Important question for digital product creators, coaches & experts who STILL don’t have an audience of over 5,000 engaged, ready-to-buy followers:

What’s the ONLY difference between exponential audience growth, powered by viral content that allows you to reach massive numbers of people with your message…
… and an audience so tiny and disengaged that you cry into your celery juice, and feel like a total failure every time anyone asks you how your business is doing?
If you guessed creating daily Instagram stories, that’s not it.
If you guessed creating a freebie lead magnet to grow your email list, that’s not it
And if you guessed creating content every week for a blog, podcast, or a YouTube channel, that’s not it either.
Because while all these things have their place…
They are only the mechanism involved in reaching people.
You can do all of these things consistently and still not grow your audience.
There’s something that needs to happen before you decide on your marketing channel and start sharing content with the world…
A movement.
You need a powerful message that moves people into taking action.
If someone is moved enough by your content to change their behaviour, your audience will start to grow exponentially.
Unless you are able to move people into taking action, you’ll keep churning out content piece after content piece, ticking the same tasks off your to-do list every week, and never see your business spring into life.
The No-Growth Crisis
If you’ve been posting content for a while now, you’ll know that the days of “build it and they will come” are well and truly over.
Because the barriers to entry are so low to build an online presence, you are competing with millions of other people trying to do exactly the same thing as you, sharing the same type of content, and that’s why most budding online entrepreneurs never really get their businesses off the ground.
Posting content on your own social media accounts just doesn’t grow your audience these days. You could post every day to Instagram and not see any growth at all. I’ve seen this time and time again and have also experienced it myself.
Maybe you’ve already come to the conclusion that just posting to social media doesn’t work in isolation, so at this point you might have started looking at other marketing strategies and given some of them a go to see what will work.
Perhaps you got all excited about the latest marketing strategy which is to appear on other people’s podcasts and share your message that way.

Imagine yourself in the following scenario for a moment:
You invested in a course that shows you exactly how to grow your email list based on being interviewed on other people’s podcasts.
You’ve spent the last week dedicating 3 hours a day to researching the best podcasts in your niche and emailing all of the podcast hosts to ask if you can appear on their show.
You’re feeling so good about all of the effort you’ve put into your business, and you’re certain this is going to be the ticket to putting your brand on the map.
But then the email replies start to ping in…
All of the people you’ve emailed are asking what size your audience is. They all have certain requirements for each podcast guest that they interview. Some say your Instagram followers have to be over 1000, and others tell you that you need to have 10,000 people on your list before they will give you a slot.

Your heart sinks and you let out a sigh because you know that with your 122 followers on Instagram, your 87 likes on Facebook, and your paltry 56 email subscribers, you fall short of all of their requirements.
What chance do you have of growing your audience if everyone tells you that you need to collaborate with other people to reach more people, but nobody even wants to work with you?
Over dinner that evening, your partner casually asks you how your business is going. You try to put on a brave face and stay positive by replying “It’s early days. I’m still working on building my audience, but I’m sure I’ll get there one day” while you try to hold back your frustration. But inside you’re feeling like giving up.
The next morning, you check your emails and see yet more rejections. Sigh.
Then you check your stats to try and lift your spirits with some potential good news, but after you see that your follower growth hasn’t risen at all, in fact you’ve actually lost followers, you end up crying into your green smoothie.

