Here’s why labelling yourself is so harmful, the one label that is the most destructive, and how to stop putting labels on yourself to become limitless.
When you put labels on yourself you limit the results that you can get in your life, you limit the knowledge that you can obtain, you limit the spiritual powers that you have, you limit yourself from finding out the truth and you limit yourself from reaching your full potential.
Today I’m showing you what labels are helpful to keep, which labels are good to discard and what happened when I got rid of certain labels from my life.
What Does It Mean To Label Yourself?
To label yourself it means to assign a particular category to yourself.
That category is usually something that you don’t expect to change over the course of your life.
Examples Of Labels
A label usually starts with the words “I am.”
Here are some examples of labels that I currently have assigned to myself:
- I am a woman
- I am British
- I am a mother
- I am married
- I am an entrepreneur
- I am gluten free
- I am plant based
And here are some examples of labels that I used to have in my life which I have now discarded:
- I am no longer a Christian
- I am no longer a fruitarian
- I am no longer a mosher (if you don’t know what that means I’ll explain in a minute)
- I am no longer a runner
- I am no longer depressed
- I am no longer an insomniac
- I am no longer an ME sufferer
Why Do We Need To Label Ourselves?
Many of our labels were in fact given to us by other people, we didn’t decide to have them.
Sometimes we have labels assigned to us because of particular actions that we’ve taken and these actions can be irreversible, like having children.
And some labels are assigned to us because we were born like that and we can’t change it.
And these are labels that you don’t decide to adopt yourself. These include things like where you were born, whether you’re a parent, whether you’re married, the job you currently have or medical conditions that you’ve been diagnosed with.
And there are other types of labels that you do decide to adopt yourself and these are things based on your interests, your beliefs and your personality.
These labels can include things like the type of music you listen to, the way you dress, your political views, your religious views, the sporting activities you like doing and food you like eating etc.
The main reason that we decide to adopt these kinds of labels is so that we can express our personality and bond with other like minded people.
And that can be a good thing. It can be really fun to find like minded people.
We have been given a certain amount of preferences, desires and a type of personality and it does make sense that we would gravitate towards other people who are interested in the same things so we can enjoy the same kind of activities with them and enjoy having stimulating conversations.
So it makes perfect sense for us to put labels on ourselves, based on our preferences, so that we can identify other people and they can identify us and we can bond together and enjoy our time together. This is a really positive thing to do.
And although there are positives in labelling yourself, there are also a lot of downsides as well.
So let’s talk about that now.
The Problems With Labelling Yourself
When you create labels for yourself based on your own preferences, you are limiting yourself to always be associated with that particular preference.
You are influencing how other people see you and you form friendships based on that particular preference. However when you change your mind then you might end up losing your friends because you no longer have that certain preference in common.
Certain labels are very easy to change your mind about such as things based on preferences, musical preferences, clothing and appearance, sporting activities, hobbies and interests etc.
It can be really easy to change your mind about these labels. And not many people would mind if you did change your mind.
Yes, you might lose that particular circle of friends, but other people in your life, your closest friends, your family that always stick with you wouldn’t mind too much if you change these particular labels.
Changing other types of labels can be a lot more destructive.
People get very attached to labels based on belief systems surrounding things like, religious views, political views and even dietary preferences.
And the use of these labels can be very destructive. People get very passionate about these particular interests.
And there are often very strong societies set up based around these particular labels.
Religious labels are often given to us from birth from our parents and our family is involved with these particular religious beliefs. You’ve been going to your religious establishment from birth that might be where all your family is. It might also be where all of your friends are.
You might be heavily ingrained in this particular community because people are so passionate about these particular views
So for this reason it’s very hard to change your mind about your religious views and let go of your religious labels.
Spiritual labels are the most destructive labels of them all.
You can face mental and physical attacks as a result of changing your spiritual labels. It creates great divides between you and other people.
Spiritual Labels Are The Most Destructive
But why?
Spiritual labels are the most destructive because it creates a barrier between you and God.
You are actually blocking God with your spiritual label. You are putting God in a box and refusing to see the truth.
And the reason why you are blocking God when you have a spiritual label, is because everything ultimately comes from God. It doesn’t come from the spiritual label or the belief system that you uphold, it comes directly from God.
