In this training video I show you how to stop letting fear stop you getting results. This exercise was the catalyst to my business growth.
This training is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Mastery Program. I am giving you FREE access to this training for a limited time.
Click The Play Button Below To Watch The TRAINING
Time Limited: This Page Is Available For The Next 24 Hours.
Next Step: Obtain Complete Business Mastery
Get my signature system, Dream Business Mastery to help you become a business pro in all areas of your business.

Transformational invitation for online business owners, content creators, educators, writers, and speakers who want to create their dream businesses without feelings of overwhelm, confusion, or resorting to using strategies they detest…

If there was a way to share your message with the world, transform more lives than you ever thought possible, and transcend your revenue goals time and time again, without following strategies that make you feel icky…would you finally feel confident enough to show up as the soul-led business owner you were born to be?
Here’s the thing…
Until you feel totally confident as a business owner, until you’ve decided what your future business looks like, the work that you feel called to do, and you know how to get your message out there, you’ll never attract the people who need your help, and you’ll never make the money you desire to make.
It’s just the way the world works.
Yes you might be attracting a few people on social media, but how many of your audience are you really helping to change their lives for the better?
If you have a desire to transform as many lives as you possibly can, while being rewarded handsomely for it…
Your confidence as a business owner needs to grow exponentially so you can support the audience you want to attract.
How do you build confidence in your business?
By designing it to fit your desires, and consistently doing work on your business that you enjoy.
You might be feeling some resistance right now and I can totally understand.
I want to acknowledge all of the business owners who’ve taken action and had nothing to show for it.
I can feel your pain. I’ve been there myself and I know how much it can shatter your confidence when you put all of your effort into creating epic content, posting to social media, creating your first offer, sharing your offer with the world, only to be met with the sound of crickets when your cart closes and nobody has bought your product.
Here’s the truth…
The one single thing that successful business owners have in common is confidence in the knowledge that their business IS going to succeed.

There are two factors that give businesses owners this level of confidence:
- A vision of the end result that they want to achieve in their business (energy)
- A willingness to carry out consistent action to work on their business (strategy)
You need both the energetic vision and the strategy to achieve your desired business results.
The vision always needs to come first.
The first step in building your dream business is to decide how you want it to look, and see your results in your mind’s eye.
Once you know where you are headed, and that you will reach your final destination, you don’t need to worry about how or when you are going to get there.
All you need to do is to enjoy the process.
The truth is that all strategy works if you have the right vision for your business, and the opposite is also true, no strategy will work if you haven’t set the vision for your business.
The good news is that you get to decide what strategy you want to follow. That’s the beauty of being a business owner. You get the freedom to choose exactly what you want your work to look like.
Most new business owners don’t realise that they get to decide how things look. They assume that they have to follow what the well-known experts are teaching, and have to struggle through their days doing things that they really don’t enjoy.
Most entrepreneurs follow strategies to the letter but don’t realise that they’ve taken step 2 before they’ve taken step 1. They are trying to run before they can walk.
Spending countless hours working on your business without knowing where your business is heading in advance will never work.
So it’s important to create your business focusing on the tasks in the right order.
That means creating your vision before you implement any strategy.
After you’ve created your vision, you’ll be so confident in your business that you’ll know exactly what strategy is right for you.
You’ll go from struggling to create sales messages that make you cringe to feeling excited to share your life-transforming messages with people who want what you’ve got.

When you achieve business mastery you’ll be able to look forward to…
- Having a large audience that is growing rapidly by the second
- Having a tribe of people who hang on your every word
- Having content filled with comments about how it has changed people’s lives
- Getting constantly sales notifications all the way through the day and the night on autopilot
- Having products that you totally believe in and you can’t wait to get them into the hands of more people
- Having a business that almost runs itself
- Doing work every day that you adore, sharing your message using your writing or your voice
So yes, being able to follow a systematic plan to achieve mastery in your business is game-changing.
The main problem in the industry is that business owners make certain assumptions that are keeping them stuck, based on mistruths that are shared by marketers.
I’m going to clear some of these myths up right now and share some truths with you.
8 Critical Mindset Shifts You Get To Make Right Now To Liberate Yourself From Feeling Stuck In Your Business
#1 You Don’t Have To Be Everywhere
Despite what you hear and despite what you see other business owners do (me included) you don’t have to be everywhere to have a successful business.
The main reason why entrepreneurs post to many different channels is because they want to and because they can. Nothing else. Marketers love to experiment to tell their customers what’s working (me included) so that’s the reason they tend to be everywhere. But is it necessary to be everywhere? Not at all.
I built an audience of millions in my first business by just writing blog posts for years – no social media to start with and I still built a very successful business.
#2 You Don’t Need A Social Media Channel If You Don’t Want One
Although it seems like every business owner is active on social media right now, the truth is that’s not the case. There are numerous 6-figure, 7-figure, and 8-figure business owners who don’t use social media at all, and they do very well for themselves.
If you don’t want to be on social media, you can still build a thriving business without it. I did myself, and to this day I’m not massively active on social media.
#3 You Can Be Successful With Any Strategy You Choose
You might not believe me that you can choose any strategy and still be successful, but if you start to look for other people who have had success with particular strategies, you will find them.
#4 You Don’t Have To Pre-Sell Products Before You Create Them
Something I see taught all the time in the online world is to offer a product for sale before it’s created. This seems to now be taught as the only way to offer a product for sale.
Although I get the logic and agree it’s not a wise decision to spend months creating products before you offer them for sale, there are numerous problems with this approach. Namely people often start with a small audience, and this audience may not actually be the right target audience. So if you make a decision about whether to create a product based on whether your current audience is buying it, you are limiting the future growth of your business.
Instead, what I would do is create a small free gift to attract people who are interested in the topic of your intended product. When people opt in, you can offer them a small product on the same subject, and when you get enough sales, you can then create a bigger offering on the same subject. This way there is no need to do pre-sales which I personally have never liked and never had to do.
#5 You Don’t Have To Appear On Camera To Have A Successful Business
It is very common to see business owners appearing on camera these days. So you would be forgiven for thinking that appearing on camera is essential to the success of your business. What you’re not seeing is all of the businesses that are turning over fantastic revenue without the business owner having to appear on camera. If you think hard enough about some of the companies that you pay for services, have you ever seen the founder on camera?
Being on camera is not needed to build a successful business. But of course, if you desire to be on camera, then go for it!
#6 Being A Coach Is Not The Only Way To Make Good Money If You A New Business Owner
I have heard so many business educators saying that all new business owners should start off by offering coaching as it’s the only way to make good money before you’ve built up a big audience.
There can be truth in this statement for the majority of people, but equally, you can also make good money selling digital products, even if you do have a smaller audience, so being a coach is not the only way to make money when you first start your business.
I didn’t offer coaching for many years, and I know there are so many options for making money when you first start your business.
#7 You Can Make 6-7 Figures By Only Offering Low-Priced Products
You might not believe it’s possible, but it is possible to make 6 or 7 figures by only selling low-ticket items. I’ve done it myself.
You might hear people saying “charge what you’re worth” but I don’t believe in that. I believe you should charge what you think the product is worth.
#8 You Don’t Need To Have An Email List/Facebook Group/ Social Media Followings/YouTube Account/ Live Stream Show/Podcast to make good sales in your business
Whatever you have been told is the missing key to building the business of your dreams, it’s probably not the case.
You just need to look at the evidence to know the truth. There is always someone who has built a successful business without adopting the strategies that other educators tell you are essential.
The only thing that I do think is essential when it comes to business success is to have a vision for your business, but even this can be very short and casual, and this is often created by business owners without them even realising what they may have simply imagined in a daydream.

Who Am I And Why I Am Sharing All This…
Kath Kyle

My name is Kath Kyle and I live with my husband, and two young children in our dream beach home on the waterfront in Wales UK. I love nothing more than having fun in nature, on the beach, hiking or camping with my family and friends.

I am a green smoothie loving spiritual entrepreneur who gets equally excited about strategic and spiritual ways of growing businesses.
I help soul-led entrepreneurs expand their businesses exponentially and to reach as many people as they can with their life-changing messages.

The method I use in my businesses, which is focused on helping as many people get results as I can has helped me reach millions of people and generate multiple 6-figures in sales all resulting from low priced digital products.
I started my first online business after becoming a full time mum and giving up my job as a teacher.
I struggled to get any traction at all at first despite doing all the “right” things to grow my audience.
After I “accidentally” started a movement, my website attracted over 2 million page views in my first year of business.
To date this business has had over 28 million page views, and I have transformed the lives of a massive number of people.

