Here are all of the biggest mistakes that I’ve made in my business in the last decade. Hopefully, you can avoid these mistakes and shortcut your success.

I’ve made a ton of mistakes during multiple different businesses, and I thought it would be useful to reflect on these mistakes so you can learn from them and not make the same mistakes that I have.
Another thing worth noting is that everything unfolds at exactly the right time when you’re ready.
There were very good reasons why I made these mistakes because I wouldn’t be who I am now without them.
Without feeling like a failure and having everything come crashing down on me I wouldn’t be able to help other people who are struggling in the same way.
It’s often the case that the more people you want to help, the more mistakes you’ll have made and the more you will have suffered.
So just for the record, I don’t regret anything, I’m grateful for all of my experiences as I believe that we learn more from our so-called mistakes than we do from our successes.
We can’t be successful until we’ve failed first. You could also just call this practice, not failure.
However, you look at it, I really hope you enjoy today’s content.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest a massive audience and transform millions of lives by creating a Magnetic Movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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10 Biggest Business Mistakes I’ve Made In The Last 10 Years
I would love to know, what has been your biggest mistake in business? You can DM me on Instagram @kathkyleofficial.
Here are my biggest business mistakes.
Mistake 1) Not Pivoting Quickly Enough To Doing What I Love
After I’d been working on my first business, Green Thickies for about 5 years, I had a strong desire to not do it anymore, and instead to start other businesses.
And although I did actually end up starting quite a few other businesses, I often found myself working full time on Green Thickies again shortly after.
Green Thickies was doing so well, making such good money that I felt like it would be stupid to turn my back on it at the height of its success.
So I continued to plug away creating content that I’d lost passion for, and in the end, it didn’t serve any of my businesses well.
Our energy can be felt by our customers, so if our heart isn’t in our work, this will affect our results.
Mistake 2) Not Continuing To Do What Works
After starting my first business I figured out several things that worked really well, but for some reason, I stopped doing them when I started other businesses. The things that I wished I’d continued doing are:
- Plan Your Business First
What will you sell, how will you sell it? What is an overview of what the business looks like?
Planning my results in advance served me so well that I always do this now. If you don’t decide what you want, how will you know when you’ve achieved anything?
When I failed to plan previous businesses, I didn’t have the motivation to continue them because I didn’t have a big vision as to what that business actually looked like.
- Visualize Your Success
With my first business, I imagined what success would look like for me.
After starting new businesses, I got straight on with the work without taking time to create my results in advance. And of course these businesses never went anywhere.
- Focus On Work You Love
In my first business, I focused on doing what I loved the most which is blogging, creating digital products, and mass marketing. I focused on helping people who wanted to be helped, i.e. people found me and I didn’t need to seek them out.
When I started my second business, which was a network marketing business, for a while I was really successful while I was focusing on doing very similar activities that I loved which were writing blogs and creating products.
But after a while, I was persuaded that what I actually needed to be doing was hosting essential oils parties locally for my friends, persuading my friends to join my team, and messaging random people on Facebook to start conversations to try and get them to join my team.
Needless to say, I got sick of this work very quickly as it just isn’t in my personality to do those kinds of things.
As an introvert, I spent so much time chatting with people all day long that I totally burned out from it all and went into major hibernation mode.
I’ve learned my lesson from that, and now I focus mainly on doing the work that I love which is to create things in my own time, but I do stretch myself out of my comfort zone and engage with people and do live trainings some of the time. I just don’t do them most of the time.
Mistake 3) Working Too Hard
After I lost my passion for my first business, I threw myself into major hustle-mode and totally overworked.
I figured, like most business owners that the more I worked, the better my chances of success would be.
At that point, I really didn’t understand how to manifest my results, and if I had I could have avoided a major burnout that led to debilitating health problems for 6 months.
Now I am very strict with myself when it comes to my health and business. I always work out at the start of the day because my health matters more to me than my business. And I have a rule of never working in the evening, because my downtime, relaxation, fun, time with family, and sleep matter to me way more than my business.
After my burnout, my kids didn’t have a mother who could look after them. They continued to need me every day and I wasn’t there for them.
However, my business continued to make me money while I was out of action. In fact, it made me even more money when I didn’t work on it, which was a very powerful lesson for me to have to learn the hard way.
Mistake 4) Focusing More On Strategy Than Spirituality
Although I have always loved learning new strategies, and still love to experiment with my business, I made the mistake of focusing on strategy to the detriment of spirituality.
That meant I gave up on my morning routine, I gave up on my journaling, on my intention statements, my manifestations.
I thought that sheer hard work and strategic working would propel me to the next level in business.
