Forget about manifesting individual things…
Get ready to transform your whole life…
The best type of manifestation you could have is to live your dream life every single day.
Living your dream life will have the biggest impact on your life out of anything you could possibly manifest.
Here’s why…
Most people who manifest single things like a new car, weight loss, new business, certain amount of money, a home, a relationship, or a vacation end up continuing to feel dissatisfied with their lives after they have manifested what they thought they wanted.
Manifestations for single things can never lead to a completely fulfilling life because you still live the same life that you always lived – you just have something else added on to it.
And pretty soon you’ll be wanting to manifest something else to try and distract yourself from the monotony of your life.
But what if you changed your ENTIRE life?
What if you changed your whole lifestyle?
This is what creates a fulfilling life – to lead the LIFE you always wanted to live.
You manifest your dream life by focusing on manifesting your perfect day.
When you live your perfect day, day in and day out, this creates your ideal life.
I call this way of living the Perfect Groundhog Day – because you’re living your dream life on repeat every day.
Living a life of your dreams never gets tedious because it’s everything you’ve always wanted.

Are you fed up of the stresses of modern day living and you long to opt out of the rat race?
Do you feel like you live your whole life for other people? – Everything you do is to satisfy someone else’s desires – not yours?
Has it been so long since you asked yourself what you want that you’re not even sure what it is you want from your life?
Do you feel like you’re not worthy of having a life that is based on your desires? Does it feel selfish to want to live your dream life?
Has society bashed you down and told you that you have to play along and do what most people do just to stay afloat?
Do you worry that if you lived your perfect life that it would mean sacrificing something or someone in your life?
Are you skeptical that you could ever live your dream life? Are there so many things stacked against you that you think are impossible to overcome?
I totally understand how it feels to be stuck in a rut living your life for other people.
Before I had kids I had a great work-life balance, and always planned fun things to look forward to at the weekend.
But 8 years after having 2 kids, I felt totally lost. I had forgotten who I was anymore.
It was like I didn’t exist anymore. I was just a Mum, and “Kath” was long gone.

This starts after you have your first baby. When you go to the baby groups people start asking “How’s your baby, are they sleeping OK, pooping OK, feeding OK” etc.
Nobody ever asks what your name is and how well you are sleeping and if you’re managing to get any meals yourself. I think people just assume that you won’t be sleeping well and eating well, so there’s no point in even asking.
When you have a baby – you don’t exist anymore. You simply exist to look after your baby.
And not only did I have 2 kids, but I had also had a few very long periods of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome caused by undiagnosed Celiac Disease.
So the kids and the illness really took their toll on me, and I was certainly not thriving, I was just existing and pulling myself through every day looking forward to getting back to my bed at the end of the night.
8 years later, I had my diagnosis and was able to get my full health back thankfully. So now at least I had my physical health, but I still felt like life was boring, and just consisted of a whole series of chores that I was doing for other people.

There was nothing fun to look forward to, and most of the time I felt a strong urge to run away from it all.
Although I’d managed to manifest a very good income from my business, it didn’t have any impact on my happiness and the quality of my life at all.
I felt like the money I was making just came and went without a trace, and I had no idea where it went. It had no effect on my happiness.
They say money can’t buy happiness and it’s so true.

But if you’re already happy, it sure can buy you more happiness.
On paper it looked like I had it all, a great family, a thriving business, a big house, and the kids were happy in school.
I tried so hard to be grateful for what I had but there was something in me that yearned for something else.
I was unhappy with my whole life.
We had been living in a cold climate for 10 years at that point and I really didn’t like it.
I am a person who loves hot sunshine and being outdoors in warm weather.
For 6 months of the year I never went out because it was so bitterly cold. And this took its toll on my mental health.
Even during the summer it was still cold, and there was nothing of any beauty worth visiting nearby so we still didn’t really do much walking in natural beauty which is what I love best.
I also missed my extended family who were scattered all over the country but I knew there was no hope of seeing them more than 1-2 times a year.

I got into manifestation in a big way during this time, and I was constantly just trying to manifest large sums of money because I thought that more money would make me happy and maybe buy us some more vacations abroad where the weather was nicer.
I felt powerless to control anything in my life.
My desires to be in a warmer climate near my extended family seemed impossible.
My husband was settled where we lived, and he had no desire to move anywhere. So it didn’t seem to matter how much extra money I made.
I’d been trying to convince him to move for 5 years, and he simply didn’t want to.
Another reason I thought it was impossible to get what I wanted is because I had no idea where I wanted to move to.
There was no location that I could think of that would satisfy my desires, so I felt like I couldn’t even manifest moving to a particular area when I couldn’t picture myself in a different location.

Then I came up with the idea of manifesting my perfect day.
I decided I would give it a go – what did I have to lose.
At the very least I would enjoy the process of writing out my perfect day, because it would give me some temporary relief from my misery.
So I sat down and I wrote out my perfect day in a notebook, and really enjoyed the process.
I surprised myself when I was going through this exercise, because in my perfect day, I didn’t put a location where I was living. I realised that the exact location wasn’t all that important to me.
I only included things in my perfect day that actually meant something to me.
For example, my perfect day included living with my husband and kids in a warm climate right next to the beach.
In my perfect day we had a house overlooking the sea with stunning views. The house had a terrace where I could watch the sun rising and setting over the water.

