How To Go From Feeling Unworthy To A Millionaire Mindset Even If You Are Earning Nothing Right Now

If you have a desire to earn a lot more money, I can help you believe it is not only possible but it is also inevitable
- Do you feel stuck in a rut when it comes to money? You want more, but it just never appears…
- Do you see big things on your horizon, but you just don’t understand how to take that big leap needed to get there…
- Are you fed up of seeing so many other people succeed and you really want it to be your turn for some success?
- Do you feel like the more you want money, the more you seem to push it away and attract big bills that you can’t afford?
- Have you heard that mindset is the key to your financial success, but you’re not sure exactly how to transform your beliefs?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone with these thoughts. Most people are thinking similar thoughts to these every day.
The main problem with the world that we grew up in was that we were bombarded with negative messages from our parents, teachers, and other children.
We were literally told that we were not good enough, that we’d have to just keep working harder to get a tiny amount of success, that we have to struggle with money, that there is never enough money, that we are not liked, ugly, or different in some negative way.
When you spend your whole childhood being told these kinds of messages, your growing brain has no choice but to believe them.
When you believe negative things, you develop negative beliefs that color all of your future thoughts, actions and results.

It is not your fault. You were programmed for the life you currently live.
But don’t despair. There is a way to change all of that.
Thanks to science, and experiments, we now know that thankfully, it is possible to literally rewire your brain and become a completely different person.
With certain techniques, it is possible to create brand new neural pathways in your brain that completely transform your thinking and your life.
Most successful entrepreneurs already know about these techniques and have become a master at transforming their brain to give them the success they desire.
Do you have a desire for more money? Maybe you have a desire to be very wealthy? Perhaps you have a desire to run a 6, 7, or 8 figure business?
Don’t dismiss these desires. They are there to be realized.
And I am going to help you do just that.
Like most people, I struggled with a very negative mindset for most of my life.
I struggled with money, I never had enough, and then I got myself into a lot of debt which made me feel worthless.
I never felt like I was the type of person that could ever be wealthy. I was never the type of person who liked designer handbags or brand names. I just figured I was one of these people who was destined to scrimp and save my whole life. I always had to cobble together the money needed for a trip to go and see my family, who lived so far away from me, and that would take me a whole year to save up for.
After I got my degree in Business and Computing, people kept telling me I’d be earning a fortune with my skills. But instead I found myself working close to minimum wage in a call center with people who had no qualifications. It was humiliating. I thought, there’s got to be something better for me out there. So I retrained as a teacher. The salary was slightly higher, but after my pension was taken off, I found my salary ended up being exactly the same as my previous job. So I opted out of the pension scheme. I felt really low not even being able to afford a pension.
After I got married, we decided that I would be a stay at home mother, so I stopped working altogether and was bringing in no income at all.
After I had my first baby, I really felt the need to engage my brain in work again. So I started an online business that allowed me to stay at home with my baby and build a business around my family life.
I had no previous business experience. For the first 6 months of my business, I earned absolutely nothing at all.
Then everything changed.
I stumbled upon some mindset secrets that changed everything for me.
I started the process of transforming my beliefs from scrimping and saving, to multi-millionaire.
Within 6-12 months, my business grew very rapidly from zero to 6-figures within a matter of months.
I had a very high profit margin as my expenses were so low. Our family life improved massively as I was bringing so much extra money into the family. We were able to go on luxury vacations, eat out regularly, and moved into a house double the size of the previous one, with a lovely new car too.
Best of all, my new way of thinking really boosted my confidence and levels of happiness. It made me believe that anything is possible in my life, if only I believe it is.
That’s why I had to create Millionaire Mindset Takeover to share my techniques with you.
Millionaire Mindset Takeover is a mini-course that completely removes your struggle with money.
Millionaire Mindset Takeover helps you:
Set goals that you will actually be able to achieve and move your income in the right direction
Totally get rid of any worry, or negative thoughts that are holding you back from success, so you become an action taker, not a procrastinator
Transform your thinking so you are thinking the thoughts of a millionaire
Reconstruct your belief system so you actually believe it is possible for you to make the money you desire
Get million dollar ideas that are unique and right for you so you know what your unique purpose and path is
Choose one of the 3 paths to become a millionaire so you know how to get there
Improve your confidence step by step to the point where you can experience exponential growth in your income and your mindset
Remodel your personality so you adopt personality traits of millionaires
Borrow the confidence from a more successful version of yourself so you can step into your authentic self
Get results like millionaires by modelling their success so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel
Step up and become the leader you were born to be and live your true purpose
Gain absolute certainty that a high level of wealth is part of who you are, so you claim the abundance that is rightfully yours

11 Mindset Transforming Videos
Over 2 hours of content in total. Binge-watch these videos Netflix style, then go back and watch them one more time to do the powerful life-changing exercises.
11 MP3 Audios
So you can download the audio version of the videos onto your phone and listen to them on the move.
11 Millionaire Mindset Takeover Slides
To download so you can refer to the information on the videos at a later date.
100+ Millionaire Mindset Affirmations
Your success in business is directly related to how successful you BELIEVE you are. Affirmations are proven to rewire your brain for success. I show you exactly how to use them for the greatest effect in this course. I call these Brain STAMPS as they literally stamp your brain with new success information.
Brain STAMPED For Success
This whole course is infused with affirmations and powerful intentions to rewire your brain as you listen to it.
1000+ Personality Traits List
This is the ultimate list of positive, negative, and neutral character traits that you can help to enhance your current personality with personality traits that will make success inevitable.
Course Checklist
This checklist helps you increase dopamine in your brain by achieving the exercises in this course.
Millionaire Mindset Takeover Workbook
This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course.
Access To Our Members Only Community And App
This group is only for my customers, so I give you the utmost attention and answer any questions you may have. I also provide coaching in this group. I have a vested interest in seeing you succeed. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you high and dry after you go through this course. I am here to personally support you through your transformation. The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.

