When I read the surrender experiment by Michael Singer, it completely changed my life. It really got me questioning manifestation and whether we should still be doing it. I had to do a lot of soul searching as a result. I compare the differences between surrender and manifestation and explain how we can reconcile the two.

Today we are discussing the differences between surrender and manifestation and how we can reconcile the two.
I am very passionate about manifestation, and I have personally manifested many things in my life.
I have manifested my dream life, and I absolutely love the power of manifestation.
I’ve read numerous books on the subject and for some reason I was really drawn to reading The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer, which is pretty much the complete opposite of manifestation.
I’m Kath Kyle and I help you HUSTLE LESS and MANIFEST SUCCESS.
I help conscious creators and change-makers MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS through my Content, Courses and Club.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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What Is Manifestation?
Manifestation is a process by which you focus on deciding what you want, then imagine you already have it, which helps you manifest the thing that you want into reality.
What Is Surrender?
Surrender means letting go of your own preferences and desires and letting God take over and do whatever it wants with you.
The Surrender Experiment Book Review
The Surrender Experiment book is fantastic. I highly recommend it. I listened to the audio version and I literally couldn’t stop listening to it.
It’s an incredible true story about how Michael Singer starts getting annoyed at the voice in his head. He is really annoyed by his own thoughts and can’t stand the chatter that’s going on in his mind.
A lot of people can relate to this.
So Michael got into meditation and yoga and he just wanted peace, he just wanted that voice to stop talking all the time.
So Michael moved out into the woods because he just wanted peace and quiet. He wanted to be on his own. He just spent his time meditating and he thought that could physically stop that voice in his head.
Michael noticed that voice had a lot of preferences about things he liked and didn’t like, and he realised the only way he could stop that voice from constantly going on and on was if he surrendered to life itself.
From that moment Michael began the Surrender experinder. He said “life do with me what you will. I am yours for the taking. I promise you I will do whatever you want me to do, whatever you ask of me I will say yes. Even if I don’t want to do it, I will say yes.”
As Michael went through his life people demanded certain things from him, and there were a lot of things that he didn’t actually want to do. He didn’t have any desire to do these things but he said yes anyway.
From that moment onwards his life changed beyond all recognition.
I won’t spoil the end of the book for you, but you may have seen Michael Singer being interviewed by Oprah and he shared how his life transformed as a result of the surrender experiment.
If you are a business owner or if you have a desire to make a lot of money you’ll be very motivated by this story, because Michael ends up with a lot of worldly success.
Can We Become Rich And Successful By Surrendering?
A lot of people will be very motivated by Michael’s Surrender Experiment, and they might think to themselves “well if I simply surrender myself to the will of God I will naturally end up being successful because I won’t be blocking any of the success.”
And that’s not necessarily the case.
It is not everybody’s desire to have what Michael Singer had.
And everybody has a different journey and a different path and a different purpose in this life.
So it’s not necessarily true that if you just surrender that you will end up getting the same kind of results that Michael Singer got.
Can We Manifest Success And Money?
If we can’t guarantee we are going to get good results by surrendering, why not manifest them instead?
That’s why manifestation is so popular because people want to decide what they want, control their lives and guarantee that they’re going to get it by manifesting their results.
Manifestation definitely does work.
We can absolutely manifest success and money if that is what we desire.
The Difference Between Surrender And Manifestation
It seems like surrender and manifestation are complete opposites. It seems like there is nothing similar about them whatsoever.
It seems as if surrender is about giving up control, and that manifestation is about taking control.
I was so motivated by The Surrender Experiment. It really did change me. It really got me thinking. As someone who is so into manifestation, I just couldn’t grasp how to reconcile both of them.
I really felt like I needed to surrender and was being led towards surrender, but at the same time I knew the results that I had previously had with manifestation so I wasn’t sure what to do.
The Shocking Truth
One day the realisation hit me…
Surrender and manifestation are both the same thing.
How can they possibly be both the same thing?
The true meaning of surrender is that WE SURRENDER TO OUR DESIRES.
So what does that mean?
I believe that our desires are placed on our hearts for a reason, for a specific purpose. It is our purpose to obtain these desires.
You didn’t decide the desires you were to have in this life.
You can’t help them.
If you wanted to go and do something else, you just wouldn’t be motivated to do it.
You’re only motivated to obtain the desire that you want to have, and that’s because it was placed in your mind.
The Mistake People Are Making
A lot of people actually try to push away their desires because they don’t believe that they can have them. They don’t believe they are worthy of them. They don’t believe they have what it takes to fulfil them. They are too scared and they don’t know what would happen or how things might change if they actually get what they desire to have.
So people push away their desires.
It is the pushing away of your desires that is actually not surrendering.
Surrendering means that you know you have your desires. You are surrendering to the will of God, to the will of life.
And life wants you to have your desires.
These desires might be a combination of both early and spiritual desires.
We can have desires for things like world peace, for helping other people, for feeling joyful, for feeling happy, feeling contentment.
But we can also have desires for physical things, for worldly things like new houses, new cars, new relationships, and money.
And to me there’s absolutely nothing wrong with any of these desires. I don’t think it makes you any less spiritual if you desire to have things in your world.
Most people want to own their own home. That is a big desire of most people, so most people are striving to be able to afford their own home or to pay off their mortgage so they can finally own their own home.
Michael Singer started off on his journey by actually building his own home on his own patch of land.
So very early on on his journey, he had what most people want. He had the physical space, the thing that he owned, that he felt free. He had freedom because he could be on his own property undisturbed by other people.
A lot of time we get these worldly desires like a new car or a new home and we realise that these things didn’t actually make us happy.
And that’s still a journey that we still have to go through in our lives so we can discover what matters next.
When we have the peace and the freedom in our own homes we don’t need to worry about money so much and then we can be free to think about peace, love, and joy, and more of these spiritual type things.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with following the desires to obtain worldly things because then it often leads to obtaining spiritual desires after that.
And that’s just the journey of life that most people go on. It’s just that it takes some people most of their life to get to a spiritual point, and other people like Michael Singer are able to get to that point earlier on in their journey.
And getting to this spiritual place in his life was obviously his journey so he could write a book about his life so he could motivate and inspire other people to obtain things like peace.
The Truth About Surrender And Manifestation
So on the face of it, it looks like Michael Singer gave up all of his desires and all of his preferences and completely surrendered all of his preferences to the will of God.
But if you look at things at the start of the book, his main desire was actually to have peace. He just wanted peace. So that was his desire. And that’s why he was motivated to surrender all else for that main preference.
The Pyramid Of Preferences
There’s something that I call the Pyramid Of Preferences, and the things at the top of the Pyramid Of Preferences will override everything else at the bottom of the pyramid.
So if you place peace at the top of the Pyramid Of Preferences you can surrender all other preferences underneath as long as they lead to ultimate peace.
So for Michael Singer, he gave up all of his preferences for everything else to obtain the one preference at the top of the Pyramid Of Preferences which was peace.
And there would have been a good reason why Michael was given that preference, because there were really big things in store for him and he had to be a peaceful and calm person in order to be able to cope with those things that were going to be thrown at him.
He did things that he didn’t want to do because peace was more important to him than resisting the things that he felt like he should be doing.
Ultimately for Michael, peace came from surrender, not from living in the woods on his own.
However, not all of us desire peace above all else.
I personally don’t desire to stop the noise in my head because I have done a lot of work on my mindset, and my mindset is pretty positive most of the time now.
But peace has never been a driving force in my life.
Excitement has been more of a driving force in my life. I really like fun. So that’s what motivates me.
Maybe as I get older I’ll have more of a desire for peace and sitting down and meditating for hours on end, but for now, I really like to have fun. I like to experiment with manifestations. I like the fun of it all. I love to see what can manifest, to use different techniques and I find all that fun and exciting because that’s what motivates me.
I used to be so confused between surrender and manifestation, and when to surrender and when to manifest.
But now I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s all surrender. Everything is surrendering. And as soon as you accept that everything in life is all about surrender, life will become much more joyful to you.
I would love to know what you thought of the book, so leave me a comment below.
How To Manifest Using A Manifestation Board (Free Gift)
Now that you know how the differences between surrender and manifestation and how to reconcile the two, would you like to know how to manifest the exact results you desire by using a manifestation board?
If you’d like to manifest fame, fortune, and followers, this gift is for you.
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you manifest and celebrate some incredible milestones and goals for your business.

