These 2 essential habits will transform your business and your entire life. If you implement these habits, it is guaranteed to change everything for you.

I am a massive believer in the power of habits to transform lives.
As a business owner you are probably very aware of some of the habits that you’ve adopted since starting your own business, and how powerful it is to be consistent with these.
If you weren’t a business owner, I’d only be sharing one most important habit with you today, but try as I might, I could not decide which of my 2 most important habits was the most important.
Both of these habits are equally as important and critical to your success.
So that’s why I’m sharing both of these with you today.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest a massive audience and transform millions of lives by creating a Magnetic Movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
2 Non-Negotiable Daily Habits Of Successful Business Owners
The reason why I’m sharing 2 habits with you today rather than the one most important habit, is because as a business owner, you are serving 2 sets of people at the same time.
There are 2 reasons that most people start a business, and both are equally as important.
The first reason most people start a business is to enhance their own life in some way.
Did you start a business because you desired to have more freedom, more control over your day, the ability to travel or raise a family while you worked?
Did you want to be more fulfilled by working on more things that you enjoy each day and making a bigger impact? Did you desire to make more money and not have an income ceiling imposed on you?
The second reason why most people start a business is that they are living out their life purpose. Everyone’s life purpose involves helping other people. Do you have a desire to transform lives? To help people solve their problems or bring more happiness into people’s days?
To have a long-lasting business, both of these reasons for starting a business need to be present. You can’t have a successful business if both of these desires are out of balance.
If you desire to make a lot of money but you don’t care about other people, your business won’t last very long, and if you desire to help other people without also desiring compensation for your work, your own fears around not having enough money, or the need to take on a job to pay your bills will get in the way of your strong desire to help other people.
Businesses are based on the equal exchange of value between 2 parties, and because there are 2 parties involved, that means there are 2 most important habits that I recommend you adopt to be successful.
Habit number one is concerned with manifesting your desires as a business owner, and habit number two is concerned with getting results for your customers.
Habit number one is called creating Reverse Memories.
Habit number two is called creating a Transformational Habit and I am now going to explain both of these habits in great detail.
I have adopted both of these habits and have been implementing them for the last 10 years. When I stop focusing on either one of these habits, I notice things starting to slip, and when I focus consistently on both of these habits, my business grows exponentially.
I’m not the only one who has been getting results with these methods. Everyone who implements these methods starts to see fast results in their businesses and lives.
Habit 1: Creating Reverse Memories
A Reverse Memory is a memory that you create on purpose before an event has occurred. Normally memories are only formed after an event has already taken place. The reverse of this is to create the memory first by imagining the event in your mind, and the event will be manifested as a result.
Who wouldn’t want to create their own reality? If you were told you can have anything that you desire if you can only imagine it, how different would your life look?
I discovered this process well over 10 years ago. At the time I was broke, severely overweight, with debilitating health problems that left me unable to work, I had been struggling to conceive a baby, I was terribly depressed, I was living in a tiny house with my husband, miles away from any of my family members, and life was very, very hard.
Since then I have manifested my dream life.
I have manifested:
- A 6-figure business
- Fantastic health and energy
- Dropping 56 pounds of excess weight to reach my ideal weight
- Work that I absolutely love, freedom to choose my hours, and location independence
- 2 healthy pregnancies and 2 beautiful healthy children
- Happiness and self-love that I never even knew was a possibility
- My dream beach house right on the waterfront with stunning views
- Almost all of my extended family ended up living very close to me
- Great relationships and lots of fun times with my family and friends
How does this happen?
There is actually scientific proof of how this works.
Everything in the universe is made up of small particles called sub-atomic particles, and it has now been proven that these change their appearance when they are being observed. This is called the Observer Effect.
There is also another concept called Quantum Entanglement. This means that different objects can become connected with each other to become one, and can communicate even when they are at opposite ends of the earth.
This is how manifestation works.
Your thoughts and beliefs literally change the world that you see.
Thoughts become things.
Nothing is impossible to create. That is why it is possible for someone over the other side of the world to get a thought that they should take an action that will create your manifestation. That’s often the reason why the thought of someone pops into our heads minutes before they get in contact with us. It’s not just a coincidence.
A Reverse Memory is the most effective process to create a change in your world from thought alone.
So how do we create a Reverse Memory?
There are 3 stages in the process of creating a Reverse Memory.
Stage 1: Decide What You Want
The very first thing you need to do is to, first of all, is to decide exactly what you want.
This is not the time to be humble or feel unworthy of having your dream life.
This is the time to be the powerful creator that you were born to be.
Don’t hold back. If you could make anything a reality in your life, what would you choose?
I suggest you make a list of about 10 things that you want to start the process of assembling your thoughts.
Try and add some big things to the list and also some small things to the list. Small things are things that would be nice, but you’re not desperate for. I call these Boosters because they give your mood a boost when they manifest. These things really help to help you believe that this is actually possible. Some examples of Boosters could be:
- Someone gives you a compliment
- Someone gives you a hug
- Someone gives you something for free
- You find money
- A stranger smiles at you
- You receive a letter from a friend
- You receive a message from someone you haven’t heard of for a while
When you are writing these down, write the words “I receive” followed by the thing you want.
I call big things Transformers because if they manifest, they will transform your life. These are things that we tend to get desperate about, we want these very badly and often don’t believe that they can happen.
Some examples of Transformers could be:
- You marry your ideal partner
- You live in your dream house
- You do your dream work
- Your business makes a certain amount of revenue
- Your audience is a particular size
- You are wealthy
- You are fit and healthy
Write some Transformers down on your list along with the Boosters.
Just the process of writing this list has formed Reverse Memories in your brain.
Now, you are going to enhance this process even more by making one of these memories much stronger.
The stronger the memory, the more likely it is to manifest in reality.
Stage 2: Plan Your Reality By Scripting A Future Scene
Now what you are going to do is to choose one of these desires to guarantee it is going to manifest.
If you are new to manifestation or don’t trust the process can work well for you, I suggest you choose one of your Boosters to guarantee it is going to happen as it will be much easier to manifest, and will therefore prove this process works.
You take one of your Boosters and write down a short scene that would demonstrate that your desire had manifested. What I like to do is to imagine a conversation where I’m telling someone that I got what I wanted, because I find it much easier to imagine a conversation than just visualizing images.
Here is an example of a scripted scene.
Me: “Guess what? I decided that I wanted to get a text from someone I hadn’t heard of in a while, and I did! I got exactly what I wanted!”
Friend: “Wow, that’s fantastic that you got a text from an old friend.”
Stage 3: Imagine Your Desires Manifested To Create Your Reverse Memory
Now what you are going to do is to take that scene and fuse the pieces together and create a very solid Reverse Memory.
You can do these steps at any time of the day but it’s better to do them as you are falling asleep, or as soon as you wake up as that’s the time of least resistance.
What you do is you get into a relaxed state as if you are going to fall asleep and close your eyes.
Bring your scene into your imagination and repeat it over and over again until you either fall asleep or until it starts to feel like a real memory.
That’s it. Your Reverse Memory has been created, and your desire will manifest in the shortest time possible.
I suggest you do your visualization 1-3 times and then you can now move on to creating a Reverse Memory for something else. I suggest you go through this process every day and make this a habit as it will transform your life and business.
One of the most common mistakes that I see people making with this process is not imagining themselves in first person. To guarantee this process will be effective, make sure you are imagining your scene through your own eyes. Do not imagine seeing yourself in the scene as that would never happen in real life, and therefore it will be much more likely that your manifestation will not materialize.
A lot of people don’t believe that you can actually create your own reality, but if you put this method to the test you will see that it is easier than you think.
One of the most exciting things to happen to my business when I implemented this process is to double my revenue in my passive business in one month without taking any additional action towards it.
I share exactly how I did that and walk you through the specific steps I took in my masterclass called Double Your Revenue. This master class is free for a limited time so go and watch that while it’s still available.
Habit 2: Creating Transformational Habits
Now that I’ve shared with you the habit that will transform your life and business, the process of creating Reverse Memories, I’m now going to walk you through the next habit that will transform your business which is to create Transformational Habits for your own audience.
Did you notice the process that I just walked you through?
I encouraged you to adopt a habit that would transform your life.
That is the very thing that I encourage you to do for your own audience. And instead of creating a piece of content that contains 2 habits, most of the time, just talk about 1 main habit, and talk about it in all of your content.
I started doing this in my first business, Green Thickies where I encouraged my audience to adopt a habit of drinking green complete meal smoothies every day which would transform their lives by helping them lose weight and boosting their energy.
My business went stratospheric as a result and I created a movement around this one Transformational Habit.
I have already demonstrated how to talk about your transformational habit so you can go back and see how I did it, and use it as a model to apply to your own business.
Every piece of content that you create can come at your Transformational Habit from a different angle.
So here’s exactly what I did in this content.
- I shared a habit with you that had transformed my life.
- I explained how it had transformed my life
- I gave you some scientific proof and benefits to adopting the habit.
- I then walked you through the exact steps to implementing the habit.
- I then shared some common mistakes people make and how to avoid them
- I overcame the most common objections people have when it comes to adopting this habit.
- I gave you a call to action which leads to you buying my product
If you can follow these 7 steps in all of your content, you’ll be on to a winner and you’ll see your audience growth explode.
Let me know how these 2 habits are working for you by sending me a DM on Instagram, @kathkyleofficial.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to implement 2 habits that will transform your business and your life, would you like to know the best way to grow a massive audience for your business?
The best way to grow a huge following, get your content shared, and attract your ideal tribe is to continuously encourage your audience to adopt a habit that will transform their lives.
Once you have started to attract a group of people who are all implementing your suggested transformational habit, you have started a movement.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
I have reached multiple millions in multiple businesses by creating Magnetic Movements and I am now revealing the secrets to my method in my free guide.

