Put Your STAMP On The World And Finally Achieve Your Goals
Have you ever felt like you have some kind of passion or a purpose that you are here to fulfill in life?
Perhaps you don’t know what your purpose is yet but you know that there is something you want to give to the world, a business idea, or a message you want to share with the world?

- Maybe you’ve tried setting goals that lead you towards your purpose, but you never made much progress towards them?
- Were you lacking the confidence it takes to make your dreams a reality?
- Do you feel like you don’t have the time or the money it takes to achieve your goals?
- Perhaps you worked so hard towards your goals, but you failed to achieve them and you were left bitterly disappointed.
- Maybe you even vowed never to set goals again?
Time is ticking on, and you’re not getting any younger. The time to take action has finally arrived.
If you’re fed up of simply dreaming about working towards your passion and you’re ready to make things happen, STAMP Goals book is for you.
What you have to give to the world can transform lives including your own, but only if you know how to actually achieve your goals.
Click here to get the STAMP Goals Book on Amazon
What People Are Saying About STAMP Goals Book

“Love your book. Cruising through it and enjoying the reprogramming of how i see time management and goal setting and thus accomplishing! I have no idea how your book found me and I am glad it did!” Jeremy

“I was really impressed by the way you talk like someone who understands how to run a business. There are a million “business coaches” around and virtually none of them talk like they’ve ever been in business.
I got your book STAMP Goals and I’m reading it now and the value and content is incredible.” Ryan

Did you know that goal achievement is inevitable for you, even if you’ve never made any progress towards your goals before?
- STAMP will help you find your purpose and make it crystal clear in your mind, so you’re sure of exactly what you want to achieve…
- STAMP will show you a new way to set goals, one that will guarantee you will put your STAMP on the world…
- STAMP will help you to live your purpose every day, finally achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality…
When you spend every day living your purpose, suddenly, you realize what you’re here for and that is the greatest feeling in the world.
Introducing STAMP Goals Book
Put Your STAMP On The World And Finally Achieve Your Goals

Kath Kyle
Kath Kyle started her first online business after having her first baby.
Within a year of working part-time on her passion, she was earning more than six figures and helping millions of people all over the world to transform their health.
Over the past 10 years, she has sold tens of thousands of copies of her products including books, meal plans, memberships, and coaching programs.
Now she helps entrepreneurs to set transformative goals, and work on their purpose to achieve their goals.

