How I made multiple 6 figures selling low priced digital information products. I’m breaking down exactly what I did to help you do the same.
So many people will tell you that if you want to make a decent amount of money online you have to sell high-ticket items.
However, I made a lot of money only selling low priced items.
All of the items I sold in my first business that has now been running for around 10 years were under $100, and most of the products that I sold were under $30.
Whenever I test the price elasticity of my products, which means you measure how many products you sell when you change the price, I always find that I sell twice as more products at half the price.
To me, it’s better to have more customers because those customers are much more likely to go on and buy more of your other products from you.
So that’s why I chose to keep my prices low.
Today You Will Discover
- How I made multiple 6 figures selling low priced digital information products. I’m breaking down exactly what I did to help you do the same.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help entrepreneurs manifest more revenue by bending their belief system, practicing Success Rituals, and creating a movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
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How To Make 6 Figures Online (How I Did It Selling Low Priced PDFs)
To give you a bit of background, my first business was called Green Thickies. With this business I helped people lose weight by drinking healthy homemade green meal replacement shakes.
I started my business by building up an audience by sharing free Green Thickie recipes on my blog. I also started this business a long time ago and it wasn’t really the done thing to create digital products, so it took me a while to figure out what I was doing. The main thing I change when I create businesses these days is I don’t wait until I’ve built up an audience before I create my first product.
Today I’m going to walk you through the exact steps that I took to create a very profitable business based on selling low priced PDFs. I go through a very similar process for my more recent product creation, but I’ll share how I do things differently now as I go along.
STEP 1: Research Your Audience’s Desires
When I first started my business I made the mistake that a lot of people make. I didn’t really understand exactly what people truly wanted. I had a big transformation and lost 56 pounds by drinking Green Thickies. But my motives for sticking to a strict diet were to recover from health problems. So I started my business assuming that people were going to care about their health and that was their motivation for drinking the Green Thickies. However, as soon as people found out about my big weight loss results I started getting inundated with people asking me how I lost the weight.
When I first started my business I wasn’t really aware that you have to create products based on the 3 main wants.
The 3 main wants that people have are to get healthy, get wealthy, and get happy.
And within each niche, people have stronger preferences for certain results such as in the health niche people care way more about losing weight than the do about having more energy.
In the wealth niche, most people care much more about how to start a side hustle than they do about investing money.
And in the happiness niche, people care much more about attracting their soulmate than they do about relieving their stress.
Regardless of the niche you are in, you have to research what people want, what their problems are, and how you can solve them.
STEP 2: Test Your Product Ideas
The next step of the process is to test your product ideas.
There are many different ways to test your ideas but I’ll share one example of what I did.
Up until that point I had only ever created blog posts that shared Green Thickie recipes. I’d never really shared any stories with my audience.
But at this point I decided to do a test:
I created 2 different blog posts. One was how I recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Green Thickies and the other was how I lost 56 pounds with Green Thickies.
The blog post focusing on my weight loss story went absolutely viral. It went crazy on social media and Google also started sending me a massive amount of traffic almost overnight.
The verdict to my experiment was unanimous. People were desperate to lose weight, and they didn’t care so much about how they lost the weight, as long as the solution was new and they hadn’t tried it before.
After I published that post people kept asking me what I ate to lose the weight and if I could share my exact recipes with them.
It was clear to me that I had to give the people what they were asking for.
STEP 3: Get A Small Win First
I only ever recommend starting your business by creating smaller, lower ticket items for your customers.
It is a total waste of your time to create a massive product only to find that nobody wants it.
So it’s far better to create a lower priced product that’s going to be a no-brainer and an impulse buy for people, so you can get more customers buying your product and you can validate your idea that way.
So even though I had a massive transformation myself and I took several months to lose 56 pounds, I knew that this would be too big of a product to start with.
So I decided to create a shorter product that would get people a smaller result in a shorter time frame.
I decided 7 days was a great length of time, and after looking back to my own weight loss results, I remembered that I had lost 7 pounds in 7 days, so this seemed to be a great idea for my first product.
I decided to create a 7 day detox helping people to lose 7 pounds with Green Thickies.
STEP 4: Create Your Product
I then got to work creating my product. It was actually very easy to create it because I already had all of my recipes that I had eaten.
All I had to do was calculate the calories for each meal, and type the recipes into a document. All in all, it only took me a few hours to create this whole detox meal plan.
