Here’s 10 things you need to do right now while you are waiting for your manifestation to arrive. These things will help to strengthen your faith, and increase the likelihood that your manifestation will show up.

Is it driving you crazy waiting for your manifestation to appear?
The main problem I see my clients having is dealing with the doubt that creeps up while you’re waiting for your manifestation to happen.
Today I am sharing 10 things that you can do while waiting for your manifestation to show up. And these things are going to not only increase the likelihood that your manifestation is going to show up but also strengthen your faith in the process.
Why Waiting For A Manifestation Is So Hard?
We live in a society where we get pretty much everything we want on demand.
If we want a tv show, we press a button. If we want a parcel to be delivered, we just click a button and then it could appear that very same day.
We’re not used to waiting for things anymore.
So manifesting what we want can feel like it takes too long and it really stretches our patience.
Why Do Manifestations Take So Long To Show Up?
Not all manifestations take a long time. You’ve probably experienced instant or near instant manifestation where you think of something and then it immediately appears.
But those things that we desperately want, those are the things that tend to take a long time. And it gets really frustrating waiting for them because we desperately want them to happen.
The reason why it seems to take a long time for the manifestations that we desperately want to appear, is because we are consciously trying to manifest something that we feel like we can’t get through any other means.
If we could just use our remote controls or our phones to just order what we want and we had the money in the bank to pay for it, then we wouldn’t need to manifest it or we wouldn’t need to see it as a manifestation. It’s still a manifestation but we just don’t see it like that.
We Don’t Mind Waiting If We KNOW We Are Going To Get What We Want
When we get to the stage where we are consciously saying “I’m going to manifest this thing,” it’s because we already feel like it’s too hard for us to get through.
Any other means, for example if you wanted to buy a new car and you had enough money to buy that new car you would just go and buy the new car. You wouldn’t declare that you were manifesting the new car. Even though you would be manifesting the car you wouldn’t see it as a conscious manifestation, you would see it as something you could easily get because you had the resources to do so.
But if you don’t have the money to buy a new car and you think it’s impossible for you to get a new car, that’s when you set about manifesting it, when it already feels too hard.
But if you do already have the money in the bank to go and buy the new car and you go and buy the new car.
And if they tell you “Well the new car won’t be in stock until another six months, but you can put the deposit down and we’ll guarantee that you’ll have the car of your dreams in six months.” You would probably gladly wait six months knowing that you were definitely going to get your new car.
So the waiting period wouldn’t feel so long, because you know that you are guaranteed to get your new car.
Therefore, the only reason why the waiting period feels hard is because you feel like you’re not going to get what you want. Because you feel like it’s impossible and it’s too hard and you don’t know when it’s going to come and you feel like it’s just not ever going to arrive.
How I Manifest
While I was planning this video and I was making notes on what I was going to talk about, I actually manifested something. I was trying to book tickets for a lido.
A lido is an outdoor swimming pool and here in the UK we don’t have that many outdoor swimming pools, so it’s an experience that you don’t get to have that often.
And these particular tickets, I had tried to book them last year but every time I looked they
were always fully booked. So I had it in my mind that it would be difficult to get a ticket.
They said that they were going to release all the tickets for the entire summer on one day starting at nine o’clock in the morning.
So yesterday I wasn’t available at nine o’clock sharp, but I got to my computer about half past nine. And when I looked at the website, it was
just crashing because there were too many people on it trying to book the tickets at the same time. You’ve probably experienced this yourself when websites can’t handle the traffic they crash.
I was still trying to book the tickets three hours later and it was driving me crazy. And I was
messaging my husband saying “I’m still trying to book these tickets but it just keeps crashing over and over again.” It was really really frustrating but then all of a sudden the website refreshed and it said that there were no tickets left, they were all sold out.
I was so disappointed but then I remembered that of course I can manifest things. I still
forget in the moment that I can manifest what I want.
So I sent my husband a message saying that all the tickets were sold out, I’d refresh the page about 10 times but I got the same message every single time. And then I said to him “But I’m going to manifest this because I know I’m definitely going to have a ticket.”
So I decided I’m having a ticket and then I refreshed the website a few more times and then after about a minute the website said it had tickets for sale. So I was able to book two different dates for experiencing the lido over the summer. Plus it was the only two dates that I was available and my family could manage. I got the exact dates that I wanted and I got it almost immediately.
It felt very quick and easy.
Even though in the past it had felt impossible and I’d tried and failed last year and it seemed like I was failing again this year, suddenly I remembered I can manifest what I wanted.
The reason why I got it was because I decided I was definitely going to have the tickets.
If you’ve read my post on What is Manifestation where I explain the steps to manifestation, you’ll remember that the second step is you’ve got to decide that you are definitely going to have what you want.
