Why commitment in your business is essential for success, how commitment will change your life, what commitment actually looks and feels like and how long it takes to get results after committing.
Do you want to know one of the biggest reasons why most businesses fail to take off?
The business owner wasn’t committed enough to that business.
If you don’t commit to your business you are sending a message out there that you don’t expect your business to succeed.
If you truly expected your business to succeed you would have gone all in with your business.
This is why committing to your business is one of the most important things you can do for business success.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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Today You Will Discover
- The Life Changing Benefits Of Being COMMITTED To Business
- Why COMMITMENT To Your Business Is Essential For Manifestation
- What Commitment To Your Business Looks Like And Feels Like
- How Long It Takes To Get Results After Demonstrating Commitment
My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Why COMMITMENT To Your Business Is Essential For Manifestation
How committed are you to your business?
Are you just testing the waters? Seeing how it goes?
Do you have a plan B for your business?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is probable that you are not fully committed to your business.
If you want to manifest business success, I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to commit to the success of your business.
You are the only one who manifests success for yourself, so it is vital that you adopt a belief system that is based on your business succeeding.
If you honestly believed that success was inevitable for your business, and that you were going to manifest the revenue you desired, work the hours you desired, do the work that you love, and have the freedom that you long for, wouldn’t you commit wholeheartedly to that process?
If you’re not fully in, and you don’t yet have this kind of faith about your business, then a lack of commitment is what is holding you back from success.
You get what you believe you are going to get, so to manifest success, you have to KNOW that success is definitely going to be yours.
I believe that when you start a business, you co-create with the universe to improve the world in some way. All of the ideas you have are probably also given to someone else.
If you don’t prove that you are committed to the business, maybe your well of ideas will dry up, and all of the good ideas will be given to someone who is more committed than you?
The Life Changing Benefits Of Being COMMITTED To Business
Have are some of the many benefits of being committed to your business that will change your business and your life:
- Success is inevitable for you
- You don’t let every disappointment stop you in your tracks
- You feel so much more confident about your business
- You enjoy working in your business a lot more
- You have a purpose in life and you’re living that purpose
- You are much stronger as nothing is going to stand in your way
- You see evidence of your success all around you
- You find challenges much easier to overcome
- Your customers can sense how committed you are and are more likely to invest in you
- Your team members are more likely to put more effort into their work as your passion and commitment will motivate them
Wouldn’t you rather feel all of these benefits of being committed than the uncertainty of having one foot in and one foot out of your business the whole time?
What Commitment To Your Business Looks Like And Feels Like
So what does being committed actually look like and feel like?
Commitment starts with a decision. It is a moment in time where you decide that the success of your business is going to happen and you’re the one who is going to make it happen. Nothing is going to stop you. You are in this for the long haul.
It doesn’t matter how long it takes – you will stick it out. Like a marriage you will be in it through the ups and the downs through sickness and health.
There are people in the world with needs to be met and you are the chosen one for the task. You have accepted the task and you are now co-creating with the universe to bring this shared desire into reality.
Commitment feels like unwavering faith that is unbreakable and unshakable by anyone else, or any outer circumstance. Yes you might have off days, but after a little moping you’ll be right back on your purpose again, because you have committed.
So what actions should you take if you are committed to your business?
First and foremost you should make a commitment to your customers, to provide the best quality product that you can provide, and do whatever you can to get your customer the desired results they want.
That means you commit to:
- Creating a good quality product
- Getting feedback about the product
- Improving the product based on feedback
- Investing your time into the business
- Managing the resources of the business well to make sure the business has everything it needs to thrive
- Sharing the benefits of your product with the world by offering it for sale
- Creating marketing materials to help your target audience, and educate them to bring awareness to your industry
- Helping your customers to get the results they desire
So what actions would you need to take on a regular basis to prove that you were committed to your business?
Here are some examples that show that I am committed based on my own business model.
- I have committed to spending half of every month working on new product creation
- I send out automated emails to customers asking for feedback on products they have bought
- I am committed to improving my products based on feedback
- I am committed to working 5 days a week for 3-4 hours on my business, every day of the year apart from 6 weeks vacation time.
