Dream Life Coaching With Kath Kyle

Let me ask you…
- Do you know what you want in your life but you’re not sure how to get it?
- Are you certain about what you don’t want, but you’re not too sure what you do want?
- Maybe you have experienced some results with manifestation but you’re not sure how to get more consistent results?
- Are you frustrated that you’ve already put so much time and energy into manifestation, and you’re just not getting the results that you feel you deserve?
- Do you have some great ideas but you want to run them by someone else?
- Are you currently sick and tired of dedicating every waking hour to working a job you hate? There has to be an easier way right?
- Do you feel like you spend so long working on your business but you’re not exactly sure how to generate more revenue from it?
- Are you upset that you feel like you’re neglecting your friends, family, your health, and everything else that’s important in your life for your work?
- Did you quit your job to work on your business, and now you’re finding that you work longer hours and get paid less? You’re ready to throw in the towel if this doesn’t start working soon.
- Are you exhausted and lacking in motivating to manifest what you want?
- Do you want someone to support you and answer your questions about manifestation, business, or spirituality?
- Is your confidence holding you back from getting what you want?
- Is your brain overflowing with ideas but you’re not sure how to make a decision about what you want?
- Have you already had great results in your life, but now things have gone downhill and you’re not sure why?
- Are you confused as to which goals to set for your life or business?
- Are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kinda person, and you wish you could be a bit more organized, but you’re not sure where to start?
- Is your to-do list so long that you’re completely overwhelmed and you don’t know what to focus on first?
- Do you try one tactic after another and you have no idea what is working and you have a major case of shiny new object syndrome?

Life can be hard at times, and sometimes we just need some extra support to help guide us through and help us get back on track again.
Because you are reading this, I can tell that something in you keeps on going. You have this passion, this drive to to succeed, and I know you’re not the type of person to quit before you’ve achieved your desires.
I totally understand how this feels. I have also felt all of the ups and downs when it comes to creating the life of my dreams.
After having a series of spiritual transformations, I now look at life in a totally different way to most people. I believe that I can help you feel peaceful about your life by helping you to come up with a spiritual framework that makes sense to you.
I’ve been running successful businesses for over 11 years, and have manifested my ideal lifestyle and many other things. I’ve experienced so much and have so much to draw on that can really help you.

I’m looking forward to helping you get back on track, and create the life of your dreams.

Dream Life Coaching is based on the coaching model that I invented called Continuous Coaching™.
Continuous Coaching™ is carried out by leaving messages for each other in whatever form of communication suits you better. (Text, Audio, Video)
Continuous Coaching™ is NOT based around having coaching calls.
Instead, we focus on communicating by leaving messages for each other using the free Voxer app.
These messages can be typing text messages, recording audio messages, or recording video messages either of yourself or a screenshot video showing your desktop if you want to show me something on your computer.
You can communicate with me in your preferred communicate style. The choice is yours.
I will also do the same for you, and I will communicate in your preferred communication style. If you find it easier to process text, I’ll use that, or if you’d prefer audio or video, I’ll use that style. If you have no preference, I will use video screenshot videos to demonstrate things on my computer with videos of me in the corner of the screen. I will also send links to documents, and sometimes provide text summaries or text questions.
I will prioritise getting back to you at the start of my working day. I work Monday to Friday and I don’t work on weekends and I will respond to your messages at the start of my working day.
I have also found that using Continuous Coaching™ helps us cover a lot more ground than we would if we were just having weekly or monthly coaching calls. So you will make a lot of progress with your life or business in a very short space of time.
I have seen a lot of quick mindset shifts and a lot of great results for my clients within the first week of working with me, because having that daily support helps my clients to feel really motivated.
After a short time working with me you will see massive growth in your mindset, your life or business results, and your productivity.
- Good for introverts and extroverts to communicate in their preferred style
- Gives you fast support (Mon-Fri) to help you make FAST growth
- Doesn’t put you on the spot, and helps to give you time to process your thoughts
- Doesn’t matter what time zone you are in or how hectic your schedule is – we don’t have to line up our schedules to make this work
- Doesn’t intrude on your working day. You can slot in communication with me when it fits into your schedule
- You get way more of my time and attention than you would if we were just having monthly calls
- I can much more easily pick up on things that are holding you back
- We use the free Voxer app to communicate to avoid clogging up your inbox with messages. You can drop in links to video messages, record audio messages, or type your text messages straight into the app.
When you sign up for a coaching package I will ask you what you want to focus on.
You can choose one area to focus on for the duration of the coaching package, or you can just ask me questions on any topic relating to life, spirituality, business, or manifestation.
If you choose my 4-week coaching package, you automatically get access to ALL of my existing products and memberships. You have the option of working through one of my existing programs during the 4 weeks and share your work and questions with me as you go along. I can review your work, offer suggestions, and support you with all of your business and manifestation questions.
After Just A Week Joe Can Already Feel The Changes
I have been genuinely impressed with the quality and quantity of the coaching I have been getting from Kath Kyle. She over delivers and she is deeply knowledgeable about the business start up space. I have gotten my business plan organized and my offerings to my ideal clients expanded with her guidance. I shouldn’t be surprised though: she wrote the book on Business Goals! (Great book…worth reading!)
Activate Your Greatness