You then proceed to beat yourself up for thinking negative thoughts in case you attract even more negativity to your business.
The worst part about it is that you can’t hide how many followers you have. It’s obvious to everyone that you have a tiny audience.
You have managed to hide the number of followers you have on YouTube but having 1-2 people watch each video is painfully obvious to you and everyone else that nobody else is interested in what you’ve got to say.
You’re wondering why it seems to come so easy to some people, but to you, it’s been nothing but a struggle since day one.
Why should it be so hard to just help people?
Why can’t people see that I’m trying to help them?
Your thoughts go from bad to worse:
“There must be something about me that people don’t like. Maybe they don’t like the way I look, or the way I speak? Maybe they can see how small my following is and that’s why they don’t want to follow me. No wonder people don’t want to work with me if my confidence is on the floor. I just don’t see how I can ever climb out of this hole that I seem to be in with my business. I thought if I just gave my business one good year I’d have made 6-figures by now as I see so many other people achieving results like that. A year ago I was so excited about my goals and thought, why can’t it be me that has that kind of success? And now I’m wondering why isn’t it me? What did I do so badly wrong?”
Your heart sinks and you let out a sigh because you know that with your 122 followers on Instagram, your 87 likes on Facebook, and your paltry 56 email subscribers, you fall short of all of their requirements.
What chance do you have of growing your audience if everyone tells you that you need to collaborate with other people to reach more people, but nobody even wants to work with you?
Over dinner that evening, your partner casually asks you how your business is going. You try to put on a brave face and stay positive by replying “It’s early days. I’m still working on building my audience, but I’m sure I’ll get there one day” while you try to hold back your frustration. But inside you’re feeling like giving up.
The next morning, you check your emails and see yet more rejections. Sigh.
Then you check your stats to try and lift your spirits with some potential good news, but after you see that your follower growth hasn’t risen at all, in fact you’ve actually lost followers, you end up crying into your green smoothie.
You then proceed to beat yourself up for thinking negative thoughts in case you attract even more negativity to your business.
The worst part about it is that you can’t hide how many followers you have. It’s obvious to everyone that you have a tiny audience.
You have managed to hide the number of followers you have on YouTube but having 1-2 people watch each video is painfully obvious to you and everyone else that nobody else is interested in what you’ve got to say.
You’re wondering why it seems to come so easy to some people, but to you, it’s been nothing but a struggle since day one.
Why should it be so hard to just help people?
Why can’t people see that I’m trying to help them?
Your thoughts go from bad to worse:
“There must be something about me that people don’t like. Maybe they don’t like the way I look, or the way I speak? Maybe they can see how small my following is and that’s why they don’t want to follow me. No wonder people don’t want to work with me if my confidence is on the floor. I just don’t see how I can ever climb out of this hole that I seem to be in with my business. I thought if I just gave my business one good year I’d have made 6-figures by now as I see so many other people achieving results like that. A year ago I was so excited about my goals and thought, why can’t it be me that has that kind of success? And now I’m wondering why isn’t it me? What did I do so badly wrong?”
Want to opt out of the no-growth crisis?
With all of that effort and commitment you’ve already given your business, isn’t it time you actually started to receive some signals that people actually want to receive your help?
With the commitment you’ve demonstrated, your strong desire to succeed, and your heart-centred tendency to want to help people, you DESERVE the highest form of compensation.
You deserve to know EXACTLY how to invest your time and energy into rapid business growth, while waking up each day to hundreds of new engaged followers, and a constant stream of Stripe and PayPal sales notifications for your products and services.
You’ve been striving for so long and your audience has barely grown. I totally get how this feels because I’ve been there myself and it’s pretty soul-destroying. I also want you to know that it’s absolutely not your fault. You’ve only been following the advice you were given. Unfortunately this is why you and so many others keep working so hard on their businesses and never see any signs of life.
In a minute, I’m going to show you how to FINALLY attract the large numbers of passionate followers and customers that you desire.
But first, there’s a few important things that I need to mention…
The 6 Myths About Growing A Massive Engaged Audience
Here are 6 enlightening truths you MUST awaken to right now if you want to exponentially grow a large and highly engaged audience who can’t wait to buy whatever you happen to be selling.
Myth #1 – The Only Way To Grow A Large Audience Is To Grow A Large Social Media Following
These days – when people talk about audiences, they are often only talking about the number of followers they have on social media.
But these people are forgetting other massive audiences you may have on other marketing channels such as:
- The number of page views of each of your blog posts and website pages
- The number of downloads your podcast has
- The number of views your videos have on YouTube
- Your Facebook ad custom audiences
- Your email list subscribers
- Your network
- Your affiliates audiences
- Your biggest fans network
- Customers via third parties such as Amazon books
- Directories
- PR
- Communities such as Facebook groups
I managed to build an audience of millions for my first business without even starting a social media account at all.
Social media is actually just the cherry on top when it comes to audience growth. There are many ways to build a much bigger audience much faster than only focusing on social media.
Regardless of the method of marketing you choose, your message is what engages people, and moves them into your world.
Myth #2 – The Only Way To Grow A Large Audience Is To Build A Large Email List
Have you ever heard the phrase, “the money is in the list”?
Yes it can really help to have a big engaged email list, but it’s not the be-all-end-all of everything you do.
In my first business I tracked where my sales came from. Around half of them came from my list, and the other half came directly from my website as soon as people found me.
It’s a great idea to have a list, but more importantly than having a list is a method of constantly reaching new people. If you don’t constantly engage new people with your message, your email list will fizzle out and become almost worthless in time.
I don’t believe in putting all of your efforts into growing an email list.
I believe in putting most of your efforts into sharing your message and helping people change their lives. When you do that, email list growth is a happy side effect.
Myth #3 – The Only Way To Grow A Large Audience Is To Be Everywhere
Being everywhere sounds like it should work, but it really doesn’t work in practice.
People who preach that you should be everywhere don’t understand how energy works.
Energy flows where you go.
Your audience can sense when you are engaged with them in real-time, and they will engage back with you in return.
If you simply repost your posts to platforms that you aren’t active on, you probably won’t see much growth.
Therefore, it’s much better to just get good at being present on one platform before you move on to the next. Otherwise you risk spreading your energy far too thinly and you risk burning out.
Myth #4 – The Only Way To Grow A Large Audience Is To Do Videos Or Live Streams
Doing videos and live streams can really help you to grow as long as you have a magnetic message to share.
But they are not essential.
I managed to grow an audience of millions by only typing – not talking. It was years after I created a massive audience that I finally started to create videos, and even then, my writing was still what moved the needle the most for my business.
Myth #5 – The Only Way To Grow A Large Audience Is To Learn All The Latest Marketing Tactics
I do agree that you should put a lot of your effort into marketing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to learn all of the latest tactics to grow your audience.
Having a message that moves people into action and gets shared is far more important than learning how to use the latest instagram hashtag strategy.
Myth #6 – The Only Way To Grow A Large Audience Is To Hire Someone Else To Do It
I totally get it because I’ve been there myself.
You’ve worked so hard and nothing you’ve done has worked for you this far.
But you’re fed up and burned out and you declare that you must not be very good at marketing.
So you are convinced that hiring a marketing agency to grow your audience is a sensible thing to do.
After all they’re the experts right?
And yes, they are the experts in the latest marketing tactics.
But unfortunately hiring a marketing expert doesn’t usually result in a good return on your investment.
Sure, you might increase your following a little bit, and may actually make one or two sales.
But based on the cost of hiring that professional, you’ve lost out big time without much to show for it.
It’s happened to me more times than I can remember.
The problem comes back to your message.
A marketing specialist can only work with what they’ve got. They can only share the messages that you give them.
Once you have a message that moves people into action, it doesn’t matter who schedules the content in your business, it will simply just work.
It doesn’t make sense to hire someone to help you scale your business before you’ve got a proven concept and found a way to actually get attention from your ideal customer.
That’s why focusing on your magnetic message first makes all the difference to whether you can exponentially expand your business or risk giving up on the idea of being an entrepreneur altogether.
Creating A Message That Moves People Into Action Is Easier (and More Critical) Than Ever
If you’ve made it this far then you know that it’s not your choice of marketing channel (Instagram, Email List, Blog etc.) that is responsible for your audience growth, it is the message itself that moves people to follow you and want to know more about what you offer.
So how do we create a message that moves people to action?
By creating a movement.
What is a movement?
The definition of a movement is a group of people with a particular set of aims or ideas.
We’ve all seen a lot of movements recently on social media that have inspired protests and social change.
But did you know that creating a movement for your business is actually the best way to rapidly create a massive audience of engaged followers who are ready to buy from you?

