We hear all the time that we need to be at a high vibrational frequency and a good mood to be able to manifest. But is it actually true? I reveal the truth.
I don’t know about you but it seems like everywhere I look I am hearing people talking about “raising your vibration” when it comes to manifestation, and the more I think about it, the more I don’t like it.
I feel like there is so much confusion when it comes to the topic of vibrational frequencies and positivity, that I knew I needed to do something to end this confusion.
In this article I am answering all of the questions about vibration, frequency, mood and manifestation that I have had over the years. And I know I’m not alone in my confusion on this particular topic.
I am going to be answering all of the following questions to make things a bit clearer for you. I would love to know what your thoughts are so leave me a comment and let me know.
- What Is A Vibration?
- What Does It Mean To Have A High Vibration?
- Do Emotions, Thoughts, And Beliefs Vibrate?
- Do Positive Vibrations Move Faster Than Negative Vibrations?
- Do Manifestations Come From Vibrations?
- Do We Need To Be At A High Vibration To Manifest?
- Do We Need A Positive Mood To Manifest?
- Can We Manifest Good Things When In A Bad Mood?
- Do Vibrations Lead To Manifestations?
- Is It Useful To Link Vibrations To Manifestations?
- How Do We Manifest?
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest success and create their dream businesses.
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What Is A Vibration?
Every single thing in our universe is constantly moving, therefore it is vibrating.
99.9% of all matter is just energy. Everything can be broken down into energy, and as our thoughts and emotions are energy, that means that they are also moving and vibrating.
“Everything in life is vibration.” – Albert Einstein
We perceive vibrations very clearly thanks to specific receptors that translate them into neural signals sent to our brain.
So now that we know that everything is a vibration, why do certain groups of people who are into spiritual matters only talk about vibrations in terms of emotions?
Seeing as every single thing is a vibration it can be confusing to confine the word “vibration” to simply emotions.
That is where I feel the biggest confusion comes in when people talk about being at a certain vibration seeing as everything is vibration.
People talk about “good vibes”, or “vibing” with each other, which often means they get a feeling about something, or these sense someone’s energy, which stems from their belief system.
This makes perfect sense to me.
But this is not the only way that the word vibration is used. It’s also used to describe emotions and mood.
This is why things get confusing as everybody is using the same word to mean different things, and they are so closely linked it is hard to tell the difference.
It would be far better to talk about being at a particular emotional level or emotional state rather than talk about vibrations and emotions interchangeably.
When people get confused they tend to take no action, so I think it’s better to be clear and not to use the same concepts for lots of very similar things.
What Does It Mean To Have A High Vibration?
The first thing we need to do is clarify exactly what is meant by having a high vibration.
This is where I feel like things get confusing because different people talk about high vibrations in different ways so I will define a high vibration in terms of what most educators are talking about in the spiritual arena.
A “high vibration” means to be experiencing a positive emotion.
A lot of people refer to an emotional scale that contains negative and positive emotions. The emotions at the top of the scale are deemed to be “high” because they are at the top of the scale. The positive emotions are contentment, hope, optimism, enthusiasm, passion, love, peace, and gratitude.
This all seems simple enough so far but there are several problems with these scales.
The first problem with these scales is that they are all different. People can’t all agree on the order that the emotions should appear on the scale.
If you search for “emotional scale” on Google, and look at the first few images, you’ll understand what I mean. Some of them put joy at the top of the scale, others put gratitude at the top of the scale, and others put love at the top of the scale.
That means that these scales are based purely on opinion seeing as everyone can’t agree on the order of the emotions.
How do you know which emotion to strive for if they are all different?
The second problem with these scales is that they are assuming that certain emotions are “good” and certain emotions are “bad”.
As humans we have been given the full range of emotions to experience and it is normal and natural to experience all emotions on the scale at different times in our lives.
If you start to label the emotions at the bottom of the scale as “bad” or “negative” then when you experience these emotions, you will start to see yourself as a bad person or a negative person because you have lowered yourself to the level of the bad emotions.
I see a lot of people struggling with the whole concept and beating themselves up because they felt angry or sad for a while. I’ve been there myself and this way of thinking is very destructive.
I allow myself to feel the whole range of emotions without judging myself or changing the way I see myself, and I feel like that is a much healthier way to be.
Of course as humans it’s much more pleasant to experience emotions that we enjoy, but we are living a human experience that involves contrast and polarity.
You don’t know what happiness is unless you’ve also experienced sadness.
We need contrast, and for that reason we can be grateful for all emotions.
It is also very difficult to decide to feel a particular emotion on purpose without putting a lot of effort into it.
When you live the majority of your time in a desired state of being, which may be one of peace and joy, it comes directly from your belief system, not from trying to force yourself to be happy when you really don’t feel like it.
Trying to force happiness will just make you feel bad anyway as it will feel hard.