Mel Manifested 5 Extra Sales After Completing The First Lesson
“The Dream Business Framework has helped me mold my mindset in a more organized and positive way so far. It has allowed me to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture goals that I have.
In fact, after completing the groundhog day design lesson, I wrote down a manifestation for 5 extra sales between Monday- Friday after I had launched a collection the previous week.
Typically, sales slow down after a launch like this, but I focused and spoke out loud my desires..
and I received the 5 extra sales within 3 days following.
So far this has been very helpful, and I’m excited to see what is to come as I continue through.”
Mel Klein
statement jewelry // bymelklein.com

I just wanted to say I started using the Dream Business Framework and did some of the exercises and I’m blown away!
This was soooooooooooo amazing, wow I have a lot more clarity now around my business, strategy, and what’s working and what’s not working, so thank you a million times. You’re a natural teacher and you explained everything so clearly.
Kath is an amazing teacher and her lessons are absolutely excellent. Kath not only helped me identify areas of improvement in my business, she helped me strengthen my mindset and look at things from a different perspective. I can’t say enough great things about Kath and her courses. Do yourself a favor and enroll in her course today, you’ll love it!
The Dream Business Framework was amazing and it truly helped bring clarity to my business. Thank you 1000 times!
Erika McCarthy // Gratitude1st.com

Hi Kath
I just wanted to let you know I am really enjoying the Dream Business Framework. I am finding it really helpful even though I have been running a business myself for over 10 years. I like the combination of a short video lesson and then activities to get on with and they don’t take too long to complete. The workbook is great, I have printed it all off and have it all in a folder and I look forward to the time I spend on it.
This is certainly making me think about my business in a totally different way. Although the lessons are supposed to be done daily I tend to keep going through a few at a time when I have some spare time as I just want to know what is next!
Thank you for this. I am really excited to keep going!!
Kind Regards
Julie Sawyer

I can see that you are a very great teacher Kath. The Dream Business Framework is great overall and I really appreciate that you have practical steps. I immediately wrote down my “perfect day” as you said, and my fiance (also my business partner) did the same and we found it really useful as an exercise. Also it’s great that you talk a lot about different types of personalities, and what businesses are suited for you, because for sure we are not all the same.
Great course, Dragos
Dragos & Alexandra // Foodiosity.com

Before I started using the Dream Business Framework, I had a few products launched and a few other business ideas, but could never have them properly marketed.
Now I’ve been through this, I think everything is possible. If I have a new idea for a product, I know exactly what steps to take to turn it into a successful business and create the passive income I need.
My favorite lesson was how to communicate my value proposition to my potential users and funnel them into buyers, and I’m really excited to implement the product stack into my business.
The whole section that got me all fired up was about marketing my product. I always felt I had great ideas that just wouldn’t be heard. Now, I know how to make people understand what I’m offering.
After taking this course I can finally realise the building blocks of a successful online business and how they fall into place. By integrating my talents and passions with the needs of my ideal client, I feel much more secure to start my business.

I am a single mother of three kids and my hours fluctuate constantly. The Dream Business Framework has been challenging but quite welcomed.
The mindset shifts I have had so far have been transferring my occupational mindset from a personality, i.e., me, to a legitimate business.
You have helped me get focused and detailed on the different parts of my business. It began when you instructed me to break down my business into my perfect day, with “My Perfect GroundHog Day” video. I recalled watching the movie and remembered thinking how great it would be to redo the same day repeatedly until it was the way you wanted it. Realizing we do have the opportunity, if we choose to see it, believe it, and act upon it.
Another great mindset shift for me is to INTEND EVERY OUTCOME WITH LOVE. What this means to me is knowing the greatest power I have is love and intentionally creating results with love that fits perfectly. In fully realizing that thoughts help create all great things which require action on our part to see results.