By creating a magnetic movement using the 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method that I’m about to share with you, you’ll also have the power to:
- Grow a large, engaged audience on ANY marketing channel you choose because your movement will go viral based on word of mouth.
- Reach millions with your magnetic message no matter whether you use text, image, video, audio, or live streams to communicate
- Benefit from a high percentage of people sharing every content piece you put out there
- Get a steady stream of new buyers every single day so you never have to worry about paying your bills again
- Quickly attract your thousand true fans who will buy everything you offer for sale
- Build an extremely profitable business that is not dependent on paying for advertising in order to reach people
- Create stability in your business allowing you more time freedom and avoid having to trade time for money
- Answer confidently when collaborators ask you: “How big is your audience?”
YES, you can totally achieve all of these outcomes, no matter what size your audience is currently…
…but they DO depend on taking a methodical step-by-step approach.
One that leverages the tried and tested method of building a Magnetic Movement that reaches millions of people

Who Am I And Why I Am Sharing All This…
Kath Kyle

My name is Kath Kyle and I live with my husband, and two young children in our dream beach home on the waterfront in Wales UK. I love nothing more than having fun in nature, on the beach, hiking or camping with my family and friends.
I am a green smoothie loving spiritual entrepreneur who gets equally excited about strategic and spiritual ways of growing businesses.
I help soul-led entrepreneurs expand their businesses exponentially and to reach as many people as they can with their life-changing messages.
The method I use in my businesses, which is focused on helping as many people get results as I can has helped me reach millions of people and generate multiple 6-figures in sales all resulting from low priced digital products.
I started my first online business after becoming a full time mum and giving up my job as a teacher.
I struggled to get any traction at all at first despite doing all the “right” things to grow my audience.
After I “accidentally” started a movement, my website attracted over 2 million page views in my first year of business.
To date this business has had over 28 million page views, and I have transformed the lives of a massive number of people.

I call my method the 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method which is a way to go viral, get constant referrals, a stream of life-transforming testimonials, product sales on tap, and change the world by helping as many people as humanly possible on a global scale.
Now I’m helping others to get the same results. Would you like to be next?
Dream Business Movement
Dream Business Movement is the only proven 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Program for reaching millions with your message by creating your Magnetic Movement In 30 days.
Create your 6-Figure Magnetic Movement by following my easy-to-follow 5-step method using FREE easy-to-use tools, no matter what marketing channel or communication style you choose to use

