Here’s the ancient secrets to prayer that you’re never told in church. When you start praying like this, you’re going to see immediate results and finally get answers to your prayers..
Do you ever feel like you keep praying for things and then you just don’t see that many answers to your prayers?
There’s a very good reason why you’re not getting the answers or the results you want after you’ve been praying.
So today I’m going to show you how to pray in a very effective way and that means that
your prayers are answered and you get exactly what you want.
I am speaking from a non-religious point of view but this can help you no matter what religion you have or if you don’t have any religion at all.
Before I show you the most effective way to pray, let’s start by getting the basics cleared up.
What Is Prayer?
What does it mean to pray?
If you look up the dictionary definition of prayer, it simply says “the act of speaking to God.”
Who Is God
So let’s delve into that statement: who is God or what is God?
And the truth of that matter is that nobody really knows entirely but there are a lot of people, myself included, who have had spiritual experiences that give them some insight into what or who God is.
My personal belief is that you are God. I am God. We are God.
God is everybody, everywhere and everything.
I don’t believe that God is a person. I don’t believe that God is a man, sitting in heaven with a white beard, punishing people down here and giving them certain benefits like tickets to heaven.
I don’t believe any of that stuff, but I am very spiritual and I do believe in a spiritual presence that created everything and that is everything.
3 Reasons Why You Might Want To Speak To God
Why would you want to speak to this spiritual presence?
A lot of people say that speaking to God is just like having a conversation with a friend.
And why do we want to have a conversation with a friend? It’s really just to help us to make sense of our own thoughts.
And if you’ve ever paid any attention to your own thoughts, then you’ll become aware that most of your thoughts are automatic. You don’t have any control over them. They just pop into your head randomly and you didn’t plan them, you didn’t decide that they were just coming in.
Most thoughts come in and out of your mind as you go through the day and you don’t give them another thought.
But there are certain thoughts that might be more powerful or more persistent. And when that happens you suddenly become aware of your thoughts. You become conscious that you are thinking something and you start to analyze that thought.
So when you speak your thoughts either to another person or to God you are becoming conscious of your thoughts and you are expressing your thoughts.
You have analyzed that thought and you’ve decided that that is a thought that you want to think.
Or you might be trying to process that thought and decide whether it is something that you want to think and believe.
And because we can pray to God in our minds, really it’s just like thinking another thought. It’s just like being conscious of a thought.
And whether you are recognizing or expressing your own thoughts to yourself or to God it doesn’t really matter because those thoughts are still being expressed and there are a few different reasons why you want to consciously express your thoughts either to yourself or to God?
And here are the reasons you want to express gratitude either for something that has already happened or something that you want to happen in the future.
Another reason that you might want to express your thoughts is that you might want to recognize that something happened that you didn’t like.
And whether or not you were the one who caused the thing or somebody else caused it or it was just some random thing that happened, something happened that you didn’t like. Some people might call this a confession but I like to think of it as a realization that something happened that you didn’t want to happen.
At the point of confession, some people also like to ask for forgiveness or they like to forgive themselves or forgive other people. But I don’t think that forgiveness is necessary.
And that’s because I don’t believe in free will and I have a video all about free will so if you want to know what I think about free will you can go and watch that.
{WATCH THIS: Is FREE WILL An ILLUSION? This Will Blow Your Mind}
And the reason why I don’t believe in free will is because, if you’ve noticed your thoughts you know that they just randomly pop in there and you didn’t decide them. And when you don’t believe in free will then you’ve got no choice but to automatically forgive everybody and yourself for anything they have done because they didn’t choose to do it.
The third and most common reason to pray is to ask for something that you want.
And it doesn’t matter whether you are asking for something for yourself or for somebody else, you still have a desire for something that you want to manifest in your physical reality.
When most people think of the word pray, they often think of asking or requesting that they get something they want. They might be asking for help or they might be asking for a particular thing in their life and this is the most common use of prayer.
And this is what I want to focus on today.
This is the stumbling block for most people and why most people don’t get the answers they want to their prayers.
5 Reasons Why Prayers Go Unanswered
What are some of the reasons why prayers go unanswered?
Why basically you don’t get the results you want for your prayer?
1) The main problem that I see when it comes to prayer is that it’s not specific enough.
I used to go to church and I would hear people praying for other people and I would think how is that ever going to achieve a particular result.