I call my method the 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method which is a way to go viral, get constant referrals, a stream of life-transforming testimonials, product sales on tap, and change the world by helping as many people as humanly possible on a global scale.
Now I’m helping others to get the same results. Would you like to be next?
Common Frustrations Business Owners Have About Business Training
The market is a very noisy place and when you buy one product from one person and a different product from someone else, you are guaranteed to get confused and overwhelmed.
Everybody has different strategies in their business and if you only buy a small piece of the puzzle without knowing how it all fits together, you’ll never be able to fit all of the pieces of the puzzle together to create a business that actually works.
Even when you pay for top of the range coaching packages, you still don’t get absolutely everything that you need to run a successful business. There is always something missing.
That’s why I’ve created the whole package in one program.
I take you on a journey through the 7 stages of business mastery. You know that one stage will lead directly on to the next stage and nothing is missed out or contradictory. You will receive everything you need to build the business of your dreams.
Once you enroll in Dream Business Mastery you can literally unsubscribe from all of the marketing promo email lists that you are subscribed to. You literally don’t need any other product but this one.
You will be free from the constant search for a solution, and never again will you utter the words “how do I…” when it comes to building your dream business.
The is the one package, the one solution that will give you the confidence you need to just double down and focus on implementing the strategies that you enjoy as you experience a substantial return on your investment.
The Dream Business Mastery Method
My whole ethos when it comes to building businesses is that it’s your business and YOU get to decide how you run it.
I share all of my step-by-step courses with you taking you from business design, all the way up to business mastery, and you can use my strategy if you align with it.
But there is no strategy that I teach that is absolutely essential for the growth of your business.
I suggest you follow my strategies if they seem fun to you, and that’s one of my biggest goals for you is that you enjoy your business.
The one thing that is essential though, is your business vision. Without having a vision, no strategy will work for you.
I teach you exactly how to create your business vision in Dream Business Mastery, and how quick and easy it is to create.

Dream Business Mastery Is A COMPLETE, Step-By-Step System For:
- Manifesting your dream business and reaching your desired revenue even if you haven’t had any results yet.
- Designing your dream business, get complete clarity, and a fail-proof strategy that is exactly right for you.
- Crafting memorable messaging for your business that grabs the attention of your ideal tribe and leads to effortless sales
- Creating a 6-figure digital product, even if you don’t have an audience, an idea, a team, and are terrified of tech, using my proven 4 Step “Fill In The Blanks” Profitable Info Product Process
- Creating a Magnetic Movement to reach millions with your message and grow a massive audience using my proven 5 Step Magnetic Movement Method – which works with your unique personality type.
- Selling without the sleaze using methods that are right for your personality, using my proven “Plug And Play” sales message templates to take your audience from raving fan to transformed customer.
- Creating dream-life systems in your business that allow you to easily take time off, work less hours, keep your revenue secure and customers happy while you are away.
If you’re ready to join all of my other students who are creating businesses of their dreams and getting results they didn’t believe they could ever achieve, sharing world-changing messages that transforms lives, while getting rewarded extremely well for it… then it’s my pleasure to introduce you to…
Dream Business Mastery
An entire system complete with a training suite walking you step-by-step through implementing the Dream Business Mastery Method focusing on the 7Ms of Business Mastery.

Dream Business Mastery combines 7 industry-leading programs walking you through each of the 7 stages:
- Dream Business Manifestation
- Dream Business Blueprint
- Dream Business Message
- Dream Business Product
- Dream Business Movement
- Dream Business Sales Systems
- Dream Business Elevation
The end result is designing a business that you KNOW is going to succeed, doing work on your business that you enjoy to share your transformational message with the world, easily bringing in the revenue that you desire, and building systems that give you freedom from your business.
Here’s How
Dream Business Blueprint

Are you ready to design your dream business in 30 days so that it effortlessly slots into your ideal life, smash your revenue goals, feel completely satisfied fulfilling your purpose – without any of the hustle and grind?
That old cliche is so true, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Instead I want to encourage you to plan your actions and action your plans.
Once you’ve made this time investment to create your own Dream Business Blueprint, you’ll be set up for long-term success with your business, and you’ll be so glad you took the time to go through this transformative process.
If you have the drive to give a business your all, Dream Business Blueprint is exactly what you need to succeed.

I just wanted to say I started the course and did some of the exercises and I’m blown away!
Your Course was soooooooooooo amazing, wow I have a lot more clarity now around my business, strategy, and what’s working and what’s not working, so thank you a million times. You’re a natural teacher and you explained everything so clearly.
Kath is an amazing teacher and her courses are absolutely excellent. Kath not only helped me identify areas of improvement in my business, she helped me strengthen my mindset and look at things from a different perspective. I can’t say enough great things about Kath and her courses. Do yourself a favor and enroll in her course today, you’ll love it!
Dream Business Blueprint was amazing and it truly helped bring clarity to my business. Thank you 1000 times!
Erika McCarthy

Hi Kath
I just wanted to let you know I am really enjoying your course. I am finding it really helpful even though I have been running a business myself for over 10 years. I like the combination of a short video lesson and then activities to get on with and they don’t take too long to complete. The workbook is great, I have printed it all off and have it all in a folder and I look forward to the time I spend on it.
The course is certainly making me think about my business in a totally different way. Although the lessons are supposed to be done daily I tend to keep going through a few at a time when I have some spare time as I just want to know what is next!
Thank you for this course. I am really excited to keep going!!
Kind Regards
Julie Sawyer

Before I started the course, I had a few products launched and a few other business ideas, but could never have them properly marketed.
Now I’ve taken the course, I think everything is possible. If I have a new idea for a product, I know exactly what steps to take to turn it into a successful business and create the passive income I need.
My favorite lesson was how to communicate my value proposition to my potential users and funnel them into buyers, and I’m really excited to implement the product stack into my business.
The whole section that got me all fired up was about marketing my product. I always felt I had great ideas that just wouldn’t be heard. Now, I know how to make people understand what I’m offering.
After taking this course I can finally realise the building blocks of a successful online business and how they fall into place. By integrating my talents and passions with the needs of my ideal client, I feel much more secure to start my business.

I am a single mother of three kids and my hours fluctuate constantly. Your course has been challenging but quite welcomed.
The mindset shifts I have had so far have been transferring my occupational mindset from a personality, i.e., me, to a legitimate business.
Your course has helped me get focused and detailed on the different parts of my business. It began when you instructed me to break down my business into my perfect day, with “My Perfect GroundHog Day” video. I recalled watching the movie and remembered thinking how great it would be to redo the same day repeatedly until it was the way you wanted it. Realizing we do have the opportunity, if we choose to see it, believe it, and act upon it.
Another great mindset shift for me is to INTEND EVERY OUTCOME WITH LOVE. What this means to me is knowing the greatest power I have is love and intentionally creating results with love that fits perfectly. In fully realizing that thoughts help create all great things which require action on our part to see results.