Learning and implementing every single business strategy under the sun did not boost my business. What happened instead was the new thing that I implemented in my business would boost my revenue, but some other income stream for my business that had been totally stable for years would drop by exactly the same amount.
This went on for an embarrassingly long time. It actually went on for years and years.
Towards the tail-end of this time, I actually knew this was an energetic problem, but I didn’t know what to do about it.
Now I know that my spirituality always comes first no matter what, and I finally know how to create from energy rather than hustle.
Mistake 5) Letting Fear Of Losing It All Dominate Everything
As soon as my business reached 6-figures for the first time, we upgraded our lifestyle in a big way. We bought a new house twice the size, upgraded our car, hired a housekeeper, gardener, accountant etc. enrolled both of the kids in a full-time private forest nursery, and started going on luxury foreign holidays.
Very soon, my gratitude turned to fear.
I became so scared that my revenue would drop and that I wouldn’t be able to afford to pay for all of these new things.
Everything that I did was clouded by this fear that I couldn’t seem to shake off.
And very soon, what I feared the most became a reality.
My business started to go downhill and my revenue started to dwindle.
I started to research how to save money and how to be frugal. I started to cut back on things.
We sold our luxurious big family car and bought a small one that we hated.
We let our housekeeper go and I started to clean the house myself.
We let our Gardener go and my husband started to cut the grass himself.
We swapped our expensive foreign holidays for budget caravan holidays – which funnily enough we ended up enjoying way more.
Strangely enough, my revenue was just high enough to keep the kids in their nurseries, I didn’t take them out of nursery, but as soon as my daughter was old enough to attend school for free, we thought we would save a fortune every month. But then my revenue dropped by exactly the same amount. No kidding.
And 2 years later the exact same thing happened when my son left nursery.
It was the weirdest thing ever, and totally proved to me the things that happen to us in life are not random. There is a spiritual reason for everything.
I didn’t understand it then, but now I understand it. I was convinced that my revenue would continue to drop which it did.
And I also had it in the back of my mind that everything would be OK, and we’d always have enough for our needs – which we did.
So my beliefs controlled my revenue very strongly and very obviously.
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Mistake 6) Feeling Like I Couldn’t Show Up As Myself
In previous businesses, I always felt like recording videos was too much like hard work because I’d have to do my hair and makeup first.
But actually these days I very rarely wear makeup. I might wear makeup about once a year if that.
So I decided that in this business I was going to show up exactly as myself which is to show my face free from makeup, because this is what I actually look like every day.
Why shouldn’t women be able to walk around with a natural face just like men do?
I’ve not got anything against makeup but I do find it a bit strange that women put this complete mask on and walk around looking like somebody else.
I am who I am. I’m not a model.
I educate business owners, therefore I don’t see the need to change the way I look.
Another way that I didn’t allow myself to be myself was always comparing myself to other people and thinking that I could never be really successful because I didn’t do what other people did.
I see other people interviewing each other on podcasts and I have no desire whatsoever to do that. I used to let this hold me back, but now I embrace my desires. I know what work I enjoy and I focus on doing what I love.
Mistake 7) Thinking My Limiting Beliefs About Myself Couldn’t Be Changed
I used to have so many limiting beliefs that I allowed to hold me back in business.
For some reason, I didn’t think I could change any of these, so I just used them as an excuse as to why I wasn’t more successful. Whereas in fact now I either accept the way I am, own it, and love the way I am, or I change it. No excuses.
I used to believe that I couldn’t be successful because I felt ugly. I have had 2 injuries resulting in deformities and I felt so ugly that I shied away from the camera for years. I thought people would be so disgusted at me that they would be too distracted to work with me. Now I have allowed myself to feel so comfortable in my own skin I forget what I even look like on the outside. As far as I’m concerned I have no issue with the way I look and since I took this attitude I’ve not had any comments about my appearance. So to me now, it’s not an issue.
Another belief that used to hold me back was that I felt stupid. I felt like my general knowledge was so limited because I’m not interested in current affairs and don’t watch the news that I would be seen as ignorant. I was terrified to even have a conversation with someone in case they would bring up a topic that I don’t know about. Now, if someone mentions something that I’m not aware of, if I’m interested, I simply ask them more questions. I really don’t care what people think of me now and I don’t have time for pretending to be someone I’m not.
One more belief that I have had about myself until very recently is that I have a bad memory. This is a story that I’ve been telling myself most of my life. I overcompensated for this by being extremely organized and makings lists of lists for everything in my life. I would tell my family that I was sorry I wouldn’t remember things they asked me to do unless they sent me a request digitally. And when I was in my last job my boss used to stick post-it notes on my shirt as she walked past me in the corridor as she knew that I wouldn’t remember things she asked me to do verbally.
