Here’s why “Faking It Until You Make It” doesn’t work well in the long term, and why “Taking It Until You Make It” is the easier, faster route to successful manifestations.

If you’ve been trying to improve your life for a while, no doubt you’ve come across the principle of “faking it till you make it”, or “acting as if”.
This means you start to act like someone who has already got what you want.
Although people do get short-term results by faking it until they make it, their results are usually short lived.
I have found a better, easier way to manifest what you want by doing something that I call “Take It Until You Make It”.
I’m going to show you exactly how to do this and why it’s going to make your life and your manifestations a whole load easier.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest success and create their dream businesses.
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What Does It Mean To Fake It Until You Make It?
Faking it until you make it means you take certain actions that help you pretend you already have what you want before you actually do.
Another way to describe faking it until you make it is acting as if.
The reason why people fake it until they make it is because when you start to act like the person you want to be, you start to see changes in your reality as a result. You might get results that you don’t normally get, feel happier or more confident, and feel good that you’re taking action to improve your life.
What Are Some Examples Of Fake It Until You Make It?
Examples of actions that you could take to fake it until you make it might include things like:
- Standing straighter to help you feel like a more confident person
- Dress up as someone more powerful
- Pump up your motivation by listening to upbeat music or motivational speeches
- Smile to bring about a feeling of happiness
- Modelling your behaviour on someone who has what you want.
The Problem With Fake It Until You Make It
Although fake it until you make it can work for some people, and you can get results from doing it, it is a lot of effort and hard work to get there.
Faking it until you make it constantly feels like you are battling against yourself.
When you constantly pretend that you are someone that you are not, it can get very exhausting. It is like taking up a job as an actor when being an actor is probably not what you want to do as your day job.
Pretending you’re someone you’re not can lead to feelings of inadequacy because you are never content with who you actually are.
Another problem with fake it until you make it is that the changes you make to yourself as a person often aren’t long lasting.
You can force yourself to put on a smile every day at work and feel happier while you are doing it, but you might find that you still can’t shake off your low mood that has been plaguing you for years.
The reason this happens is because you are who you are based on your beliefs about who you are.
If you believe that you are depressed and you have to work hard to put a fake smile on your face, it’s never going to lead to an overall uplift in your mood.
It is your beliefs that ultimately determine who you are, not your actions.
Another problem with faking it until you make it is it can lead to you making decisions that won’t lead you to your goals, and will actually take you further away from them.
Faking it until you make it can encourage you to make bad decisions.
One example of this that springs to mind is that you often hear people telling other people that to act like a successful business owner, you have to invest money like a successful business owner, buy all the best software, hire the most expensive coaches, and take on a team of people.
But if you literally don’t have the money, this can lead you further away from your goal of earning more money as you’ve now got debt to pay off before you make the kind of money you want to make.
So this is one of the main reasons I don’t believe in Fake It Until You Make It.
So is there an easier way than fake it until you make it?
Yes there is, and I call it “Take It Until You Make It”.
What Does It Mean To Take It Until You Make It
Take It Until You Make It means that you “Take” the reality you want in your imagination before it becomes a reality in your everyday life.
You don’t need to wait.
You don’t need to fake.
You just need to TAKE what you want.
What you do to Take It Until You Make It is you create an imaginary scene that I call a Reverse Memory, where you imagine you are being the person you want to be, doing the things you want to do, and having the things you want to have.
You TAKE what you want in your imagination.
You use your imagination to regularly replay this scene in your mind. It’s like watching a movie of your perfect life exactly the way you want it through your own eyes.
It is called a Reverse Memory because you create a memory before the event has occurred, instead of the event occurring first which creates the memory, so the order is reversed.