My perfect day included all of my extended family who lived nearby and we all had fun on the beach together.
I closed my notebook and never for one second believed that any of this would manifest.
I didn’t share my perfect day with anyone. I kept it completely private because it sounded ridiculous.
I couldn’t possibly have predicted what was going to happen next and how my life was going to transform before my very eyes.
You’ll never believe this…
Within 3 months, the ball started rolling in a BIG way…
My husband got a new job in a city in a different country with a warmer climate.
I was SO surprised that he even contemplated moving away. I’ve asked him many times why he suddenly got a new job and wanted to move location, and he doesn’t know why. He just felt compelled to do it.
Most of my extended family happened to already live in that very city.
As soon as I told my parents we were moving there, they decided to move to that city too.
That was also a massive shock as my parents had lived in the same location for 40 years and had always said they’d never move.

After we moved we found a rental house to live in which was just a few minutes walk from a gorgeous beach.
A year later we’d bought my dream house which was a house right next to the sea, with a terrace where I watch the sun rise and set, and is just a few minutes walk to the beach.
I see my extended family every weekend, and walk on the beach every single day with my husband.
And just like that my perfect day manifested.
It all happened automatically.
I was blown away by the power behind this simple exercise that I did, because it actually worked.
Better than any lump sum of money that I’ve ever manifested, I now have the desires of my heart.
Everything I always wanted has materialised.
We all think we want something specific like money, or a relationship, but until you sit down and write out your perfect day, you’re often not even aware of what it is that you actually DO want.
I’m so grateful every day that I wake up and come into my lounge and see the stunning views right from my window. I can see the sea right now from my desk, working on my dream business from home, living the life of my dreams.
The interesting thing about this whole process is that I really believe it has been the best thing for my whole family. I thought my family was settled where we were living and it felt a bit selfish to uproot everybody.
But the quality of our lives has gone through the roof since we’ve moved. We spend every weekend together having fun and have gone for walks on a daily basis on the beach.
We probably spent more quality time together in one year than we did in the first 8 years of my kids’ lives.
You might be sceptical to manifest your dream life as you might think it would negatively impact someone else, but this isn’t the case.
Whatever your desires are is always what’s right for the people in your life too.
Your desires were placed on your heart because you are supposed to have them – plain and simple.
Introducing Manifest Your Perfect Day
Manifest Your Perfect Day helps you to create the life you didn’t even know you wanted, easily and effortlessly just by using a simple technique called the Perfect Groundhog Day Design.

Imagine creating a life where:
- You feel fulfilled and creative every day doing work that feels like play
- Your life feels like one long vacation
- You always have enough money to do everything you always wanted to do
- You have the people that you love all around you
<li “=”” class=” class=” data-css=”tve-u-17c363b1c1f” style=”text-align: left;”>
- You feel fulfilled and creative every day doing work that feels like play
You live in your dream home in your dream location
- <li “=”” class=” class=” data-css=”tve-u-17c363b1c1f” style=”text-align: left;”>
You feel peaceful, loved, fulfilled, and grateful every day
Manifest Your Perfect Day will help you to awaken to your own desires, and manifest everything you want quickly and easily.

4 Manifest Your Perfect Day Training Videos
(VALUED AT $497)
Over 93 minutes of content in total. Binge-watch these videos Netflix style, then go and do the powerful life-changing exercises.
4 Manifest Your Perfect Day MP3 Audios
Download the audio version of the videos onto your phone and listen to them on the move.
Manifest Your Perfect Day Slides
Download the slides with all of the details you need so you can refer to the information on the videos at a later date.
Manifest Your Perfect Day Checklist
This checklist helps you increase dopamine in your brain by achieving the exercises in this course.
Manifest Your Perfect Day Workbook
This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course. The magic happens when you do the work and tap into your own belief system and transform it.
And that’s not all you get. You also get these fantastic bonuses…

How To Manifest Using Reverse Memories Complete In-Depth Training On How To Activate Manifestation
(VALUED AT $197)

Most techniques tell you that the technique itself is what works and this isn’t true. Technique are useful and very powerful to help you clarify what you want – but the real magic lies in how manifestation is actually activated. I walk you through the entire process in this video. At the end of this video you’ll know exactly how to manifest anything you want and guarantee it is going to work.
10 Minute Manifestation Meditation

Listen Every Day For At Least 21 Days To Watch Your Life Transform. This meditation helps you focus your mind on your manifestation so you don’t get distracted. Plus the beautiful music will give you a complete sense of peace and happiness every day.
Group Coaching
(VALUED AT $997)

I will provide you with full support by answering any questions you have while you are going through this program.
Access To Our Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I am here to support you and answer any questions you may have. I encourage you to share your progress in the group as you go along. The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by wasting time on social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.
VIP Coupon code for $100 off your next purchase with me
(VALUED AT $100)