From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
Get my free pack by clicking here.
How To Create Your Own Reality
If you would like to dive deeper into manifesting success, I invite you to join my Business Manifestation Club.

Get Ready To:
- Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, or increase any other metrics of your choosing
- Step into a new reality as a CONFIDENT creator, RELEASE FEAR, and start to CREATE SHOCKINGLY GOOD STUFF that people absolutely adore
- Transform your financial reality, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire
In this club you will delve deep into using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole.
To make the manifestation of success a habit, I have created a Reality Creation Journal, guide, and a Reality Creation Course that walks you through a series of transformational journal prompts that are going to change your life.
Right now I am giving you FREE access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, Course, and EVERYTHING else inside my Business Manifestation Club for 7 days.
If you are a blogger, YouTuber, podcaster, influencer, author, coach, speaker, writer, business owner, freelancer, or do any type of work that you want to be successful at, this club is designed for you.
Every month in the Business Manifestation Club we take challenges together on different themes that are guaranteed to radically transform your life and your business.
Come and join us and put it to the test.
Click the link below to join the Business Manifestation Club FREE.
Click here to join the Business Manifestation Club FREE.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Manifest ANYTHING: Manifestation Myth Busting
- Manifest Multiple Things At Once Using The Manifestation MEMORY MANSION Technique
- How I MANIFESTED My DREAM LIFE (Beach Home, Family, Wealth, Health, Happiness)
- How To Use AFFIRMATIONS The RIGHT Way To Transform Your Life
- SURRENDER VS MANIFESTATION: How The Surrender Experiment Book Changed My Life
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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