All you have to do is to use your own imagination, you don’t actually have to force any kind of change in your life.
What happens next is an Automatic Unfolding of everything that needs to happen to bring that imaginary scene into your reality.
How Does “Take It Until You Make It” Work?
The way in which Take It Until You Make It works is that the thoughts, actions, and things we have in our lives are 95% determined by our belief systems.
That means that we live most of our days completely on autopilot thinking things we’ve always thought, doing things we’ve always done, and getting results we’ve always got.
That is why it is so difficult for humans to change, and it’s why Fake It Until You Make It requires so much effort, because you are literally fighting every being in your body that is telling you to do what you normally do, and why you’ll probably go back to doing what you normally do.
The thing that determines who we are, what we have, and what we do is our belief system, and that is what we need to change so that we start to get different results in our lives.
The best way to change your belief system is to create a new imaginary memory that imprints on to the subconscious mind.
Whatever is imprinted on the subconscious mind determines our belief system and determines how our lives run on autopilot.
Have you ever noticed that certain people just seem to naturally have good luck, and good things just pop into their lives all the time without them having to strive and struggle?
The reason is because they have a different belief system imprinted on their subconscious minds.
You don’t need to strive to change your actions in your day to day life, because as soon as you put a new belief into your brain, you will naturally start to change automatically.
The change will feel normal, natural, and you’ll be motivated to do something different. It will feel easy, and it will just feel like you’re compelled to take that action. You can’t not take the action you need to take.
The outside is the inside reflected.
It is far easier to change who you are on the inside, and the outside world will unfold naturally.
If you try to do it the other way round by changing the outside first, it is very difficult to change who you are on the inside from there.
It’s a bit like looking at a beautiful face. Women are constantly trying to make themselves more beautiful, and defy ageing by putting creams on the outside of their faces, and putting makeup on to hide what their faces actually look like.
But instead, if you change the inside of your body by changing your diet, eating more fruit and vegetables, then you notice improvements on the outside of your face.
I knocked 10 years off my age automatically when I replaced my standard diet with green smoothies and plant based food. I rarely wear makeup and I don’t put any special creams on my face or do any beauty routines for the outside of my face.