{READ THIS: What Is MANIFESTATION? 🙏 Explained For Beginners }
When you decide that you definitely are going to have what you want then you can move on to step number three.
Step number three, is to imagine that you already have what you want.
This is what activates the manifestation. But you won’t be able to activate the manifestation unless you believe you’re definitely going to have the thing that you want.
And then at the point when it feels real in your imagination you know that it’s already happened in the 4D and you don’t mind waiting for it in the 3D because you know it’s definitely on its way.
This is how I knew that I was going to have the tickets. I could have had to wait a month to get the tickets but thankfully I got the ticket straight away.
I still have to wait a month to experience my manifestation because I’ve booked the tickets a month in the future. However, I don’t mind waiting because I know it’s promised to me.
And this is the attitude you need to have for all of your manifestations. Desires are promises that have been promised to you, therefore expect it, know it’s going to come and imagine that you already have what you want.
10 Ways To Cope While Waiting For A Manifestation
Now that you know how to manifest I am going to share 10 ways to cope while waiting for your manifestation.
You’re waiting for a manifestation probably because it feels hard, difficult or maybe it’s just something that takes a long time but you’re frustrated and ready to give up because it feels like it’s taking too long.
This is exactly what you do while you’re waiting.
And I’ve heard a lot of manifestation teachers lately saying that you shouldn’t need to wait a long time for any manifestation to appear. But I don’t agree with this at all.
Go and check out my post called How To Manifest In Three Days Or Less and I explain this in that post.
{READ THIS: How To Manifest Something In 3 DAYS 🙏 }
A lot of people are saying that any manifestation should be able to take three days or less but that’s just not the case.
It’s just not practical because there are certain things that you know are going to take longer than three days to plan and three days to manifest. And you’re fine with waiting because there’s other things that need to happen in the process to make that manifestation arrive.
So here’s what you can do while you are waiting.
#1 Manifest Boosters
Manifest boosters are small manifestations.
You are waiting for your big manifestation, the manifestation that you are desperate for, and it feels like when you’re just waiting for that one manifestation that you’ve put all of your eggs into one basket and it’s a win-lose situation.
But if you could manifest some small things along the way this is going to boost your confidence and prove to you that manifestation works. It is going to put a smile on your face and help you enjoy life in the process.
So focus on manifesting some small things like free gifts, compliments etc., alongside
your big manifestations because it helps to keep life exciting.
#2 Chunking
If at all possible break down a big manifestation into small chunks. This will help you to manifest smaller things rather than seeing it as this big daunting thing.
It’s like when you are setting goals and you break down your goals into small chunks, it’s
exactly the same thing.
Some people say, just manifest the end, but it can get really boring just waiting for this big
manifestation all the time, so it’s fine to manifest in baby steps.
If you’re trying to get married then yes, focus on getting married but you can also focus
on manifesting a date in a place that you want. Or a really nice experience having the date, meeting somebody really nice and having nice communication with them or manifest a proposal.
#3 Experience
While you are waiting, focus on experiencing life to its fullest.
Make life as fun as you possibly can because there’s nothing worse than being miserable about your life and waiting for “Um, I’ll only be happy when I get this thing that I want.”
Decide that you are going to be happy right now and try to make your life as fun and exciting as possible right now.
Even in very small ways just what you can do for yourself, even a very tiny thing, do it today to make life more fun.
Have more “me” time and have more of an enjoyable human experience.
#4 Feel Worthy
Decide that you are worthy of experiencing your manifestation.
If you don’t feel like you are worthy of your manifestation, then my post called How To Receive Your Manifestation is really going to help you.
{READ THIS: How To RECEIVE Your Manifestation}
Because if you’re not feeling like you are worthy of having your manifestation then you are going to imagine something contradictory.
You are going to imagine that you don’t have
your manifestation, you are going to imagine telling somebody that you don’t have your manifestation or that you’re sick of waiting for your manifestation.
And this imaginary thought, this reverse memory will become more powerful and it will contradict the first imaginary scene, the first reversed memory and then end up not getting what you want.
Therefore, you have to feel worthy of receiving what you want.
#5 Educate
Educate yourself as to how manifestation actually works.
Once you know how it truly works and it has been proven by science, then you will start to really believe it’s possible. And you will put more emphasis on “Yes I can have what I want, I am worthy, I am going to receive it because the science has proven it.”
#6 Inspire
Inspire and motivate yourself through listening to other people’s success stories and their testimonials.
These are your manifestation models.
These are people who have modelled that you can experience what you want because they have experienced the very thing that they want.
There are a lot of times where you don’t even realize that you can get what you want until you see that other people have received what they want and then you think “Ah! If it’s possible for them, it’s also possible for me.”
