How To Design Your Dream Business In 30 Days
So That It Effortlessly Slots Into Your Ideal Life,
Smashes Your Revenue Goals,
And Fulfills Your Purpose
– Without Any Of The Hustle And Grind

How To Create Your Dream Business Blueprint In 30 Days To Crush Your Revenue Goals While Working Less Hours
- Do you want to start a business but you’re not sure where to start?
- Do you feel like other business owners just have it together while you are floundering in the dark?
- Maybe you are already experienced in business but it isn’t getting the results you want?
- Are you frustrated that you’ve already put so much time and energy into your business, and you’re just not getting the results that you feel you deserve?
- Do you have some great ideas for businesses but you’re not sure which niche to target?
- Are you currently sick and tired of dedicating every waking hour to growing your business? There has to be an easier way right?
- Do you feel like you spend so long working on your business but you’re not exactly sure how to generate more revenue from it?
- Are you upset that you feel like you’re neglecting your friends, family, your health, and everything else that’s important in your life because you’re so desperate to make this business work?
- Did you quit your job to work on your business, and now you’re finding that you work longer hours and get paid less? You’re ready to throw in the towel if this doesn’t start working soon.
- Are you exhausted and lacking in motivating because your business has zapped the life out of you?
- Do you long to quit the 9-5 and work for yourself but you don’t feel secure enough in your business plans to make that happen?
- Are you confused by all of the different ways to make money online, and you don’t know what to focus on first?
- Are you lacking in confidence in making decisions in your business because you’re so confused about all of the different options available to you?
- Do you have a passion for your business, but you’re lacking in confidence because you feel there are other people who have already done everything you want to. So why would anyone listen to you?
- Is your brain overflowing with ideas for different products you could sell, but you’re not sure which one to create first?
- Have you already created one product that sold well the first time you promoted it, but now nobody is buying it and you’re not sure what to do next?
- Do you find launches and promotions stressful and rushed because you didn’t plan the details far enough in advance?
- Are you confused as to which goals to set for your business?
- Are you a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kinda person, and you wish you could be a bit more organized with your business, but you’re not sure where to start?
- Do you spend every day creating social media posts from scratch, and it leaves very little time or creative energy left for anything else in your business.
- Do you get easily distracted with one opportunity after another?
- Is your to-do list so long that you’re completely overwhelmed and you don’t know what to focus on first?
- Do you try one tactic after another and you have no idea what is working in your business?
- Do you have a product that is popular and people seem to love it, but your revenue is still way lower than you’d like?

Don’t worry. All of these feelings are completely normal for business owners. They say that running a business is the ultimate self-development plan, and they sure were right.
When you have your own business, you are being tested constantly, and sometimes it can feel so hard. It can feel like it’s just not worth the effort anymore.
But something in you keeps on going. You have this passion, this drive to get a business to succeed, and I know you’re not the type of person to quit before you’ve achieved your desires.
I totally understand how this feels. I have also felt all of the feelings when it comes to an online business.
I’ve been in business for over 10 years and had multiple different businesses, so I’ve experienced it all.
After setting up multiple different businesses over the years, what I’ve come to realize is the ones that ended up being the most successful were the ones that I spent the most time designing. I planned for them to be exactly as I wanted them to be.
When I took shortcuts and just started businesses based on passion without a solid plan, every single one of them refused to take off.
My first business reached 6 figures after just a few months after I spent a lot of time planning exactly what I wanted it to look like, what I was going to sell, and how I was going to help people.
My second business did equally well with similar amounts of planning.
After that business, perhaps I thought I could create successful businesses so easily I didn’t need to plan anymore. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I then had a whole stream of unsuccessful businesses that I failed to plan properly.

