I share how I overcame my fear of competition with my unique STAMP It Out Process to reject disbelief. If you are letting competition stop you from achieving your full potential, you’ll get so much benefit from this.
Have you ever had a passion for helping people or sharing something with the world?
Have you then looked at the competition and convinced yourself that you’ll never be as good as someone else so there’s no point in even trying?
Today I’m sharing my story about my battle with fear of competition that consumed me for years.
I finally let go of this fear after taking myself through my STAMP It Out Process and rejected this disbelief.
I’m sharing how I did that today so you can experience the same level of relief that I now have when it comes to competition and putting myself out there.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Today You Will Discover
- Why competition doesn’t exist
- More helpful ways of viewing competition
- My unique process for releasing fear of competition
My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
What Are You Struggling With?
Do you have a fear of competition or are your thoughts about competition holding you back from reaching your full potential?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
My Battle With Fear Of Competition
A lot of people will never get started sharing their passion with the world for fear that the competition will always win out.
Or some people fear that they’ll do really well and the competition will come along and steal away their success.
My own story is based on the latter, how I became very successful and I perceived that competition had stolen it all away from me.
When I first started one of my previous businesses, I sat down to work, with my laptop on my coach, and I did what everyone tells you to do. I got to know my marketplace. I reviewed the people out there who were sharing similar messages to me and I sized them up. These were my competitors.
I decided that all of my competitors were doing well in particular areas, but they all had gaps that needed to be filled. I was going to be the one to fill the gaps and bring the full package to the market.
And I did just that.
I learned how to create a unique concept. I learned how to be personable, to tell stories and to bring people on a journey with me in my life.
I wrote blog post after blog post sharing everything people needed to know to transform their lives.
I taught myself how to do SEO, search engine optimization, so that my blog posts would start appearing on the first page of Google.
And it worked amazingly well. Google started ranking my blog posts and my traffic jumped through the roof.
Within months of starting my business, I started getting 2,000 page views to my blog per day, and that continued to rise up and up with some days averaging 25,000 page views per day.
I was over the moon that my blog was doing so well. I was reaching people. I was changing lives, I was making a lot of money, and I was very successful.
Then a couple of years after I started my blog, a new competitor entered the scene.
I don’t even want to mention the name of this competitor because they are now so well-known that you absolutely will know who they are because their growth was stratospheric.
If I thought my level of success was high, they managed to more than 10X my results.
They started a blog very similar to mine, and when I looked at their blog, their products, and their message, I just felt like everything they did was a million times better.
Their graphics were better quality, their message was more engaging, their writing was more succinct, their products looked more professional, and their team was 10 times bigger than my team of 2. (Me and a VA)
I was full of envy for what they had created, wishing that I had created it myself, wishing that I had the same skills and the same insights. I read all of their blog posts and was full of anger and resentment.
All of these negative emotions consumed me.
All of a sudden this brand was everywhere and I was nowhere.
All of the keywords that I had been ranking for, I lost most of them to this new brand.
This new brand started ranking for keywords that they didn’t even have specific content for, but I did.
Google changed the algorithm to showing keywords to big brands that have proved their authority even if they didn’t have the specific content for the particular keywords.
My traffic took a very dramatic nosedive and I was left feeling very low and bitter.
My revenue went down, I was getting less engagement, and people started to confuse me with that brand telling me they had bought my product and it was so good, when it turned out they had actually bought this other brand’s product.
I tried to niche down even further by honing in on a niche within a niche within a niche. I started highlighting my unique concepts more and more and differentiating myself from this brand in any way I could.
And this is a massive problem in itself. I was no longer creating content because I felt like it was truly the way to help people. I was basing my entire business concept on being different to someone else.
And then this brand brought out a new concept which was exactly the same as my own unique concept, and they did it in a more professional way.
I didn’t know if they had done it on purpose, or whether the idea had just come to them also but I was so deflated.
I felt like they had won the battle.
I retreated with my tail between my legs.
I had lost, and it was time for me to give up.
All of this battling had taken the fun out of my business, and I had totally lost my passion for my topic now.
After one last push, I totally burned out and got really sick.
During my period of sickness, I finally let go of any resentment I had towards this brand, connected with my spiritual self, and started to feel gratitude again for what I had.
I took about 6 months off work as I physically couldn’t move.
During this time one of my old blog posts went completely viral all on it’s own and my revenue went sky high.
This is because this blog post is what I like to call a ‘money post’ which means it generates a lot of money because it is based on a product that people need to buy.
So not only were they buying the product that I had recommended and I was getting commission, but I was also making money through banner ads on this page, and people were buying my own info product that I had advertised on this page.
I made a triple whammy of income from this one post and it boosted my revenue in a massive way.
I believe that mindset and energetics are much more responsible for your own success than hard work and hustle.
When your energy is pure, and you are helping people from a good heart with good intentions, you are rewarded for it.
When your energy turns ugly, and you get consumed by negative emotions like fear, envy, anger, and resentment, your success goes down the toilet.