All of the results that you have in your life come directly from God, not from your spiritual beliefs.
All of the knowledge that you have in your life comes directly from God and not from your spiritual labels.
All of these spiritual powers that you have as a human, like the ability to create your reality come directly from God and not from your spiritual beliefs, your purpose in life, the desires you have, and your true potential, come directly from God.
And ultimately the truth also comes directly from God and not through spiritual beliefs.
So if you put God in a box, then you are limiting God. And if you adopt any spiritual label, you are putting God in a box because you are saying it has to be like this and it can’t be like that.
Are There Any Benefits To Labelling Yourself?
The main benefits of labelling yourself, is that it helps you to connect to like minded people and have more fun and enjoyment with them or achieve a particular purpose together.
Another good reason for labelling yourself is to give other people information that they might require to help you get your own needs met.
For example if you have a particular diet or medical condition, then other people will need to know that. So putting a label on that will help them to understand you.
However I’m not saying that all medical labels are positive, on the contrary, focusing on medical labels can actually make the problem much more focused in your own life and make the problem worse.
I think it’s good to give people the information that they need when they absolutely have to have that information. But above and beyond that, then it is probably better not to mention medical problems if you don’t have to.
Because it just draws your attention to it and other people ‘s attention to it. It gives you sympathy from other people which can be a positive thing and that can lead to you not wanting to get rid of the medical problem.
Because most medical issues are problems you can get rid of. Most people won’t believe that and they think they are stuck with their health problems.
But I myself have recovered from so many health problems that I know that this is not true.
The Problems With Positive Labels
And there aren’t just problems with having negative labels there’re also problems with having positive labels as well.
Say for example you have labelled yourself an overachiever or a perfectionist or maybe you’ve even been called a genius, you would think that they are all pretty good labels.
But what they do in fact is act like we put you in a box that you can’t escape from. They put so much pressure on you to remain consistent to that label that it actually creates a lot of tension when you can’t live up to being that label all the time.
People expect a certain standard from you and they will be highly disappointed when they don’t get that standard from you.
And this is why the advice for raising children now, is that not only should you not call them negative names and insult them, but you also shouldn’t do the opposite.
You shouldn’t give children positive labels because it puts so much pressure on them.
They tell you now, don’t tell your kids that they are smart because they don’t always make smart decisions and they’ll really beat themselves up when they make a mistake.
They won’t be able to learn and grow from their mistakes because they’ll think that they should always be smart, they should always be the most intelligent one.
What Happened When I Removed Labels From My Own Life
Now I want to share with you what happened when I removed labels from my own life and the impact it had on me.
If I think back to my teenage years (showing my age now), when I was at school you either had to choose to be a “mosher” or a “raver”.
A raver was into heavy dance music and a mosher was into hard rock music like heavy metal.
And I chose to be a mosher. But all of my friends were ravers.
There were not many moshers in my school, for some reason all of my friends were ravers and I secretly liked rave music and also rock music. But I would never admit that I liked rave music because I dressed like a mosher.
I had placed this label on myself that I couldn’t escape from. I couldn’t admit to other people that I liked my friends’ music because I had a self image to preserve. Thankfully my friends accepted me for who I was. Maybe because I accepted them for who they were.
Another label that I got rid of in my life was the label of chronic fatigue syndrome sufferer.
I had chronic fatigue syndrome for six years in total, consisting of periods of two years each time, three long spells of chronic fatigue syndrome.
After that I was identified as a chronic fatigue sufferer and the doctors diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome.
I also joined a chronic fatigue syndrome support group.
And this support group consisted of people who had been going there for a really long time, some people for like ten years and other people who were very new to it like me.
And as soon as I joined that group I had actually had a breakthrough in terms of my own health. So I had a massive speedy recovery and I felt so much better the second and third time I went to the group.
I realised at that point that I had overcome chronic fatigue syndrome and I tried to tell people in the group that I had overcome chronic fatigue syndrome.
The people who were new to the group were really excited for me, congratulating me and wanted to know what I did, so that they could do the same thing and recover.
But the people who had been there for a really long time were so identified with the label of chronic fatigue syndrome sufferer that they were very negative about my own recovery.
They said things like “Oh you’re probably just and be a temporary blip you’ll have a relapse like you did every other time, you can’t ever really overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, you’ll once you’ve got it, you’ve got it for life.”
