STAMP is a goal-setting framework to enable entrepreneurs to put their STAMP on the world. Use STAMP to easily set your business goals, achieve your goals, and live your purpose.
Do you feel like there’s a reason why you’re here? That you have a passion placed on your heart that you have to fulfill?
Perhaps you don’t know what your purpose is yet but you know that there is something you want to give to the world, a business idea, or a message you want to share with the world.
Maybe you’ve tried setting goals that lead you towards your purpose, but you never made much progress towards them.
Were you lacking the confidence it takes to make your dreams a reality?
Do you feel like you don’t have the time or the money it takes to achieve your goals?
Perhaps you worked so hard towards your goals, but you didn’t achieve them and you were left bitterly disappointed?
Maybe you even vowed never to set goals again?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel, or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
If you’re fed up with simply dreaming about working towards your passion and you’re ready to make things happen, STAMP is for you.
What you have to give to the world can transform lives including your own, but only if you know how to actually achieve your goals.
STAMP will help you find your purpose and make it crystal clear in your mind, so you’re sure of exactly what you want to achieve…
STAMP will show you a new way to set goals, one that will guarantee you will put your STAMP on the world…
STAMP will help you to live your purpose every day, finally, achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality…
When you spend every day living your purpose, suddenly, you realize what you’re here for. And that is the greatest feeling in the world.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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Today You Will
- Understand how to set goals for your business using the STAMP framework so you can set goals that truly motivate you and transform yours and other people’s lives
My Name is Kath Kyle.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
How STAMP Changes Goal-Setting Forever
Have you ever used any goal-setting framework before? Most goal-setting frameworks get you to write goals that are realistic, time-bound, and measurable.
These frameworks can be useful, but after you’ve written your goals, do you ever feel like your goals are a little bit boring? And do you ever feel unmotivated to take action toward them?
We’re changing that today with STAMP.
What Is STAMP?
STAMP is my goal-setting framework. It is a method of putting your STAMP on the world and achieving your purpose.
There are a lot of existing goal-setting frameworks out there but I couldn’t find one that felt right to me when it came to goal-setting. There were important aspects always left out like being purpose-led and focusing on being transformational, So I coined the term STAMP and I feel like this ticks all the boxes.
I felt like a lot of existing frameworks restricted me and put me in a ‘realistic’ box that got me thinking smaller than I wanted to.
I wanted to think big about my goals and I want to encourage you to think big about your goals. I believe that if you’re going to go to all the trouble of defining your purpose, why not aim to transform as much as you possibly can?
That doesn’t mean I believe that you should set big revenue goals when you immediately start your business, and I will get to that later.
The purpose of STAMP is to start by gazing years into the future and realize the possibilities that are out there.
You can use this framework for the next 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years of your life and I like to encourage people to start with 10 years as it helps them to really transform theirs and other people’s lives in a big way.
Here is what each letter stands for.
S: Specific
T: Transformational
A: Actionable
M: Manageable
P: Purpose Led
I will go into a bit more detail with each letter now.
A goal should always be specific as it gives you something tangible to work towards.
The best way for a business to be specific is with revenue and with time. Although any other specific numbers can also be used.
Every business should always set a revenue goal and a time by which it is achieved. A profit margin should also be set so that you don’t end up spending more on expenses than you are making.
This gives you and your team members something specific to aim for and something to celebrate when it is achieved.
Other specific goals I recommend setting for businesses are the number of a specific product or service that you are intending to sell within a particular time period.
The final most important specific goal I recommend setting is to improve your mindset within a certain time period by taking specific action.
Other numbers that can be tracked within a business could be number of email list subscribers, number of social media followers, number of visitors to your website or specific funnel within your website, number of people reached through ads, cost per lead, return on ad spend, churn rate and many other variables. All of these are great metrics to track within your business, but I don’t recommend setting them as your main goals. That is because they can detract from your main business function which is to sell something in return for money and make a profit.
If you don’t use specific numbers along with a timescale you can’t measure your performance and you won’t be able to see if you’ve achieved your goal.
Adding specific numbers to a goal and actively working towards them can scare a lot of people because they are worried about how bad they are going to feel if they don’t achieve their goal. I’m going to be covering that later in great detail, as I have a very unique method of getting around this problem.
You should be able to measure your goal. You should use systems, preferably online, that provide you with good reporting so you can easily see how much revenue you made in a particular time frame, and how many of each product or service were sold.
Since I have started my business, over the last 10 years I have kept my own good reporting systems to show my income and expenditure so I can tell what is working and what is not working at any particular time.