I had no idea that my anger and envy towards this brand was so destructive. I was in a victim mentality mode where I blamed this brand for my lack of success. I was also in a lack mentality where I admitted that this brand had everything that I didn’t and accepted my fate of sinking while watching this brand get what they rightfully deserved by being the best.
This used to be my mindset when it came to competition, but now I have a totally new attitude about competition.
A Healthy Way To View Competition
When I started addressing my attitude, I realised how unhealthy my viewpoint was.
The results of living in constant fear and envy of competition will mean that you either fail to get started at all, and if you already have a business, your business will start to go downhill.
Fear and envy literally eats away at you and destroys any success you might have.
It is natural to experience negative emotions and inevitable that these kinds of feelings will arise, but it is vital that you resolve these issues and let them go.
I’m going to show you how to do that in a minute, but first of all, I’m going to share with you a much more healthy attitude towards competition.
I have now got a completely different attitude towards competition and I’m going to share that with you now.
Here’s what I now believe:
1. There Is No Such Thing As Competition
After years of struggling with what I thought was a problem with competition and a fear of my competitors, I’ve now eliminated competition as a problem.
What I believe now is that if I have a desire and a passion to share something with the world, that desire has been placed on my heart for a reason and it is not dependent on anything that anyone else is or isn’t doing.
I also believe that competition doesn’t really exist for the simple reason that there are always more people coming into this world, and they all have different preferences, needs, and methods of finding solutions to their problems.
Just because you might feel like there are some really big brands dominating the market that you want to enter into does not mean that you are also not going to get success.
Everybody starts from zero, and you have just as much chance of success as someone else regardless of how many followers you currently have.
Your own message and offerings are always going to be different from someone else’s because:
- You are a unique person
- You have different styles of communication with your marketing
- You have different marketing channels with which to reach people
- Your branding is different
- Your personal energy is different
- Your confidence level is different
- Your desires are different
- You have a different mindset
So if you work on being the best version of yourself that you can be in all of these different areas, you will naturally reach the people you are supposed to reach, and there will be no other brand that can get in the path of your purpose. Therefore competition doesn’t exist.
Here’s another thing worth pondering.
When you are interested in a particular niche, have you ever bought more than one product from more than one brand?
Have you ever bought 2 books on the same subject?
Have you ever bought 2 courses on similar subjects?
Have you ever watched 2 videos, listened to 2 podcasts or read 2 blog posts on a particular subject?
Of course you have. We all have.
People often buy more than one product from more than one brand in the same niche.
That’s why the other brands in your niche will not stand in your way of success. There is more than enough room for everybody.
2. Competitors Are Actually Only Contributors
After I started seeing other brands in my niche as contributors to the market, rather than my own personal competitors, everything changed for me.
The use of the word competitor can be very negative. It turns everything into a battle in which there is always one winner and many losers.
And if you approach business with this mindset of standing a very small chance of being a winner, but a very big chance of being a loser, no wonder you’re scared of the competition.
When you look at brands as contributors something changes inside you. You realise that everyone is working towards the same goal and the common good of humanity.
You are all contributing towards helping people and providing value for people, and anyone who approaches business with the mindset of helping people and keeping that in the forefront of their mind will always be a winner and will always be rewarded for this.
Another big problem with seeing the other brands in your niche as competitors is that it makes you feel like you’re in a battle with them, and therefore you’re not likely to be on friendly terms with the other brands.
When you see all brands as contributors and recognise that you’re all going for the same common good of humanity you can actually begin to work together and share each other’s work. You can interview each other and be affiliates for each other.
Online businesses can be very lonely, and It is SO much more fun having other people to work with. I used to be a member of a blog network with other health bloggers and we all helped each other and shared each other’s work. It was one of the most fun times I’ve ever had in my business.
3. Contributors Can Model Success And Motivate You
Some people get so scared of competition that they won’t even look at the other contributors in the niche.
They get so envious when they come into contact with brands that have what they want that they try and block them out and pretend they don’t even exist.
They stay in their own little bubble and are not aware of what the market is doing as a whole.
I have done this myself and I always ended up coming across the biggest brand and feeling so negative every time it happened.
However, you can turn these feelings of envy on their heads and start to see your contributors in a different light.
Look at the contributors’ success. Let it sink in how well they’ve done. Now choose to see this as motivation for yourself.
Choose to believe that if someone has achieved something, it is also possible for you.
If one person can achieve this, anybody can achieve the same thing.
You can also use someone else’s success to feel feelings of gratitude.
Feel grateful that this kind of success is possible at all.
Just a few years ago, it was not possible for anyone to have success online because the Internet didn’t exist.
Every day we are able to achieve more and more new things and you can be grateful that other people are paving the way and showing you exactly how they achieved success so you can do the same.
The more you can feel gratitude for someone else’s success, the more you will convince your own mind that you yourself are successful as your brain doesn’t know the difference between feeling grateful for someone else’s success or your own.
Another feeling it is good to feel when you notice someone else’s success is excitement.
Feel excitement that there are a large amount of people who want to engage with your niche. Feel excited that this is a profitable market and that you are lucky enough to be in this niche sharing in this success.