One of those unsuccessful businesses was my “fruit” business. I decided I was going to be a big Youtuber and make millions from Youtube ad money. My videos failed to take off and I became dejected and gave up on the business after about 6 months.
The funny thing was, my fruit videos actually started to take off after 1-2 years, but I wasn’t prepared to wait that long. The main problem was that I only had one plan for how I was going to make money and I had zero control over it. I also only had one method of reaching people, and no plan B.
Had I have stuck to my previous business plans which were to create numerous streams of income, and reach people in multiple ways, I would have done so much better, and I would have seen signs of life in this business much earlier which would have motivated me to continue with it.
I had other similar business failures where I only focused on creating content. Without a solid business blueprint, it is so easy to lose motivation for your business when you’re giving so much and not receiving anything back in return.
A business is based on give and take. You need to be receiving revenue into your business, otherwise you’re not actually in business at all. It’s simply a hobby.
If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you’re on the right path, or when you need to pivot?
After seeing what worked for my numerous successful businesses, I developed a solid framework for creating a brand new business. I call this my Dream Business Blueprint.
Now I stick to my proven system for success with every new business I create, and I’m back to getting consistent results again.
I have had such great results with my blueprint that I knew I had to teach it to other people, as my purpose in life is to help entrepreneurs to build successful businesses while having a life they love.
Mel Manifested 5 Extra Sales After Completing The First Lesson
“This product has helped me mold my mindset in a more organized and positive way so far. It has allowed me to take a step back and focus on the bigger picture goals that I have.
In fact, after completing the scripting lesson, I wrote down a manifestation for 5 extra sales between Monday- Friday after I had launched a collection the previous week.
Typically, sales slow down after a launch like this, but I focused and spoke out loud my desires..
and I received the 5 extra sales within 3 days following.
So far this product has been very helpful, and I’m excited to see what is to come as I continue through.”
Mel Klein
statement jewelry //

The best thing about my Dream Business Blueprint is that it is based around YOU, what YOU love to do, and fitting YOUR business around YOUR dream life.
I have suffered from awful burnout from overworking on my business, and I don’t want that to happen to you.
I believed the gurus when they said that working every second of every day was the only way to outwork your competitors, and get the results you want.
First of all, I no longer believe in the concept of competitors, and second of all, I am totally against running yourself into the ground for the sake of trying to grow your business.
Funnily enough, when you are clear about where your business is headed, you feel way calmer, relaxed, and confident that success is inevitable for you. This energy is felt by your customers, and they are much more likely to buy from you.
That means you’ll be able to work fewer hours, and still experience exponential growth in your business.

It happened to me. After that unsuccessful launch that led me to burnout, I transformed my mindset from desperate to confident, and my business automatically started to generate more money without me doing any extra work.
All of this growth was only possible because I’d taken the time to plan my business properly and create a business model that generated money while I slept. If I had been a coach and relied on trading my time for money, I would not have been protected during these months when I was unable to work.

I’m not saying that a coaching business model is not a good one. On the contrary, it can be a very lucrative business model that allows you to work way less and earn so much more. What I am saying is that I wouldn’t rely on that one income stream for all of your revenue.
I am a massive fan of multiple streams of income and especially passive income so you can always generate some kind of revenue when you want to or are forced to have a rest from your business.
Planning your ideal business model is one of the things I help you to master in Dream Business Blueprint.
In just 30 days you’ll have the blueprint that will take you to the levels you could only dream of in your business.
I’m so excited about this because everything in this course is going to transform your business if you follow the plans you have created.
Imagine waking up in the morning excited to start work, knowing exactly what you are going to do today, and knowing it will get you fantastic results when you do it.
You’ll have your time so nicely planned out that once you have completed your short tasks for the day, you can stop work and go and have some fun.
You’ll never have to feel guilty that you should be pouring every second into your business, because you’ll have your plan, which you know will lead you to success.
You know that the best thing you can do for your business is to feel happy and full of energy. Having a balanced life will actually draw your customers to you as you will vibrate with passion and purpose, and they will be able to sense that.
You’ve never felt more in control and confident in your whole life.

Introducing Dream Business Blueprint
Dream Business Blueprint helps you design the perfect business for you so that you can:
Design a business that slots into your perfect day so you lead the life that is right for you
Focus on having fun, more time with loved ones, and a healthier more balanced life every single day so you can experience more happiness than you’ve ever dreamed of
Dramatically increase the amount you make per hour by earning more and working fewer hours so you feel abundant and free
Plan your promotions around your vacations, and take way more time off than you normally would so you can really enjoy life to its fullest
Discover your unique purpose. This might be totally different to what you were doing this time last year, even if you used to enjoy it
Design a business that will be purpose-led, profitable AND enjoyable so you can feel what true success feels like

Discover the secrets of high earning entrepreneurs so you can plan your business in the same way that they do
Realize that competition is never a problem for you because you can plan to be so unique that you can never be copied
Find out how to make yourself stand out in a popular niche without boxing yourself in even if you change your mind in the future
Discover the real secret to building a brand that is known and loved by the world
Craft a message that has the potential to reach millions and makes you millions
Gain complete clarity about how to run your ideal business by deciding on a business model that suits you perfectly

Discover how to brand yourself and build a business around one core concept so you develop a reputations and easily grow based on word of mouth
Choose the perfect clients for your business based on a solid plan so you work with people you love
Plan for your business to go viral, become a household name, and get constantly shared everywhere so you can feel good about helping more people
Set a pricing structure for your offers to take the guesswork out of pricing
Plan your product stack so customers are begging you for your next offer after their current purchase.
Outline the contents of each product so you will understand what to include and what to leave out of each product
Take your audience on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans.