How Dream Business Movement Will Make Your Audience Blow Up
5 Magnetic Movement Modules that walk you through the entire process of brainstorming ideas for your movement, crafting your magnetic message, creating your magnetic movement, triggering people to take action and join your movement, and converting movement into money.
Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle. I’m giving you literally every single resource that you could possibly need which is everything I personally use to create my own magnetic movements, all of the cheat sheets, checklists, workbooks, swipe files, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, image templates, calendars, and video walkthroughs for all of them.
Meaning this system is literally plug and play. You just swipe and go. I’ve done all of the heavy lifting for you so you don’t have to wonder about how to create resources or use tech. I walk you through every step of the process.
Here’s How
Brainstorming Your Massive Movement Idea

This is where you will brainstorm ideas for your own movement to reach the masses.
The main reason your current marketing efforts aren’t working is because your message isn’t moving people into action. Your message doesn’t have a solid foundation that is capable of changing the world.
When people see the drive and energy behind your message they will be moved into action. We are coming up with a big idea that will put your brand on the map.
I will also personally take a look at your idea and help you figure out if this is the right idea for a movement for your brand. This alone is worth $997. You are getting personalised feedback from me because it is important to get this step right as your whole business is based on this.
By the time you’ve finished Module #1 you’ll have a brilliant idea for a movement that is capable of getting millions of eyeballs on your message.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Engineering Transformational Habits: Decide on the exact Transformational Habit that your Magnetic Movement is based on, the trigger for the Transformational Habit, and the results your Transformational Habit will get for people
- Hooked On Habits: Discover how to make your Magnetic Movement stand out from the crowd and hook people on your Transformational Habit
- Magnetic Movement Trigger Masterplan: Create a Magnetic Movement trigger that gets people excited to start taking action and adopt your Transformational Habit into their everyday life
- Sales Trigger Method: Plan how to move people from your Transformational Habit to becoming an eager buyer
- Find your tribe: Find the people who are ready to make a move and who want what you’ve got. I will show you exactly who they are and where to find them.
Crafting Your Magnetic Movement Message

This is where you will devise your message for your magnetic movement so you speak to the people who are actually ready for a transformation.
When you create content for your business, people can feel the energy behind it. If you have created content from the place of ticking off a task on a to-do list, your audience can feel this stale energy.
In this module we’re shifting your energy to make you and your message totally magnetic.
Once you’re done with this module you’re going to be so pumped up and excited to reach people with your new ideas.
We are doing something very exciting here, we are changing the world one habit at a time, and when people discover your new purpose they will mirror your excitement and jump on board with your mission.
By the time you’ve finished Step #2 you’ll have an exciting message crafted that really speaks to people and draws people towards you.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Sticky Habit Names: Name your Transformational Habit so it is easy to remember and very shareable
- Capture The Attention Of Your Tribe: How to immediately capture attention with your Magnetic Movement so you can share your transformative message with the masses
- Craft Your Magnetic Movement Message: Describe your Magnetic Movement message so people are rushing to sign up in their droves
Creating A Magnetic Movement

At this stage you will plan your promotions and content that creates buzz around your Magnetic Movement.
There is a fine line between creating content that goes unnoticed and content that gets shared, liked, commented on, saved, and acted upon.
The difference is subtle to the untrained eye, but small shifts in the way you create content can make a massive difference when it comes to getting noticed.
In this module we’re creating content that wows and engages your perfect tribe members.
Once you’ve completed this module you’ll be all set to unleash your Magnetic Movement Trigger that will move your tribe into action.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Momentus Marketing Plan: Sketch out your daily promotions plan for your Magnetic Movement trigger so your tribe are seeing your message everywhere and are compelled to take action
- Fast Familiarity Funnel Formula: Take your tribe on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans.
- Content That Converts: Plan your free content so it leads people directly towards buying your paid products.
- Magnetic Movement Marketing Method: The 2 magnetic organic marketing methods that – when combined together make a killer combination of super fast short term growth and sustainable, scalable long term audience growth
- Write Headlines That Hook And Transform Your Tribe: Hook attention with catchy headlines that lead people directly to your transformational message
- Calling Your Tribe Into Action: Effectively call your tribe to action so they can’t wait to join your Magnetic Movement
- Marketing That Moves Mountains: Create pillar marketing pieces that go viral and encourage massive action
- Marketing That Nudges: How to create short marketing pieces that create connection and nudge your tribe into action
- Attention Grabbing Images: Grab attention with images that stop people in their tracks
Launching Your Magnetic Movement Trigger

We are now ready to launch your Magnetic Movement Trigger LIVE, and this is where all of the action happens.
The great thing is that at this stage, you’ve done all of the planning and prep for your launch, and now you can just relax and engage with your tribe during your launch.
There is no stressing, no worrying, you just need to spend time helping people and engaging with them.
Most launches are very stressful, but because we’ve taken the time to get clear on our message and create content that engages people we don’t have anything else that we need to do during this live phase apart from engagement.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Magnetic Movement Trigger: How to bring your tribe together for your Magnetic Movement trigger and engage them into action
- Feedback That Feeds The Machine: Capture the energy and results of your movement with new members of your tribe to encourage them to sign up
From Movement To Money