My emotions tend to come mainly from who I believe I am rather than trying to force myself into an elevated state.
When I experience emotions that I don’t enjoy, it leads me directly to analysing my own belief system and from that point I can decide whether I want to change my belief system.
Do Emotions Vibrate?
Emotions do vibrate. Emotions are energy and everything in the universe moves and vibrates, so emotions move in the same way that everything else does.
Do Thoughts Vibrate?
Thoughts do vibrate. Thoughts are energy and everything in the universe moves and vibrates, so thoughts move in the same way that everything else does.
Thoughts and emotions are 2 separate things. Sometimes thoughts can lead to emotions, and emotions can lead to thoughts but they are not the same thing.
Do Beliefs Vibrate?
Beliefs do vibrate. Beliefs are energy and everything in the universe moves and vibrates, so beliefs move in the same way that everything else does.
Beliefs come from memories which come from thoughts that formed an impression on your subconscious mind.
Your beliefs are like a shield that forms around you as you move through life. Whatever conforms to your belief system can pass through the shield and create your reality.
Whatever doesn’t conform to your belief system will not be allowed to pass through the shield and you’ll never be aware of it. It doesn’t mean that anything else can’t exist, but you only see the world as you believe it to be so.
Do Positive Vibrations Move Faster Than Negative Vibrations?
Positive vibrations have not been proven to move faster than negative vibrations. It wouldn’t make any sense for positive vibrations to move faster, and is too subjective to ever be measured.
Science has not yet been able to detect whether positive vibrations move at a different speed from negative vibrations.
Science hasn’t been able to measure the vibrations of thoughts or emotions at all so it cannot be stated as a fact that positive emotions vibrate faster than negative emotions.
I would argue that because we can’t agree as to what emotions are the most positive and the most negative then we wouldn’t ever be able to measure something which is so subjective.
Another problem with stating that positive emotions move faster than negative emotions is that when it comes to vibrations, faster doesn’t always mean better.
We don’t apply the same level of thinking to other types of vibration. For example when it comes to light, red light has the lowest frequency and violet light has the highest frequency. Does that mean that red light is bad and violet light is good because of the speed it vibrates at?
If you look at radiation, the higher the levels of radiation, the more dangerous it is for us.
Bruce Tainio, a famous researcher, discovered that a healthy body resonates at a frequency of around 7.5 Hz, and when your frequency drops to 5 Hz, that is when the disease starts.
Interestingly, our bodies vibrate at the same speed as the earth does. The frequency of the earth is 7.83 hz which is also known as the “Schumann Resonance”.
A 7.83hz frequency is also the frequency of the human brain when in a theta brainwave state which is when the body and mind is relaxed and close to sleep.
The theta brainwave state is also the state at which long term memories are made and belief systems are formed more easily.
It is not good for the brain to vibrate at too high a frequency or it becomes out of balance. Modern technology such as mobile phones, and wifi vibrate at a rate of 30,000 hz to 300 billion hz. This is why an overuse of technology can lead to the body becoming out of balance.
So we can deduce from this that we need the vibrations to be exactly right, not too low and not too high. So it is more than likely that we can say the same for our thought vibrations. Higher or lower isn’t better, exactly right is what we want.
Do Manifestations Come From Vibrations?
Just because everything on the physical, emotional and spiritual plane is energy and energy vibrates, doesn’t mean that manifestations come directly from vibrations alone.
Manifestations are also vibrations.
Manifestation is a vibration. Beliefs are a vibration.
Manifestations come from beliefs.
Vibrations come from vibrations.
So you could say that manifestations do come from vibrations because everything comes from vibrations.
But this is like saying that being alive comes from breathing air. Yes it is needed in the process of being alive, but it’s the reason you are actually alive.
Vibrations are needed and created in the process of manifestation, but vibrations are not the reason that you manifest.
The biggest problem is that it is widely believed that people need to raise their vibration or be at a high vibration in order to manifest what they want in their lives.
Do We Need To Be At A High Vibration To Manifest?
We do not need to be at a high vibration to manifest.
Our beliefs don’t need to be vibrating faster than our desires to manifest, they need to be at exactly the right vibration.
And if we are using the word vibration to mean good mood, or positive emotion, then that’s a different question.
Do We Need A Positive Mood To Manifest?
One thing we need to remember when answering this question is that manifestation includes both “negative” and “positive” results.
We are always manifesting all the time. All of the “good” and “bad” things that happen to us every day are manifestations.
So is it only possible to manifest things when you’re in a good mood?
Although we haven’t actually measured how we manifest things into our reality, we can have a pretty good guess.
Science has proven that our realities are different from each other because we only see what we expect to see. And seeing as our expectations are different, we all see a different reality.
We know that what we see comes from what we believe.
So now we need to look at our belief systems and how they are formed.
How is a belief system formed?