Map out your launches or promotions to help you get crystal clear on your major business milestones
Create a marketing model that consistently makes you money from different sources and various streams of income
Discover the one most crucial hidden page your subscribers must see, map out your free gifts to give email subscribers, and outline your email marketing strategy
Set goals that are specific for business owners, be wildly successful at every single project you undertake and make goal achievement inevitable

Discover how to script binge-worthy blog posts, podcasts, and videos that constantly convert your audience into customers without you having to be salesy or pushy
Plan your perfect daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly outlines. From these outlines, you will create rituals that lead you to success without worrying about what to do next
Create a sales trigger that runs on autopilot to create passive income for your business while you are sleeping
Easily plan social media content to support your core business, in just a couple of hours every month
Plan your support team who will swap your weaknesses for their strengths and keep you focused, even if you don’t have any spare money right now
Hatch your action plan for all essential tasks for the next month so you never have to wonder what you need to be focusing on next
Sketch out your daily promotions plan for the next month so you know exactly what you’re promoting and never miss any key dates
Discover the one powerful exercise that I do every day to plan my future success so you can completely control the success of your own business
After 30 days you’ll have your Dream Business Blueprint and you are going to feel incredible.

You will approach your business with so much confidence as your plan has lit the path towards success for you
You’ll feel so relieved that you don’t have to worry about what to do next
You will be able to totally relax into your day and enjoy every moment as you have already planned your day in advance
You will feel so free to walk away from your work at the right time of the day, so you can have some fun and enjoy a balanced life
You will feel abundant because you’ll be working your business like a pro
You will experience way more happiness in your days as you’ll enjoy both your work and your downtime

30 Dream Business Blueprint Training Videos
Over 20 hours of content in total. Binge-watch these videos Netflix style, then go back and watch them one more time to do the powerful life-changing exercises.
30 Dream Business Blueprint MP3 Audios
You can download the audio version of the videos onto your phone and listen to them on the move.
30 Dream Business Blueprint Slides
To download so you can refer to the information on the videos at a later date.
Brain STAMPED For Success
This whole course is infused with affirmations and powerful intentions to rewire your brain as you listen to it.
Dream Business Blueprint Course Checklist
This checklist helps you increase dopamine in your brain by achieving the exercises in this course.
Dream Business Blueprint Workbook
This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course.

Know yourself, your strengths, roadblocks, how you can use your personality to your advantage in business and plan how your business will fit around your ideal lifestyle
Plan the perfect business that is both successful, and fits with your own strengths, desires, and lifestyle
Discover and plan the actions you need to be taking on a regular basis to create your dream business