Every month it is a good practice to analyze your business and log the key stats so you can tell if you are on track to reach your goal.
What I normally do is when I start a brand new set of actions, I assess my results on a daily basis for at least the first 90 days until I see that this method is working. When it has proven itself, I have a look at my stats on a weekly basis, and I formally log all of my stats on a monthly basis.
Having specific and measurable goals is really important when it comes to sharing that information to others, and at times you may have to prove your results to get funding, clients, or particular services.
Are you following this so far?
I will give you some examples of STAMP goals once I’ve explained how it all works.
I believe that our goals for our business should always be transformational. Just saying that word makes you think BIG about your goals.
It is just not possible to stay the same and transform at the same time.
I believe we are either going backward or going forward, so of course, we all want to be going forward, and focusing on transformation will bring about the best outcomes for everyone.
I believe a goal should be transformational in four different ways.
It should transform you as a person.
It should transform your business.
It should transform other people’s lives.
It should transform the world in some way.
If your goal does this then it is more than likely a God-given goal.
If your goal isn’t a transformational one, perhaps you haven’t yet found your true purpose or maybe you are copying someone else’s business tactics without having a true purpose behind them.
Don’t worry if you’re unsure of your purpose right now. I will help you with that later.
Most people make the mistake of setting goals that are wishy-washy and non-specific. The difficulty with these types of goals is that because you haven’t committed to a date to achieve the goal, it is impossible to set any actionable steps to reach the goals.
Say, for example, you set a goal to “Make more money in my business”. As we don’t have a deadline for making that money, we can’t be open to any inspired actions that would lead us to achieve that goal.
You should be able to derive specific actions that you need to take to meet your goal and develop habits to become the kind of person who achieves this type of goal.
Actions should also be their own goal and have their own timescales attached to them. We will go into this in a lot more detail later on.
You can have a high-level action such as creating a course within 3 months. And within that high-level action, you can break that down into much smaller actions that you can take every day such as create lesson 1.
Goals should remain unchanged within the period of time that you set. Unless you’re brand new to your business and still in the process of determining your niche. However, actions can be changed as there are many different ways to achieve high-level goals. You may have a flash of inspiration as to the method you are using to achieve your goal. For this reason, you need to be flexible when it comes to the actions you take.
Even though I encourage you to be flexible, I also think consistency pays off when it comes to achieving goals. So giving particular actions the agreed amount of time to finish a project will help you see if that was the right course of action to take. Or whether or not you need to change the actions to reach your goals. If you receive inspiration to perform an action, carry on with it for at least 1 month and see how you feel about it after that period of time. If you don’t have any inspiration at all, go looking for ideas, and follow someone else’s proven path to success until you start to trust your own intuition a bit more.
3-month goals are a good idea when it comes to creating a list of action steps as it is long enough to see whether you are getting results. If you create a detailed list of actions that goes on for too long you might get bored or demotivated. You are going to set a new high level goal after 3 months, so there is no point in making a detailed action plan that goes on longer than 3 months.
You can then breakdown your 3-month goal down further into a 1-month goal, but your first major milestone is a 3-month goal.
Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what actions you need to take just yet to achieve the goal you have in mind. I am going to help you to figure out exactly what action steps you need to take to reach your goal later on.
All you need to figure out now is, say for example you set a goal to make $10,000 revenue in your business this month, would it be possible for someone to brainstorm a list of actions that they could take to make money this month? If the answer is yes, then your goal is actionable.
You should also feel like the actions you take towards your goals are manageable for you. They might seem a little bit scary, and you might not be sure exactly how to do them, but they should also feel exciting, interesting, and doable. This is how you know you’ve set goals that are right for you.
Manageable doesn’t mean you should limit yourself to small goals. They are the goals that are exactly right for you at your current stage of business and confidence levels.
So for example, say you are new to having a business and you set a goal to make $100,000 next month. I don’t want to tell you that this is impossible as some people do achieve things that most people think are impossible. But, I do want to ask you how you believe you are going to manage that kind of money coming into your business?
The specifics of how you are going to make this kind of money is not important right now, because if you have set a goal that is a good match for you right now, the method of achieving this goal will become clear.
What you have to think about is, if you were able to attract that kind of money into your business next month, would you have the confidence to manage it?
If I laid out a perfect plan for you to earn that kind of money, and a plan for what to do with your customers, team members, and business resources once you’d earned that money, would you feel like you could manage it?
