How I made $15,524 from my health blog in one month. I show you the breakdown of my income, expenses, and lessons learned this month so it can help you achieve the same thing.
It has taken me 7 years to pluck up the courage to publish an income report showing my earnings. I never wanted to be seen as the person who was bragging about making money.
Also, it never seemed relevant. I always blogged about health and food, so I really didn’t think anyone would be interested in hearing about how much money I made.
But now, on I AM helping other people to achieve the same level of success that I’ve achieved on my health and food blog called GreenThickies which has a focus on green smoothies.
At the time of writing, I’ve only just started this blog, KathKyle, but I have had my health blog for over 7 years, so this income report is showing the income that I’ve made on my health blog, not my business blog (as that has yet to make any money).
I made money in a health-related blog for 7 years before I started a blog showing other people how to do it.
I have also started another beauty blog in the last couple of months that has yet to make any money, so in the future, I will be sharing the income reports for ALL sources of income, but at the moment I just have income from one blog, Green Thickies.
I don’t know about you, but I always get really motivated when I read other people’s income reports. But I know not everyone feels the same way. For a lot of people who are not yet earning as much as they want, they can feel bad about themselves and start thinking all kinds of negative thoughts about their business.
If that is you, I want to encourage you to read this income report with a different approach.
This would be a great thought to think right now:
“That’s fantastic that Kath managed to earn that much on her health blog.
It just shows me what’s possible.
If she’s doing it then it is possible for me to do the same.
But I will not compare my beginning to her middle.
I have a lot to learn and a lot of work still ahead of me, but I believe that I can do it if I keep going and don’t give up.”
I still have to catch myself as I’m reading other people’s income reports if I start to feel bad that I’m not where they are. If I find myself thinking bad thoughts I purposefully turn my thinking around because I know that you get what you believe you will get.
And not even in a woo-woo kind of way, in a very practical way.
If you don’t believe you will make the kind of money you want to make, you won’t put the time in to do the work that is required to get that level of income.
There are many pieces of the puzzle to get a good level of income. You have to get enough traffic, create products and have a method of selling those products.
It is hard work, but it’s so so worth it.
And just so you know, this was one of the highest amounts of money I have earned so far, a lot of months were way, way lower than this, but I do believe that in the future my income will way surpass this month.
Health Blog Income Report: How I Earned $15,534 In January 2018
Proof Of Income
Here are a couple of screenshots from Stripe and PayPal to show you the kind of income I received this month.
Although I sell my products in US Dollars, I get paid in British Pounds, and the conversion rate was 1.43 this month and some money will be lost in exchange rate conversion fees.
There are also a lot of payments that get paid directly into my bank account such as affiliate payments and ad revenue.
Income Total: $15,534
This income is broken down like this:
- Ads: $1721
- Affiliates: $1850
- Network Marketing: $764
- My Own Products: $11,198
Expenses Total: $4597
- Network marketing product fees: $101
- Accountant: $251
- Tech support: $99
- VA fee: $393
- Customer Services Assistant: $240
- Other staffing costs: $193
- Crashplan computer backup: 9.99
- Active Campaign email marketing service: $219
- Dropbox for business: $55
- Siteground hosting: $89
- Amazon AWS file storage: $19
- Envato Elements stock images, stock videos, and other files: $30
- Zapier to transfer email addresses from Shopify to Active Campaign: $19
- Audible business training: $10
- Tailwind Pinterest scheduler: $29
- PayPal Pro: $32
- Facebook Ads: $483
- Clickfunnels sales funnels: $97
- Shopify store: $79
- Shopify apps: $25
- Training: $95
- Cost of stock for dropshipping from Aliexpress: $2030
Traffic had 231,626 page views in January 2018.
Reflections On My Income And Expenses
As a health blogger, January is always my best month for both traffic and also my own product sales. I focus a lot on weight loss and health, and in January everyone is setting their new year’s resolutions so I do get a lot more traffic to my website and sales.
Ad income is also fairly high because my traffic is a lot higher, but RPMs are at their lowest in January when everyone has spent their budgets before Christmas, so my ad revenue doesn’t really reflect my increase in traffic.
Most of my income this month came from my own product sales which is great because that means I get to keep all of the products, unlike affiliate sales and network marketing sales where you don’t get to keep most of the sales.
A few months ago I started a dropshipping store. This is the first time I had experimented with dropshipping and it’s been going amazingly well so far.
I’ve really enjoyed dropshipping and found it very easy to set up.
I still make most of my product income from my own digital products rather than drop shipping products though but I have been experimenting combining my own digital products with physical products and the results have been amazing.
That really helps me to create unique products that nobody else has, as I give away a physical product along with a digital product which encourages more people to buy the digital products.
