There are so many misconceptions about manifestation that are holding people back. I bust all of these myths and show you exactly how to manifest anything at all, the only way, and the right way.

Today I am busting some manifestation myths.
I am sharing all of the stuff that you don’t need to do to be able to manifest things.
You can ditch all of the things that Law Of Attraction teachers normally tell you that you need to do.
And I’m showing the only one thing that you actually need to do to manifest anything you desire.
By the end of this article, you are going to be so much lighter and so much more free because you will know that you can manifest easily all of the time, and get exactly what you want.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help conscious creators and change-makers manifest success through my Dream Business Coaching, Courses and Club.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Manifestation MYTH BUSTING
Here are all of the things that you can let go of when it comes to manifestation.
Do You Need To Be At A High Vibration To Manifest?
You don’t need to be at a high vibration to manifest anything.
It doesn’t make scientific sense. As a human being, our bodies vibrate at exactly the right level. We don’t want our vibration to be too high or too low.
We don’t need to vibrate at any level at all to manifest anything.
{READ THIS :Is A HIGH VIBRATION and Positive Mood NEEDED To Manifest? (Truth Revealed)}
Do You Need To Get Into Alignment To Manifest?
You don’t need to get into any type of alignment before you take action to be able to manifest something.
And that is because we all take Inevitable Action anyway, which means, based on our belief systems, assumptions, and subconscious mind programming, the actions that we take physically as a human are automatic.
We can’t actually have very much control over our actions. They are all based on our subconscious programming, meaning that you don’t need to wait to get into alignment because you are going to take exactly the right action that you need to take based on your existing programming.
So as long as you’ve got your programming in the right place, you can take action in any mood and it won’t affect the outcome.
Do You Need To Match The Vibration Of Something To Manifest It?
You don’t need to match the vibration of something to manifest it.
If you’re trying to manifest a new home and you are a human being, how can you physically match the vibration of an object? It doesn’t make sense at all.
{READ THIS :Is A HIGH VIBRATION and Positive Mood NEEDED To Manifest? (Truth Revealed)}
Do You Need To Use Emotions To Manifest Something?
We don’t need to use emotions to manifest anything.
Emotion can definitionaly help, but it’s not essential.
We are manifesting 24/7 and most of the things that we have manifested into our physical reality haven’t come as a result of getting emotional about anything.
It’s just come as a result of assuming that what we see in front of us is the truth.
Do You Need To Be Positive To Manifest?
You don’t need to be positive to manifest anything.
A lot of people teach that you have to be positive all day every day or you won’t manifest what you want.
We are given a range of emotions for a reason and emotions don’t manifest what you want.
You can put this to the test yourself.
Have you ever received something good when you were in a bad mood. For example, have you ever been in tears and someone has given you something you want or comforted you.
Have you ever been annoyed at customer services over the phone and yet they have still given you a resolution to your problem.
That just proves we don’t need to be in a good mood all of the time to manifest good things.
Yes it’s nice to feel positive, but don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t in a good mood all the time. We’re not supposed to be. It’s highly appropriate to be in a bad mood at certain times.
{READ THIS :Is A HIGH VIBRATION and Positive Mood NEEDED To Manifest? (Truth Revealed)}
Do You Need To Feel Grateful For Things You Don’t Want In Your Life?
You don’t need to feel gratitude to be able to manifest anything.
Feeling gratitude is a nice feeling to feel, so it’s good to feel gratitude.
However, you don’t need to feel gratitude to manifest anything, and you certainly don’t have to feel grateful for things that you don’t like or don’t want in your life in order to manifest something else.
Do You Need To Act As To Manifest Something?
You don’t need to act as if to manifest anything.
Acting as if means acting as if you have already manifested the thing that you want. Another way to describe this is fake it until you make it.
For example, you could think that you need to invest in some high level coaching package to be able to fake being a successful business owner. And the truth is that you do not need to do this. It’s actually quite a dangerous way of thinking.