This book is divided into 6 parts which will all guide you through the process of deciding what goals to set, setting your goals, strategies for achieving your goals, creating an action plan, and following your action plan.
I share my unique method of setting STAMP goals and the 3 goals that will transform your business success.
The easy way to find your purpose and use it to create a brand new business or pivot into a new business.
Once you make a decision and set your goals, you will be unstoppable. This is goal setting like you’ve never seen before.
This is where I give you my unique mindset and metaphysical toolbox to help you easily manifest the goals you CAN’T control, attract endless success to your business, and step into your power to smash the goals you CAN control.
Here’s where I help you take aligned action towards achieving your goals. This is where you get to have fun making magic happen in your business.
A lot of people give up on their goals and their purpose as they don’t get into a habit of working on their goals. Here is my secret step by step process to make it an automatic habit to work on your purpose.
This 30-day action plan will help both existing entrepreneurs, and those who are yet to start a business.
This is goal achievement like you’ve never seen before.
CHAPTER 1: How I Figured Out How To Achieve Goals
- How My Revenue Increased When I Stopped Working On My Business
- The Harder I Worked The Less Success I Had
- How I Lost My Faith In Goal Setting
- How I Got Magical Results With Something Counterintuitive
- How I Figured Out How To Achieve Goals
CHAPTER 2: 10 Reasons Why Goal Setting Hasn’t Worked For You
- Why You’ve been doing goal setting all wrong
- Why setting one goal for your business isn’t enough
- Why setting goals for businesses is different from setting personal goals
CHAPTER 3: Why Goal Achievement Is Inevitable For You
- I reveal exactly where your desires come from and why you have them
- The secret about our mind that most people don’t know that makes goal achievement inevitable
- How to be open to receiving million-dollar ideas that are right for you
CHAPTER 4: How STAMP Changes Goal-Setting Forever
- How the STAMP Goal-Setting Framework helps entrepreneurs to achieve their goals
- The missing elements from your goals that are essential for business success
- How to write STAMP Goals to transform your life and your business
CHAPTER 5: 3Gs: 3 Essential Goals For A Successful Business
- Why most business owners lose control over their goals as soon as they’ve set them
- Why basing your entire business on just revenue goals only leads to disappointment
- The 3 essential goals that all business owners need to set to successfully achieve their goals
- Why focusing on what you don’t want can help you find your purpose
- How to design your dream life and why it is important to slot your business into your perfect day
- How to soar to success with one powerful exercise to help you find your purpose in life and find the perfect business for you
CHAPTER 7: Put Your STAMP On The World
- Discover the difference between your personal wealth and your business revenue and why they do not have to be related to each other
- Find out how Gratitude Goals are the key to never feeling out of control with your goals again
- How to allocate personal and business revenue with the 40% Income Rule
- Discover exactly how much revenue you should set as a business goal by focusing on both Manageable and Mammoth goals
- How to always feel good about your goal achievement with FAB goals
- Why Giving Goals need to be achieved before you can make money
- Discover the Purposeful Offer you need to be creating in your business
- Discover how Growing Goals are the missing goal that will transform everything in your business and your life
- How to write goal achievement statements that get results fast, and include essential elements missing from most goal statements
- Why changing your goals is expected and how often you should change them
CHAPTER 8: Stamp Toolbox: Goal Achievement Boosters
- The one tool that will help you speak your goals into existence
- One powerful process that makes your dreams a reality
- An important daily practice for bringing what you want into your business
- How to easily let go of everything that is holding you back from achieving your goals
- My secret method for solving all of my problems and getting answers to all questions related to achieving my goals
- How to be constantly motivated to work on your goals without waiting for a boss to pat you on the back
- The way to thoroughly enjoy the process of working towards your goals and be happy living your purpose every day
- The lazy way to success that actually works: How to sleep your way to success
CHAPTER 9: Creating Your STAMP Plan
- The difference between TONS and Success Rituals: Two types of tasks you need to be working on every day in your business
- Why growing your audience should never be your goal if you want to run a profitable business
- How to overlap Success Rituals to save time working on your STAMP plan
CHAPTER 10: How To Make Goal Achievement A Habit
- How Perfect Time Outlines keep you goal-focused at all times
- Why STAMP Reflections are the key to constant growth in your business
- How Time Stamping your day will make sure you never forget about your goals
- Why the Opportunity Decision Maker tool will help you say no to anything that tempts you away from working on your goals
And that’s not all. You also get all these fantastic bonuses…

71 Page Interactive Workbook to help you work through the book in 30 days

42 Page Interactive Planner to help you make a habit out of achieving your goals

Join my STAMPERS Unite Community and take the 30 day challenge alongside a group of supportive entrepreneurs
For a limited time only, I’m giving you FREE access to all of the following book bonuses in this FREE bundle:

- Make Goal Achievement A Habit With The STAMP Planner
- Set Business Goals You Actually Achieve With The STAMP Workbook
- Easily Complete STAMP Goals Book In 30 Days With The STAMP Challenge
- Access to my Private Customers Only Members Group With FREE App And Support To Complete The 30 Steps
- 100 Ways To Celebrate Your Wins Cheatsheet so you keep your vibes high
- 100+ Goal Setting Affirmations: Brain Stamps Proven to re-wire your brain for success
- 100+ Success Mantras that will make the achievement of your goals inevitable
- 100+ Business Gratitude List to attract more business to you
- 1000+ Personality Traits List to help you choose your own success personality type
- Kath’s Spiritual Music Playlist that you can play during your morning and evening goal achievement routines
- Kath’s Guided Meditation Transformation to motivate you to rewire your own brain for success
- Customers Come Constantly: Motivating Morning Meditation Guided Brain Stamps Audio To Attract Clients Continuously
- 400+ Positive Emotions List: Choose Your Emotions And Change Your Life
- Business Goal Setting Workshop & Workbook For Fast Results: Supercharge your results by setting your own 3G goals alongside me
- STAMP Reflection Workbook For Business Growth: Use my monthly reflection system to reflect on the month and recognize your milestones reached
- Success & Business Growth Word List: Use this word list to add emotion to your visualization practices in the daily STAMP Planner
- Monthly STAMP Planning Workbook: Plan the success of your next month in business by answering the questions in this comprehensive planning workbook. This is the exact process I do myself every month.
This bundle is available FREE for a limited time only…
The Best Time to Start Achieving Your Goals Is Now!
This book is like a course in a book. It is designed to get you taking action and seeing results.
I designed this book so you can implement all action steps in 30 days, so it will take you just one month to have everything you need to achieve results in your business.
When you spend every day living your purpose, suddenly, you realize what you’re here for and that is the greatest feeling in the world.
Are you ready to put your STAMP on the world?