Here’s exactly what a typical balanced day looks like for me as I run my businesses, look after my kids, have fun, relax, and manifest my reality.

Something strange happens when people start a business.
They go from a typical job where they work set hours and actually have a life, to becoming totally obsessed with their business, stop seeing their friends, ignore their family, let their health slip, skimp on sleep, all for the sake of building their business.
One of the main reasons why people are attracted to the life of an entrepreneur in the first place is to have time freedom.
So why is it that we seem to get suckered into working every hour that we are awake?
One of the reasons why is because running your own business can be very scary.
One of the questions that a lot of entrepreneurs ask themselves is, “what if I fail? Will I have to go back and get a job again?”
There is always the lure of just creating one more piece of content that might go viral and catapult your business into the limelight.
I totally understand this attitude as I’ve been there myself and had a horrendous burnout that left me with debilitating health problems.
Now I’m very careful to never let my business overtake my entire life. My business is here to enhance my life, not destroy it.
And now that I have discovered the true principles of manifestation, I am very rarely tempted to overwork as I know that overworking is never the key to success.
What actually is the key to success is to program your subconscious mind with the impressions of what success will look like for you. You do this by creating Reverse Memories. These are memories that you create in your mind before they have actually happened.
When you do this and you see things manifesting you will be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that what you have imagined, will manifest in the future. So you don’t need to live in fear about whether your business will thrive. It simply will.
From that point of view, you won’t be tempted to overwork, and your main reason for working will simply be to enjoy the process, because you enjoy the work and enjoy helping people.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest a massive audience and transform millions of lives by creating a Magnetic Movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
So now that you know what mindset I’m in as an entrepreneur, I wanted to share exactly what a typical weekday looks like for me and what kinds of things I normally do each day to lead a balanced life.
Morning Routine
I generally wake up at 5:45 am. I set my alarm clock for this time but my body has been programmed to wake up at this time now, so I usually wake up naturally just before my alarm clock.
I generally lie in bed for around 15 minutes and create some new Reverse Memories. These are usually on the same topic as the night before as I was going to sleep.
The best time to reprogram your subconscious mind is as you are falling asleep and as you are waking up, so this is when I lead my mind through some imaginary scenes of what I want to create in my life.
Sometimes the things I want to manifest are about my business, and other times they are in my personal life. It just depends on what feels most important to me at the time.
When I start to wake up a bit more, I get up and get dressed while listening to some Brain STAMPs or some motivating teaching.
I then make my way into my lounge, sit in my window box overlooking the sea, or if it’s warm enough, I go and sit on my terrace, and I watch the sunrise. Sometimes I just sit in silence and give thanks for all of my blessings, and other times I do journaling, go through trainings, or read a book.
I allocate 1 hour for my morning routine. This is my me time. None of my other family members are awake at this time of day and I love the silence and the lack of interruptions so I can just indulge in some me-time.
The Kids Morning Routine
At 7 am, I go and wake my kids up and help them get ready. I make their breakfast, pack their school bags, and unpack the dishwasher.
At 7:45 am I drive my kids to school.
Exercise Routine
I usually get home around 8:10 am and I do some kind of workout. 3 days a week I go for a run around the local beaches, and 2 days a week I do some strength training with my sandbag on my terrace overlooking the sea. I then usually go for a walk after that, lately, I’ve been walking with my husband, which is lovely.
I then have a bath while listening to more motivating speakers or training.
Admin Routine – Eat The Frog
I start my working day between 9-10 am, and I start with what I call my Admin Routine.
It stands to reason that in any working day, there will be things that you like to do more, and things you like to do less.
For me, what I LOVE to do more is to create content, training, plan my business, create systems, work my way through projects, help my customers, and create marketing materials, etc.
What I love to do less is declutter my email inbox and social media inbox.
Although common advice for entrepreneurs is to start your day with the most important task first while your energy and motivation are high, this advice simply doesn’t work for me.
A lot of entrepreneurs will procrastinate the thing they like to do least, and that is often those big daunting projects and sales pages. But for me, that’s what I love the most.
Most entrepreneurs will constantly check their email inboxes as a way to distract themselves from the most important work, which is to get the word out there about their products.
For years I started my working day by launching straight into the most important task first, and what I would find is that I would never want to stop and check my emails as I was having too much fun, and before I knew it, I’d have thousands of emails in my inbox would overwhelm me and make me feel like I was ignoring important people in my life.
So now what I do is I start my day by doing my least favorite task first, clearing my email inbox.
Brain Tracey calls this “Eating The Frog” and in his popular book Eat That Frog he has a system for helping you do this.
So now I start my day with my admin tasks, which are:
- Clear my email inbox
- Respond to my social media messages
- Record a short video for social media
- Check my stats and record yesterday’s sales
I then move on to:
- Responding to my customers and clients inside my customer groups and coaching containers
These are tasks that I work my way through at the start of the day.
It can take anywhere between 30-60 minutes to finish my admin routine.
After they are complete, I get to reward myself with some really fun work, which I do until the end of the day.
I usually go and get my breakfast after I’ve done my admin tasks which is 2 large Green Thickies.
Project Work
I tend to start my project work around 11 am. I normally do one piece of project work per day and I focus on this piece of work until the end of the day.
I love this work so much that I can really lose myself in it and lose track of time.
I have this project work broken down into 20 days worth of work, for the 20 working days in each month (on average).
Here are some examples of my Project Work:
- 1st Month admin work: Recording my stats from the previous month, and reflecting journalling
- Planning a new product that I’m going to create and planning my content for the next month
- Planning my marketing schedule for the next month
- Write a sales page for my new product
- Plan a new webinar for my new product
- Record my new webinar
- Create content piece number 1 for next month
- Create content piece number 2 for next month
- Create content piece number 3 for next month
- Create content piece number 4 for next month
- Create content piece number 5 for next month
- Write emails to my list for next month
- Plan social media posts for next month
- Work on a new product or create new trainings for my membership
- Work on a new product or create new trainings for my membership
- Work on a new product or create new trainings for my membership
- Work on a new product or create new trainings for my membership
- Create new marketing materials for my new product (ads, images)
- Catch up day (or create new funnels, update courses, blog posts & sales pages)
- Catch up day (or create new funnels, update courses, blog posts & sales pages)
I really love the way I’ve laid out my month. I’m always excited to start the day as I know exactly what I’m working on and I enjoy all of my tasks on this list.
Some people are overwhelmed with too much structure but I thrive on it and it fits with my personality. If I didn’t love this kind of work, I wouldn’t still be doing it more than 10 years later.
When I’m getting close to the end of my working day I normally go and get my lunch with is either more Green Thickies, or some porridge.
Kids Home Routine
At around 2:30 pm I stop work for the day and go and pick my kids up from school.
When I get home I do home admin tasks such as sorting out any school stuff, replying to personal messages, organizing trips at the weekend, buying clothes for the kids, etc.
The next thing I do is make a healthy, plant-based dinner from scratch which usually involves vegetables, tofu, and some kind of sauce.
Family Time
At around 5:30 pm we have dinner together as a family looking out over the sea, watching the watersports centre, the water polo, and sailing boats, paddle boats, and speed boats zipping around the water.
We then go for a walk down the promenade right outside our house. The kids usually go out on their bikes, scooters, Ezi Rollers, and Roller Scates, or they play in the playgrounds right next to the promenade with their friends. I really enjoy this time catching up with my husband in a beautiful location.
Sometimes we take our dinner down to the beach and spend the evening there which is always so much fun.
Then we come back to the house and get on with chores, making lunches for the next day, putting washing on, etc.
Then it’s snack time and bedtime for the kids.
Evening Routine
I actually love my evening routine more than my morning routine, and if I had to choose one or the other I’d always choose my evening routine.
When the kids are in bed I get out my journals. I either do my journaling in the lounge overlooking the sea. Or if I’m feeling extra tired, I’ll do my journaling in bed.
First of all, I write my diary. This is just a recollection of the day. I just highlight everything that happened and anything that seems important to make a note of. I just love having a record of my life.
The next thing I do is I do my Reality Creation Journaling which is always fun.
I go through 10 sections in my journal and go through steps that help me to manifest my dream life.
Some highlights from my journaling is I make a big list of all of the things that come to mind that I want, Boosters which are small things that I don’t mind if I get them or not, and Transformers which are things that I really want that will transform my life.
Then I script a short scene to bring one of my Transformers to life. This is what I call creating a Reverse Memory. I am creating a scene from the future that I want to play out in my life that would demonstrate that I had received my Transformer.
I then get ready for bed.
I normally read for a while – something spiritual usually and when I feel my eyes starting to close I know it’s time to sleep.
I close my eyes and get myself into a relaxed state by counting down from 100.
When I feel relaxed I bring the scene that I wrote in my journal into my mind and I remember it over and over again. I loop it round and round on repeat to create my Reverse Memory.
Sometimes I fall asleep while I’m doing this which is a good sign that it has been absorbed into the subconscious mind. If I don’t fall asleep, I loop it over and over until it feels like I’ve created a memory.
I often wake up in the middle of the night and I repeat this process again starting to count down from 100 and remember my scene over and over again.
Next Steps
Now that you know why there’s no point in overworking, and what a balanced life can look like as an entrepreneur, would you like to know how to grow a sizeable audience for your business?
The best way to grow a huge audience, get your content shared, and attract your ideal tribe is to continuously encourage your audience to adopt a habit that will transform their lives.
Once you have started to attract a group of people who are all implementing your suggested transformational habit, you have started a movement.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
I have reached multiple millions in multiple businesses by creating Magnetic Movements and I am now revealing the secrets to my method in my free guide.