Like for example the minister would stand up and say “Does anybody want prayer for anybody today?”
And the people in the congregation would say “Yes, Mary is struggling with cancer, can you pray for her?”
And then the minister would say a prayer that sounded something like this: “God please be with Mary today as she goes through these struggles”
and I’m sitting there thinking, “Well God is always with Mary, God is in Mary, God created Mary, God is in all of Mary’s experiences.”
So to me there’s no point in praying that God be with Mary because God’s always with Mary anyway.
And I do recognize the difficulty in praying for something very specific in a congregation because you don’t know exactly what that person wants to pray for. You don’t know what result that person wants to get and Mary’s not there so you don’t know what result Mary wants.
So it’s very difficult to pray and after half an hour of these kinds of prayers I was thinking, “What a waste of time, nobody’s going to get any results because nobody’s prayed for any results here.”
To me it would be far better to sit in silence and just pray your own individual prayer using the formula that I’m going to teach you in a minute.
2) The second reason why people don’t get answers to their prayer is that they simply didn’t believe that the prayer was going to get answered. They didn’t believe that the thing that they were praying for was ever going to happen.
You need to expect and assume that your prayer is going to be answered in the way you want and this can take a certain level of confidence.
But hopefully after watching a lot of my videos you’ll get to that place of confidence and recognizing who you are and you’ll be confident in who you are and the powers that you have.
3) Another reason why prayers go unanswered is because the person simply doesn’t feel worthy to receive the answer they want, especially if they’re praying for themselves.
A lot of people don’t feel like they should be praying for themselves, instead they feel like prayer is only for other people and that they’re not worthy of asking for anything.
They feel that they’re not worthy of any blessings so they don’t ask and they don’t expect to receive.
4) Another reason why prayers for yourself go unanswered is because people feel guilty about asking for certain things.
They might feel guilty about asking for more money when there’s plenty of people out there who don’t have any money.
They feel guilty about asking for what they think are frivolous things when there are people out there starving and struggling so they don’t feel like they should receive anything.
5) Another reason why people don’t receive answers to prayer is that they believe that God is separate from them. They don’t believe that God is a part of them.
They feel like they’re a worthless human being who’s just going to die and then that’s it.
They’re going to go to dust or they’re going to go to heaven but that’s the mercy of God.
And they feel like they’re powerless and unimportant.
And they don’t recognize these spiritual gifts that they have as a human.
And one of those spiritual gifts is to be able to pray and get what you want. All humans have been given this gift whether they know it or not.
So let me show you how to use that spiritual gift that you’ve got.
How To Pray To Get What You Want (4 Step Formula)
Here is my formula for the most effective way to pray.
1) You have to decide what you want and it has to be something specific.
No more praying that God is with you or that you feel the blessings or any of that stuff.
You need to decide what specific thing you want and you need to clarify it.
Put in as much detail as you possibly can.
2) You need to decide that you are going to see the answer to prayer materialize in your physical reality.
It’s going to manifest in your physical reality. Otherwise you’re wasting your time.
What’s the point in praying if you don’t even think you’re going to see it in the future.
You need to assume that you are going to get the answer, because whatever you assume comes true.
That is the secret of prayer, it’s all based on assumptions.
So you need to get your assumptions in the right place.
3) You need to use your spiritual gifts, this is the time to use it. Your spiritual gift is called your imagination.
Imagination is not just for kids playing dress-up and pretending to be a certain job, but imagination is for everybody.
This is the way that we use our god-given powers.
To be able to imagine that you have the thing you want is to create the thing you want.
This is how things are created by using your imagination.
You don’t physically create them but they are activated using the power of your imagination which is God’s power that you have as a human.
And to do this you need to imagine that you already have the thing that you want and use as many of your five senses as you possibly can, to imagine that you already have what you want.
And I’ll give you a great example of this in a minute.
4) You need to expect to see it materialize.
You need to expect that you are going to see it.
So you need to keep it in the back of your mind and wonder “Oh! Is this the day? When am I going to see that thing that I wanted?”
Remember desires are promises.
You’ve been promised that you will receive the thing that you decided you wanted. You expected it to happen and you’ve imagined you’ve already got it and therefore it’s been promised to you.
So you need to be asking yourself “Where is it?” “I know it’s coming but when is it coming and where is it coming from?”