Kath has created a great programme that will help you align your personal principles with success, and connect those to your business aims at the same time. By making you focus on the positives, in personal and professional spheres, she inspires you to build aspirational frameworks that you can align your business intentions to. Kath combines strategic thinking and intelligent business practice with a natural positivity and humility that makes you want to work with her. She is clearly living her truth and this course will help you plot your own path in the same direction.
And that’s not all, you also get ALL of these fantastic bonuses…

Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I am here to support you and answer any questions you may have.
I encourage you to share your progress in the group as you go along.
The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by wasting time on social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.
In this group you can also find other members and even sort them by how close they live to you, so you can find your local buddies.
I also have an accountability thread where you can hook up with a friend to motivate each other.
Reality Creation Journal, Bookmark & Guide

The Reality Creation Journal is the main manifestation practice that I do every day. You have everything you need inside this one journal to absolutely change the direction of your business and your entire life forever.
You can complete the Reality Creation Journal online, by printing it out, or by using the Reality Creation Bookmark in your own journal.
I have also created an indepth Reality Creation Journal Guide to walk you through using the journal.
This is where I recommend starting when you first enter the club as this will give you a solid foundation of a lot of the principles that I focus on in the monthly themes and they will totally change your life.
Reality Creation Course

I have also created The Reality Creation Course that walks you through all 10 steps of the Reality Creation Journal in much more detail.
I have also given you the option to listen to the audio versions of the videos on the move.
Everything that is contained in The Reality Creation Guide is also in this course, so whether you prefer to read or learn by watching videos, the choice is yours.
In this course you are getting over 2 hours of content across 12 videos
This is where I recommend starting because if you adopt these habits, they will completely change your reality.
Daily Success Rituals Schedule

One of the main reasons people give up on manifestation is because they get overwhelmed with too many different techniques and they don’t know which ones to focus on and which ones are working for them.
That’s the exact reason I created my Daily Success Rituals Schedule.
This is a suggested schedule of manifestation activities depending on how much time you’ve got to dedicate to your practice each day.
I highly recommend at least 10 minutes every day, but you’ll get the most benefit from 30 minutes.
However, you actually DON’T need a manifestation ritual at all to manifest what you desire. Even if you have NO TIME whatsoever to dedicate to a practice, don’t worry, you can still manifest what you want. In this detailed guide, and video training, I show you exactly how to manifest even if you have no spare time at all.
I break down what I recommend doing at what point every day and why.
Are you ready to completely transform your life?
It doesn’t matter if you are brand new to manifestation or whether you consider yourself very knowledgable on the topic. This coaching will help you no matter what stage you are at.
After you’ve gone through this coaching package, you’re going to feel like you have everything you need to get you to the next stage of your life and reach your goals.
Your confidence is going to be sky-high knowing you have the exact blueprint for success.

Kath Kyle
My name is Kath and I have been creating successful online businesses for 10 years and loving every minute of it.
My vision is to help people focus first on their mindset before they even start taking action. Once you start doing this, you’ll see success very quickly.
I am a mother of 2 young kids so I know what it’s like to build a successful business around the demands of family life.
I am a reformed hustler. I now work around 30 hours a week or less. I have set my businesses up in such a way that people find me and buy my products while I’m sleeping. It doesn’t get any easier than this.
I am so grateful that I have the life that I once could only have dreamed of. I live with my husband and kids and we are 5 minutes walk away from a sunny beach and live in my dream home right on the water’s edge. We also live close to my extended family, something that I never used to think was ever going to be a reality for me.
I wake up every morning excited to do work that I absolutely adore, helping entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses, and I couldn’t be happier.