For a limited time I’m giving you FREE access to my Ultimate Guide To Creating A Magnetic Movement.
Join The Dream Business MASTERY Membership
I am inviting you to join The Dream Business MASTERY Membership.
This membership contains everything you need to make your business a success. You will get access to ALL of my CURRENT and FUTURE products in this membership.
Dream Business Mastery Will Help You To:
- Design Your Dream Business Based On Your Own Personality
- Create Crowd-Pleasing Products That Transform Lives
- Attract A Loyal Following Who Are Queuing Up To Buy From You
- Achieve Phenomenal And Consistent Growth
- Easily Manifest All Of Your Goals
Using My Proven 6-Stage Dream Business Mastery Method
The Dream Business Mastery Membership is specifically designed for content creators and online educators who are excited to manifest all of the results they desire, and appreciate a balanced life of doing work they love, making good money they actually have time to enjoy.

Right now I have a special introductory price so go and join while that’s still available.
Click here to learn more about Dream Business Mastery
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- A Typical Day In The Life Of An Entrepreneur With A Balanced Life
- How To Become A Business Genius In 6 Months: 6Ms Of Business Mastery
- 10 Biggest Business Mistakes I’ve Made In The Last 10 Years
- Should You Build An Audience Before A Product? Here’s How To Decide
- 2 Non-Negotiable Daily Habits Of Successful Business Owners
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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