Kath has created a great programme that will help you align your personal principles with success, and connect those to your business aims at the same time. By making you focus on the positives, in personal and professional spheres, she inspires you to build aspirational frameworks that you can align your business intentions to. Kath combines strategic thinking and intelligent business practice with a natural positivity and humility that makes you want to work with her. She is clearly living her truth and this course will help you plot your own path in the same direction.
The Content In Dream Business Blueprint:
1) Genius Mind Creation Ritual
I put my unique twist on this science backed routine that gets results faster than anything else. If you do this one task before you start your day, you’ll be blown away by your results
2) Perfect Groundhog Day Design
This is where you decide how to slot your business into your perfect day. This exercise literally transformed my entire life
3) Happy Habit Date
Adding this one thing into your daily schedule will guarantee to turn your life from dull and stressful to filled with passion and purpose
4) Profitable-Hourly-Rate Goal-Setting
Calculate how much you make per hour. Set goals for dramatically increasing this number so you can earn more and work less
5) Dream Life Vacation Allocation
Decide what your dream hours and number of vacation days will be. Use this tool to automatically increase your PHR (profitable Hourly Rate)
6) Ultimate Purpose Generator
Use this unique tool to find exactly the right purpose for you to suit your exact skills, and enjoyment levels
7) Win-Win Business Blueprint
Design a business that will be purpose led, profitable AND enjoyable
8) Vision And Values For Victory
The essential foundations of building a rock solid business
9) Contributor Market Scan
Scan the market for fellow contributors and gaps that you need to fill
10) Bendy Blue Box
How to make yourself stand out in a popular niche without boxing yourself in
11) Beautiful Brand Building
The real secret to building a brand that is known and loved by the world
12) Magic In The Message
How to craft a message that reaches millions and makes you millions
13) Brilliant Business Model
Gain complete clarity on how to run your ideal business
14) Clever Core Offer Crafting
Plan the main offer that your business will be based on
15) Perfect Client Conception
The unique approach to choosing your perfect clients
16) Viral Brand Creation
How to plan for your business to go viral, become a household name, and get constantly shared everywhere
17) Binge-Worthy Product Plan
Plan your product stack so customers are begging you for your next product after their current purchase. Set a pricing structure to take the guesswork out of pricing
18) Perfect Product Outline
Outline the contents of each product so you will understand what to include and what to leave out of each product
19) Fast Familiarity Funnel Formula
Take your audience on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans. This is a core concept and used in future lessons, so don’t miss this one
20) Magical Marketing Model
This is the backbone of your business. Without this you won’t know how to consistently make money
21) Lucrative Launch Layout
Map out the next 3 years of product launches to help you get crystal clear on your major business milestones
22) Automatic Sales Trigger Script
I give you the exact script you need to easily create a sales trigger that runs on autopilot to create passive income for your business while you are sleeping
23) Optimum Email Marketing Masterplan
Map out your free offerings, Discover the one most crucial hidden page your subscribers must see, and outline your email marketing strategy
24) Constantly Converting Content Strategy
Here is the exact script to help you create binge-worthy blog posts, podcasts, and videos that constantly convert your audience into customers without you having to be salesy or pushy
25) No Slave To Social Schedule
Your optimal plan for using social media to support your core business, in just a couple of hours every month
26) 3 Essential Goals For Business Success
Goal setting like you’ve never seen before. Why most people fail to achieve their goals and why you won’t be one of them this time
27) Time For Success Outlines
Plan your perfect daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly outlines, so you always have enough time for everything that matters to you
28) TONS Done Plan
Hatch your action plan for all essential tasks for the next month
29) Perfect Daily Promotions Plan
Sketch out your daily promotions plan for the next month so you know exactly what you’re doing and never miss anything important
30) Superpower Support Chart
Plan your support team who will swap your weaknesses for their strengths and keep you focused, even if you don’t have any spare money right now
And that’s not all. You also get these fantastic bonuses…
- 4 Dream Business Calculators so you can effortlessly work with the numbers in your business and keep yourself on track
- Business Personality Potential Quiz: Work with your unique strengths to achieve your goals every time
- 1000+ Personality Traits List. This is the ultimate list of positive, negative, and neutral character traits that you can help to enhance your current personality with personality traits that will make success inevitable.
- 60+ Productivity Hacks For Entrepreneurs PDF. These productivity hacks for entrepreneurs actually work because I use every single one of them myself to help me build a good passive income online. A lot of these ideas will be totally new to you.
Dream Business Manifestation

Dream Business Manifestation helps you make the exact revenue you desire to make, working the number of hours you desire to work, by bending your beliefs and tapping into your supernatural support system using my 3-Step Dream Business Framework.
Dream Business Manifestation helps you to grow your business by helping you understand that there are 3 different components of growing your business:
- Yourself, what you believe and how you show up
- The actions you take to grow your business
- The money that you make
All 3 of these components need to be functioning properly for your business to become successful.
Most business owners start by focusing on the money they are going to make and stressing about whether or not they are making enough sales, but this is all backwards.
Before you can make money you need to offer something to someone that they actually want to pay for, and you need to be able to feel confident at communicating the value of your product to people.
Before you will get to the point where you’ve stayed the course long enough to get success in business, you need to have the personal attributes that will enable you to do what it takes. You have to be committed to your mission, you have to be confident enough to communicate the benefits of your product to people, and you have to be trusting that you will reach your goals.
Do you see why most entrepreneurs do things in the wrong order?
They start by trying to make money, and when that doesn’t work they start taking a look at the actions that they are taking and how their actions are influencing their results.
That’s when people start buying all of the courses on business strategy, and they think, if I can just take the right action, then my business is magically going to start working.
But they never get to the root of the problem and the thing that is actually going to move the needle for them. They never take a look at their own belief system and how that is influencing their success.
It is true that some people do seem to have faster and greater success than others. The main reason for this is that they already had a solid foundation on which to build a business. The foundation for success is already laid in their own minds. They already believe that their success is going to be fast and big. And that’s exactly what they get.
Most people say they want to make 6 or 7 figures in their business. But when they’re really pushed, they admit that they don’t actually believe that they are the type of person to have that kind of success. This is the blockage that is stopping you from living out your dreams.
Dream Business Manifestation helps you remove blocks in your belief system, and become the person who wholeheartedly believes in yourself, your business, and your wealth.
Dream Business Manifestation is the foundation for ANY future course that you take. There is no point in taking any course on strategy if you fundamentally believe that you won’t succeed.
Let me tell you something…
Without the right belief system, NO strategy will work.
But WITH a success oriented belief system, ANY and ALL business strategies will work.
I’m not saying you should do all the things, but you should do the strategies that you actually WANT to do. This course will help you discover exactly what strategies are right for you so you can learn more about those strategies and avoid the strategies that aren’t aligned with your desires. This will save you so much time, money, and frustration in the long run.
This is what makes Dream Business Manifestation different from all of the other business strategy courses out there. It helps you tap into the exact business strategy that is right for you and actually manifest the results with ease.
Dream Business Manifestation avoids all of the fluff and gimmicks that you normally find in the world of manifestation and goes straight to the heart of the matter – your belief system.
Belief Bending is the process that I use that is guaranteed to lead you to success.

This course has helped me mold my mindset in a more organized and positive way so far. It has allowed me to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture goals that I have.
In fact, after completing the groundhog day design lesson, I wrote down a manifestation for 5 extra sales between Monday- Friday after I had launched a collection the previous week.
Typically, sales slow down after a launch like this, but I focused and spoke out loud my desires..
and I received the 5 extra sales within 3 days following.
So far this course has been very helpful, and I’m excited to see what is to come as I continue through.
Mel Klein

I’ve listened to each of the brain stamps morning or evening, sometimes both morning and evening, since last Wednesday.
I’ve listened to many subliminals and affirmations via Youtube with some success. I had to stop because all of them contained frequencies and/or binaural beats which caused headaches for me. I was truly disappointed and frustrated as I really believe in this type of reprogramming.
I was super excited to find Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs. I am pleased to report that thus far I have received $500 in the past three days, easily and effortlessly.
Since 1999 I have worked with thousands of authors and publishers in various capacities, but when COVID hit, I put services on hold and furloughed our team members. I truly love books and authors and so this was a sad time for me. I figured I would take all of 2020 off as a sabbatical since I’ve been doing this for 20 years with just minimal vacation times. I wanted to figure out next steps, whether to pivot or revisit other dreams and goals.
After listening to the brain stamps, I felt an urge all of sudden to reach out to clients I have worked with over the years and offered them a very reasonably priced offer. So far, 5 have signed up and I anticipate more to come. The brain stamps really helped me out of a slump.
I am truly grateful I was able to get the brain stamps. I am excited to see what the next week will bring.

I’m loving the Customer’s Come Constantly audio. It’s so inspiring and brings me to believe more in myself each time I listen to it. I’ve been listening to it twice a day for a week and I plan to keep doing that for at least 30 days. I can feel things changing already. Thanks so much Kath for this short, powerful, easy to digest piece!
Dream Business Manifestation is divided into 3 parts that help you manifest success in all 3 essential areas:
- YOURSELF: Developing a new belief system about yourself as the business owner and the skills you need to bring to the business
- YOUR BUSINESS: Developing a new belief system around what you want success to look like for your business and how to know exactly what aligned action to take
- YOUR MONEY: Developing a new belief system around your money so that you can receive your financial desires and step into the abundance you desire
1) The Successful CEO
How to become the successful CEO by deciding who you want to be
2) Playing The Game Of Life With Priorities
How to become the version of you who gets to have it all by defining your priorities
3) Success From Shadows
How to stop your past influencing your future success by embracing it
4) Stamping Out Imposter Syndrome
How to never care what other people think about you again. People are too scared to do what you are doing. So why are you scared what scared people think?
5) Being Worthy Of Success
How to develop rock-solid confidence in your purpose work
6) Belief Bending
How to reprogram your subconscious mind and manifest from within to create a new reality on autopilot
7) Disbelief Busting
The ultimate process for letting go of anything that’s holding you back
8) Manifestation Models
How to turn jealousy into inspiration for others success
9) Business Is Easy
One trick for avoiding ever feeling like building a business is hard
10) Skyhigh Self-belief
How to trust yourself that you will start the process, and finish what you started
11) 6-figures Pathway
How to make 6 figures by selling anything you want
12) Dream Business Mapping
The process of creating your business in advance
13) Secret To Sustained Success
The most important reason for starting a business
14) Tapping Into Your Soul’s Mission With Intuition
How to know exactly what work to do to grow your business
15) Avoiding Hustle And Burnout For Good
The ultimate reasons for not hustling and what you should do instead
16) Step Into Constant Abundance
How to step into a life and business of complete abundance and worthiness
17) Finding Perfection In Challenges
How to find perfection in the ups and downs of running a business
18) Client Manifestation Secrets
How to manifest more clients, more customers, or more success in any area by creating a vacuum
19) The Key To Manifesting A Large Audience
How to manifest a massive audience by uncovering the truth
20) Selling From Your Soul
How to make more sales without feeling icky, and why selling is spiritual and part of your destiny
21) Money Manifestation Magic
How to decide how much money you want and know you’re going to get it
22) Money Detachment
How to avoid getting desperate about making revenue by changing the way you view money
23) Uncovering Your Money Beliefs
Understanding how your relationship to money determines your wealth
24) Receiving Money With Ease
How to easily receive money and step into your power
25) Feel Your Way To Wealth
Uncovering the real reason you want more money
26) Constant Money Circulation
How to become wealthy and always make have enough money for everything you want
27) Being Made Of Money
Being a match for your financial desires is all in the details
28) The Flow Of Money
Creating a space in which money will begin to flow
29) Becoming Affluent
How to be rewarded for your financial responsibility
30) Prosperous Pricing Model
The secret to knowing exactly how to price your products, and why it matters much less than everyone thinks
Dream Business Product