The Content In Dream Business Blueprint:
1) Genius Mind Creation Ritual
I put my unique twist on this science backed routine that gets results faster than anything else. If you do this one task before you start your day, you’ll be blown away by your results
2) Perfect Groundhog Day Design
This is where you decide how to slot your business into your perfect day. This exercise literally transformed my entire life
3) Happy Habit Date
Adding this one thing into your daily schedule will guarantee to turn your life from dull and stressful to filled with passion and purpose
4) Profitable-Hourly-Rate Goal-Setting
Calculate how much you make per hour. Set goals for dramatically increasing this number so you can earn more and work less
5) Dream Life Vacation Allocation
Decide what your dream hours and number of vacation days will be. Use this tool to automatically increase your PHR (profitable Hourly Rate)
6) Ultimate Purpose Generator
Use this unique tool to find exactly the right purpose for you to suit your exact skills, and enjoyment levels
7) Win-Win Business Blueprint
Design a business that will be purpose led, profitable AND enjoyable
8) Vision And Values For Victory
The essential foundations of building a rock solid business
9) Contributor Market Scan
Scan the market for fellow contributors and gaps that you need to fill
10) Bendy Blue Box
How to make yourself stand out in a popular niche without boxing yourself in
11) Beautiful Brand Building
The real secret to building a brand that is known and loved by the world
12) Magic In The Message
How to craft a message that reaches millions and makes you millions
13) Brilliant Business Model
Gain complete clarity on how to run your ideal business
14) Clever Core Offer Crafting
Plan the main offer that your business will be based on
15) Perfect Client Conception
The unique approach to choosing your perfect clients
16) Viral Brand Creation
How to plan for your business to go viral, become a household name, and get constantly shared everywhere
17) Binge-Worthy Product Plan
Plan your product stack so customers are begging you for your next product after their current purchase. Set a pricing structure to take the guesswork out of pricing
18) Perfect Product Outline
Outline the contents of each product so you will understand what to include and what to leave out of each product
19) Fast Familiarity Funnel Formula
Take your audience on the journey from flustered to raving fan with my fast familiarity funnel formula, and quickly gain your first thousand true fans. This is a core concept and used in future lessons, so don’t miss this one.
20) Magical Marketing Model
This is the backbone of your business. Without this you won’t know how to consistently make money
21) Lucrative Launch Layout
Map out the next 3 years of product launches to help you get crystal clear on your major business milestones
22) Automatic Sales Trigger Script
I give you the exact script you need to easily create a sales trigger that runs on autopilot to create passive income for your business while you are sleeping
23) Optimum Email Marketing Masterplan
Map out your free offerings, Discover the one most crucial hidden page your subscribers must see, and outline your email marketing strategy
24) Constantly Converting Content Strategy
Here is the exact script to help you create binge-worthy blog posts, podcasts, and videos that constantly convert your audience into customers without you having to be salesy or pushy
25) No Slave To Social Schedule
Your optimal plan for using social media to support your core business, in just a couple of hours every month
26) 3 Essential Goals For Business Success
Goal setting like you’ve never seen before. Why most people fail to achieve their goals and why you won’t be one of them this time
27) Time For Success Outlines
Plan your perfect daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly outlines, so you always have enough time for everything that matters to you.
28) TONS Done Plan
Hatch your action plan for all essential tasks for the next month
29) Perfect Daily Promotions Plan
Sketch out your daily promotions plan for the next month so you know exactly what you’re doing and never miss anything important
30) Superpower Support Chart
Plan your support team who will swap your weaknesses for their strengths and keep you focused, even if you don’t have any spare money right now

I just wanted to say I started the course and did some of the exercises and I’m blown away!
Your Course was soooooooooooo amazing, wow I have a lot more clarity now around my business, strategy, and what’s working and what’s not working, so thank you a million times. You’re a natural teacher and you explained everything so clearly.
Kath is an amazing teacher and her courses are absolutely excellent. Kath not only helped me identify areas of improvement in my business, she helped me strengthen my mindset and look at things from a different perspective. I can’t say enough great things about Kath and her courses. Do yourself a favor and enroll in her course today, you’ll love it!
Dream Business Blueprint was amazing and it truly helped bring clarity to my business. Thank you 1000 times!
Erika McCarthy //

Hi Kath
I just wanted to let you know I am really enjoying your course. I am finding it really helpful even though I have been running a business myself for over 10 years. I like the combination of a short video lesson and then activities to get on with and they don’t take too long to complete. The workbook is great, I have printed it all off and have it all in a folder and I look forward to the time I spend on it.
The course is certainly making me think about my business in a totally different way. Although the lessons are supposed to be done daily I tend to keep going through a few at a time when I have some spare time as I just want to know what is next!
Thank you for this course. I am really excited to keep going!!
Kind Regards
Julie Sawyer

Awesome course. I can see that you are a very great teacher Kath. The course is great overall and I really appreciate that you have practical steps. I immediately wrote down my “perfect day” as you said, and my fiance (also my business partner) did the same and we found it really useful as an exercise. Also it’s great that you talk a lot about different types of personalities, and what businesses are suited for you, because for sure we are not all the same.
Great course, Dragos
Dragos & Alexandra //

Before I started the course, I had a few products launched and a few other business ideas, but could never have them properly marketed.
Now I’ve taken the course, I think everything is possible. If I have a new idea for a product, I know exactly what steps to take to turn it into a successful business and create the passive income I need.
My favorite lesson was how to communicate my value proposition to my potential users and funnel them into buyers, and I’m really excited to implement the product stack into my business.
The whole section that got me all fired up was about marketing my product. I always felt I had great ideas that just wouldn’t be heard. Now, I know how to make people understand what I’m offering.
After taking this course I can finally realise the building blocks of a successful online business and how they fall into place. By integrating my talents and passions with the needs of my ideal client, I feel much more secure to start my business.