To say thank you for your purchase, get $100 off any of my signature programs which include courses on manifestation, business planning, marketing, product creation, sales, systems, coaching, and personalized reviews.
Manifest Your Perfect Day Workbook

This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course. The magic happens when you do the work and tap into your own belief system and transform it.
Manifest Your Perfect Day Workbook Checklist

This checklist helps you increase dopamine in your brain by achieving the exercises in this course.
I just wanted to say I started the course and did some of the exercises and I’m blown away!
Your Course was soooooooooooo amazing, wow I have a lot more clarity now, so thank you a million times. You’re a natural teacher and you explained everything so clearly.
Kath is an amazing teacher and her courses are absolutely excellent.
Erika McCarthy
I am a single mother of three kids and my hours fluctuate constantly. Your course has been challenging but quite welcomed.
Your course has helped me get focused and detailed. It began when you instructed me to break down my life into my perfect day, with “My Perfect GroundHog Day” video. I recalled watching the movie and remembered thinking how great it would be to redo the same day repeatedly until it was the way you wanted it. Realizing we do have the opportunity, if we choose to see it, believe it, and act upon it.
Awesome course. I can see that you are a very great teacher Kath. The course is great overall and I really appreciate that you have practical steps. I immediately wrote down my “perfect day” as you said, and my fiance (also my business partner) did the same and we found it really useful as an exercise.
Great course, Dragos
Dragos & Alexandra
The Moving Mountains Guarantee
I’m so committed to helping you create your perfect day and I want to make it as easy as I possibly can for you to say yes to getting started.
That’s why I created my Moving Mountains Guarantee.
I guarantee that you are going to have everything you need in this program to help you manifest your perfect day.
Take 14 days to go through this program, and if you still don’t feel like Manifest Your Perfect Day is for you, simply email my lovely assistant Gnana at [email protected] and she will reply to you within 1 business day and get your full investment refunded to you. You can also email me at [email protected] if you prefer.
There are no hoops to jump through, no work to complete to get a refund. I want you to feel safe in the knowledge that it is OK to change your mind if this isn’t right for you.
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Manifest Your Perfect Day
Manifest Your Perfect Day Training Videos – Value $497
Manifest Your Perfect Day Training Audios (listen to the course on the move) – Value $97
Manifest Your Perfect Day Training Slides (recap the information on the PDFs at a later date. All course information is provided in video, audio and text formats) – Value $97
Manifest Your Perfect Day Checklist – Value $27
Manifest Your Perfect Day Workbook – Value $97
Group Coaching – Value $997
Members Only Community And App – Value $97
VIP Coupon code for $100 off your next purchase with me – Value $100
10 Minute Manifestation Meditation – Value $97
How To Manifest Using Reverse Memories Complete In-Depth Training On How To Activate Manifestation – Value $197
Total value: $1206
Everyday Price: $97
Today’s price: $9
I could have easily charged more for this course, and I am regularly putting up my prices.
The price you see today is available for a limited time only because this is a new product and this is my introductory price. This is not a discount but I have priced this product lower because it is new.
You get access to all of this on a lifetime basis for a super low price of just $9
What Happens After You Buy?
You will be taken to a thank you page that has a link to my membership portal within the Thinkific platform. Thinkific will also send you out an email automatically straight away with your login details so you can access the product at a later date.
If you have any questions, please let me know by emailing [email protected] and we will get back to you within 1 business day.

Get Immediate Access To:
This is an online program that you work through at your own pace. All of the lessons and bonuses have already been created for you. You get unlimited replays and lifetime updates to this course.
You will receive immediate access to the entire Manifest Your Perfect Day program upon enrolling including all of the bonuses.
In total, here’s what you’re getting inside Manifest Your Perfect Day
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Training Videos
- – Value $497 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdb0″>Manifest Your Perfect Day
Training Audios
- (listen to the course on the move) – Value $97 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdb3″>Manifest Your Perfect Day
Training Slides
- (recap the information on the PDFs at a later date. All course information is provided in video, audio and text formats) – Value $97 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdb5″>Manifest Your Perfect Day
- – Value $27 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdb6″>Manifest Your Perfect Day
- – Value $97 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdb8″>
Group Coaching
- – Value $997 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdba”>
Members Only Community And App
- – Value $97 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdbc”>
VIP Coupon code
- for $100 off your next purchase with me – Value $100 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdbe”>
10 Minute Manifestation Meditation
- – Value $97 <li “=”” class=”class=” dir=” data-css=” ltr””=”” tve-u-17c368e7b2b”=”” style=”” data-css=”tve-u-180ef05fdbf”>
How To Manifest Using Reverse Memories Complete In-Depth Training On How To Activate Manifestation
- – Value $197
Total value: $1206
Everyday Price: $97
Today’s price: $9
Payment Options
Please note: This product is contained within The Business Manifestation Club and is called Manifestation Journaling. If you are a member of the Business Manifestation Club or Dream Business Mastery, you already have access to this.
Get immediate access to Dream Manifest Your Perfect Day
P.S. Manifest Your Dream Life helps you live the life of your dreams every single day.
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