How to create your 6-figure digital product in 30 days, even if you don’t have an audience, an idea, a team, and are terrified of tech, using my proven 4 Step “Fill In The Blanks” Profitable Info Product Process
What if I told you that you could create your first info product in just 3 hours using FREE easy-to-use tools, and even have students using it in less than 30 days?
Discover my unique digital product creation formula that’s been tested and optimized over the last 10 years with hundreds of different products reaching up to the 6-figure mark.
Did you know that 67% of all digital device users actively window shop looking for products to buy, and 77% of these users make impulse purchases from their devices within the first hour of seeing the product.
If you spend 6 months focused on building your audience without having anything to sell them you are missing out on all of these sales that could be coming in immediately from your products.
A lot of experts will tell you that you have to build know, like, and trust with your audience before they will buy your product, and that is increasingly true as the price of your product rises.
But if you have an easy-to-create low ticket product for sale as soon as someone encounters you, if you position the product properly, there is a good chance that people will buy it immediately.
I have been creating online businesses for over 10 years, and have noticed that most of my sales actually come from people who have literally just discovered me.
All you actually need to do to start making sales is:
Create a low-ticket product that solves a specific problem
Choose one marketing strategy that you love and focus on that to help your ideal buyers to discover you
Info products are the holy-grail of all products as they give you all of the benefits that everyone wants from their businesses:
Imagine creating a business where:
- You get the flexibility to choose your own hours
- You go on vacations on a regular basis and your business can keep making money while you’re gone
- You make enough money for all of your desires
- You get to work with people that light you up or work alone if you choose
- You get to work wherever you choose and be location independent
- You get to create your working environment exactly the way you want
- You are totally fulfilled and using your gifts to help others
- You wake up excited to get started with your work, and you’re buzzing with new ideas all of the time
And in addition to all of these benefits infoproducts also give you:
- The highest profit levels of all business models
- The lowest risk of all business models
- The lowest cost to get started (create your first product for free)
- The lowest barrier to entry to start your own business
- Make sales while you sleep
- Scale up your business indefinitely with no limit on your number of customers
- Help numerous customers at the same time
- Reach people all over the world at the click of a button
- Create an info product that suits your own personality and teaching style
What’s not to love?
I built all of my online businesses on the back of info products, and they have worked very well for me and my clients in numerous different niches.
People ask me all the time how I make money online, and I’m finally spilling the beans and sharing all of my secrets to success with you.
What People Are Saying About Dream Business Product

Fabulous, Comprehensive Course!
It was simply a miracle that I was able to purchase this course at this price point. I am a poet, dreamweaver, and artist who greatly enjoys building my own websites with images, colors and inspiration. I was lacking the know how of how to use words and ideas to market through ads, and content. This detailed DBP Course teaches you exactly how to do these things. Yes, I was occasionally overwhelmed with learning the technical step by step process needed, but realized that all of the support that I was desperate for is provided by the hosts that Kath recommends. I am deeply grateful that I manifested Kath and her courses into my reality for my business would not be going forward without her knowledge that she so generously shares.
5 Stars For this Dream Business Product
Elisha Gabriell

Introducing Dream Business Product
Dream Business Product is my proven 4 Step “Fill In The Blanks” Profitable Info Product Program for creating your 6-figure product in 30 days.
The 4 steps of the process of the “Fill In The Blanks” Profitable Info Product Process are:
- Purposeful Masterplan
- Product Creation
- Profitable Promotion
- Provide Support
Step 1) Purposeful Masterplan
The secret to creating a profitable product is to put a little bit of thought into what it’s going to look like before you start creating it.
Most people just start creating a product without any pre-planning whatsoever, and it ends up costing them so much time and money because they don’t end up making any money from their course. They just didn’t create a product that anyone actually wanted.
I’m going to help you avoid this by taking you through my essential Purposeful Masterplan. Whatever you do, don’t skip this stage as this is where the gold lies.
This is where I share all of the secrets to creating a profitable product with you, such as how to plan your product stack, the type of product that’s right for you, the topic that is going to make you money, standing out from the crowd, outlining your product, and the essential dos and don’ts of creating your product, how to structure your products in a way that students get results, pricing your product to maximize your profits, and creating high converting sales pages.
Step 2) Product Creation
You don’t have to worry about creating your info product because I walk you through the entire process step by step. It’s as easy as painting by numbers. All of the tech that I am going to walk you through is free so you don’t have to worry about any additional costs from creating your product.
I’m going to show you how easy it is to create your own professional product images in minutes so you never need to worry about hiring a designer, create all of your product assets that you could possibly need such as slide decks, videos, presentations, audio, workbooks, checklists, PDFs, and bonuses.
And once you create your product in less than 3 hours, I’ll show you how quick and easy it is to add it to a secure membership for your paying customers and take payments automatically using an in-built online shopping cart.
I’m even showing you how to create a professional sales page that showcases all of the benefits of your products and encourages people to buy straight away.
Step 3) Profitable Promotion
And my support doesn’t stop when you’ve created your profitable product. I will actually show you how to make sales straight away using free organic marketing methods.
I help you find your first group of students in just days, and start receiving testimonials from people who are blown away by the results they are getting from your product, so much so that they actually help you find more customers.
And as this is a complete solution, I even show you how to improve your results in the future by making more money from what you’ve already created with a few simple tweaks.
Step 4) Provide Support
Just as my own support doesn’t end the second you buy my product, neither should your support. I show you exactly why you should support your students after they’ve bought your product and how to do it using free tools that will blow them away.
I even share my secrets to blowing my customers away after they’ve bought so they become fans for life and are queueing up to buy the next product that I create.
Bonus 1) Fill In The Blacks Product-Creation Templates Pack: All of my Dream Business Product Templates, Scripts, Swipe Files, Spreadsheets, and Documents
I am giving you literally every resource that I personally use to create my profitable products fast and effectively. This plug and play system takes all of the guesswork out of creating a product and makes it super easy and fun.
Dream Business Movement

Did you know that it’s not your choice of marketing channel (Instagram, Email List, Blog etc.) that is responsible for your audience growth, it is the message itself that moves people to follow you and want to know more about what you offer.
So how do we create a message that moves people to action?
By creating a movement.
What is a movement?
The definition of a movement is a group of people with a particular set of aims or ideas.
We’ve all seen a lot of movements recently on social media that have inspired protests and social change.
But did you know that creating a movement for your business is actually the best way to rapidly create a massive audience of engaged followers who are ready to buy from you?
By creating a magnetic movement using the 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method that I’m about to share with you, you’ll also have the power to:
- Grow a large, engaged audience on ANY marketing channel you choose because your movement will go viral based on word of mouth.
- Reach millions with your magnetic message no matter whether you use text, image, video, audio, or live streams to communicate
- Benefit from a high percentage of people sharing every content piece you put out there
- Get a steady stream of new buyers every single day so you never have to worry about paying your bills again
- Quickly attract your thousand true fans who will buy everything you offer for sale
- Build an extremely profitable business that is not dependent on paying for advertising in order to reach people
- Create stability in your business allowing you more time freedom and avoid having to trade time for money
- Answer confidently when collaborators ask you: “How big is your audience?”
YES, you can totally achieve all of these outcomes, no matter what size your audience is currently…
…but they DO depend on taking a methodical step-by-step approach.
One that leverages the tried and tested method of building a Magnetic Movement that reaches millions of people.
Dream Business Movement is the only proven 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Program for reaching millions with your message by creating your Magnetic Movement In 30 days.
Create your 6-Figure Magnetic Movement by following my easy-to-follow 5-step method using FREE easy-to-use tools, no matter what marketing channel or communication style you choose to use.
Brainstorming Your Massive Movement Idea