It is also possible to improve your appearance by changing your beliefs on the inside about your appearance too. Your beliefs are reflected on the outside of your body.
Just like our faces, we don’t need to pretend we’re something we’re not by wearing a mask, or faking anything, we need to get healthy on the inside by getting our belief systems in the right place.
The Difference Between “Fake It Until You Make It” And “Take It Until You Make It”
The main difference between fake it until you make it and Take It Until You Make It, is that “Fake It Until You Make It” focuses on trying to make improvements from the outside reality to influence your internal state.
Whereas Take It Until You Make It changes who you are internally, and changes automatically take place in your outside reality as a result.
My Story: Take It Until You Make It
I wanted to share a story with you about a time where I practiced “Take It Until You Make It”.
I remember years ago when I was working for a network marketing company selling essential oils.
They had a sales incentive where if you sold enough products in 6 months you were awarded various prizes. Some of the prizes were an all expenses paid cruise for you and your family, a massive suitcase full of essential oils, and you unlocked a higher commission rate so you could earn a lot more money as a result.
I decided that I really wanted to achieve this prize.
I was given a deadline of 6 months to hit the sales levels I needed to hit.
I created a Reverse Memory in my mind of me achieving that goal, of me being congratulated by the leaders, of me receiving the suitcase of essential oils and using them, of me on the cruise with my husband having the time of our lives.
I created such a vivid memory of me achieving this goal that I felt like it had already happened. This is the state you need to get into when you are creating a scene in your mind.
After I decided I wanted to reach that goal, I was told that the incentive was going away in my country in 4 months, so I only actually had 4 months to achieve it, not 6 months.
Although I wasn’t happy that I had 2 months less than everyone else had to complete the same goal, I still knew there was no doubt in my mind that I would hit that goal.
What happened next was the Automatic Unfolding.
I felt like I literally became a different person during this time, and none of it felt hard.
I am naturally a very quiet, kind of shy introverted person who loves to work on my own.
I was used to being a blogger, writing blog posts, and selling digital products. I didn’t really have a lot of contact with people, didn’t have meetings, didn’t really talk to anyone during the day and I was quite happy with that.
However, on the way to achieving this goal, all of a sudden I was finding myself having chats on the phone constantly with people in different countries enrolling them and selling oils to them.
I started creating videos demonstrating how to use essential oils and sharing my story.
Before this I had only created 1 video and I hated the process and the video so much I never made another video.
Making videos just seemed to happen so easily, selling happened so easily.
It was like I had become a different person, a successful sales woman who was confident talking to people and also on camera.
It was so strange, but none of it felt forced. I didn’t need to go to any public speaking classes, or learn how to do sales calls. It just all happened automatically.
Needless to say I did achieve my goal and my Reverse Memory played out in reality.
I received a suitcase of essential oils, my monthly revenue pretty much doubled and continued to rise, and my husband and I got to go on a Mediterranean cruise from Venice which was the holiday of a lifetime. The whole week was just perfection, and I’m so happy I got to experience it.
Shortly after that I decided I didn’t actually want to continue with this type of work and I enjoyed being a blogger a lot more so I went back to my original work that I was very happy doing, and still do to this day.
And even though I chose not to continue on with this line of work, the skills that I seemed to automatically acquire haven’t disappeared. I now feel really comfortable with public speaking, appearing on camera, selling, and working with people on more of a 1-1 level.
I do believe because I imprinted my subconscious mind with me achieving the results I wanted to achieve, I changed who I needed to become from the inside out.
What Action Should You Take Before You Make It?
If you have truly formed an imaginative memory in your mind that feels so real it feels like it’s already happened, then you KNOW your manifestation is going to materialise.
And the good news is that you don’t need to worry about the action that you take during the Automatic Unfolding.
95% of your actions are dictated by your beliefs, and as you’ve now changed your beliefs to be that of someone successful, your actions will be the exact right actions that you need to take.
Sometimes you will manifest what you want with little to no effort, but if you are trying to manifest business results, it’s more than likely you will be compelled to take some kind of action.
However, this action will feel easy and natural, and you’ll probably enjoy most of it.
Just let your intuition lead you to the Inevitable Action that you can’t not take, and this is a sure sign that you’re on the right path.
If you find yourself asking “How”, trying to find the answer to your problems, trying to force action, overworking, feeling like it’s all too hard, then you need to go back and imagine your end result again until it feels more real to stop yourself from trying to force something that should happen automatically.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to Take It Until You Make It, would you like to know how to manifest the exact results you desire by using a technique called creating Reverse Memories?
Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. In this FREE guide, I walk you through exactly how to do it.

One of the most exciting things to happen to my business when I implemented this process is to double my revenue in my passive business in one month without taking any additional action towards it.
Get my free guide by clicking here.
Join The Business Manifestation Club
Get Ready To:
- Manifest the business of your dreams
- Step into a new reality as a confident CEO
- Transform your destiny as a successful business owner
In this club you will delve deep into creating new Reverse Memories every day, and watch your life transform before your very eyes.
To make this a habit, I have created a Reality Creation Journal and a guide that walks you through a series of transformational journal prompts that are going to change your life.
Right now I am giving you FREE access to my Reality Creation Journal, and EVERYTHING else inside my Business Manifestation Club for ONE month.
Every month in the Business Manifestation Club we walk through a process together that is guaranteed to change your life and your business.

Come and join us and see for yourself.
Click here to join the Business Manifestation Club FREE.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Manifest Using REVERSE MEMORIES
- Parallel Realities: Easily SHIFT To Your Desired Reality With 2 Words
- Is A HIGH VIBRATION and Positive Mood NEEDED To Manifest? (Truth Revealed)
- “TAKE IT Until You Make It” My Manifestation Weapon More POWERFUL Than “Fake It Until You Make It”
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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