- I spend one day every month checking my finances, making sure my expenses are lower than my income and deciding if I need to cancel any of my subscriptions.
- Every day I answer my assistant’s questions as I am committed to her success
- I commit to creating a proven sales page for every product that I create, and most of my products also have workshops that provide a lot of value for people.
- I spend half of every month creating marketing materials in the form of blog posts, podcasts, videos, social media posts and emails.
- All of my products are first tested by me, and then by a group of beta testers to ensure people get results from them before they are brought to market.
- I commit to increasing the amount I invest in stocks and shares every month, therefore I commit to my business revenue increasing in line with this every month.
And it’s worth me saying that demonstrating commitment to a business is not the same as husting hard and burning yourself out.
It shows a greater degree of commitment to understand how much time you can realistically give to your business, because you are in it for the long haul.
If you care about your business, you will also care about your health and wellbeing because successful businesses need healthy sharp CEOs to manage them.
{READ THIS: Why You Need To Hustle-Less, And Manifest-More For EASY Business Success}
How Long Does It Take To Get Results After You Commit To Your Business?
This is different for everyone, but in my own experience, and from what I’ve observed in other business owners, it does seem to me that the more you commit to your business, the faster your results.
However, getting results from a business is not usually a quick process.
It can take at least a few months before most people get results after starting a business.
And for a lot of people, it can even take around a year before the business takes off and starts to make sales.
So committing to your business is vital, because you have to be in this for the long haul to get results.
It is like digging for gold. A lot of gold diggers stopped digging just before they reached the gold, and it is the same with business.
So many people gave up on their business just before it was going to absolutely explode.
If building a business and becoming successful was a lightning fast process, everyone would do it. But that wouldn’t lend itself to being committed to anything as entrepreneurs would jump from one business to another and customers would not be given good service.
I believe that the way in which you demonstrate commitment can affect how quickly you get results.
Let’s compare online businesses to local businesses for a minute.
To start a local business you often have to commit a large amount of money to the process. You have to rent your premises, buy stock, pay for bills, and hire staff. That is a lot of money that you have to invest upfront.
Once you’ve invested a large amount of money into your business, do you think your level of commitment goes up?
You bet it does. Your commitment levels go through the roof once you’ve invested a large amount of cash into it.
A local business can find it easier to get customers because they have invested in a brick and mortar business, business signs, so people walking past can’t fail to notice the new business. It is much more likely they will be found much more quickly than an online business.
That’s why online businesses often struggle to get results. A lot of people who start online businesses either don’t have the funds to invest, or couldn’t get a loan if they wanted to, or they are not willing to invest their money into their business.
When you don’t invest money into a business you can’t demonstrate a very big level of commitment to it.
So how can you show commitment to an online business if you don’t invest a lot of money into it?
You can invest your time.
The thing about investing your time into a business, is that it takes time.
Yes it takes time to invest time.
It takes time to show a certain level of commitment, and therefore it takes time to also get results.
How many months would you have to invest into working consistently into an online business before you felt like you’d really invested a lot of yourself into it?
If you worked for one month on a business and then gave up would you feel like you’d wasted a lot of your time and effort?
However, if you’d worked consistently for 6-12 months and then gave up, you’d feel like you’d wasted a lot more of your life into this process. Therefore you’d be much less likely to give up.
The main thing you need to do when it comes to investing into your business is prove to yourself that you are committed to your business.
Have you ever heard of online coaches telling you that when most people invest in high-end expensive coaching their businesses usually take off?
The reason is because they’ve demonstrated commitment to their business, the stakes are much higher now because they don’t want to feel like a fool investing money and not making that money back again. So they fully commit. They go all in.
Sometimes it takes a big gesture like that to show yourself that you are actually committed, and sometimes it just takes a decision.
It all depends on your personality.
Some people need the accountability of time or money to show their commitment, and others don’t.
