The only thing that can stop manifestations arriving is your opposing beliefs. Here’s exactly how to get rid of limiting beliefs so you can manifest without fail every single time.
Did you know that manifestation is actually guaranteed?
You might not believe this but you are manifesting 24/7 all the time. It’s just that you are not consciously manifesting.
You are always manifesting based on your existing belief systems.
So when you try manifestation for the first time and you consciously decided on something you want to manifest, a lot of the time, it doesn’t manifest.
The reason why you don’t manifest what you want to is not because manifestation doesn’t work, and it’s not because you’re not good at manifesting, it’s simply because you have an overriding belief system which is dictating your life, and is much stronger than the new belief system that you haven’t yet adopted.
So the only thing that stops your new conscious manifestation from manifesting is the old existing belief system that is your limiting beliefs.
These beliefs are limiting your ability to manifest your new reality.
And I call this disbelief, because you don’t have enough belief in your new manifestation yet.
So today I’m showing you exactly how to remove this disbelief. And I have a 4-stage process called my STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief.
And this is what I’m going to walk you through now.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help conscious creators and change-makers manifest success through my Dream Business Coaching, Courses and Club.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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I’m going to walk you through my entire process to reject your disbelief in your manifestation.
1) Identify The Disbelief
The first thing we have to do is to identify what the disbelief actually is.
This is a negative thought that you can’t have what you want.
So say for example you are trying to manifest being a successful YouTuber. You want a successful YouTube channel and you want lots of views on your videos.
But you keep having all of these annoying thoughts popping into your mind. Such as “Nobody wants to watch my videos. There’s the proof. Zero views, one view, 10 views.”
It doesn’t matter how many views your videos have, you’ll still have the thought that nobody is watching your videos. And that’s because it doesn’t line up with your version of success which might be that 20,000 people watch each of your videos.
And if you keep having 20,000 views as your goal and 20 people watch it, you’ll still have the same thought that “nobody” has watched your videos.
Your brain literally has discarded all of those 20 people who have watched your videos. They don’t actually exist in your mind because you are declaring nobody is watching your videos.
And the word “Nobody” is a very powerful word.
The words Always, Never, Everybody, and Nobody govern your entire life.
The words always and never are what are used at the top of the hierarchy of beliefs.
The words always and never overrides everything that sits underneath them.
You are trying to manifest views on YouTube and if you keep saying “Nobody” is seeing your videos or you “Never” get any views on your videos, you are manifesting more of the time.
So we have identified the existing belief.
The existing belief is that “Nobody is watching my videos”.
2) Analyze The Disbelief
So now we are moving on to analysing the disbelief.
This is really important because sometimes if you try and push that disbelief away without thinking about why it’s there in the first place, then you’re not fully engaging in the process of removing the disbelief.
And you might not get rid of the disbelief if you skip this stage.
So we’re going to look at this disbelief and ask ourselves, “Is there a good reason I’m thinking this thought?”
Sometimes there are actually advantages to thinking this thought.
You might be wondering why anybody would actually think there was something positive about thinking this thought.
Why wouldn’t anyone want to be successful and push success away?
So let’s have a look at this a bit more deeply.
Could there be any advantage to your YouTube channel not taking off?
Well I can think of lots of reasons. Most of the population is actually terrified of public speaking. They’re terrified of being criticised. They’re terrified of being seen. They’re terrified of people judging them.
And all of these things are going to happen when you start a YouTube channel.
You are going to have to speak in public. People are going to find you. People are going to judge you, and people are probably going to criticise you.
And these are terrifying thoughts.
So we’ve identified a lot of advantages of not having a successful YouTube channel.
So we need to do the work and ask ourselves “Do we still want it, even though we are going to get a lot of the things that we don’t want”.
So now lets’ look at some of the disadvantages of nobody watching my YouTube videos.
And these things are going to be a lot more obvious.
If you aren’t getting many views on YouTube you’re probably going to be feeling unsuccessful, your business might not be growing, you might not make any money as a result, you won’t end up helping anybody, you feel like a failure etc.
So we know a lot of the disadvantages. They are quite obvious.
So what we have to do is weigh up the pros and cons and decide which version we actually want.
Do we want the version of ourselves where we are successful but people are watching us and judging us…
Or do we want the version of ourselves where we are unsuccessful. Nobody is watching us. Nobody is judging us. We’re not helping anyone. We’re not making any money.
Which version of yourself do you want to step into? Who do you want to be?
You might not actually be ready to step into that most successful version of yourself right now.
And that’s absolutely fine.
Just because you’re not ready for success at this exact moment doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for it in different ways.