This is where you will brainstorm ideas for your own movement to reach the masses.
The main reason your current marketing efforts aren’t working is because your message isn’t moving people into action. Your message doesn’t have a solid foundation that is capable of changing the world.
When people see the drive and energy behind your message they will be moved into action. We are coming up with a big idea that will put your brand on the map.
I will also personally take a look at your idea and help you figure out if this is the right idea for a movement for your brand. This alone is worth $997. You are getting personalised feedback from me because it is important to get this step right as your whole business is based on this.
By the time you’ve finished Module #1 you’ll have a brilliant idea for a movement that is capable of getting millions of eyeballs on your message.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Engineering Transformational Habits: Decide on the exact Transformational Habit that your Magnetic Movement is based on, the trigger for the Transformational Habit, and the results your Transformational Habit will get for people
- Hooked On Habits: Discover how to make your Magnetic Movement stand out from the crowd and hook people on your Transformational Habit
- Movement Trigger Masterplan: Create a Magnetic Movement trigger that gets people excited to start taking action and adopt your Transformational Habit into their everyday life
- Sales Trigger Method: Plan how to move people from your Transformational Habit to becoming an eager buyer
- Find your tribe: Find the people who are ready to make a move and who want what you’ve got. I will show you exactly who they are and where to find them.
Crafting Your Magnetic Movement Message

This is where you will devise your message for your magnetic movement so you speak to the people who are actually ready for a transformation.
When you create content for your business, people can feel the energy behind it. If you have created content from the place of ticking off a task on a to-do list, your audience can feel this stale energy.
In this module we’re shifting your energy to make you and your message totally magnetic.
Once you’re done with this module you’re going to be so pumped up and excited to reach people with your new ideas.
We are doing something very exciting here, we are changing the world one habit at a time, and when people discover your new purpose they will mirror your excitement and jump on board with your mission.
By the time you’ve finished Step #2 you’ll have an exciting message crafted that really speaks to people and draws people towards you.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Sticky Habit Names: Name your Transformational Habit so it is easy to remember and very shareable
- Capture The Attention Of Your Tribe: How to immediately capture attention with your Magnetic Movement so you can share your transformative message with the masses
- Craft Your Magnetic Movement Message: Describe your Magnetic Movement message so people are rushing to sign up in their droves
Creating A Magnetic Movement

At this stage you will plan your promotions and content that creates buzz around your Magnetic Movement.
There is a fine line between creating content that goes unnoticed and content that gets shared, liked, commented on, saved, and acted upon.
The difference is subtle to the untrained eye, but small shifts in the way you create content can make a massive difference when it comes to getting noticed.
In this module we’re creating content that wows and engages your perfect tribe members.
Once you’ve completed this module you’ll be all set to unleash your Magnetic Movement Trigger that will move your tribe into action.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Momentus Marketing Plan: Sketch out your daily promotions plan for your Magnetic Movement trigger so your tribe are seeing your message everywhere and are compelled to take action
- Fast Familiarity Funnel Formula: Take your tribe on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans.
- Content That Converts: Plan your free content so it leads people directly towards buying your paid products.
- Magnetic Movement Marketing Method: The 2 magnetic organic marketing methods that – when combined together make a killer combination of super fast short term growth and sustainable, scalable long term audience growth
- Write Headlines That Hook And Transform Your Tribe: Hook attention with catchy headlines that lead people directly to your transformational message
- Calling Your Tribe Into Action: Effectively call your tribe to action so they can’t wait to join your Magnetic Movement
- Marketing That Moves Mountains: Create pillar marketing pieces that go viral and encourage massive action
- Marketing That Nudges: How to create short marketing pieces that create connection and nudge your tribe into action
- Attention Grabbing Images: Grab attention with images that stop people in their tracks
Launching Your Magnetic Movement Trigger

We are now ready to launch your Magnetic Movement Trigger LIVE, and this is where all of the action happens.
The great thing is that at this stage, you’ve done all of the planning and prep for your launch, and now you can just relax and engage with your tribe during your launch.
There is no stressing, no worrying, you just need to spend time helping people and engaging with them.
Most launches are very stressful, but because we’ve taken the time to get clear on our message and create content that engages people we don’t have anything else that we need to do during this live phase apart from engagement.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Magnetic Movement Trigger: How to bring your tribe together for your Magnetic Movement trigger and engage them into action
- Feedback That Feeds The Machine: Capture the energy and results of your movement with new members of your tribe to encourage them to sign up
From Movement To Money

As a business owner, you have two desires for your business, to change lives and to get compensated for it.
You’ve dedicated yourself to helping people and changing lives, and now it’s time to get paid for your efforts.
The good news is that creating a movement is one of the best ways to create such loyal fans, that selling your products has never been easier.
People will have received such great results from your Magnetic Movement that they’ll be lining up to buy your products.
Because you’ve taken the time to build such great relationships with people and helped them so much, they’ll naturally want to work with you, so selling at this point is one of the easiest things you can do.
The great news is that you don’t have to get on calls with people, you don’t have to do live streams to make sales. You can even automate this process 100% if you choose to. Whatever method of selling you choose, you’ll still get paid well.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Triggering The Sale: How to easily transition your tribe from loyal fans to passionate customers
Personal Feedback Of Your Magnetic Movement Idea

This is a fast action bonus and it’s only available to the first 50 people who buy during this launch. If you can see this bonus here, it’s still available to you.
I will also personally take a look at your idea and help you figure out if this is the right idea for a movement for your brand. I will offer my suggestions if necessary and will brainstorm with you to help you come up with the right idea. I can immediately spot if your idea is going to be powerful enough to reach millions.
This brainstorming session will either be delivered via a series of text, audio, or video messages (you choose the method) until we get the right idea for your movement.
This bonus alone is worth $997.
You are getting personalised feedback from me because it is important to get this step right because your whole business is based on this.
Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle

I’m also giving you another very special bonus.
I’m giving you literally every single resource that you could possibly need which is everything I personally use to create my own magnetic movements, all of the cheat sheets, checklists, workbooks, swipe files, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, image templates, calendars, and video walkthroughs for all of them.
Meaning this system is literally plug and play. You just swipe and go. I’ve done all of the heavy lifting for you so you don’t have to wonder about how to create resources or use tech. I walk you through every step of the process.
Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle gives you:
- 21 tech tutorials
- 1 Dream Business Movement workbook
- 2 checklists
- 19 Cheatsheets
- 1 bundle of post swipe files for your group and also social media
- 1 bundle of sales email swipe files
- 1 content script swipe file
- 2 Scripts
- 2 Flow charts
- 5 Spreadsheet Templates
- 1 Content Planning Document Templates
- 1 Magnetic Movement calendar
- 37 Image Templates
- 1 Testimonials And Feedback Form Template

This program is invaluable if you’re serious about creating converting content that will make you money
I’ve admired Kath’s output for some time and I’m very happy to say that she continues to deliver her signature style of no-nonsense, high quality, business coaching and mentoring.
The value add in this program is excellent. Alongside the comprehensive videos and example Kath provides workbooks and bonuses that helped me get the best out of the program.
The thing I love about this content is that it is evident that Kath has “been there and done that”. The content reflects that. There are no shortcuts taken, everything is explained extremely well and context is given.
This program is invaluable if you’re serious about creating converting content that will make you money.
I’m an experienced coach and mentor, but I needed help with my marketing and here’s where the course really shined for me. Before taking it I didn’t understand the journey a potential client might be on, but Kath outlined the sort of content you should deliver to people on each stage of that journey. I can’t begin to describe how helpful that was for me. I’m now able to engage all of my audience rather than just a portion of them. I didn’t even know that I would need to do this but after putting it into practice I’m seeing increased engagement including from people at an advanced stage of their journey, ready to buy people.
Another thing I found incredibly enlightening was how to create a customer-centric funnel. I’m the sort of person who wants to deliver maximum value and Kath taught me how to create what is an organic method of leading people towards a desired end-goal that is beneficial for all parties. And let’s be honest, this is a 6 figure content program, we’re here to learn how to make money, so being able to convert my ideal clients in a natural way that also seemed really easy, but is backed up by experience and strategy, is exceptional. I’m already seeing results from the strategies I’ve learned here and I’m excited to make it a core part of my marketing strategy
Rand St John
Dream Business Message