I think that was about four years ago. Thankfully I haven’t had a relapse and my health has never been better.
After I got diagnosed with a health condition, I realised what the problem was. I got diagnosed with celiac disease and that meant I was having these bouts of chronic fatigue syndrome.
And when I changed my diet I was able to recover and thankfully I knew by then what was causing the problem – gluten, and I never ate gluten again.
So the label of being gluten free is a label that I do intend to keep. Because it’s very helpful for me to maintain my good health.
Another label that I got rid of is a raw foodist.I used to be like a fruitarian, eating nothing but raw food.
I did that for ten months and I joined groups related to it, I made loads of friends, and I went to a fruit festival as well. I really embraced the lifestyle and I never felt better. And I wanted to share the positivity with other people.
However, ten months later I just decided I didn’t want to do it anymore.
Then what happened was I lost all my friends, I could no longer go to the group or to the festival. Well, I could have gone to the festival but I didn’t identify with that label anymore.
So I didn’t see the point in embracing that lifestyle anymore. It also had an impact on the business that I had started. I’d started a YouTube channel all around that topic.
And then as soon as I stopped eating that way, I could no longer carry on with my YouTube channel encouraging people to eat raw food because I wasn’t a product of that anymore.
It ended up having a big impact on my lifestyle. My whole lifestyle changed as a result of changing my diet.
And that’s because I’d attached such a strong label to myself as a raw foodist, that I had changed so much in my life as a result.
Another label that I have let go of is the label of suffering from insomnia.
When I let go of that label I was actually still experiencing insomnia but I decided I was no longer going to talk about it and I was not going to call myself an insomniac anymore.
And sometimes I would say to people that I didn’t sleep very well last night or in the past I used to struggle with my sleep. But I would never predict the future by saying I am an insomniac because that says I’m always going to have this problem and it’s something that I didn’t want.
And after I dropped that label my sleep got a million times better. It really did change.
I started to believe that I was somebody who had the occasional bad night’s sleep just like everybody else. I also imagined that I was a good sleeper which is the thing that really helped.
And the biggest label that I have got rid of in my own life is the label of a Christian. And this was the hardest label that I had to let go of.
I was a very passionate Christian and got heavily involved in the church. I made a massive big group of friends there and a lot of my own friends actually converted to being Christians and I actually encouraged other friends to become Christians as well. So I ended up with this massive group of friends and a lot of family who were Christians.
It’s also the way I met my husband through a Christian dating site. So my husband and I had been bringing up our children to be Christians. We had been going to church for a very long time.
It wasn’t a quick decision, but through a gradual process of awakening to the truth I decided that I no longer wanted to have this label as a Christian and through a lot of soul searching I came to the conclusion, that although I did believe the words of the bible that I was interpreting the bible differently from everybody else and I didn’t believe the words that were spoken in church by the preachers. in the worship music or in the words that were coming out of my friend’s mouths.
And although I respected their differences I no longer believed in the same thing and therefore I couldn’t give myself that label anymore.
I tried to have deep meaningful conversations with my Christian friends about spirituality and about God and it always resulted in them going back to the bible for the answers to everything.
But I wanted to go beyond the bible and experience God. I’d had so many experiences of God that didn’t come from reading the bible.
It just came from a spiritual experience resulting from prayer through manifestation and I loved these spiritual experiences.
But I just didn’t find that people were interested in talking about these kinds of things. All people wanted to do was argue about what the bible says and study the bible and I wasn’t as interested in that.
So I dropped the label as Christian and it was the most freeing thing that I’ve ever done in my entire life.
Yes it was difficult and some of my closest friends were very disappointed. But I finally got all of the answers to my spiritual questions that I could never get inside of the church.
So I knew that it was the right thing to do. It just felt like the truth to me.
How Do You Not Label Yourself
First of all, recognize which labels can’t be changed. Things like where you were born, who your parents are, if you have kids etc.
You don’t have to focus on them but just accept them because you can’t change them.
You can change your memory of them or you could start to believe a different memory of them but that doesn’t change the actual truth.
However most people don’t want to go there.
After that, look at the labels that you want to stop focusing on but you don’t think you can change them.
They might be things like the colour of your skin, your gender or your health conditions.