So it’s very good to journal this process out and really figure out exactly what you want and exactly what you’re ready for.
3) Is It True?
The next stage is where we look at the disbelief that you have and ask “Is it actually true?”
And we’ve already identified that if you are getting “some” views, then some people are wanting to press play on your video.
So already we can see that this is false. It is untrue. It is disbelief. It’s lies that we are telling ourselves.
Also how do we know that just because someone hasn’t found our videos yet that they don’t want to watch us.
There could be millions of people out there that want to watch our videos but they simply haven’t found us yet. And they probably haven’t found us yet because we’re not putting out the right energy. We’re not manifesting what we actually want.
So this is not true.
We don’t even know what’s going on in other people’s heads and even if they tell us they might be lying. We will never know what other people want. Their behaviour will probably demonstrate what they want. But at the moment they’re just not finding you so you just don’t know what they want.
So it’s not true that nobody wants to watch your videos.
We think a lot of these thoughts that are completely false. And it’s not until we analyse them that we realise how untrue they are and how they are holding us back with these lies.
4) Reject It
In this stage we are going to reject the disbelief if you are ready to reject it.
If you’ve decided you want the reality where you are successful and you’re ready for that package that comes with it, then you are ready to reject your disbelief.
In the Business Manifestation Club we go through a big process to reject your manifestation, but I will just share a very simple way of rejecting your disbelief now.
Every time one of these limiting thoughts, this disbelief pops into your brain you can simply say NO, or CANCEL, or REJECT.
“Reject, reject, reject, not my thought – not my chosen thought.”
What do I want to think instead?
5) Replace It
So that takes us to the final stage.
What do we want to think instead of our disbelief?
We are going to replace your disbelief with a Brain STAMP.
A Brain STAMP is a thought that sounds natural. When you say thoughts that you believe it stamps new neural pathways in your brain.
We are going to think new thoughts that are natural and believable so our brain actually believes them and uses these to transform our reality.
So what could we think instead of the thought that “Nobody wants to watch my videos?”
“Everybody wants to watch my videos”.
You might be thinking “well that’s not true either. Not every person in the entire world wants to watch my video. That’s blatantly not true.”
But it’s what it does to the subconscious mind. It’s how it reprograms the subconscious mind.
It’s what you think when you say “Everybody.” you are not literally meaning everybody in the entire world. This is just a kind of way of talking that means “I am just very popular on YouTube. Everyone who comes across me wants to see my videos. Everyone wants to share them, like them and comment on them. Everyone wants to work with me.”
It’s just a way of speaking.
And now it puts Everybody at the top of the hierarchy of beliefs so that now you have the positive statement so now you have the positive statement that overrides your negative thoughts.
If you believe that “Everybody wants to watch my videos” and you have a bad day and you had a down moment where you don’t feel very successful, that new belief will override it.
So you replace your disbelief with your Brain STAMP and you say it in your mind as often as you can.
I like to use idle brain moments, which are moments in your day where your brain is idle and not needing to think about anything. You might be walking, commuting, working out, cooking, cleaning, getting ready etc.
Riff on these Brain STAMPs, and use different variations on this same topic. For example you might say “I was born to do this, everyone likes my content, it’s all happening for me, I am so successful, people love my topics, people love my speaking.”
You riff on this topic and this is what reprograms your subscious mind. This is what creates a Reverse Memory in your brain that puts that new belief system into your brain and that is what creates your new reality.
How To Manifest Using Reverse Memories
Now that you know how to remove limiting beliefs, would you like to know how to manifest the exact results you desire by using a technique called creating Reverse Memories?
Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. In this FREE guide, I walk you through exactly how to do it.
One of the most exciting things to happen to my business when I implemented this process is to double my revenue in my passive business in one month without taking any additional action towards it.
Get my free guide by clicking here.
How To Create Your Own Reality
If you would like to dive deeper into manifesting success, I invite you to join my Business Manifestation Club.
Get Ready To:
- Manifest the business of your dreams
- Step into a new reality as a confident CEO
- Transform your destiny as a successful business owner
I have created a Reality Creation Journal, guide, and a Reality Creation Course that walks you through a series of transformational journal prompts that are going to change your life.
Right now I am giving you FREE access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, Course, and EVERYTHING else inside my Business Manifestation Club for 7 days.
Every month in the Business Manifestation Club we take challenges together on different themes that are guaranteed to radically transform your life and your business.
Come and join us and put it to the test.
Click here to join the Business Manifestation Club FREE.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- REMOVE LIMITING BELIEFS: Manifest Without Fail Every Time
- How To REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind To Get What You Want
- How To Manifest When You DON’T BELIEVE It: THIS Is More Powerful Than Belief
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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