Do you know one of the most common reasons why your audience isn’t growing, why your posts don’t get many comments, why your email list isn’t growing, and why you’re not making many sales?
Most people assume if their business isn’t going the way they want it to go, they just need to work harder, create more free content, slash their prices, or post more often to social media.
None of these reasons will fix your business if you haven’t laid the foundations to start with.
The foundation of your business needs to be your message.
Once you get your messaging dialled in, it doesn’t matter which marketing channel you use. You can create content for any platform and it will work.
Your messaging is the thing that can make or break your business.
There are so many mistakes that I see people making when it comes to their messaging.
In this program, I’m going to show you exactly how to write messages that people can’t wait to read, messaging that moves people into action, messaging that easily sells your product, and messaging that hooks people so they can’t wait to keep on reading.
You use messaging in all of your marketing materials so it’s critical that you get this right.
I’m going to be sharing the secrets of story-telling that leads to sales, how to use call to actions that people can’t wait to click on, and how to use your messaging to sell your products with ease.
I’ll be sharing all of my swipe files and templates with you so you can learn the basics, plug and play, and see the sales notifications rolling in.
Dream Business Sales System

Dream Business Sales System helps you create an automated sales machine using my simple 3-stage system, without having to do sales calls, live events, or use slimy sales tactics.
Are you ready to make sales on autopilot, or make launching and promotion fun and easy?
I am sharing all of my sales systems with you so that you can easily make sales in the exact way you choose, using a method that is right for your personality.
All of my methods work. I’ve tried and tested it all. If you want to sell by writing, you can, if you want to sell by creating videos, or going live, you can, if you want to sell by mentioning your product briefly at the end of your content, you can.
The beauty of my method of teaching is that when you have used manifestation techniques to get your desired outcome in your business, the method in which you get sales is literally like choosing your favorite outfit from a whole wardrobe of options.
It’s your business, and you get to choose.
Even though you know you are going to get your desired outcome, you still have to take the action required to get your product out there, and there are ways to make selling easier. In this course, I am taking the overwhelm out of the entire process for you.
You literally choose your method of selling, plug it into your business, press play, and wait for your sales to start rolling in.
This course will come with a full bundle of templates that will make selling a breeze.
Dream Business Elevation

As anyone who has created success in their business will tell you, as soon as you start seeing big signs of success in your business, you can quickly become overwhelmed with everything.
Massive sales numbers lead to increased customer email enquiries.
Big social media followings lead to a large number of DMs, comments, and questions from your tribe.
Large numbers of customers means increased comments and questions inside your customer support groups.
Being seen as an expert in your niche can attract attention from other people who might want collaboration, or handouts from you.
Having thousands or millions of people hanging on your every word can fill you with fear and give you major imposter syndrome.
All of these can appear to be problematic, and the thought of this amount of overwhelm can actually put people off creating success in their business in the first place.
I don’t want this to put you off, but you do have to be ready to handle this kind of success.
Fortunately there is a solution to every problem.
You will have challenges at every stage of business growth, and it is how you choose to view and overcome these challenges that will be the making or the breaking of you.
I have personally dealt with all of the challenges that a huge amount of success, sales, exposure, scrutiny, and extra support queries can bring you, and I’ve put all of my solutions into one course to help you rise up and continue to grow without overwhelm.
I call my systems, success systems because they will help you when you’re already successful, but they will also help you to become successful as they will eliminate worry about success before it even arises.
Not only will I be sharing some strategies for mentally dealing with success, but I am practically giving you all of my systems, templates, checklists, processes, documents, spreadsheets, file structures – literally everything that I use to run my business in a very easy way.
I’m also going to be helping you know when to hire someone to help, and exactly how to do that, along with what work to outsource and how to do it. Hiring my first assistant was the best decision I ever made, and I’ve learned so much since my first hire that has helped me find my dream team now.
After going through this course, you’ll feel like the most organised person in the world, your business will almost run itself. There will literally be nothing stopping you from jumping up to new levels of success in your business time and time again.
Business Manifestation Club

Even though business strategy is very important for your growth, the key to success starts with manifestation.
That’s why you will also get lifetime access to my Business Manifestation Club.
In the Business Manifestation Club we focus on a different theme each month of the year and work together, encouraging each other to manifest our business goals easily and effortlessly.
It all starts by creating your Reality, and you will get FREE access to my Reality Creation Journal and Reality Creation Course. This is guaranteed to change your business and your whole life.
This is the foundation your business is built on, so make sure you START here.

Every month in the Business Manifestation Club, we focus on a different Manifestation Theme. As part of this theme, I create courses, workbooks, checklists, any other resources needed, and challenges for us all to go through together.
You don’t need to do the monthly topics in any particular order, so it doesn’t matter when you join the membership, you can jump straight in with this month’s themed challenge.
Once you’ve received this month’s Manifestation Theme, it’s yours to keep forever.
Here is a breakdown of all of the monthly Manifestation Themes you can look forward to as a member of the Business Manifestation Club.
The following monthly themes will start on 1st January 2022. In December 2021 we are going to be focusing on the Daily Success Rituals Schedule and using the Reality Creation Journal, which is the one thing I always do in my manifestation routine as it’s totally changed my life for the better.
You will get immediate access to the Reality Creation Journal, the Daily Success Rituals Schedule when you join the club, and we will work through them together in December 2021.
Month | Theme | Description |
JANUARY | Manifestation Goals | Manifestation starts by deciding what you want. This is goal setting like you’ve never seen before. As soon as you start setting goals this way, you’ll see them manifesting very quickly. |
FEBRUARY | Spiritual CEO Identity Creation | Manifestation works on a belief hierarchy. You can’t manifest your desires if you have an overarching belief that is dominating another belief that you are trying to create. We focus on manifesting new belief systems that always lead to success in other areas. |
MARCH | Manifestation Memory Mansion | You can only manifest what you can remember. We combine powerful memory training techniques with manifestation techniques to make you a manifestation master. When you can remember your manifestations like they actually happened, they have to manifest into reality. |
APRIL | Rewriting History | The truth about manifestation is that it’s actually very easy to manifest desires. What delays or stops manifestation is our existing contradictory belief systems. We use a powerful technique to release and rewrite belief systems that are stopping us in our tracks. We are rewriting history and setting ourselves free. |
MAY | Quantum Creation | The thing that gives you the most power when it comes to manifestation is knowing the truth about who you are and how powerful you are. As soon as you understand the science behind why your desires will actually manifest, you’ll understand how your reality actually works. Once you know this unforgettable truth, you’ll never see the world in the same way again and will experience quantum leap after quantum leap. |
JUNE | Supernatural Action | Our results don’t come from our actions, and not all action is created equal, but as business owners we still have to take action. Understand exactly what action to take, when to take it, and how action is related to manifesting results in business. |
JULY | Manifestation Journaling | Journaling is a very powerful manifestation technique. We are delving deep into some journaling techniques that will change your life. |
AUGUST | Success Reprogramming | Using subliminals in manifestation is a very easy way to change your belief system. We are focusing on reprogramming your subconscious mind automatically with passive manifestation with some very powerful and easy to use tools. |
SEPTEMBER | Brain Stamping | Using brain STAMPs is a manifestation technique that helps you to change your reality as you live your everyday life. With the help of Brain STAMPs you can rewire your brain in real time using active manifestation techniques. |
OCTOBER | Money Manifestation | Money is one of the topics that most people have very strong limiting beliefs around. We are breaking free of disbelief around money, stepping into a new abundant reality, and reframing our beliefs about what it takes to have the money we desire. |
NOVEMBER | Success Looping | Success Looping is a technique for building success upon success. Once you step on to a success loop, you’ll see exponential growth in all areas of your life. |
DECEMBER | Business Rule Book | It’s time to throw away your old business rule book, become the boss and create your new rule book. You’ll be awakened to the business rules you are subconsciously following without question, toss everything out, and create your own reality the way you decide. |
And That’s Not All, You Also Get All Of These Additional Bonuses As Part Of The Program
Group Coaching

You will also get access to group coaching, which means that I will be:
- Answering your questions thoroughly in the members group
- Running additional Q&As as the need arises
Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I am here to support you and answer any questions you may have.
I encourage you to share your progress in the group as you go along.
The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by wasting time on social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.
In this group you can also find other members and even sort them by how close they live to you, so you can find your local buddies.
I also have an accountability thread where you can hook up with a friend to motivate each other through this program.
Members Success Rituals