These are all things that people think they can’t change but it might lead to having a negative experience in life if you label yourself too heavily and associate yourself too heavily with those labels that you feel like you’ve already been given.
And there are examples of people who have changed these particular labels but again most people don’t want to go there.
Next, it’s good to recognize the labels that exist to provide helpful information for others and you’ll want to keep those labels as well.
The next labels that you’ll want to keep are the labels that help you to connect to people based on personal preferences.
But also recognize that any friendships or relationships that are built on these preferences might not stand the test of time and might disintegrate when you change your mind.
And this can also be applied to any businesses or jobs that are based on personal preferences.
Other than the above, you’ll probably want to drop all other labels.
So how do you drop a label?
Decide that you are no longer going to talk about that label.
You don’t have to tell anybody that you are dropping the label.
You don’t need to make a big performance about it and go around announcing it to all of your friends and family because that might actually be very destructive.
You might want to avoid doing that but you can just decide in your own mind, “I just don’t want to associate with that label any more.”
And you might be asking, “well what if somebody asks me about that particular label what should I say?”
Here’s how I approach the situation.
If I don’t want to correct somebody and I don’t want to get into an argument and I don’t want to highlight the fact that there are now massive differences between them and me,
I do the following that I’ll share in this example.
I remember I was in a similar situation when I went back into church very recently just to try it out to see how I felt about church.
Since I no longer identified as a christian, people were asking me questions such as “when did you become a christian?”
But I wasn’t really ready to tell them that I wasn’t a christian because I would have had to tell them my whole story and I didn’t really want to do that.
So I thought I would just give them a very quick answer. And this answer wasn’t lying but it also wasn’t correcting them either.
And I would just say something like when I was in my mid-20s I started to experience God for the first time or I got invited to church when I was in my mid-twenties or I started getting really interested in God when I was in my mid-twenties.
All of these are not lies but you don’t have to go around creating arguments all the time.
You just need to focus on what you believe instead and you don’t have to create that big barrier.
There Is Only One Label Worth Having
Now I’m going to share with you what I believe is the only one label worth having.
And that one label that’s worth having is who you really are.
And that who you really are is not even human, but that you are the One Universal Mind.
That is who you really are and to me that’s the only label worth having.
Adopting that label will change everything in a positive way in your life.
It will help you to connect with all humans because you know the truth of human existence.
It will help you to forgive people straight away and not hold a grudge.
It will help you to accept yourself exactly as you are yourself, as a human.
It will help you to not be concerned about what people think about you and just embrace life exactly as it is.
It’s a very freeing label to have.
And that’s why I highly recommend that you adopt that label.
Mistakes To Avoid
So here’s some mistakes to avoid.
Don’t feel like you have to give yourself labels in order to bond with people.
The biggest bond you have is that you are all living this human experience and you are all ultimately the one universal mind.
And because we are all one, they are you and you are them and that is the biggest bond you can ever have with anybody else. And there is no need for labels when you see yourself all as one.
Here are two videos that you can watch next, Is FREE WILL An ILLUSION? This Will Blow Your Mind and that is going to blow your mind.
And How To BE THE MAIN CHARACTER In Your Life – From A Spiritual Perspective
Leave me a comment below letting me know what labels have you discarded in your life and what have the results been?
Next Steps: Manifest Your Perfect Day
The best thing I ever manifested was my perfect life.
I now live my perfect day every day, and I couldn’t be more grateful for my life.
I developed a very powerful technique called my Perfect Groundhog Day Design which helped me manifest my perfect day in just a few months of applying this technique.
Everything changed for me very quickly after using this technique.
Within just a few months we ended up moving to another country living next to my whole family, right on the waterfront with stunning views and just minutes walk to a gorgeous beach.
I got everything I ever wanted after using this technique for a very short while.
Now I want you to get the same results I got.
I added my entire method into a mini- course, comprising 4 videos which walk you through the entire process.
You will also get access to my exclusive community where you will get coaching from me, and support from me and the other members.
The name of my course is Manifest Your Perfect Day.
Click here to get immediate access to Manifest Your Perfect Day.
I’m Kath Kyle and I help you HUSTLE LESS and MANIFEST SUCCESS.
I help conscious creators and change-makers MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS through my Content, Courses and Club.
There is also an audio version of this post on my podcast. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
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