As a business owner, you have two desires for your business, to change lives and to get compensated for it.
You’ve dedicated yourself to helping people and changing lives, and now it’s time to get paid for your efforts.
The good news is that creating a movement is one of the best ways to create such loyal fans, that selling your products has never been easier.
People will have received such great results from your Magnetic Movement that they’ll be lining up to buy your products.
Because you’ve taken the time to build such great relationships with people and helped them so much, they’ll naturally want to work with you, so selling at this point is one of the easiest things you can do.
The great news is that you don’t have to get on calls with people, you don’t have to do live streams to make sales. You can even automate this process 100% if you choose to. Whatever method of selling you choose, you’ll still get paid well.
Here’s how we’ll get you there…
- Triggering The Sale: How to easily transition your tribe from loyal fans to passionate customers
Manifest Your Dream Launch

How to manifest your dream launch in 30 days with ease and confidence without overwork, stress, or burnout.
You don’t have to worry about how to sell your product or get the results you desire because I’m giving you the complete system for manifesting the launch of your dreams with ease and confidence in 30 days.
Manifest Your Dream Launch is a standalone product that helps you launch your product and hit your goals. I’m giving you this product totally free as a bonus to help you make sales from the Magnetic Movement that you’ve created.
Manifest Your Dream Launch helps you to:
- Sell offers that you are in complete alignment with
Figure out how to sell what you love AND what your ideal clients will find irresistible - Craft a sales message that is natural, uses storytelling principles, doesn’t feel salesy but forms an instant connection with your audience
- Decide on the perfect price point that is exactly right for you and will also sell well
- Help people get off the fence and make a decision one way or another about whether to buy your product
- Discover the main reason why people buy products – and it’s not really anything to do with your product at all
- Set launch goals that you can believe are possible and increase your trust muscle as you go along
- Make launches fun and easy so you actually look forward to doing them
- Manifest the perfect launch by creating your results in your mind first
- Create customers by calling them into existence using manifestation techniques
Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle

I’m also giving you another very special bonus.
I’m giving you literally every single resource that you could possibly need which is everything I personally use to create my own magnetic movements, all of the cheat sheets, checklists, workbooks, swipe files, scripts, spreadsheets, forms, image templates, calendars, and video walkthroughs for all of them.
Meaning this system is literally plug and play. You just swipe and go. I’ve done all of the heavy lifting for you so you don’t have to wonder about how to create resources or use tech. I walk you through every step of the process.
Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle gives you:
- 21 Tech Tutorials
- 1 Workbook
- 2 Checklists
- 19 Cheatsheets
- 3 Swipe Files
- 2 Scripts
- 2 Flow Charts
- 5 Spreadsheet Templates
- 1 Document Templates
- 37 Image Templates
- 1 Form Template
STAMP Goals Book

Put your STAMP on the world in 30 days and finally achieve your goals.
Did you know that goal achievement is inevitable for you, even if you’ve never made any progress towards your goals before?
I’m also giving you a copy of my book STAMP Goals which is more like a course. There is no fluff in this book, just pure actionable steps to make sure you hit your goals.
- STAMP Goals will help you find your purpose and make it crystal clear in your mind, so you’re sure of exactly what you want to achieve…
- STAMP Goals will show you a new way to set goals, one that will guarantee you will put your STAMP on the world…
- STAMP Goals will help you to live your purpose every day, finally achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality…
This 30-day action plan will help both existing entrepreneurs, and those who are yet to start a business.
This is goal achievement like you’ve never seen before.
Personal Feedback Of Your Magnetic Movement Idea

This is a fast action bonus and it’s only available to the first 50 people who buy during this launch.
I will also personally take a look at your idea and help you figure out if this is the right idea for a movement for your brand. I will offer my suggestions if necessary and will brainstorm with you to help you come up with the right idea. I can immediately spot if your idea is going to be powerful enough to reach millions.
This brainstorming session will either be delivered via a series of text, audio, or video messages (you choose the method) until we get the right idea for your movement.
This bonus alone is worth $997.
You are getting personalised feedback from me because it is important to get this step right because your whole business is based on this.
Group Coaching

You will also get access to group coaching, which means that I will be:
- Answering all of your questions thoroughly in the members group
- Running additional Q&As as the need arises
Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I am here to support you and answer any questions you may have.
I encourage you to share your progress in the group as you go along.
The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by wasting time on social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.
In this group you can also find other members and even sort them by how close they live to you, so you can find your local buddies.
I also have an accountability thread where you can hook up with a friend to motivate each other through this program.
Bonus Stack