This is the fun of life, not knowing the answers to those two questions.
But you can be certain that it is coming.
An Example Of How To Pray Effectively
I have a great example, a great story to share with you by Greg Braden about how to pray the right way to get exactly what you want.
Here’s what Greg said back in the early 90s:
I was living in the high desert of Northern New Mexico, this was during one of the worst droughts that the Southwest had ever recorded.
The elders in the native Pueblos said that as far back as they could remember they’d never gone so long without rain.
David, a native friend of mine from one of those nearby Pueblos called me once in the morning and asked if I wanted to join him in visiting a place his ancestors had built, where he could pray for rain. And I agreed.
And soon we were hiking through hundreds of acres of high desert sage.
He led me to a place where there was a stone circle that reminded me of a medicine wheel.
Each stone had been placed precisely by the hands of his ancestors long ago.
I had an expectation of what I thought I was going to see but my friend simply removed his hiking boots, then stepped with his naked feet into the stone circle.
The first thing he did was to honor all of its ancestors. Then he held his hands in a prayer position in front of his chest and turned his back to me and closed his eyes.
Less than a minute later he turned around and said “I’m hungry, let’s go and get a bite to eat.”
Surprised, I said “I thought you came here to pray for rain.”
I had been expecting to see some of the chanting and dancing and he looked at me and said “No, if I prayed for rain, the rain would never happen.”
When I asked him why he said that, it’s because the moment you pray for something to occur you’ve just acknowledged that it’s not existing in that moment and you may actually be denying the very thing that you’d like to bring forward in your prayers.
And Greg asked, “Well if you didn’t pray for rain just now when you closed your eyes, what did you do?”
And he replied, “When I closed my eyes I felt the feeling of what it feels like after there’s been so much rain that I can stand with my naked feet in the mud of my Pueblo village. I smell the smells of rain water rolling off the Earth and walls of our home. And I felt what it feels like to walk through a field of corn that is chest high because of all that rain that’s fallen. In that way I plant a seed for the possibility of that rain and I give thanks of gratitude and appreciation.”
And I said “You mean gratitude for the rain that you’ve created?”
And he replied “No, we don’t create the rain. I am giving thanks and appreciation for the opportunity to commune with the forces of creation.
Basically he’s saying that he as a human didn’t create the rain but he is communicating directly with that power that does create the rain and that’s his own personal belief and opinion.
But the message from this story is that you don’t pray for something to happen in the future.
You don’t sit there and say, “I pray for the healing in this lady.”
You experience in your imagination that the healing has already happened.
But how do you do this specifically?
How I Pray To Get What I Want
Whether I’m praying for somebody else or whether I’m just praying for myself I pray in exactly the same way.
And usually I know what I want myself because I have my own desires and I just decide what I want, so it’s easier to pray for myself.
When it comes to praying for the people and I see somebody struggling then I often try and find out exactly what they want because in the past when I’ve tried to assume that I know what they want it’s turned out to be completely wrong and they actually want something else.
And the only time that I don’t pray for the very specific thing that somebody wants is if I feel like they aren’t really aware of how powerful prayer is and they’re not asking for enough and they’re holding themselves back because maybe they don’t feel worthy. Maybe they feel too humble to ask for such big things or maybe they’re doubting that big things would ever happen.
So in those cases I would pray for more.
If somebody was struggling with a health complaint and they said, “I want prayer that I have a relief from my health complaint at the weekend because I’ve got this special event to go off to.”
I’m thinking in my head that she doesn’t realize that she can get complete healing from this health complaint. It doesn’t need to be just on the weekend.
Then I will then pray for something bigger for my friend if I get a general gist of it what it is they actually want.
So when I’ve decided what it is I want to pray for I remind myself how powerful prayer is and then I imagine a conversation where my friend has told me that they no longer have the struggle that they previously had or they have the exact result that they wanted.
And the reason why I always imagine a conversation is because it’s often very difficult to imagine that somebody has been healed when you can’t see inside their body.
In a lot of things that involve prayer, you can’t actually see with your eyes so it’s very difficult to imagine them with your senses.
Sometimes you can’t see that somebody is healed, and sometimes you can see that somebody’s healed. But most often than not you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at them.
Therefore, it’s much easier to imagine a conversation because you can also get very specific with a conversation. You can imagine exact words which mean an exact thing.