I am a single mother of three kids and my hours fluctuate constantly. Your course has been challenging but quite welcomed.
The mindset shifts I have had so far have been transferring my occupational mindset from a personality, i.e., me, to a legitimate business.
Your course has helped me get focused and detailed on the different parts of my business. It began when you instructed me to break down my business into my perfect day, with “My Perfect GroundHog Day” video. I recalled watching the movie and remembered thinking how great it would be to redo the same day repeatedly until it was the way you wanted it. Realizing we do have the opportunity, if we choose to see it, believe it, and act upon it.
Another great mindset shift for me is to INTEND EVERY OUTCOME WITH LOVE. What this means to me is knowing the greatest power I have is love and intentionally creating results with love that fits perfectly. In fully realizing that thoughts help create all great things which require action on our part to see results.

Kath has created a great programme that will help you align your personal principles with success, and connect those to your business aims at the same time. By making you focus on the positives, in personal and professional spheres, she inspires you to build aspirational frameworks that you can align your business intentions to. Kath combines strategic thinking and intelligent business practice with a natural positivity and humility that makes you want to work with her. She is clearly living her truth and this course will help you plot your own path in the same direction.
And that’s not all. You also get these fantastic bonuses…

Group Coaching

You will also get access to group coaching, which means that I will be answering all of your questions thoroughly in the members group.
4 Dream Business Calculators

To help you effortlessly work with the numbers in your business and keep yourself on track
Business Personality Potential Quiz

Dream Business Blueprint Course Checklist

This checklist helps you increase dopamine in your brain by achieving the exercises in this course.
Dream Business Blueprint Workbook

This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course.
100+ Millionaire Mindset Affirmations

Your success in business is directly related to how successful you BELIEVE you are. Affirmations are proven to rewire your brain for success. I show you exactly how to use them for the greatest effect in this course. I call these Brain STAMPS as they literally stamp your brain with new success information.
1000+ Personality Traits List

This is the ultimate list of positive, negative, and neutral character traits that you can help to enhance your current personality with personality traits that will make success inevitable.
Over 80 minutes of content in total. Watch this video once, then go back and watch it one more time to do the powerful life-changing exercises.
60+ Productivity Hacks For Entrepreneurs PDF

These productivity hacks for entrepreneurs actually work because I use every single one of them myself to help me build a good passive income online. A lot of these ideas will be totally new to you.
Time Expander Affirmations

These productivity affirmations literally rewire your brain and turn you into a successful action taker. I also share a way to take these to the next level.
Affirmations Guide: How Do Affirmations Work? The Secret To Changing Your Life

This guide answers all of the questions you may have about affirmations such as how do affirmations work, how to use affirmations, how to write affirmations, how fast do affirmations work, and how to make affirmations work faster.
Access To Our Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I am here to support you and answer any questions you may have.
I encourage you to share your progress in the group as you go along.
The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by wasting time on social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.
In this group you can also find other members and even sort them by how close they live to you, so you can find your local buddies.
I also have an accountability thread where you can hook up with a friend to motivate each other through this program.
This product is part of my entire system. Get your money back in the form of a discount coupon towards Dream Business Mastery.
This product is part of my entire system. Get your money back in the form of a discount coupon towards Dream Business Mastery.
How To Plan Your Dream Business In 30 Days WorkShop

In addition to all of these standard bonuses, you are also going to get access to my Business Manifestation Bundle for a limited time only which includes 6 full programs of mine:

Manifest Your Dream Launch

How to manifest your dream launch in 30 days with ease and confidence without overwork, stress, or burnout.
You don’t have to worry about how to sell your product or get the results you desire because I’m giving you the complete system for manifesting the launch of your dreams with ease and confidence in 30 days.
Manifest Your Dream Launch is a standalone product that helps you launch your product and hit your goals. I’m giving you this product totally free as a bonus to help you make sales from the Magnetic Movement that you’ve created.
Manifest Your Dream Launch helps you to:
- Sell offers that you are in complete alignment with
- Figure out how to sell what you love AND what your ideal clients will find irresistible
- Craft a sales message that is natural, uses storytelling principles, doesn’t feel salesy but forms an instant connection with your audience
- Decide on the perfect price point that is exactly right for you and will also sell well
- Help people get off the fence and make a decision one way or another about whether to buy your product
- Discover the main reason why people buy products – and it’s not really anything to do with your product at all
- Set launch goals that you can believe are possible and increase your trust muscle as you go along
- Make launches fun and easy so you actually look forward to doing them
- Manifest the perfect launch by creating your results in your mind first
- Create customers by calling them into existence using manifestation techniques
Business Manifestation Toolkit