I have a big stack of other bonuses for you when you join the Dream Business Movement. These include:
- VIP Coupon code for 30% off your next purchase with me
- 7 Day 7K Challenge
- Moving Millions Masterclass
- Dream Business Movement Workbook
- Dream Business Movement Checklist
- Coupon code to take $297 off the price of Dream Business Mastery – My Complete System
(VALUED AT $297) This product is part of my entire system. Get your money back in the form of a discount coupon towards Dream Business Mastery.
The Moving Mountains Guarantee
I’m so committed to helping you build your Magnetic Movement and I want to make it as easy as I possibly can for you to say yes to getting started.
That’s why I created my Moving Mountains Guarantee.
I guarantee that you are going to have everything you need in this program to help you attract a very large audience to your business, create engagement, and directly lead people to your products.
This program is designed to work with your individual personality, meaning that you can use whatever marketing channel and communication style that’s right for you, because business requires an investment of time and enthusiasm, and you’re only going to stay enthusiastic if you’re actually enjoying your work.
The most important thing about attracting a large audience is the Magnetic Message that moves people into action. When you build the right foundations in your business, the marketing channels become irrelevant.

Take 14 days to go through the first 14 lessons of Dream Business Movement and if you still don’t feel like Dream Business Movement is for you, simply email my lovely assistant Gnana at [email protected] and she will reply to you within 1 business day and get your full investment refunded to you. You can also email me at [email protected] if you prefer.There are no hoops to jump through, no work to complete to get a refund. I want you to feel safe in the knowledge that it is OK to change your mind if this isn’t right for you.
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Movement
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Videos – Value $997
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Audios (listen to the course on the move) – Value $497
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Slides (recap the information on the PDFs at a later date. All course information is provided in video, audio and text formats) – Value $197
- Dream Business Movement Checklist – Value $27
- Dream Business Movement Workbook – Value $97
- Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle – Value $497
- Manifest Your Dream Launch Course – Value $997
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Personal brainstorming session of your transformational habit idea – Value $997
- Group Coaching – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- VIP Coupon code for 30% off your next purchase with me – Value $333
- Discount Coupon for $297 off my complete system (VALUED AT $297)
- 7 Day 7K Business Manifestation Challenge – Value $97
- Moving Millions Masterclass – Value $77
Total value: $5,219
Today’s price: $147
Payment Options
Get immediate access to Dream Business Movement
- Get full and immediate access to the full Program
- Get access to all bonuses
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- Receive a discount of $158 off Dream Business Mastery – the entire system
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Questions other coaches, creators, and business owners asked before saying “yes” to Dream Business Movement
The business owners who get the MOST out of my programs are usually the ones who ask the most questions.
The ones who dare to ask the hard-hitting questions.
Personally, I love it.
Because at the end of the day, I only want you to join Dream Business Movement if you know, without a doubt, that it’s the missing link between you and a massive, fully-engaged audience who wants to buy from you.
So without further ado, here are the most common questions business owners are asking.
If you’re still on the fence, chances are at least one or two of them have been stopping you in your tracks.
I want to do this, but already feel like I’m snowed under with work. How much time is this going to take?
I totally understand how you feel.
I’ve been there myself, wanting to go through programs and feeling like I don’t have the time to do it.
Here’s what I do…
I personally watch course video content squeezed into my everyday life.
Meaning that I get out my Chromebook and it comes round the house with me while I’m doing everyday chores.
I am listening to training while I’m brushing my teeth, having a bath, doing my hair, preparing food, tidying up, and anything else that doesn’t require my brain to be fully engaged.
I also listen to training on my phone while I’m driving, walking, running and doing workouts.
So I recommend you do the same.
As for implementing the work, no doubt you already create marketing materials for your business, so you are just replacing what you normally do with a new upgraded way of doing things.
Plus you have all my swipe files so it will take you a fraction of the time that it would normally take you to create your marketing materials.
I want to attract a large audience but I don’t want to do videos or live streams. Is this still possible?
Yes, I know that it is possible to build a large audience of millions of people without doing videos or live streams because I did it myself with my first brand. There are also countless other people who have done the same thing.
My first brand is still active and I don’t do live streams or videos for that brand and it still keeps on creating passive income for me day in day out.
Whatever your communication preference is, do that because it’s more than likely what you are good at. And I’m a big believer in sticking to what we’re good at.
I don’t feel like I’m a good leader. Is this something I can learn?
Absolutely yes.
I think most people who lead have a case of imposter syndrome. We all feel like there’s someone else better than us to lead a movement.
I totally feel the same way. Although I have grown in confidence the longer I’ve been doing this, I often feel like there are people way better at everything than I am, and that’s just human nature.
We have to accept that we feel this way and carry on regardless because there are people out there who need our help.
Yes I am still called to be a leader, and so are you if you have the desire to help others to transform their lives.
With that desire and a willingness to learn comes growth. You will grow into the role as a leader. And it’s a very good job we all start with an audience of zero, otherwise the task of leading a large group of people would be a far too daunting place to start.