The Content In Millionaire Mindset Takeover:
- A Powerful Intention That Will Help You Get Results
- 2 Essential Goals That Get Results Fast
- Eliminate Disbelief That Keep You Stuck
- How Millionaires Really Think
- How To Think Like A Millionaire And Believe It
- How To Become A Millionaire
- Start Slow. Increase Fast
- How To Behave Like A Millionaire Without Spending Like One
- Step Into Your Own Abundance
- How To Get Results Like Millionaires
- How To Be Certain You Are Destined For Prosperity
And that’s not all. You also get all these fantastic bonuses…

1) Millionaire Mindset Takeover Course Checklist

This checklist helps you increase dopamine in your brain by achieving the exercises in this course.
2) Millionaire Mindset Takeover Workbook

This workbook helps you work through the transformative exercises in this course.
3) 100+ Millionaire Mindset Affirmations

Your success in business is directly related to how successful you BELIEVE you are. Affirmations are proven to rewire your brain for success. I show you exactly how to use them for the greatest effect in this course. I call these Brain STAMPS as they literally stamp your brain with new success information.
4) 1000+ Personality Traits List

This is the ultimate list of positive, negative, and neutral character traits that you can help to enhance your current personality with personality traits that will make success inevitable.
5) Access To Our Members Only Community And App

This group is only for my customers, so I give you the utmost attention and answer any questions you may have. I also provide coaching in this group. I have a vested interest in seeing you succeed. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you high and dry after you go through this course. I am here to personally support you through your transformation. The best thing is, my members group comes with it’s own app, so you’re not going to get distracted by social media as you get the help you need from me, and the other friendly members of the community.
Are you ready to completely transform your life?
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a penny to rub together.
After you’ve gone through this course, you’re going to feel like you are able to make the exact amount of money you desire to make.
Your confidence is going to be sky-high knowing you have the exact tools that will help to transform you into the kind of person who always gets results.
Whatever amount of money you feel you are destined to make, your mindset is the only thing you need to take you there.
That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to take action.
On the contrary, you will need to take action. The action you need to take is to buy this course, go through it, do the exercises, and keep doing them, and take the needed steps to reach your desired level of income.
But don’t worry, once you’ve transformed your belief system, this action is going to feel easy. It is going to be a natural part of who you are. It will flow out of you with ease and grace. You’ll find taking action fun, and exciting. Whatever action is needed, you’ll find yourself enjoying every minute of it.
This is the beauty of transforming your mindset. You are going to be the kind of person that other people say to you “I could never get the results that you’ve got”. If only people knew how easy it really is to get results, when you’ve got the right beliefs programmed into your brain.
Thankfully for you, you now know that there is a secret to success, and you’re about to embody it when you take this course.

Who am I and Why You Should Listen to Me
Kath Kyle
My name is Kath and I have been creating successful online businesses for 10 years and loving every minute of it.
I am a mother of 2 young kids so I know what it’s like to build a successful business around hectic family life.
I am a reformed hustler. I now work around 30 hours a week or less. I have set my businesses up in such a way that people find me and buy my products while I’m sleeping. It doesn’t get any easier than this.
I am so grateful that I have the life that I once could only have dreamed of. I live with my husband and kids and we are 5 minutes walk away from a sunny beach. We also live close to my extended family, something that I never used to think was ever going to be a reality for me.
I wake up every morning excited to do work that I absolutely adore, helping entrepreneurs to build thriving businesses, and I couldn’t be happier.

Are You Ready To Get Started?
Are you ready to completely transform your mindset so that you are able to make the kind of money that you desire?
You will get immediate access to:
- Over 2 hours of video content which is infused with brain stamps
- Over 2 hours of audio downloads
- Workbook to help you use the powerful techniques I share
- Checklist to tick them off when you’ve completed them
- 100+ Millionaire Mindset Affirmations
- 1000+ Personality Traits List
- Access to our members only community with access to group coaching from me
You get access to all of this on a lifetime basis for just $66.
Please note: You can get this whole course completely FREE when you buy Dream Business Blueprint.
Click the button below to get started before the price goes up.

Although I can’t guarantee any specific results, I can tell you that people are raving about this course, and the techniques I share have totally transformed my own life, income and business.
I’m certain that you are going to love it just as much, but if you decide it’s not for you, let us know within 24 hours, and we will give you a full refund.
If you have any questions, please let me know by emailing [email protected] and we will get back to you within 1 business day.