Are You Ready To Get Started?
I Offer 3 Different Dream Life Coaching packages to choose from
Ask for my help with anything about your life, business or manifestation and get detailed responses from me to help you get exactly what you desire.
With this coaching package you get the opportunity to ask for my help on one topic. We will just have up to 5 message exchanges about this topic. You are welcome to make me a video, send an audio or use text, and you can request that I respond with either text, audio or video.
You can ask for clarification on anything I share, and I would love to know how things go in the future, but this is not a continuous coaching package.
You will also receive personalized Brain STAMPs (A type of affirmations) and a Reverse Memory (for visualization) that are handpicked for your needs.
As a bonus, you will also receive free access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, and video training, and my Success Rituals guide.
This package duration is 6 months. After 6 months it expires.
With this coaching package, you get 7 days access to Continuous Coaching with me. You can message me as many times as you like within those 7 days but please bear in mind that I only work Mon-Fri so I will respond first thing in the morning during the week to any new messages from you.
With this coaching package you get the opportunity to ask me as many questions as you like on life, spirituality, business or manifestation. You are welcome to make me a video, send an audio or use text, and you can request that I respond with either text, audio or video.
You will also receive personalized Brain STAMPs (A type of affirmations) and a Reverse Memory (for visualization) that are handpicked for your needs.
As a bonus, you will also receive free access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, and video training, and my Success Rituals guide.
With this coaching package, you get 4 weeks of access to Continuous Coaching with me. You can message me as many times as you like within those 4 weeks, but please bear in mind that I only work Mon-Fri so I will respond first thing in the morning during the week to any new messages from you.
With this coaching package you get the opportunity to ask me as many questions as you like on life, spirituality, business or manifestation. You are welcome to make me a video, send an audio or use text, and you can request that I respond with either text, audio or video.
You will also receive personalized Brain STAMPs (A type of affirmations) and a Reverse Memory (for visualization) that are handpicked for your needs.
As a bonus, you will also receive free access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, and video training, and my Success Rituals guide.
I am really looking forward to working with you.
Payment Options
Please bear in mind that coaching will start on the date specified above the buttons below, so make sure you are ready to begin coaching on this day.
You will automatically receive full instructions and your login details to the members area as soon as you make your payment. If you have any questions please email me personally at [email protected], or email my assistant at [email protected]. We will get back to you within 1 working day.
I do get booked up quickly, so I have added the words “Start Date: X” above the payment buttons so you know whether there is a delay for getting started. When I’m sold out for the week, you can still purchase the coaching packages, but just know that you will have to wait for the date specified. As soon as you have paid, you are booked in and will start on the specified date.
I will only take payments up to 3 months in advance. When my slots become full for the next 3 months, I will add the words “sold out” above the button and the button will be inactive.
Here are my known vacation dates for the next 3 months. You can still sign up during these times, but you will have to wait for me to return to hear from me once you sign up. If you have any questions while I’m away you can email my assistant at [email protected]
My Upcoming Vacation Dates
None scheduled
If we are mid way through a package and I go on vacation, the duration of your coaching package will be extended after I return so you will receive the full length of your package. Similarly, if you don’t receive a response from me the next working day (because life happens to everyone), I will extend your coaching package by a day.
Prices are in US dollars.
Send up to 5 messages over a 6 month period asking for help with anything and get detailed responses from me to help you get exactly what you desire
- Get full and immediate access to my Reality Creation Journal, guide and video training, and my Success Rituals Guide. Keep these forever
- Receive personalized Brain STAMPs (Supercharged affirmations) to manifest your desire
- Receive a personalized Reverse Memory (Scene to imagine) to manifest your desire
- Receive an initial detailed personalized coaching video from me. My response will be as long as it needs to be to get you results. After this initial video, I will respond to your messages in whatever form you prefer.
Send me unlimited messages within a 7 day period. I will respond daily Mon-Fri to help you get exactly what you desire
$127 Pay in full or
2 X Monthly instalments of $64
- Get full and immediate access to my Reality Creation Journal, guide and video training, and my Success Rituals Guide. Keep these forever
- Receive personalized Brain STAMPs (Supercharged affirmations) to manifest your desire
- Receive a personalized Reverse Memory (Scene to imagine) to manifest your desire
- Receive an initial detailed personalized coaching video from me. My response will be as long as it needs to be to get you results. After this initial video, I will respond to your messages in whatever form you prefer.
Send me unlimited messages within a 4 week period. I will respond daily Mon-Fri to help you get exactly what you desire
$397 or
3 x Monthly instalments of $133
- Get full and immediate access to my Reality Creation Journal, guide and video training, and my Success Rituals Guide. Keep these forever.
- Receive personalized Brain STAMPs (Supercharged affirmations) to manifest your desire
- Receive a personalized Reverse Memory (Scene to imagine) to manifest your desire
- Receive an initial detailed personalized coaching video from me. My response will be as long as it needs to be to get you results. After this initial video, I will respond to your messages in whatever form you prefer.
What Happens When You Sign Up?
As soon as you sign up you’ll automatically receive access to the “Dream Life Coaching” portal on the confirmation page. The coaching portal contains a set of instructions. You will also receive an email from me containing the same instructions.
You will be asked to do the following before your coaching start date:
1) Sign the coaching agreement
2) Complete the short coaching Questionnaire letting me know what you want help with.
3) Get immediate access to a private chat with me. Send me a quick message letting me know you’ve signed your agreement and completed your questionnaire, and then we’re all ready to start on the start date listed above.

Although I can’t guarantee any specific results, I can tell you that people are raving about the results they are getting by working with me, and they have totally transformed my clients quality of life, work, income, happiness, and success.
I’m certain that you are going to love it just as much, but if you decide it’s not for you, let us know within 24 hours, and we will give you a full refund. I take your success seriously and it is my passion to help you succeed.
If you have any questions, please let me know by emailing [email protected] and we will get back to you within 1 business day.