How To Set Up Success Rituals For Business Manifestation That Aren’t Overwhelming Or Time Consuming
- 36 Business Manifestation Tools to manifest business success
- 28 Business Manifestation Toolkit Training Videos and audios to walk you through the all of the tools
- All Of The Tools You Need For Manifesting Business Success That Easily Slot Into Your Morning, Evening, And Monthly Routines, and Working Day
This Easy-To-Use Toolkit Includes All Of The Tools, Techniques, And Routines That I Use To Consistently Manifest Success In My Business.
Millionaire Mindset Takeover

How To Go From Feeling Unworthy To A Millionaire Mindset Even If You Are Earning Nothing Right Now
- 10 Lesson Video Mini-Course to Help You Adopt Millionaire Thoughts, Habits, And Achievement.
- Includes Audios and Affirmations to reprogram your brain, checklist, workbook and cheat sheets to keep you on track.
How To Acquire The Mindset Of A Multi-Millionaire. Complete Training On Reprogramming Your Brain To Think, Act And Receive Money Like A Millionaire.
Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs

How To Develop The Mindset Of A 7-Figure Entrepreneur Even If You Have No Time, Money, Customers, Or Confidence
- 10 guided “I am” affirmations to help you develop the mindset of a 7-figure entrepreneur even if you have no time, money, customers, or confidence.
- Includes 5 morning audio tracks, 5 evening audio tracks, 10 scripts, 10 music only tracks
Automatically Become The Successful Business Owner You Always Wanted To Be In Just 2 Minutes A Day
Time Expander

How To Become Time Rich By Manipulating Your Perception Of Time. Gain All The Time In The World To Achieve Your Goals
- 80 minute Video training to help you expand time
- Includes Audios and Affirmations to re-program your brain, checklist, workbook and cheat sheets to keep you on track.
The solution to working less and earning more is found by adopting new beliefs when it comes to how you perceive time.
Would you like to go through your day feeling totally relaxed, knowing that you will always have enough time for everything that matters to you?
Do you have a desire to have a completely balanced life where you get to have fun, spend quality time with your loved ones, AND have a thriving business?
STAMP Goals Book

Put your STAMP on the world in 30 days and finally achieve your goals.
Did you know that goal achievement is inevitable for you, even if you’ve never made any progress towards your goals before?
I’m also giving you a copy of my book STAMP Goals which is more like a course. There is no fluff in this book, just pure actionable steps to make sure you hit your goals.
STAMP Goals will help you find your purpose and make it crystal clear in your mind, so you’re sure of exactly what you want to achieve…
STAMP Goals will show you a new way to set goals, one that will guarantee you will put your STAMP on the world…
STAMP Goals will help you to live your purpose every day, finally achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality…
This 30-day action plan will help both existing entrepreneurs, and those who are yet to start a business.
This is goal achievement like you’ve never seen before.
This book also comes with a massive bonus bundle of goodies.
Are you ready to completely transform your business AND your life?
It doesn’t matter if you are brand new to business, or you’ve had your business for a long time. This course will help you no matter what stage of business you are at.
After you’ve gone through this course, you’re going to feel like you are able to make the exact amount of money you desire to make in the exact hours you want to work.
Your confidence is going to be sky-high knowing you have the exact blueprint for success.

Who Am I and Why You Should Listen to Me

Kath Kyle
My name is Kath and I have been creating successful online businesses for 10 years and loving every minute of it.
My vision is to help entrepreneurs focus first on their mindset before they even start working on their business. Once more people start doing this, we’ll see the number of successful businesses increase in this world, and that’s very exciting.
I am a mother of 2 young kids so I know what it’s like to build a successful business around hectic family life.
I am a reformed hustler. I now work around 30 hours a week or less. I have set my businesses up in such a way that people find me and buy my products while I’m sleeping. It doesn’t get any easier than this.
I am so grateful that I have the life that I once could only have dreamed of. I live with my husband and kids and we are 5 minutes walk away from a sunny beach. We also live close to my extended family, something that I never used to think was ever going to be a reality for me.
I wake up every morning excited to do work that I absolutely adore, helping entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses, and I couldn’t be happier.

