Here’s the ancient secrets to prayer that you’re never told in church. When you start praying like this, you’re going to see immediate results and finally get answers to your prayers.
Join the 30 day challenge to stop complaining about things that haven’t happened yet. As a result you are going to stop blocking yourself getting exactly what you want. This is truly life changing.
I Read 500 Books 📚 To Learn These 3 LIFE LESSONS…
After reading well over 500 books, here are the most important lessons that I learned, that I now base my entire life on.
How To WIN EVERYTHING 🥂 And Get Everything You Ever Wanted (Success Story: Helene Hadsell)
Here’s exactly how one lady manifested winning over 5000 contests. I share her exact technique and the secret mindset hack you need to be using.
Are you a chronic complainer who is struggling to get what you want? Here’s how to convert your moans to manifestations.
Congratulations 👏 You Are A MILLIONAIRE 💵
Are you ready to be a millionaire? After watching this video, you’ll have activated your millionaire manifestation, and have had a lot of fun in the process.
My Exact Manifestation Thought Process 💭
Have you ever wished you could get inside someone’s head when they are manifesting something? Now you can. Here’s my exact thoughts when I’m manifesting something that appears almost instantly.
Why Other People Receive YOUR Manifestation 🙏
There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to manifest something, and somebody you know gets the exact thing that you want instead of you. Why does this happen and what can you do to stop this?
How To MANIFEST MONEY 💲When You’re Broke
Use my powerful technique that I use whenever I need to manifest money. It works especially well if you don’t feel like you’ve got any money. As soon as you use this technique you’ll feel abundant and see the money coming in immediately.
Join the 30 day Manifestation Challenge to manifest $1000 in 30 days. This is the most fun way to manifest more money.