Thankfully we get to practice while nobody is watching and grow from there.
I really want to create a movement for my business but I just don’t know if this is going to work for my brand
Here’s how to know if creating a movement is something that is going to work for your brand:
Can you say yes to all of the following statements?
- Your product is something that people desire to have, but it’s not 100% essential (meaning it’s not a commodity like insurance, electricity, rice, bananas)
- To get the best results from your product or free gift, your customer will benefit from repeating a particular action or habit on a regular basis such as making smoothies, meditation, going for a run, journaling etc.
- Your product is something that people would openly talk about in public. Meaning they are not embarrassed about telling other people that they use it. (Movements wouldn’t work for sanitary products etc.)
If you can say yes to all of the above statements, a movement will work perfectly for your business.
I’d love to create a movement but I don’t have anything to sell yet
You can totally create a movement without having anything to sell yet. In fact, it’s the best way of finding out exactly what product to create. After the movement is finished your audience will tell you exactly what they want to buy from you, and you know for a fact that this product is going to sell.
This is what I did with my brand Green Thickies. I created the movement first and my first product sold like hotcakes and still sells well to this very day.
I want to do this but I have no audience at all. Will this still work?
Yes, this is exactly why you need to create a movement – to help you build an audience.
Everyone starts from zero. My first business had no following and I started building a movement straight away and it catapulted my brand straight into the limelight.
Isn’t a movement something that only charities do? Does it really work for businesses?
Although when we think of movements we do tend to think of social justice campaigns, there are plenty of examples of businesses that have created world-changing movements for their businesses and made a lot of money in the process.
Here’s just a few examples of movements that you probably partake in on a daily basis yourself:
- Facebook – Checking a post where you’ve been tagged in the “Business Manifestation Challenge” group
- Electricity – Making celery juice with your juicer
- Instagram – Watching Kath Kyle’s stories
- The Internet – Googling “how to stop a toddler having a tantrum about bobbles on his socks”
- Smart phones – Iphones – Taking photos of your kids on the beach
- Amazon – Buying spinach powder
- Driving a car – while listening to Manifest Business Success podcast
All of these brands started movements that changed the face of the world as we know it.
We just don’t refer to these as movements but they totally are.
These companies got us to change our habits and get completely dependent on their products to the point where we don’t feel like we can survive without them.
That’s the power of a movement – when you change behaviours of the masses, you change the entire world.
Can you remind me of what I’m getting today when I enroll today?
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Movement
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Videos – Value $997
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Audios (listen to the course on the move) – Value $497
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Slides (recap the information on the PDFs at a later date. All course information is provided in video, audio and text formats) – Value $197
- Dream Business Movement Checklist – Value $27
- Dream Business Movement Workbook – Value $97
- Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle – Value $497
- Manifest Your Dream Launch Course – Value $997
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Personal feedback of your transformational habit idea – Value $297
- Group Coaching – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- VIP Coupon code for 30% off your next purchase with me – Value $333
- 7 Day 7K Business Manifestation Challenge – Value $97
- Moving Millions Masterclass – Value $77
Is it really risk free?
Yes it sure is. I don’t want you to foot the bill unless Dream Business Movement really is the missing link between you and you building a massive engaged audience.
That’s why I’m giving you a FULL 14 DAYS to get started building your movement. If you decide this program is not right for you, just let us know and we will refund your investment.
Still Undecided?
You’re ready to attract a massive audience by creating a Magnetic Movement if…
1. You don’t have an audience yet.
Even if you haven’t even started building your audience yet, this program will walk you through everything you need to know. It is the perfect starting point for getting it right the first time.
2. You’ve been struggling to build your audience for some time now…
…but you haven’t attracted the numbers you desired. (More than 5,000), and your current audience is the most silent bunch of people you’ve ever come across. I applaud you for your commitment to your business, and I know you have the drive to succeed because you haven’t given up yet. All of your efforts so far haven’t been wasted because you’ve been busy testing things in your business – which is something I encourage everyone to do. Now you know what doesn’t work, it’s time to embrace what does work. Now it’s finally time to get compensated for all of your efforts with a process that is going to lead you to creating that big audience in a short amount of time.
3. You have a desire to reach the masses with your message.
You don’t just want to settle for helping 1-2 people a month offering private coaching. You have a desire to change the world and reach as many people as humanly possible. I understand this desire because I feel the same way. I firmly believe that we do not desire things that are impossible for us to create, so that’s why I know that you were born to create a movement and now is your time.
4. You are dedicated to your mission.
If you have a true calling to change the world, you’ll stop at nothing to achieve that. But that doesn’t mean burning yourself out by overworking, and it doesn’t mean that you force yourself to do live streams when you’re much more of a passionate writer, but it does mean that you work with the strengths you’ve been blessed with, and you fulfil your life’s purpose to get out there and reach as many people as you can in the most effective way, in the time that you’ve allocated to do it.
5. You’re already sharing your message.