I have several posts on my blog on how I manifested my dream life, my dream business, my dream home etc.
{READ THIS: How I MANIFESTED My DREAM LIFE (Beach Home, Family, Wealth, Health, Happiness)}
#7 Remember Who You Are
Remember that you are the Powerful Creator, you are Infinite Intelligence, you have everything you need to create everything you want.
Your human self is just an illusion that’s not who you truly are.
You are here to experience being a human but you can create exactly what you want. Your imagination is the Infinite Mind, is the One Mind that connects everything together.
So when you imagine you have what you want, you are compelling everything in your reality to change based on what you desire. Your desires were put there by yourself, by the Infinite Intelligence, the One Mind.
My post called Who Is The Thinker Of Your Thoughts will explain more about who you really are.
{READ THIS: WHO Is The THINKER Of YOUR Thoughts (This Changes Everything)}
#8 Challenge
Challenge yourself, join a fun manifestation challenge.
I have a free 30-day manifestation challenge which is another one of my posts, called 30 Day Manifestation Challenge “I’ve Always Had What I Wanted”.
You can go and join that challenge and manifest that you’ve always had the thing that you want.
That will help to bring it to you much more quickly. And it will also make this process a lot more fun and you can join in with other people doing the same thing.
#9 Change Your Technique
Change things up.
We are all using different manifestation techniques to get what we want.
All manifestation techniques work, all of them activate the imagination. The imagination is the only thing that activates manifestation.
So as long as your manifestation technique activates your imagination then it does work.
So change it up.
Are you getting bored of doing the same manifestation technique? Then try a different one.
Why not try creating your own mind movie?
{READ THIS: How To Make A FREE Mind Movie (Dr Joe Dispenza)}
Why not create your own affirmations audio track?
I have loads of different manifestation techniques in my blog, so go and check out some of the other ones and have more fun in the process.
#10 See Signs
See if you are on track for receiving your manifestations by checking for signs.
I have a post on this called 10 Surprising Signs That Your Manifestation Is Coming True, so check this out and see if you think that you have got enough signs that your manifestation is on its way.
And these signs are probably not what you are thinking right now. You are not going to be seeing angel numbers and that kind of thing, if that’s what you are expecting.
This is actually what you need to do to see if your manifestation is on its way.
The easiest and most life transforming thing I have ever manifested was my perfect day.
At first, I went about manifesting my perfect day all wrong to start with. I made it too hard.
I was trying to physically control the process and I was asking myself “Well, how am I going to get my perfect day?”
And my answer was that I need the money to be able to manifest moving my whole family and pay for this, then the other etc. So I was constantly trying to manifest money but my heart really wasn’t in it.
What I truly wanted to manifest was my perfect day.
When I focused on manifesting my perfect day I dropped the “how” in which it was going to appear. After this, it appeared very very quickly.
Within just a matter of a few months we’d moved countries to a warmer climate.
My whole family was now living in the same area whereas, previously, they were scattered all over the country.
We moved right next to a beach in my dream home and dream location with a sea view.
And it all came when I decided that I was destined to have what I wanted and I imagined that I already had it.
And I’ve got a full course called Manifest Your Perfect Day, that helps you do the same and it’s at a very low price right now. Check out more details on it in the Next Steps section below.
Leave me a comment below letting me know whether or not you have had to wait a long time for a manifestation and whether or not it finally showed up.
Next Steps: Manifest Your Perfect Day
The best thing I ever manifested was my perfect life.
I now live my perfect day every day, and I couldn’t be more grateful for my life.
I developed a very powerful technique called my Perfect Groundhog Day Design which helped me manifest my perfect day in just a few months of applying this technique.
Everything changed for me very quickly after using this technique.
Within just a few months we ended up moving to another country living next to my whole family, right on the waterfront with stunning views and just minutes walk to a gorgeous beach.
I got everything I ever wanted after using this technique for a very short while.
Now I want you to get the same results I got.
I added my entire method into a mini- course, comprising 4 videos which walk you through the entire process.

You will also get access to my exclusive community where you will get coaching from me, and support from me and the other members.
The name of my course is Manifest Your Perfect Day.
Click here to get immediate access to Manifest Your Perfect Day.
I’m Kath Kyle and I help you HUSTLE LESS and MANIFEST SUCCESS.
I help conscious creators and change-makers MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS through my Content, Courses and Club.
There is also an audio version of this post on my podcast. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a video of this post below. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Manifest Something In 3 DAYS
- What Is MANIFESTATION? Explained For Beginners
- How To Overcome IMPOSTER SYNDROME For Good
- How To Know If Your Manifestation Is Working RIGHT NOW
- How To Cope While WAITING For A Manifestation
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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