For a limited time, I’m giving you FREE access to my Ultimate Guide To Creating A Magnetic Movement.
Join The Dream Business MASTERY Membership
Get Ready To:
- Design Your Dream Business Based On Your Own Personality
- Create Crowd-Pleasing Products That Transform Lives
- Attract A Loyal Following Who Are Queuing Up To Buy From You
- Achieve Phenomenal And Consistent Growth
- Easily Manifest All Of Your Goals
Using My Proven 7-Stage Dream Business Mastery Method

The Dream Business Mastery Membership is specifically designed for content creators and online educators who are excited to manifest all of the results they desire, and appreciate a balanced life of doing work they love, making good money they actually have time to enjoy.
This membership contains everything you need to make your business a success. You will get access to ALL of my current and future products in this membership.
Right now I have a special introductory price so go and join while that’s still available.
Click here to learn more about Dream Business Mastery
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- A Typical Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur With A Balanced Life
- How To Become A Business Genius In 6 Months: 6Ms Of Business Mastery
- 10 Biggest Business Mistakes I’ve Made In The Last 10 Years
- Should You Build An Audience Before A Product? Here’s How To Decide
- 2 Non-Negotiable Daily Habits Of Successful Business Owners
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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So… I’m a burglar and now know when you are out lol….. not really, but you know what I mean- better diversify your “out time” 🙂
Besides I’m in Australia, far from the UK lol
Take Care Kath
Haha, thanks, it’s a good job my husband works from home too!