As a member of Dream Business Mastery, you will be able to take part in all of our regular group experiences.
Once a month you will have the opportunity to:
- Get prayer/manifestation from me for your specific desire.
- Share your business Manifestation Milestones and be inspired by other people’s achievements. Seeing what you’ve achieved last month is really motivating for you, as you don’t always notice what you have achieved unless you take the time to notice.
- Join in on our monthly STAMP Planning sessions where we all plan the next month of our businesses together. Planning next month of your business is going to help you get organised and have clarity around what you are going to work on next month.
- Join in on our monthly STAMP Reflection sessions where we all reflect on the previous month of our business together. Doing these monthly reflection sessions is one of my most favourite and valuable exercises, as I have massive mindset shifts that help propel me to the next level.
- Pair up with other business buddies and hook up with Manifestation Partners
- Submit your questions for our monthly Q & A calls. I will also be doing hotseats and reviews.
In addition to the 7 core programs and bonuses, you are also going to get ALL of my other products including:
Manifest Your Dream Launch

How to manifest your dream launch in 30 days with ease and confidence without overwork, stress, or burnout.
You don’t have to worry about how to sell your product or get the results you desire because I’m giving you the complete system for manifesting the launch of your dreams with ease and confidence in 30 days.
Manifest Your Dream Launch is a standalone product that helps you launch your product and hit your goals. I’m giving you this product totally free as a bonus to help you make sales from the Magnetic Movement that you’ve created.
Manifest Your Dream Launch helps you to:
- Sell offers that you are in complete alignment with
- Figure out how to sell what you love AND what your ideal clients will find irresistible
- Craft a sales message that is natural, uses storytelling principles, doesn’t feel salesy but forms an instant connection with your audience
- Decide on the perfect price point that is exactly right for you and will also sell well
- Help people get off the fence and make a decision one way or another about whether to buy your product
- Discover the main reason why people buy products – and it’s not really anything to do with your product at all
- Set launch goals that you can believe are possible and increase your trust muscle as you go along
- Make launches fun and easy so you actually look forward to doing them
- Manifest the perfect launch by creating your results in your mind first
- Create customers by calling them into existence using manifestation techniques
Business Manifestation Toolkit

How To Set Up Success Rituals For Business Manifestation That Aren’t Overwhelming Or Time Consuming
- 36 Business Manifestation Tools to manifest business success
- 28 Business Manifestation Toolkit Training Videos and audios to walk you through the all of the tools
- All Of The Tools You Need For Manifesting Business Success That Easily Slot Into Your Morning, Evening, And Monthly Routines, and Working Day
This Easy-To-Use Toolkit Includes All Of The Tools, Techniques, And Routines That I Use To Consistently Manifest Success In My Business.
Millionaire Mindset Takeover

How To Go From Feeling Unworthy To A Millionaire Mindset Even If You Are Earning Nothing Right Now
- 10 Lesson Video Mini-Course to Help You Adopt Millionaire Thoughts, Habits, And Achievement.
- Includes Audios and Affirmations to reprogram your brain, checklist, workbook and cheat sheets to keep you on track.
How To Acquire The Mindset Of A Multi-Millionaire. Complete Training On Reprogramming Your Brain To Think, Act And Receive Money Like A Millionaire.
Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs

How To Develop The Mindset Of A 7-Figure Entrepreneur Even If You Have No Time, Money, Customers, Or Confidence
- 10 guided “I am” affirmations to help you develop the mindset of a 7-figure entrepreneur even if you have no time, money, customers, or confidence.
- Includes 5 morning audio tracks, 5 evening audio tracks, 10 scripts, 10 music only tracks
Automatically Become The Successful Business Owner You Always Wanted To Be In Just 2 Minutes A Day
Time Expander

How To Become Time Rich By Manipulating Your Perception Of Time. Gain All The Time In The World To Achieve Your Goals
- 80 minute Video training to help you expand time
- Includes Audios and Affirmations to re-program your brain, checklist, workbook and cheat sheets to keep you on track.
The solution to working less and earning more is found by adopting new beliefs when it comes to how you perceive time.
Would you like to go through your day feeling totally relaxed, knowing that you will always have enough time for everything that matters to you?
Do you have a desire to have a completely balanced life where you get to have fun, spend quality time with your loved ones, AND have a thriving business?
STAMP Goals Book

Put your STAMP on the world in 30 days and finally achieve your goals.
Did you know that goal achievement is inevitable for you, even if you’ve never made any progress towards your goals before?
I’m also giving you a copy of my book STAMP Goals which is more like a course. There is no fluff in this book, just pure actionable steps to make sure you hit your goals.
- STAMP Goals will help you find your purpose and make it crystal clear in your mind, so you’re sure of exactly what you want to achieve…
- STAMP Goals will show you a new way to set goals, one that will guarantee you will put your STAMP on the world…
- STAMP Goals will help you to live your purpose every day, finally achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality…
This 30-day action plan will help both existing entrepreneurs, and those who are yet to start a business.

Monthly Content Focus
Although you do get full access to ALL of my programs, having so much content available to you can feel overwhelming.
That’s why I have assigned a focus for each month to keep you on track.
Each month we are going to focus on just one of the programs and all work through it at the same time.
Of course, you can dive into any of the other programs and work through those at your own pace if you choose, but it is often easier to work through programs as a group as it’s much more motivating this way.
I will answer questions on any of my programs, not just my current month’s program so you don’t have to worry that you won’t get the support you need.
All of my programs have been designed in such a way that you can go through these programs time and time again if you need to because you can always create new offerings, and improve existing offerings. So don’t feel like you can’t join in if you’ve already been through one of these programs previously. You will get new insights every time you go through a program and you will learn from the other members as they ask questions and have ah-ha moments.
Here is a breakdown of what we are going to be covering each month in the program.
- JAN: Dream Business Blueprint
- FEB: Dream Business Manifestation
- MAR: Dream Business Message
- APR: Dream Business Product
- MAY: Dream Business Movement
- JUN: Dream Business Sales System
- JUL: Dream Business Elevation
- AUG: Manifest Your Dream Launch
- SEP: Manifest Your Perfect Day
- OCT: Business Manifestation Club
- NOV: Business Manifestation Toolkit
- DEC: Millionaire Mindset Takeover
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Mastery