You just can’t stop talking about what’s on your heart. It comes up in conversation all the time, your friends and family are fed up hearing about it, and you just feel such a drive to help people to transform their lives. When you feel this passionate about something, it would be devastating to not create a movement around it and focus on helping the people who actually want your help.
6. You don’t feel fully confident enough yet.
I totally feel your pain, and believe me, this is something that everybody struggles with, and it never truly goes away. But I do believe that when you accept your unique gifts and preferred ways of communicating, your confidence will naturally start to grow. You don’t have to do videos or live streams if you don’t want to, you don’t have to write blog posts if you don’t want to. You pick a marketing method and a channel that suits you and run with it. It is your message that makes an impact on the world, and you are the chosen messenger. Will you accept the mission?
7. You are so excited to share your message with as many people as possible.
If you know in your heart of hearts that you were born to reach millions of people, this program is for you. If you feel constrained when working with just one or two people at a time, you were born to create a movement. This program isn’t for people who only want to change the world one person at a time. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. We all work together to change the world and I applaud you for that. However this program is specifically designed for those people who want to share their message with the masses, and the methods I share in this program are designed exclusively for that purpose.
8. You are ready to get clear on your Magnetic Message.
A few days into this program you are going to be so certain of your unique message that your levels of confidence will go through the roof. After a few weeks of putting these methods into practice, you’ll start to see an immediate improvement in the levels of engagement from people. You’ll be getting more replies to your emails, followers, comments on your social media posts, DMs, and people coming out of the woodwork to ask you questions. Some initial sales will even start to come through if you already have an offer created – if not you’ll know exactly what to create soon enough.
9. You feel great about getting started with Dream Business Movement..
…knowing that you have 14 full days to test it out. After 14 days if you don’t feel like this is right for you, just email my team and they’ll hit undo on this whole “creating a movement” experiment.
If you found yourself nodding away to at least 5 of these 9 points above, then I can’t wait to meet you inside Dream Business Movement.
Ready To Stop “Marketing” And Start “Moving”?
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Movement
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Videos – Value $997
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Audios (listen to the course on the move) – Value $497
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Slides (recap the information on the PDFs at a later date. All course information is provided in video, audio and text formats) – Value $197
- Dream Business Movement Checklist – Value $27
- Dream Business Movement Workbook – Value $97
- Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle – Value $497
- Manifest Your Dream Launch Course – Value $997
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Personal feedback of your transformational habit idea – Value $297
- Group Coaching – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- VIP Coupon code for 30% off your next purchase with me – Value $333
- 7 Day 7K Business Manifestation Challenge – Value $97
- Moving Millions Masterclass – Value $77
Total value: $5,219
Price: $147
By now, you already know that the biggest difference between exponential, viral, and massive audience growth, and an audience so tiny and disengaged you wonder if they are even real people, all comes down to…
Creating A Magnetic Movement
So let’s wrap up with a little real talk.
- If you’re a passionate entrepreneur who’s on a mission to share your message with the masses… you need Dream Business Movement
- If you sell products or services that you’re able to sell large numbers of (courses or agency services)… you need Dream Business Movement
- If you are ashamed of the size of your tiny audience… you need Dream Business Movement
- You are ready to embrace your unique gifts are share the message that’s on your heart to help as many people as you possibly can without feeling icky or forced… you need Dream Business Movement
If you’re ready, I look forward to working with you to make this the most rewarding and impactful 30 days your business has ever experienced.
Take the 10X Audience Growth Challenge
In Dream Business Movement you’re going to be introduced to the 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method which will help you stop losing sleep over your lack of audience growth, and instead quantum leap into a new reality.
One that’s…
…more fulfilling…
…easier to execute…
…way more fun…
…much more profitable…
…and totally aligns with your existing skills and talents as an educator.
But unlike other programs, I don’t want you to wait 8 weeks before seeing small results.
Enroll right now, watch a few short lessons, fire off your Magnetic Movement idea to me and I’ll give you feedback in the next day or two.
If you don’t feel like you’re well on your way to 10Xing your audience growth and revenue, just let us know and we’ll fire back your investment so you’ll only have to scrape together 8 to 10K to hire an agency to build a funnel for you, run Facebook ads, and build out a massive email automation program, which is the way that most people try (and most fail) to build big audiences.
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Dream Business Movement
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Videos – Value $997
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Audios (listen to the course on the move) – Value $497
- Dream Business Movement 5-Step Magnetic Movement Method Training Slides (recap the information on the PDFs at a later date. All course information is provided in video, audio and text formats) – Value $197
- Dream Business Movement Checklist – Value $27
- Dream Business Movement Workbook – Value $97
- Magnetic Movement Templates Bundle – Value $497
- Manifest Your Dream Launch Course – Value $997
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Personal feedback of your transformational habit idea – Value $297
- Group Coaching – Value $997
- Members Only Community And App – Value $97
- VIP Coupon code for 30% off your next purchase with me – Value $333
- 7 Day 7K Business Manifestation Challenge – Value $97
- Moving Millions Masterclass – Value $77
Total value: $5,219
Price: $147