Really, whether a goal is manageable just comes down to the level of confidence you have in managing all aspects of the goal. This includes believing you can achieve the goal, taking inspired action towards the goal, being able to receive the desired money, being able to manage the money and allocate it to the right places, being able to manage the clients, being able to manage your business structures and being able to manage your team members.
It is the same when we are talking about a goal to create a particular offer. Do you feel it is manageable to write a book in 3 months? Or do you feel it is more manageable to sign up one client into a coaching package? It has to feel manageable and right to you right now.
If you had everything you needed to achieve your goal in the next 3 months, what could you manage?
Purpose Led
I believe each goal should be fully aligned with your current purpose.
I will go through specific exercises later to walk you through finding your purpose if you haven’t already found it.
But here is a quick way to tell what your purpose is:
- You have a strong desire to do it
- It is transformational in nature
- It is something that you feel you will enjoy doing
- It is something you see yourself really dedicating yourself to
- It is a current desire. It is not something you are doing just because it is what you’ve always done and it’s going well. You have to have a current desire to do it.
- If you already had all the money you desire, would you still want to keep doing this work?
This is a mistake that I made myself. After about 5 years of working on my health business, I felt a strong desire to start helping business owners to achieve the same results that I had.
I ignored these desires for 3 whole years.
I talked myself out of it because I was earning good money. I reasoned that I once believed that my health business was my purpose, so surely it must still be my purpose even though I was feeling bored with it. I also had certain fears about teaching business owners. There were skills that I felt I was lacking like analytical skills, and I didn’t feel confident to teach without them.
Eventually, I was trained very well in this area and had to face the facts that I no longer could use that as an excuse not to start my new business.
So now you know what STAMP stands for. Specific, Transformational, Actionable, Manageable, and Purpose-Led. Is this making sense to you so far?
How To Write STAMP Goals
Here are some examples to show you how to write a basic STAMP Goal.
Typically businesses set goals like this:
Make revenue of $100,000 by the end of this year.
This is a great example of a specific goal, but it is not a STAMP goal because it is missing the transformational aspect, does not specify an action, and does not seem to be purpose-led because it is so general and could be applied to any business.
Your STAMP goal needs to be unique to you.
Here are examples for each of the elements of STAMP:
Specific: Make revenue of $100,000 by the end of this year with 50% of it being profit. Create 3 courses to help entrepreneurs build their businesses. Take a course on leadership.
Transformational: The money will transform my business by allowing me to hire more people and reach more people with my message.
It will transform my life as it will enable me to upgrade my kitchen and take my children to Disney World. My courses will transform my life as I will learn and grow through doing this work.
I will enjoy creating these courses which will increase the level of happiness in my own life. My client’s lives will transform as their businesses will grow as a result.
My new leadership skills will transform my life as my following will increase, my team members will be happier to work for my company and I will be able to communicate in a better way with my family.
Actionable: = Every 3 months I will set a series of sales and marketing tasks to sell my offer and I will work on these daily.
I will also work on daily actions towards creating a new course. I will also complete exercises from my leadership course every day.
Manageable: I feel confident that I can manage this revenue and level of growth in my business. I feel able to create 1 course within the next 3 months. I can manage the leadership exercises in the training course.
Purpose-Led: I am so excited about this and feel like this is my purpose right now. There is nothing else that I’d rather be doing than this. I will feel such a sense of accomplishment when I achieve this goal, and I know exactly what I’m going to do with the money.
Does this seem easy enough?
So from now on, whenever you set goals for your business, you will need to run them through the STAMP Framework to check whether they are goals that are going to lead you to success.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned what STAMP Goals are and how to use them, you might be wondering how to set goals you will actually achieve in your business.
In my STAMP Goals book, I show you where you’ve been going wrong with goal setting, how to transform your business by setting the right type of goals, how to make sure you achieve your goals every time, how to make a plan for achieving your goals that will lead you to success, and how to make goal achievement a habit.
Now that you’ve figured out how to use the STAMP Framework for setting your business goals, you might be wanting to learn all of the steps needed to set up a business.
This is what I’m going to be sharing next time so make sure you subscribe to my podcast and my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss that.
While you’re waiting for your copy of STAMP Goals book to arrive, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE Business Goal Setting Workshop For Fast Results where I show you exactly how to set 3 essential goals that will get you results within one month. Boost your confidence, feel like a winner, and attract more success to you by achieving your goals every time.
This free workshop and associated workbook is part of my book bonus bundle for STAMP Goals, and I’m only making this workshop and workbook free for a limited time, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to take my FREE Business Goal Setting Workshop For Fast Results and get my FREE workbook.
You are going to be so glad you did.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Goal setting is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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