So you can imagine somebody else telling you that they are now healed and that means something very specific. It means a lot more than just looking at somebody and thinking they look very healthy. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve been healed.
The conversation is very specific, very direct, extremely accurate and incredibly powerful.
That is the way in which I pray, it’s often through imagining a conversation.
Even when it comes to praying for myself I will also imagine a conversation with somebody else, but I imagine that I am telling somebody else that I now have the results that I want, and it works both ways.
Then I get into the place of expectancy and certainty. I know that I am going to get an answer to my prayer because my imagination is God’s power.
And our imagination creates things as long as we’re certain about what we want.
Mistakes To Avoid
Here are some mistakes to avoid when it comes to prayer.
- Don’t beg for the thing you want.
You don’t need to say “Please, please God please give me the thing you want. I promise I will do this…. I promise I will do that…”
You don’t need to do any of that stuff.
You don’t even need to ask. A lot of people like to ask, they like to be polite.
And that’s because they think of God as something separate from them.
But when you think as we are all connected, we are all God, we are all One, we’re all One Mind, you don’t need to ask yourself for permission.
You just simply decide and you take it in your imagination.
There is nobody and nothing that can stop you from imagining what you want to imagine. You can literally be anywhere or do anything in your imagination.
You don’t need to ask for permission to imagine something and there’s a reason why we’ve been given that magination.
We don’t need to ask for permission to access our imagination. Our imagination is what creates.
A lot of people will still want to ask God for permission to do something or ask God for help to do something, and they will never be able to get their head around the fact that we are all one, they will never come to that realization.
But that’s okay as well because your belief system and your assumptions is what creates.
So if you believe that to get results you have to ask God for help, as long as you imagine that you have what you want, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve just decided that you have what you want or whether you’ve asked God for what you wanted.
As long as you imagine you have it, that is what will give you the results.
And it’s really not necessary to ask for something that you want because you have God’s power directly, because you are one with God and your consciousness is God’s consciousness.
- Another mistake people make is to drone on and on and on.
Your prayers don’t need to be long, the shorter the better. As long as you don’t contradict them it doesn’t matter how short they are, they’re still effective.
It’s your imagination that creates, not how many times you ask for something.
Another thing is, don’t feel like you have to pray religiously, every single day.
Don’t feel like you have to wake up and say your prayers or say your prayers before you go to bed, it’s not an insurance policy.
That’s not the point of prayer because we have God’s consciousness, our thoughts to come directly from God and our conscious thoughts go directly to God. It’s just one circle.
So every thought you think goes to God and everything that comes into your life comes from God.
You can think of it as a two-way communication thing.
If you like, you can think of it like speaking to a friend but really it’s so much deeper than that. You’re always in direct communication because you can’t be apart from yourself, you’re always with yourself.
And that’s why God always hears you, because God is you.
God is inside you and is part of you.
You are part of God.
You’re all one.
- Another mistake people make is that they use language that they wouldn’t use in everyday conversation.
They try to make their prayers very formal using religious language and there’s absolutely no need for any of that.
The best way to think thoughts and say a prayer is to do it your way, just like in the way that you would normally talk to a friend.
Another thing is, you don’t need to end your prayers by saying something like “in Jesus name.”
This is something that comes directly from the Bible. And a lot of people think I need to pray this magic prayer or magic words, and if I say the magic words “in Jesus name” then it will make the prayer happen. It will cast the spell, so to speak.
But that’s not what the Bible was getting at when it said “in my name”, it meant in my spirit, in my likeness and that means in my imagination. You immerse yourself in it by imagining that you have what you want.
So you when pray for something “in my name”, it means you pray for something in my imagination.
You actually experience it in your imagination and that is what activates the prayer, not by saying magic words.
The only magic thing is your imagination.
If You Don’t Believe This Works Try This
And if you don’t believe me that this works, then try and put it to the test.
I suggest you put this to the test with something that you’re not really too concerned about or bothered about.
It would be really nice to have imagined that you have received a bunch of flowers. Or imagine that somebody has given you a box of chocolates.
Or imagine that somebody’s giving you a compliment today, a specific compliment, such as somebody saying “I really like the outfit you’re wearing today.”
Imagine a specific compliment that you want to receive and imagine you’ve already had it.