- Dream Business Blueprint – Value $1997
- Dream Business Manifestation – Value $1997
- Dream Business Product– Value $1997
- Dream Business Movement – Value $1997
- Dream Business Message – Value $1997
- Dream Business Sales System – Value $1997
- Dream Business Elevation – Value $1997
- Members Success Rituals – Value $997
- Group Coaching – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- Manifest Your Dream Launch – Value $497
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Time Expander Training – Value $97
- Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs Audio Package – Value $97
- Business Manifestation Toolkit – Value $497
- Millionaire Mindset Takeover – Value $197
- Manifest Your Perfect Day – Value $197
Total, Value: $22,852.99
Payment Options
Keep ALL programs forever and get lifetime access to new courses and updates.
$497 one-time payment
- Get full and immediate access to ALL current programs
- Get full and immediate access to ALL future programs as soon as they are ready (at least one month before release date)
- Get lifetime access to all existing programs and all future programs
- 30-day money back guarantee
- Get Group-based Coaching
Please note: I am constantly reviewing my pricing, and I increase my pricing based on current demand.
Questions our most successful members ask BEFORE confidently enrolling in Dream Business Mastery
1. How long will it take to go through this entire program?
If you did one lesson every single day, it would take you 6 months to get through all 6 core programs that make up Dream Business Mastery.
If you wanted to complete ALL content in the program, it would take you around a year, but I am adding new content all the time to the program.
In reality, many of our students implement more than 1 lesson each day and can get through this program much faster.
If you already have a product, you won’t need to do many of the product implementation lessons, however I still recommend you skim read through the lesson as there will be some golden nuggets that will help you create and sell future products.
I am going to keep adding new products to Dream Business Mastery. I will create trainings on demand and will support students with the help and support they need.
This program is much more than a DIY course. You will also get my ongoing support and the community which is invaluable. I am always here to answer your questions and help you on your journey.
We also have success rituals that we do together each month as a group.
2. Are you the right mentor for me?
I am very open about the fact that ALL strategies work. So you don’t need to learn ALL of the strategies. The beauty of running a business is that you are the boss. That means you get to choose exactly how you run your business. You get to decide what you enjoy doing and do more of that. If a particular strategy is causing you endless frustration, you can decide that you want to adopt a different strategy instead.
If you want to grow a tribe by running a free Facebook group, do that, if you want to build your business by building relationships with a few high-end clients, do that. If you LOVE social media, by all means, pour your efforts into your Instagram account, if you hate social media but love to write, focus on your blog or writing books instead. The options are endless.
However, once you decide on the particular strategy that you love, I want to encourage you to go all-in with that strategy. Learn everything you can and become an expert on that one particular strategy. Get very good at it.
The reason it’s good to go all-in is that your confidence will grow massively as a result. And when your confidence grows as a business owner, it will work its way into every aspect of your business and your life. Your customers will feel your energy and they’ll know they are in safe hands.
That’s why I think it’s a great idea to invest in training, so you can grow your confidence.
So now that you know that the whole world is open to you when it comes to building your business, how do you decide on a particular mentor?
I would suggest that if your mentor has had the kind of results that you yourself want, implementing the strategy that aligns with your vision for your business, then that’s a very good mentor to follow and invest in.
So you might be wondering what my results are and what my strategy is for building my own businesses to work out if it aligns with your desires?
My own results are that I have built several very successful online businesses in a few different niches. In my first business, I attracted over 28 million people to my blog, built a Pinterest following of over 113,000 followers, built an email list of over 30,000 subscribers, built an Instagram account of over 15,000, and made multiple six figures in that particular business.
The strategy that I love to follow is based on content marketing and selling digital products.
I love to start movements by helping people get results for free which helps my content to go viral. When people get such good results for free, they naturally want to go on to invest in my paid products.
I love to create blog posts, videos, podcasts, social media posts, videos, and live streams, paid ads, emails to my list, posts for my free and paid groups. This list can seem overwhelming to people but just so you know, I was very successful just focusing on ONE marketing channel for many years before I got excited about trying out other types of marketing.
In this free content that I create, I encourage my audience to adopt a transformational habit. This habit helps them get consistent results which they naturally share with other people, and I get a lot of shares of my content.
I then share my paid products with my audience. I love to do a range of different sales strategies as I am constantly testing and tweaking things to see what works. I regularly do launches, but I always have evergreen products available for sale, I’ve done funnels and upsells numerous times, regularly do webinars, sales videos, sales pages, sales emails, sell via social media, run challenges, do giveaways, go live on social media and many more besides. I’ve tried most of the sales strategies out there for selling lower-priced digital products.
After 10 years of running my business, I implement a lot of different strategies – but you don’t have to. I do the experimentation so that you don’t have to. I find out what’s working now and I share that with you so you can choose to do what you love the best.
There is no need to do ALL of the things when it comes to business. I’ve had over 10 years of business experience where I’ve experimented with different strategies. They all work, and I have proven you can be very successful just implementing ONE sales strategy at a time. I just personally love to try new things as I have a curious mind and I love to teach strategies to others.
However, here’s what doesn’t work…
No strategy. If you don’t choose any strategy at all, and try a bit of this when you feel like it, and a bit of that when you feel like it, it will be very difficult to succeed.
When it comes to creating products, I love to sell digital products that can be delivered automatically to as many people as possible. I have created eBooks, guides, video courses, text courses, memberships, detoxes, recipe books, meal plans, meditation audios, audio courses, and bundles. These are my favorite types of products to create. Again, just creating ONE type of product is enough. There is no need to do all of the things.
I have also sold other types of products such as physical products and coaching. But I prefer digital products so that’s what I focus most of my attention on creating and teaching others to do.
I am also a massive fan of planning, systems, processes, routines, structure, organisation, rituals, checklists, templates, scripts, swipe files, editorial calendars, and being highly productive. Organisation and planning are my strong points and I really enjoy both being organised and implementing systems and also teaching my systems to other people. I always know what I’m doing ahead of time and I like it that way. I plan what I do and I do what I plan and that makes me feel very successful.
The reason that I have seen success with ALL of the strategies I have implemented is that I have also focused on using energetic principles and have manifested my own success.
I have also started businesses where NONE of the previous strategies that I have implemented have worked. And the reason for that is because I have been driven by fear and panic and nothing good comes out of that energy. You end up manifesting the thing you fear the most which is that you end up with no results at all.
So if all you need to do is manifest your success, why focus on particular strategies at all?
The reason is simply that I enjoy implementing these strategies. I enjoy 99% of the tasks that I do in my business and that’s why I created a business based on work that I love.
I LOVE learning how to improve strategies, streamline them, become more productive and get faster and easier results. I do all of this simply because I enjoy it and it gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I learn and implement something new. If you’re not growing, you are declining so I always want to be learning and growing.
Also, if you don’t focus on any particular strategy at all, you’ll be in a constant state of confusion. You won’t understand how your own business operates, and that’s because you didn’t make a decision.
As soon as you decide what strategy you prefer, everything becomes clear and things start to work.
If you are in the energy of “I don’t know what I like to work on in my business, I don’t know what strategy to choose, I am confused about what to do next, I don’t know how this is going to work, I don’t know how people find me, I’m not sure what I’m selling, I’m not confident in what I can offer people, I don’t know why people would give me money” does that sounds like energy that would manifest anything?
Manifestation of your desires comes from clarity.
Clarity comes from decisions and certainty.
That’s why I encourage you to choose what you want and do what you want, and know that whatever you choose is enough to get the results that you have chosen.
So that’s who I am in a nutshell and the strategies I use for running my business.
I am highly aware that not everyone shares these same interests, and there are SO many different ways to run a business you’ll always be spoiled for choice.
But if you feel drawn to using similar strategies that I use in your own business and you feel drawn to learning from me, then I’m the right mentor for you, and I’m excited to share my strategies with you so you can achieve business mastery.
3. I want to do this, but already feel like I’m snowed under with work. How much time is this going to take?
I totally understand how you feel.
I’ve been there myself, wanting to go through programs and feeling like I don’t have the time to do it.
Here’s what I do…
I personally watch course video content squeezed into my everyday life.
Meaning that I get out my Chromebook and it comes round the house with me while I’m doing everyday chores.
I am listening to training while I’m brushing my teeth, having a bath, doing my hair, preparing food, tidying up, and anything else that doesn’t require my brain to be fully engaged.
I also listen to training on my phone while I’m driving, walking, running and doing workouts.
So I recommend you do the same.
As for implementing the work, no doubt you already working on your business on a regular basis, so you are just replacing what you normally do with a new upgraded way of doing things.
Plus you have all my swipe files so it will take you a fraction of the time that it would normally take you to create your marketing materials.
4. I really want to create a movement for my business but I just don’t know if this is going to work for my brand
Here’s how to know if creating a movement is something that is going to work for your brand:
Can you say yes to all of the following statements?
- Your product is something that people desire to have, but it’s not 100% essential (meaning it’s not a commodity like insurance, electricity, rice, bananas)
- To get the best results from your product or free gift, your customer will benefit from repeating a particular action or habit on a regular basis such as making smoothies, meditation, going for a run, journaling etc.
- Your product is something that people would openly talk about in public. Meaning they are not embarrassed about telling other people that they use it. (Movements wouldn’t work for sanitary products etc.)
If you can say yes to all of the above statements, a movement will work perfectly for your business.
5. Can you remind me of what I’m getting today when I enroll today?
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Mastery.
- Dream Business Blueprint – Value $1997
- Dream Business Manifestation – Value $1997
- Dream Business Product- Value $1997
- Dream Business Movement – Value $1997
- Dream Business Message – Value $1997
- Dream Business Sales System – Value $1997
- Dream Business Elevation – Value $1997
- Membership Success Rituals – Value $997
- Group Coaching in BOTH of my memberships – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- 1 Personalized Coaching Video, Brain STAMPs & Reverse Memories (After 1 month) – Value $997
- Manifest Your Dream Launch – Value $497
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Time Expander Training – Value $97
- Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs Audio Package – Value $97
- Business Manifestation Toolkit – Value $497
- Millionaire Mindset Takeover – Value $197
- Manifest Your Perfect Day – Value $197
Total, Value: $22,852.99
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Mastery

- Dream Business Blueprint – Value $1997
- Dream Business Manifestation – Value $1997
- Dream Business Product– Value $1997
- Dream Business Movement – Value $1997
- Dream Business Message – Value $1997
- Dream Business Sales System – Value $1997
- Dream Business Elevation – Value $1997
- Members Success Rituals – Value $997
- Group Coaching – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- 1 Personalized Coaching Video, Brain STAMPs & Reverse Memories (After 1 month) – Value $997
- Manifest Your Dream Launch – Value $497
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Time Expander Training – Value $97
- Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs Audio Package – Value $97
- Business Manifestation Toolkit – Value $497
- Millionaire Mindset Takeover – Value $197
- Manifest Your Perfect Day – Value $197
Total, Value: $22,852.99
Please note: I am constantly reviewing my pricing, and I increase my pricing based on current demand.
Are you ready to put your STAMP on the world?

It is my passion and purpose to help business owners manifest success in their business. I will be thrilled to be able to help you build the business of your dreams.