A belief system comes from a memory. An impressionable event creates a long term memory.
An impressionable event can be either positive or negative. We all can personally remember memories that we deem to be negative that left us feeling angry or sad. These impressionable memories formed our realities.
For example if we were told that our dads couldn’t spend much time with us when we were children because they had to work hard to earn money, and yet whenever we asked for things we were told we couldn’t afford anything, that would have formed our belief systems.
As a result we probably believe that it’s not possible to earn very much money, because people have to work so hard they hardly get time to spend with their children, and they still only just have enough money to scrape by.
This is what most people would call a negative belief system, and the reality is a world that conforms to your belief system. We have manifested something that we didn’t want based on negative events and beliefs.
Manifestations can be deemed as either good or bad, and you can manifest something when you are in a bad mood. That is because it is your belief system that manifests things into your reality, not your mood.
We can also look at shorter term manifestations that don’t come from long term beliefs, rather from more immediate thoughts that could be labeled as moods.
Say for example you have woken up in a grumpy mood. You are feeling tired and you think to yourself “I’m having a bad day today” that thought is immediately turned into a short term belief and sure enough you continue to have a bad day.
However, if you delve a bit deeper, your short term belief (or mood) is more than likely to come from a long term belief. For example, you may have a long term belief system that you have good days and bad days, and this is your long term belief system playing out that you have to experience some bad days because your long term belief system says it is so.
Can We Manifest Good Things When In A Bad Mood?
If it’s possible to manifest negative things from a negative mood or a negative belief system, is it possible to manifest good things when you’re in a bad mood?
We only have to look at the evidence around us and in our own lives to answer this question.
Have you ever had something good happen to you when you’re in a bad mood?
For example, have you ever been in tears and somebody comforts you? That is an example of manifesting something good from a bad mood.
Have you ever received something good when you were complaining about something you didn’t want? For example, have you ever been moaning on the phone to customer services to try and get a problem resolved, and have you ever had your problem resolved while in that bad mood? That is another example of manifesting something positive when you’re in a bad mood.
Have you ever known anyone who is very wealthy, or very lucky, yet they are always moaning or treating other people badly and always seem to be in a bad mood?
That is another example of being able to manifest good things while in a bad mood or doing certain actions that other people might label as bad.
It is possible to manifest good things when you’re in a bad mood.
Why is it that we can actually manifest good things when we’re in a bad mood? It is because our manifestations come from our overriding belief system, not predominantly from our mood.
We can override our belief system from our mood if we stay in a particular mood long enough, but generally we don’t have to worry about not being able to manifest good things because we are in a bad mood, as long as you don’t make your bad mood mean anything about who you are and what you can have.
Do Vibrations Lead To Manifestations?
Now we get to the part you might have been waiting for. How do vibrations actually influence manifestations?
We know that everything in the universe is vibrating. Seeing as everything vibrates we can assume that includes thoughts, and beliefs.
We also know from science that particles that are linked together become entangled together even if they are in different places or different universes.
We also know that every particle is everywhere at once in a wave form meaning that all realities are possible.
So we can assume that in order to manifest what we want, we know the version of our reality that we desire is already out there, but how do we link our current reality with it so the two become one?
We manifest a new reality by imagining that we have the belief system that we want to have. All we need to do is change our beliefs to change our reality.
In terms of vibrations, we can assume that means that we have to have a belief system that we have what we want and that it matches identically with our desired reality. When the vibrations match, our new reality appears.
So that means that in order to match the vibration of the belief system exactly, we don’t need a belief system vibration that is too low, or one that is too high, we need one that is just right.
We do not need to raise our vibrations to be able to manifest good or bad things.
We do not need to be in a positive mood to manifest good or bad things.
Is It Useful To Link Vibrations To Manifestations?
I personally believe that it is confusing to talk about having to be in a certain vibration to be able to manifest.
If we really want to help people and change the world for the better, it is better to say things exactly as they are and not confuse 2 or 3 different things that don’t need to be linked together.
All we need to do to manifest what we desire is to imagine that we are living the life where we have what we want. Vibration doesn’t need to even be mentioned.
There are many different techniques that can help you to imagine what you want. A technique that I like to use is called creating Reverse Memories.
How To Manifest With Reverse Memories
Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. In this FREE guide, I walk you through exactly how to do it.
One of the most exciting things to happen to my business when I implemented this process is to double my revenue in my passive business in one month without taking any additional action towards it.
Get my free guide by clicking here.
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To make this a habit, I have created a Reality Creation Journal and a guide that walks you through a series of transformational journal prompts that are going to change your life.
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Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Manifest Using REVERSE MEMORIES
- Parallel Realities: Easily SHIFT To Your Desired Reality With 2 Words
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- “TAKE IT Until You Make It” My Manifestation Weapon More POWERFUL Than “Fake It Until You Make It”
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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