Or imagine telling somebody that you had a compliment. You could tell somebody “Oh it was really interesting today, somebody gave me a compliment on my outfit.”
That is a prayer, and that’s how you activate your prayer.
Put it to the test and within the next two weeks you should see your manifestation activate.
I say two weeks because these types of manifestations usually happen very quickly and that’s because you don’t have any resistance to it and you’re not going to contradict it and block it.
Also if I tell you it will happen within two weeks you’re more than likely going to believe me and get that in your imagination and you’re going to imagine that you are receiving a compliment within two weeks.
And because you’ve imagined it within two weeks then it probably will happen within two weeks.
It’s not that I can predict any time scales, there aren’t any time scales attached to anything and you actually don’t know when something’s going to happen.
But in my experience things happen sooner rather than later if you aren’t desperate to receive it into your life and you haven’t blocked it by saying “It’s not going to happen.”
Because if you think about it, every word that you say to somebody else is also a prayer because God can hear it, not that God has ears but because we are God and a part of God.
God hears everything.
The Truth About What Prayer Actually Is
When you are talking to a friend and you are telling them that something’s not going to
happen in the future or something bad is going to happen in the future that is actually a prayer.
You are praying for that thing because you have imagined that something bad is going to happen in the future and you’re telling a friend. You wouldn’t be telling them something if it hadn’t already come from your imagination.
Think about that next time you’re having a conversation with somebody, And remember that your conversations with other people are also prayers and you can use prayers to get anything you want. You can pray for very specific things.
The most powerful prayer that I ever prayed was a prayer of being able to live the perfect day, the day that I really wanted.
And there were so many things I wanted and I prayed for them all and they all happened. There are details in the Next Steps section below telling you how I did that.
Is Manifestation The Same As Prayer
Another word for prayer is manifestation.
I know a lot of people who are into prayer don’t like the word manifestation, but to me it means a very similar thing.
If I tell somebody I’m going to pray for them it means I’m going to manifest for them. If I say to myself I’m going to pray for myself, it means I’m going to manifest for myself.
I don’t usually use the word prayer when I’m talking about being grateful or noticing that something bad has happened, because I like to think of prayer as activating my spiritual powers, which is my imagination.
And when I’m feeling grateful for something that’s already happened I’m not necessarily using my imagination.
And when I’m recognizing that something bad has happened, again I’m not usually using my imagination.
If I’m grateful for something that I want to happen in the future, that is a prayer, because I am activating my imagination.
Again if I’m feeling bad that I have done something wrong and then I beat myself up and say, “I’m always doing these things”, that is using my imagination because I’m assuming that I’m going to keep doing these things in the future and that is a prayer.
Hence, to me a prayer is anything where you’ve involved your imagination.
And you are projecting something into the future that you want to happen or even you don’t want to happen because it works both ways.
You can pray for negative things as well as positive but hopefully you’ll become more aware of your thoughts and you will start to pray for positive things in your life rather than negative things.
So if you want to learn more about the power of prayer or about how to manifest what you want, which is another way to say prayer, then go and check out my post What Is Manifestation and that explains it all in great detail.
{READ THIS: What Is MANIFESTATION? 🙏 Explained For Beginners}
Next Steps: Manifest Your Perfect Day
The best thing I ever manifested was my perfect life.
I now live my perfect day every day, and I couldn’t be more grateful for my life.
I developed a very powerful technique called my Perfect Groundhog Day Design which helped me manifest my perfect day in just a few months of applying this technique.
Everything changed for me very quickly after using this technique.
Within just a few months we ended up moving to another country living next to my whole family, right on the waterfront with stunning views and just minutes walk to a gorgeous beach.
I got everything I ever wanted after using this technique for a very short while.
Now I want you to get the same results I got.
I added my entire method into a mini- course, comprising 4 videos which walk you through the entire process.
You will also get access to my exclusive community where you will get coaching from me, and support from me and the other members.
The name of my course is Manifest Your Perfect Day.
Click here to get immediate access to Manifest Your Perfect Day.
I’m Kath Kyle and I help you HUSTLE LESS and MANIFEST SUCCESS.
I help conscious creators and change-makers MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS through my Content, Courses and Club.
There is also an audio version of this post on my podcast. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a video of this post below. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
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✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
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Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
- How To Pray 🙏 - October 25, 2022
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