You don’t need to act as if.
It’s actually very difficult to act as if because you are constantly fighting that subconscious programming that is already there.
This is the Inevitable Action that you are constantly fighting against 24/7, and yes it can help to a small degree. But it’s far more effective to change that subconscious reprogramming rather than constantly be fighting agastin it all of the time.
Instead of faking it until you make it, I like to use the phrase, “Take It Until You Make It” and I wrote an article on this, so go and check that out.
Does Manifestation Work By Attracting Things Into Your Life?
You don’t manifest things by attracting things to you.
The Law Of Attraction states that in order to receive what you want, you have to attract it into your life.
And if you attract things into your life, that is using the premise that the thing you want is already out there somewhere and you have to draw it towards yourself, rather than the thing you want already being part of yourself.
We don’t attract things into our lives by magnetising things into our lives and pulling it towards ourselves.
What we actually do is to create it with our imagination. Our physical reality is just a reflection of our imagination of the things that we want.
That means the thing that we want doesn’t already have to exist in our physical reality because you create it in your mind by assuming that you already have it.
You don’t need to attract, you need to create.
{READ THIS : How To Manifest With The LAW OF ASSUMPTION (Superior To Law of Attraction)}
Do You Need To Use Manifestation Techniques To Manifest Something?
You don’t need to use any manifestation techniques to manifest anything.
There are so many techniques out there such as the 55X5 method, the 369 method, the vision boards, putting things under your pillow and you don’t need any of them.
Can they be helpful?
Yes they can be helpful to a certain extent, but only because they help you to form an image of something that you want in your imagination, not for any other reason than that.
You don’t need to use manifestation techniques . You can use them and it can be fun to use them, but don’t ever feel like you have to use them for your manifestation to happen.
Just remember that you can use techniques, but remember that it’s only your imagination that manifests anything.
Are You To Blame For Everything In Your Reality?
You are not to blame for everything in your reality.
You are not to blame for good things in your life. You are not to blame for the bad things in your life. You are not to blame for your results. You are not to blame for everything you see in your reality.
The reason is because when we were children, we were given beliefs by our caregivers. We didn’t have any control over that whatsoever. We were programmed in that way. It’s now our job to reprogramme ourselves and choose a different set of beliefs for our beliefs.
We are not to blame for our results because we didn’t have any way in this process whatsoever.
And now that we do know that we can program our new realities to be whatever we want, we are still human, and we still have this existing programming.
We can work on improving our belief systems bit by bit, but it is a process, and you’re not going to suddenly go from struggling with existing belief systems to letting go of all of them overnight. It just doesn’t work that way.
We are not going to be these perfect manifestation beings that manifest these perfect lives. Otherwise there would be no point in human existence.
The whole point of human existence is to experience things, and experience the unfolding of our lives.
We don’t need to beat ourselves up because we’re not there yet. We’ll never get there in this lifetime.
What we can do is have realisations, and work on things, see improvements, and enjoy the whole process of being alive.
{READ THIS : How To REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind To Get What You Want}
Do You Need To See A Picture Of What You Want In Your Mind To Manifest It?
You do not have to see a picture of what you want in your imagination to be able to manifest it.
You don’t have to visualize by forming a picture or a scene in your mind of the thing you want to be able to manifest it.
You will not fail at manifestation if you can’t visualize a picture of something.
That’s not the way manifestation works.
You don’t need to form a picture at all to be able to form a Reverse Memory in your imagination.
A Reverse Memory is a memory that you form in your imagination before an event has occurred in your physical reality. Once you form a Reverse Memory, you will manifest that event into your physical reality.
You can form a Reverse Memory based on a conversation that you hear in your imagination, or from imagining that you are touching something in your mind.
Do You Need To Use Affirmations To Manifest?
You don’t need to use affirmations to manifest anything.