The only problem with this model is my expenses are sky-high because I have to spend money on the physical products. They have a much lower cost than the price I am selling them for, so I am still making a good profit, but it’s quite scary for my cashflow to have so much money going out of my bank each month and I’ve had to be really careful about making sure I have the funds in my bank account before I spend them as there is a lot of cash going in and out of the bank and I have to wait a few days to get paid.
I have also been experimenting with Facebook ads. In the past when I’ve done Facebook ads, I’ve mainly focused on giving away a free gift to grow my list which had worked really well. I’ve been taking a lot of training recently and this month I decided to create ads that lead directly to products.
I did an ad for a free plus shipping product and it has been working so well. I really had to watch my cashflow with this as it worked way better than I expected it to.
How I Make Money Blogging
Banner Ads
I display other people’s advertising on my blog post so I make money on all of the visitors to my blog. Most of my visitors don’t buy anything so this is a good way to monetize all my hard work producing great content that helps people for free.
I have joined an ad network called AdThrive and they automatically put the ads on my blog. I literally don’t have to do anything and $1721 worth of income came to me automatically, just for all the hard work I’ve previously done writing blog posts. This is passive income at it’s best.
To join Adthrive you have to have over 100,000 visitors to your blog and they are a great company. Another company I recommend is MediaVine and you need 25,000 visitors to your blog to get accepted to that ad network.
Affiliate Income
Most of my affiliate income comes from Amazon Associates.
How this works is you recommend products in your blog post that would be relevant to the content you are writing about, and you use a special affiliate link to link to those products.
Then, if someone buys the product you recommend, you get a percentage of the sale amount.
Amazon associates is a good affiliate program to join because you get a commission if they buy anything in the next 24 hours (which a lot of people do). The commissions are quite low, between 1-8% but most people trust Amazon so the likelihood of them buying something is high.
With me having a health and fitness blog, I tend to link to ingredients needed for recipes, equipment needed to make smoothies such as blenders and smoothie bottles and other items such as health books.
I made $1850 from affiliate marketing this month, with most of that coming from Amazon, and some of it coming from Clickbank.
Network Marketing
4years ago I joined a network marketing company, not to make money but because I had been sick for a long time and someone recommended the products to me. The products worked so well that I recovered within a month of starting to use them. I’m not allowed to make claims about these products so that’s why I’m not linking to the company I am with.
I fell in love with the products as they worked so well and I started to share my results in my email list and write blog posts about it.
Soon I had a massive team and had actually won a cruise for my husband and I and several other prizes for my sales volume.
I loved this experience in network marketing and I learned so much about personal development and leading a team during this time.
After a few years, I missed my time alone just working on my own thing, so I stopped actively working on the business.
However, I still have a network marketing business, which still makes me a good amount of passive income each month for absolutely no extra effort at all.
This month I earned $764 from the products that my team still keeps buying, because, like me, they love their products. I also keep buying the products, in part because I have to to get paid my commission, but also because I do still use and love my products every single day.
They literally changed my life and I’m so grateful for this experience.
My Own Products
I earned the bulk of my income this month, $11,198 from my own products. This was a really high month for me for product sales because it is keep-fit season, and I love January for this reason. This is the joys of having a health website. When everyone else is moping as they’ve not made any money and they have huge bills from Christmas, I can enjoy my highest sales ever.
I have a wide range of products I sell now. I have a variety of ebooks including diet plans and recipe books. I also have a meal planning weight loss system membership site which is doing really well for me.
In addition to that, I now started a dropshipping business selling physical products, and I have bundles of my own products, bundles of physical products and combinations of bundles of both physical and digital products.
I love the diversity of products I have for sale right now as it means I can offer more value to my readers, and always have something new to promote at all times of the year.
I have a unique email marketing strategy that works amazingly well for me, and I rarely see anyone else talk about. I plan to write a blog post about this in the future.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve seen what’s actually possible when it comes to making money from blogging, you might be wondering where to start. I would suggest starting with your own website as it is an asset that nobody can take away from you and you can rely on it. It has the potential to earn you a lot of money passively. You might be wondering what tools you need to set up an online business?
I have a free gift for you that will give you all the tools that I used to create a six-figure blog.
Click here to get your free passive income toolkit.
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Success in business depends on a variety of factors, including skill level, effort, market factors, and much more. Thus everyone’s results in an Amazon business will differ. So no promises or claims are made as to your income potential or lack thereof. And, of course every business has some risk involved. That said, Amazon is an huge opportunity and has helped my family and I have the lifestyle and freedom we want. Maybe it can do the same for you, if you apply some effort and energy to it.
I’m so glad Amazon has helped you make a lot of money. There are some fantastic opportunities out there.
Thanks Kath Kyle’s for this article. It will motivate me to work for my website.
You’re very welcome. What is the topic of your blog?
Great read Kathy! Let me know if you’d ever like to collaborate with Blogging Guide!
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Inspirational article. Thank you soo much.