of one of my own sales triggers that I use to make sales on autopilot from my own content. (Valued at $77)
As you can see there is a lot of value in this mini-course.
The total value of this course is $1,562. But who can put a price on the ability to constantly earn more and more money on autopilot?
But I’m not charging anywhere near this price today.
What is 6 Figure content priced at?
You get access to all of this on a lifetime basis for a super low introductory price of just $7.
Yes I know this price is super low, and it is my introductory offer so the price WILL definitely be going up. So get in now while you still have access to this price.
Click the button below to get started before the price goes up.
This page is expiring in 24 hours so don’t delay.

Although I can’t guarantee any specific results, I can tell you that people are raving about this product, and they have totally transformed my own quality of life, work, income, happiness, and success.
I’m certain that you are going to love it just as much, but if you decide it’s not for you, let us know within 24 hours, and we will give you a full refund.
If you have any questions, please let me know by emailing [email protected] and we will get back to you within 1 business day.