I did make the meals again so I could take photos of them but I just made one new dinner each day and took a meal right before I ate the meal, so that part didn’t take any extra time.
Thinking back now, my photos were such bad quality, but this doesn’t matter when you create your first product because you can improve things like that in time if your product sells well. And that’s exactly what I did. I modernised and improved my meal plan several times over the years because it kept selling well and still sells well to this very day.
I turned my document into a PDF and my product was complete. It was one of the easiest things I’d ever done and didn’t require any tech skills other than typing into a document and inserting images into it.
STEP 5: Offer Your Product For Sale
Before I offered my product for sale, I emailed my audience and asked if anyone would like to be a tester for me. I would give them my detox to try and they would give me feedback and a testimonial. I got a great number of testimonials and some great results back from that test. One person even lost 11 pounds during the week on my detox. I also got some feedback, and I changed a few things as a result.
To offer my product for sale, I used a very cheap digital delivery service called e-junkie which in those days only cost $5 per month.
I simply uploaded my file to e-junkie and they provided me with an online shopping cart automatically where people would type in their credit card details and the product would be delivered to them.
I also created a sales page on my WordPress website by writing a bit about my results, the benefits of the product and the testimonials that my testers gave me.
I started my pricing fairly low around $7 and offered my detox for sale to my list. I made thousands of dollars during that first launch, and the amount of money I made from that product kept going up and up each month.
I also offered it for sale directly from my blog posts, especially from the blog post where I shared my weight loss results. A lot of people bought it directly from my blog without even getting on my email list.
After that I developed certain free gifts such as a 7 day automated challenge and a free e-course that led people to buying the book. Both of those worked very well and still continue to make me money on autopilot to this very day.
I still make really good passive income selling all of my Green Thickies low priced products despite the fact I’ve not been active in that business for years.
So this is not just something that used to work 10 years ago. It’s still working today, and I have been able to replicate that success in many different niches since.
I only actually mentioned one type of digital product during my story, but I have experimented with selling many different types of digital products over the years.
I have created 10 different categories of digital products that are perfect for offering as your first product.
I share all 10 different types of products and explain whether each one will be suitable for you, and whether each one will be suitable for your audience in my 100K Product Creation Masterclass.
In this masterclass I also share the ideal price you should charge for each product, how to create each product, how long each product will take to create, and the free tools you can use to create each product.
My 100K Product Creation Masterclass is worth $77, and is part of my Dream Business Product Program but I am giving you free access to watch it for a limited time.
Click here to get access find out more about 100K Product Creation Masterclass.
Next Steps
I was just wondering, have you been struggling to get your online business off the ground because you’re not sure what to offer for sale?
Or maybe you struggle to take time off work because you’re a coach, freelancer, or service provider?
Do you have expertise, or knowledge in a particular subject area that you know could benefit other people?
Have you ever thought about creating an online business selling digital products?
I’ve built all of my businesses on the back of selling digital products and they give me high revenue and a great amount of freedom in my life to look after my kids and enjoy life.
Are you interested in creating digital products but you don’t know how to get started, you think it’s too time-consuming and you’re scared of the tech?
What if I told you that you could create your first info product in just 3 hours using FREE easy-to-use tools, and even have students using it in less than 30 days?
I am walking you through all of the steps to creating your 6-figure digital product in 30 days, even if you don’t have an audience, an idea, a team, and are terrified of tech, using my proven 4 Step “Fill In The Blanks” Profitable Info Product Process inside my signature course, Dream Business Product.
Click here to discover more about Dream Business Product
And if you want me to walk you through the exact steps to coming up with a digital product idea, deciding what type of product to create and figure out what price to charge, you’re going to want to take my masterclass.
This masterclass worth $77 is called 100K Product Creation and it’s part of my Dream Business Product program, but for a limited time only I’m giving you free access to it.
The information that I’m sharing in this action-packed masterclass is so valuable you are going to want to take notes.
Click here to get FREE access to my 100K Product Creation Masterclass for a limited time only
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Product Creation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- High Ticket Vs Low Ticket Digital Products: Which Is More Profitable?
- How To Make 6 Figures Online (How I Did It Selling Low Priced PDFs)
- 6 Common Mistakes Selling Digital Products Online And How To Avoid Them
- 30 Day Digital Product Creation Master Plan To Create Products That Sell
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✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
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