For me personally, I don’t need to invest time or money to show my commitment, I just need to make a decision.
I don’t take my decisions lightly. I am the kind of person, when I say yes to something, it is something that I really want to do and I go all in, 100% and I don’t give up.
This is the attitude I took with my most successful business and it paid off. I committed on day one and it still took about 6 months of working for me to make any money though. But I knew it would take off so I didn’t mind at all.
With my Kath Kyle brand I wasn’t quite as committed at the start. Believe it or not, I started this brand back in around 2016 and created a handful of videos, and then got cold feet and gave up.
I then started it back up in 2019 and I felt like I was putting all of my effort into it, but after about half a year of not really getting any results I realized I hadn’t actually made a commitment to it at all.
I realized that I’d just been creating content when I felt like it, and I didn’t really have a solid content creation plan and I hadn’t committed to my audience.
I made a decision right there and then that I was committing to a content schedule of creating 2 new pieces of long form content every week, and I was going to stick to this until I had 100 pieces of content before I re-assessed and at that point I may go down to creating 1 piece of content per week.
I knew that my lack of commitment had been holding me back. I’d had a few launches where I hadn’t made any money whatsoever so my business hadn’t even started making money yet.
As soon as I made that commitment, I went all in, and it felt really good. I then started making my very first sales that same month.
I also realised that I had been working on projects first before creating content, and sometimes I ran out of time.
So I flipped this on its head and committed the first half of every month to batch creating content until all of the content for the month was finished.
Right now, I know that I’m moving house next month so I’m actually creating 2 month’s worth of content in one month because I have made this commitment and that means being organised and planning for success in advance.
I am one hundred percent committed to my personal brand now. You just know when you are completely committed as it just feels so different.
As soon as you make that decision, your energy changes and things start to align for you. You’ll notice evidence of things starting to happen straight away.
Goals Are A Form Of Commitment
What would it take for you to commit to your business?
Do you need to invest time, money, or just make a decision that you know you won’t go back on?
Setting goals can really help you to commit to your business.
A lot of people are scared of setting goals because it means that they are committing to a certain level of success in their business.
I set 3 types of goals within my business. These are Gratitude, Giving, and Growing Goals.
Gratitude Goals are how much money I commit to earning. This is a goal I can’t control and therefore I commit to earning this sometime in the future and I’m grateful that I know for certain this revenue is on its way. Although I can’t guarantee that someone will pay me money, I do commit to showing them all the benefits of buying my products.
Giving Goals are based on what I’m going to offer in return for this money. I am 100% committed to getting my customers a transformation. Whatever Giving Goals I set, I am committed to achieving them.
Growing Goals are who I am committed to being. I commit to overcoming any mindset limitations that are holding me back from success.
I walk you through the process of setting these 3 essential goals for business in my book, STAMP Goals.
Click here to see the FREE bonus that I’m giving to everyone who purchases STAMP Goals.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how important commitment is for business manifestation, you might be wondering how to get started planning your dream business.
I have created a FREE workshop to help you do this called How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days.
In this FREE workshop I show you how to plan your dream 6 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell.
This workshop is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Blueprint course. I am giving you FREE access to this workshop, and an associated workbook for a limited time.
Click the here to get FREE immediate access (no opt in required).
Next time I’m sharing my monthly business and planning goal setting session that you can plan along with me, so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE 100+ Success Mantras. Mantras are like affirmations that the brain can’t argue with as they are true for everyone. These mantras will make the achievement of your goals inevitable.
Here is an example of a couple of my own success mantras:
- “They give you an inch and you go the extra mile” Kath Kyle
- “Good things come to those who believe” Kath Kyle
Click here to download your FREE Success Mantras.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Overcome Fear Of Competition: STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief
- Why You Need To Hustle-Less, And Manifest-More For EASY Business Success
- How To Build A Business Based On Your IDEAL Lifestyle (It Worked For Me!)
- Importance Of Commitment In Business For Manifestation
- Plan With Me: March 2021 Monthly Business Planning & Goal Setting
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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