Affirmations are a particular technique that you can use to manifest results but you don’t have to use any specific techniques.
I personally do use affirmations because they really help me to form a Reverse Memory in my imagination and manifest what I want.
Do You Need To Use Vision Boards To Manifest?
You don’t need to use vision boards to manifest what you want.
Although vision boards can be really helpful for manifestation, they don’t work in all circumstances because you can’t always form an image of everything you want to manifest by using pictures.
I personally don’t use a lot of vision boards because I feel like I can’t find images that match exactly what I want to manifest, and I also don’t want to limit how my manifestations will turn out based on a picture that I found.
{READ THIS : How To Create An Inspiring Business Vision Board}
Do You Need To Use Scripting To Manifest?
You don’t need to use scripting to manifest what you want.
Scripting is another manifestation technique that you don’t need to use if you don’t want to. If you are the kind of person who loves to get their thoughts out on paper and processes things more easily by writing them down, the scripting is probably a very good technique for you to use.
I personally love to script and have had massive success with this particular manifestation technique.
{READ THIS : How To Use Scripting For Success In Your Business (Manifest Quickly)}
Do You Need To Do Shadow Work To Manifest?
You don’t need to do shadow work to manifest anything.
A lot of spiritual teachers accuse people of spiritual bypass which means they focus too much on what they want, and don’t address their subconscious programming that is running their lives.
Shadow work is where you look at all of your existing beliefs such as where existing programming came from, and analyse everything and then you unpick it and then eventually let go of it.
I do believe there can be merit in doing shadow work. I have done a lot of this shadow work yourself so I’m not saying never do shadow work.
All I am saying is that it’s not always necessary to be able to manifest things.
Remember that we are manifesting 24/7.
Can you remember the last good thing that came into your life? You manifested that. That probably didn’t come as a result of you doing shadow work. That came because of your existing belief system.
You can turn around your existing belief system without doing shadow work.
Sometimes it can feel good to go back and do shadow work and other times you don’t need to.
As soon as you are aware of your existing belief system, you can change it in an instant.
You can just make a decision that you just don’t believe a particular thought anymore. You can decide not to be a kind of person anymore.
You don’t need to know where that thought came from or who is to blame for giving you that thought in the first place
All we need to do is to decide that we are no longer going to believe that and decide what we are going to believe instead.
The only thing that manifests is a change of your belief system and forming a Reverse Memory of the new thing in your imagination.
{READ THIS : REMOVE LIMITING BELIEFS: Manifest Without Fail Every Time}
Do You Need To Believe In Your Manifestations For Them To Manifest?
You don’t need to believe in your manifestation for them to manifest.
This might sound like a contradiction because I have been talking about forming a new belief system which is the key to manifestation.
However, you don’t actually need to believe in your manifestations.
Belief systems is the overall way in which your life unfolds, but belief in a specific manifestation doesn’t need to happen if you have formed an image in your imagination.
{READ THIS : How To Manifest When You DON’T BELIEVE It: THIS Is More Powerful Than Belief}
If you “know” and you are familiar with your manifestation in your mind, then you don’t need to believe that it’s actually going to happen.
You have many layers to your belief system, which is what I call The Hierarchy Of Beliefs.
What you believe at the top of the hierarchy will override what you are trying to manifest at the bottom of the hierarchy which is why you can have seemingly contradictory beliefs around particular manifestations, and one of them will win out.
Do You Need To Reject Your Physical Reality To Manifest Something Different?
You don’t need to reject your physical reality to manifest something.
A lot of people say that you need to ignore your physical reality and say “that’s not really here, that’s not happening, I see this instead in my imagination” and I don’t believe that you have to reject everything around you to manifest something different.
I feel like it’s much better to be in the present moment. That doesn’t mean that that future is going to be like the present moment, but you don’t need to reject the present moment either.
If you accept the present moment for what it is, and keep that Reverse Memory in your imagination, then in the future you can expect to see what you have visualised in your mind.