In business this has held me back as I’ve had a fear of going live in case I couldn’t remember what I wanted to talk about, had mind blanks – which would actually happen quite often, and often I read a book and can’t remember a single thing about it.
Lately, I’ve caught myself telling this negative story about my memory and I’ve decided that this isn’t something I want to accept and embrace, this is actually something I want to change. I started saying affirmations about having a good memory, and recently I was prompted to search for ways to improve my memory and got excited that it seems like it’s actually quite easy to improve your memory. So watch this space. I’ll let you know how that goes.
Where I am right now, I’m not willing to believe in anything that is an excuse for not having the success I want to have.
Mistake 8) Affirming Negative Things About My Business
For many years I got into a very bad habit of affirming negative things about my business.
This all started when I developed a major fear that my revenue would decrease. When I voiced this to my husband he would try and stay positive by saying “I’m sure everything will be OK” and for some reason, I would feel the need to prove that things were going badly by giving him evidence.
Eventually I had convinced him that my business was going downhill and he’d join me by worrying about my “declining” business.
I’ve no idea how I let myself get into such a rut for such a long time, but as soon as you start to affirm negative things, you find even more things to be negative about, and see more evidence to support that. It’s a vicious circle.
Now, I’m in the habit of affirming good things about my business. When I start to worry, I can catch myself now and turn that thought around quickly by telling myself “It’s working, it’s working” before things get out of control.
Mistake 9) Forgetting Why I Started My Business
I started my first business to help people lose weight and improve their health. My focus for every piece of content was always to give them everything they could possibly need to help them on this journey.
However, when I lost my passion for my business, I forgot all about why I started my business which was to help people.
Instead, I was consumed with worry about myself. My thoughts were all selfish, lack-based, and negative.
There’s nothing wrong with desiring money as a business owner, but if your desire for money comes from a place of fear then it will never end well.
However, if you desire good things for yourself, you’ll naturally desire good things for other people too. This is an abundance mindset and a win-win for everyone.
Mistake 10) Not Manifesting More
It took me a really long time to learn that I can literally have anything I want.
If I had spent more time learning about manifestation, I wouldn’t have spent such a long time in a slump with my businesses, my health, my life. I was very depressed for many years and I overworked to block that out so I didn’t have to deal with it.
I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can manifest anything I desire.
The thing that trips us up the most with manifesting is not believing we can have anything we desire.
When we imagine what we want and it doesn’t show up right away we can start to tell ourselves that “It’s not working” or that “I’m not good at manifesting” and if you say this often enough, it will override any visualization that you’ve already done.
We are not in control of when our manifestation will show up, only that it will at some point, and knowing this gives you peace of mind to enjoy the process, enjoy the journey as it’s unfolding knowing your desires will materialize.
Thankfully I’m back in the place where I’m loving my work, everything I do, I do it with the attitude of how can I be the most helpful I can be right now? Because I know that I’ve already manifested everything I’ve ever wanted in life, and my new desires will materialize in good time. Not knowing exactly when is what makes life exciting.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to avoid all of the biggest mistakes that I made with my business, would you like to know how to grow a sizeable audience for your business?
The best way to grow a huge audience, get your content shared, and attract your ideal tribe is to continuously encourage your audience to adopt a habit that will transform their lives.
Once you have started to attract a group of people who are all implementing your suggested transformational habit, you have started a movement.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
I have reached multiple millions in multiple businesses by creating Magnetic Movements and I am now revealing the secrets to my method in my free guide.

For a limited time I’m giving you FREE access to my Ultimate Guide To Creating A Magnetic Movement.
Join The Dream Business MASTERY Membership
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- Design Your Dream Business Based On Your Own Personality
- Create Crowd-Pleasing Products That Transform Lives
- Attract A Loyal Following Who Are Queuing Up To Buy From You
- Achieve Phenomenal And Consistent Growth
- Easily Manifest All Of Your Goals
Using My Proven 6-Stage Dream Business Mastery Method
The Dream Business Mastery Membership is specifically designed for content creators and online educators who are excited to manifest all of the results they desire, and appreciate a balanced life of doing work they love, making good money they actually have time to enjoy.
This membership contains everything you need to make your business a success. You will get access to ALL of my current and future products in this membership.

Right now I have a special introductory price so go and join while that’s still available.
Click here to learn more about Dream Business Mastery
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
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- 2 Non-Negotiable Daily Habits Of Successful Business Owners
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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