Are You Ready To Get Started?
Are you ready to design your dream business in 30 days so that it effortlessly slots into your ideal life, smash your revenue goals, feel completely satisfied fulfilling your purpose – without any of the hustle and grind?
I’d like to ask you one question about your business ideas. Do you feel committed enough to doing what it takes to succeed with your business?
If you don’t feel committed to making your business work, you should not invest in this course.

This course is designed for those who are serious about creating a sustainable, and successful business in the short and the long term.
And if you are serious, then I wholeheartedly encourage you to plan the success of your business.
That old cliche is so true, when you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Instead I want to encourage you to plan your actions and action your plans.
Once you’ve made this time investment to create your own Dream Business Blueprint, you’ll be set up for long-term success with your business, and you’ll be so glad you took the time to go through this transformative process.
If you have the drive to give a business your all, Dream Business Blueprint is exactly what you need to succeed.

Did you know that I use Dream Business Blueprint as the structure to coach my clients?
This course is just like being coached by me at a fraction of the price.
My customers can’t believe how low I have priced this course. Sometimes I can’t either. And I will certainly be raising my prices at the end of this launch, so grab Dream Business Blueprint at this price while you still can.

You will get access to:
- 30 Dream Business Blueprint Training Videos, over 20 hours of content (VALUED AT $1997)
- 30 Dream Business Blueprint Training MP3 Audios (VALUED AT $597)
- 30 Dream Business Blueprint Slides (VALUED AT $57)
- Dream Business Blueprint Course Checklist (VALUED AT $37)
- Dream Business Blueprint Workbook (VALUED AT $97)
- Dream Business Group Coaching (VALUED AT $997)
- 4 Dream Business Calculators so you can effortlessly work with the numbers in your business and keep yourself on track (VALUED AT $197)
- Business Personality Potential Quiz so you can work with your unique strengths to achieve your goals every time (VALUED AT $97)
- 100+ Millionaire Mindset Affirmations (VALUED AT $37)
- 1000+ Personality Traits List (VALUED AT $47)
- 60+ Productivity Hacks For Entrepreneurs PDF (VALUED AT $37)
- Time Expander Affirmations (VALUED AT $37)
- Affirmations Guide: How Do Affirmations Work? The Secret To Changing Your Life (VALUED AT $47)
- Access to our members only community with access to group coaching from me. (VALUED AT $97)
- How To Plan Your Dream Business In 30 Days WorkShop (VALUED AT $66)
- Discount Coupon for $297 off my complete system (VALUED AT $297)
- Manifest Your Dream Launch – Value $497
- STAMP Goals Book – Value $12.99
- Time Expander Training – Value $97
- Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs Audio Package – Value $97
- Business Manifestation Toolkit – Value $497
- Millionaire Mindset Takeover – Value $197
The Total value contained in this course is: $6141.
I could have easily charged more for this course, and I am regularly putting up my prices.
The price you see today is available for a limited time only.
You get access to all of this on a lifetime basis for a super low price of just $147
Click the button below to get started before the price goes up and the bonuses go away.
Payment Options
Get immediate access to Dream Business Blueprint
- Get full and immediate access to the full Program
- Get access to all bonuses
- Go through the program at your own pace
- Receive a discount of $158 off Dream Business Mastery – the entire system
Get access to the full Dream Business System and ALL of my products including Dream Business Blueprint inside my Dream Business Mastery Program
- Get full and immediate access to ALL current programs
- Get full and immediate access to ALL future programs as soon as they are ready (at least one month before release date)30-day money back guarantee

Although I can’t guarantee any specific results, I can tell you that people are raving about this product, and it has totally transformed my own quality of life, work, income, happiness, and success.
I’m certain that you are going to love it just as much, but if you decide it’s not for you, let us know within 48 hours, and we will give you a full refund.

Access To Content
You will immediately get access to the first 15 lessons in Dream Business Blueprint.
After 15 days, the final 15 lessons will automatically become available.
15 days after that, the bonuses, Millionaire Mindset Takeover, Time Expander, and your success affirmation audios will automatically become available.
This gives you time to go through all of the lessons, and do the related action steps without being overwhelmed with too much content.