That is why it is good to find models of success, people who have gone before you and paved the way for your own success. These people are not to be feared or envied, they are to be thanked for their bravery in showing you that what you want to do is possible.
How To Overcome Fear Of Competition
Now I’m going to take you through my STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief to show you how I overcame my fear of competition.
First of all I identified what the disbelief was. My disbelief was that I had competition and that other brands were preventing me from being successful.
I then analysed the disbelief.
I started off asking myself what the advantages of believing this belief were.
The advantages of believing that I had competition and that it was stopping me from being successful was that I didn’t need to face the fact that I had lost interest in this particular niche. Another advantage was that I didn’t have to take ownership over my own success, as it’s much easier to blame other people than take responsibility yourself.
Then I asked myself what the disadvantages of this disbelief were. For me, the disadvantage was that my business was going downhill.
Next I asked myself if the disbelief was actually true.
First of all I asked myself if this brand was actually competition. And the answer was that this statement was subjective. It was totally my own opinion. Some people would have agreed with this statement and others would have disagreed. Therefore it is not a fact and is not true.
The second part of this question was asking myself if it was true that another brand had prevented me from being successful.
If I had asked other people this question, the majority would have said no that most of the time someone else can’t stop you from being successful. The very word success is an opinion based word. It is subjective. We all disagree on what it means to be successful. Therefore the answer again has to be that no, this is not a true statement.
My statement was a lie. It was not the truth. And that’s why it is called disbelief because it is the refusal to believe in the actual truth.
And when I realized this statement was disbelief, I was more than ready to let go of it.
Now it’s time to release the disbelief.
What I do to release disbelief is I write the disbelief down on a piece of paper that I call a STAMP it out note, and I fold it up into a tiny square. Then I drop it into my STAMP Box which is a box that I’ve allocated specifically for this purpose.
I then feel the feeling and relief of letting go of this statement.
Now that the disbelief is gone, what is left is empty space, and this feels awkward.
The brain needs some kind of positive new belief to fill this empty space otherwise it won’t be convinced the disbelief has truly gone.
I then brainstormed some new beliefs that would feel good to think instead of the old belief. These new statements are called Brain STAMPS because they STAMP your neural pathways in your brain with a new belief that makes you feel successful.
Here are some of my new Brain STAMPS:
- There is no such thing as competition
- The right audience for me always finds me no matter what
- When I keep focused on helping people, I will always find people to help
- My message is more important than my fear
- I am so unique that nobody could ever compete with me
- I am a contributor, not a competitor
- I contribute to the good of humanity along with other like-minded people
- When I work alongside other contributors we can achieve more together and have more fun
- I choose to believe that if someone has achieved something, it is also possible for me.
- If one person can achieve this, anybody can achieve the same thing.
- I am so grateful that this kind of success is possible at all.
- Other people have paved the way for my success and have shown me the path to take
- I am so grateful for all of the success that contributors have experienced in my niche
- I am so excited that so many people are engaged with my niche
- I am so grateful for the bravery of the people who stepped out of their comfort zone to show us what can be achieved
It is good to read these Brain STAMPS out loud at least once a day for at least 30 days. Also try to catch negative thoughts and reframe them as they pop into your mind by releasing the old thought and thinking one of these Brain STAMPs instead.
Next Steps
Now that you have seen how valuable it is to go through this process of releasing disbelief, you might be wondering how you can start using this process on all of your disbelief that is keeping you stuck.
I have created a STAMP It Out Process checklist and Workbook to help you work through these questions yourself.
This STAMP It Out Process Workbook is available as part of the FREE STAMP Book Bonus Bundle for those who purchase my STAMP Goals Book.
The reason I added it to the book bonus bundle is because I explain in much greater detail how to use this process in my STAMP Goals book, and I also have a checklist you can print out as part of the STAMP It Out Process Workbook which is also one of the free bonuses you get when you buy the book.
In my book I show you where you’ve been going wrong with goal setting, how to transform your business by setting the right type of goals, how to make sure you achieve your goals every time, how to make a plan for achieving your goals that will lead you to success, and how to make goal achievement a habit.
Click here to read more about STAMP Goals book
While you’re waiting for your copy of STAMP Goals book to arrive, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE Workshop: How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days.
In this FREE workshop I show you how to plan your dream 6 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell.
This workshop is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Blueprint course. I am giving you FREE access to this workshop, and an associated workbook for a limited time.
Click here to get FREE immediate access (no opt in required)
You are going to be so glad you did.
Next time I’m sharing how to Hustle-Less, And Manifest-More For EASY Business Success. so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting into any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE 100+ Success Mantras. Mantras are like affirmations that the brain can’t argue with as they are true for everyone. These mantras will make the achievement of your goals inevitable.
Here is an example of a couple of my own success mantras:
- “Better on time than perfect” Kath Kyle
- “Don’t kill the creator who creates the killer content” Kath Kyle
Click here to download your FREE Success Mantras.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Mindset is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
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- How To Overcome Fear Of Competition: STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief
- Why You Need To Hustle-Less, And Manifest-More For EASY Business Success
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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