But that doesn’t mean you have to ignore everything you are surrounded by and pretend it’s not there.
Because that’s not a really fun way to live.
Using Revision is a great technique to use when you want to manifest something other than your current results, but I don’t believe in using this technique on a continuous basis as you are going through your day.
{READ THIS : What’s Happening Behind The Scenes When Manifesting: Automatic Unfolding}
Can You Manifest For Other People?
You can manifest for other people.
A lot of people say you can’t manifest for other people. This isn’t true.
If you think about prayer, you pray for other people for healing or prosperity or a particular scenario, you are expecting their reality to change based on your thoughts.
If you look at the way the world actually works with parallel realities then you don’t need to feel guilty for manifesting for other people. Because everyone else is in their own reality. In someone else’s reality, they are manifesting you and you have no control or knowledge over that. It’s the same in your reality.
{READ THIS : Parallel Realities: Easily SHIFT To Your Desired Reality With 2 Words}
Everyone gets to create their own reality and that includes creating the people and behaviour from people in your reality.
That doesn’t mean you create all aspects of your reality because all of our realities interact with each other, but it does mean that you create the aspects of your reality that you focus on and form Reverse Memories about.
{READ THIS : Everyone And EVERYTHING IS YOUR MIRROR: Thought Reflection Rule (Mind-Blowing!)}
Do You Have To Manifest From The End?
You don’t have to manifest from the end.
Manifesting from the end means that you are manifesting the end result and jumping straight to that.
Sometimes the end result can seem too big and too daunting. If this is the case, you do not have to manifest from the end.
You can manifest however you want to manifest such as in steps if you choose to.
Do You Have To Manifest In Steps?
You don’t have to manifest in steps.
Some people teach that you should manifest in steps. For example if you want to manifest a certain amount of money such as a million dollar business, then you should manifest this amount of revenue in increments.
I don’t believe this is the case. You can choose to manifest in steps if you feel more comfortable with that, or you can jump straight to manifesting from the end if that feels more exciting to you.
How To Manifest What You Want
So now you know what you don’t have to do to manifest, what do you need to do to manifest?
To manifest what you want, the only thing you need to do is to create a Reverse Memory.
A Reverse Memory is a memory of something happening before it’s happened in your physical reality.
Once you have formed a Reverse Memory it will manifest in your physical reality in the future.
I have created a full tutorial to show you how to create Reverse Memories. Click below to get my free guide.
Click here to get my FREE guide to manifesting with Reverse Memories.
How To Manifest Using A Manifestation Board (Free Gift)
Now that you know what you don’t need to do to manifest, would you like to know how to manifest the exact results you desire by using a manifestation board?
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you manifest and celebrate some incredible milestones and goals for your business.

From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
Get my free pack by clicking here.
How To Create Your Own Reality
If you would like to dive deeper into manifesting wealth, I invite you to join my Business Manifestation Club.
Get Ready To:
- Manifest the business of your dreams
- Step into a new reality as a confident CEO
- Transform your destiny as a successful business owner

I have created a Reality Creation Journal, guide, and a Reality Creation Course that walks you through a series of transformational journal prompts that are going to change your life.
Right now I am giving you FREE access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, Course, and EVERYTHING else inside my Business Manifestation Club for 7 days.
Every month in the Business Manifestation Club we take challenges together on different themes that are guaranteed to radically transform your life and your business.
Come and join us and put it to the test.
Click here to join the Business Manifestation Club FREE.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Manifest With The LAW OF ASSUMPTION (Superior To Law of Attraction)
- How To Manifest ANYTHING: Manifestation Myth Busting
- Manifest Multiple Things At Once Using The Manifestation MEMORY MANSION Technique
- How I MANIFESTED My DREAM LIFE (Beach Home, Family, Wealth, Health, Happiness)
- How To Use AFFIRMATIONS The RIGHT Way To Transform Your Life
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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