Most people try to achieve goals without having the right mindset. Focusing first on Growing Goals helps you become the person who actually achieves goals.
It’s time to become the kind of person who actually achieves goals.
We’ve already discussed the previous 2 goals, Gratitude Goals and Giving Goals, and in the final part of this series focusing on the 3Gs, we are focusing on Growing Goals.
Growing Goals are the goals that you have the most control over, but that doesn’t mean achieving this goal is easy. In fact, it can be quite tricky to master, but once you master this goal, everything will change for you, not just in your business but for the rest of your life.
A growing goal is the adoption of a new mindset that changes who you are as a person.
Who you are is based solely on the thoughts that you think, so this goal is concerned with your thoughts.
It sounds easy to just sit on the sofa and think a particular thought, and thinking is certainly an easy task to carry out, in fact, thinking is involuntary. We think thoughts whether we choose to or not.
Have you ever tried to meditate without thinking a single thought? It’s pretty impossible for the majority of people.
So it is not the mere act of thinking that we need to carry out, but the choice to think the right thoughts that will give us the results we want.
We need to change the majority of our doubtful and fearful thoughts to trusting, joyful and accepting thoughts.
When we are able to change our thoughts like this, it shapes who we are. We literally change our personality traits and we become a different person.
We become a successful person who achieves goals.
When you improve your thoughts you naturally become a more consistent, generous, trusting, grateful, healthy, fun-loving, ambitious, confident, happy and successful person.
Only changing actions will not help you achieve your goals.
To change into someone who achieves their goals, you must set goals that focus on changing you as a person.
For example, you can try and do more ambitious tasks in your business. But if you are continuing to tell yourself thoughts like “This is too hard, and this will never work for me” it doesn’t matter how many actions you change, your thoughts will always dictate the results in your life.
Changing your thoughts is essential.
Without this step, it doesn’t matter how hard you work, you will never achieve your goals.
How My Personality Impacted My Business
I know this only too well myself. I spent years and years setting new revenue goals in my business and working really hard implementing the latest strategy that I had paid for training for.
Every single time without fail, my revenue would increase a bit due to the new activities I had been doing, but some other parts of my business that had been working like clockwork on autopilot would suddenly stop working and decrease revenue by exactly the same amount.
That would result in my revenue always staying the same.
This went on for years and years and I was tearing my hair out.
After a complete burnout, I had to take about 6 months off my business. During this time, I did a lot of work on my mindset, started to be grateful for what I had in my life and generally thought a lot more good thoughts.
You’ll never believe what happened…
My business revenue started to increase on its own, without any input from me at all. One of my blog posts went viral and brought a lot of traffic to me which resulted in massive increases in revenue across the board.
This proved to me that my attitude, thoughts, and feelings mattered more than anything else in my business.
I realized that during this time, although I had a lot of great personality traits that helped me to continue showing up and working hard on my business like consistency, taking action, risk-taking, and confidence, I was lacking other vital personality traits that were essential for successful businesses.
I had zero gratitude for my business as it refused to grow despite my hard work. I was not tapping into my own intuition and just following the advice of others, none of it made any lasting impact on my business.
I had no trust that everything was going to be OK and that things would keep increasing.
I didn’t have peace when it came to my businesses and felt constantly frustrated with it for not growing.
I also stopped having fun a long time ago as I was taking on projects with the pure aim of growing revenue, and a lot of them I didn’t really enjoy.
Because I kept switching my business model, I was also seriously lacking in integrity. I didn’t have a mission statement for my business and lost sight of who my customer was and how I could help them. I was so focused on how I could increase my revenue I totally forgot who I was helping and why. I forgot my original purpose for my business which was to help people.
I thought just because I was productive, getting things done I’d achieve my goals.
What I’ve learned was that having the right mindset means everything when it comes to your business and your entire life.
Without the right mindset, you’ll never achieve your goals.
That’s not to say that you don’t need to take action to build a successful business. You will definitely need to take action, but that action can often be a lot less than most people would have you believe.
If your thoughts and feelings are in the right place, your actions are more likely to be inspired actions, rather than actions taken out of desperation, or because you feel like you should be doing something in particular.
What a lot of people don’t know is that the results they already have in their business are based on what they’ve already been thinking about most of the time.
Your thoughts are the most important thing that you need to master in order to achieve your goals.
How To Change Your Thoughts
It can actually be quite tricky to change your thoughts.
That is because most people are not even aware of their thoughts at all.
So the first step is to become aware of your thoughts.
Then when you catch yourself thinking something unwanted, you can catch it and change that thought to something that you want to believe instead.
For example, if you have been thinking a thought about your business such as “I work so hard, and I’m always struggling. Other people have so much success but I’m just not one of those people”, you need to become aware that you are thinking it and change that thought to something positive that you will actually believe.
There might be no point in telling yourself something that you don’t believe as you’ll only argue with yourself about it.
So think of a statement that you will agree with such as one of the following:
“I am ready to make a change for the better”
“Anything is possible”
“I let go of my limiting beliefs”
“Businesses can take a little while to be successful. My success is just around the corner”
“I am open to receiving more revenue in my business”
If any of those thoughts feel better, write them down on a piece of paper and carry it around with you. If you catch yourself thinking a negative thought about your business, whip out the piece of paper and immediately let go of the negative thought and replace it with a more positive one.
Even if you’re not aware of your thoughts, your thoughts will come out of your mouth if you tend to moan and complain about your business to other people. Pay close attention to the word that comes out of your mouth about your business when people ask you how your business is going.
Setting Growing Goals
So how do we set a growing goal based on our thoughts? We simply pay attention to our negative thoughts for a day and then set a goal to think a new, more positive thought in its place.
You can use this technique to change your character traits. You also need to use this same technique to achieve your gratitude and your giving goals. I explain this further in my book, STAMP: Put Your STAMP On The World And Finally Achieve Your Goals.
So how do we change our personalities by changing our thoughts?
If you believe that you’d be more successful if you were more consistent with working on your business, you can use this technique to change your thoughts around this.
What you need to do is convince your brain that you are a more consistent person. Try and remember a time when you have been consistent, and congratulate yourself for that right now. Then say something like:
“I have proved that I can be consistent by taking driving lessons until I passed my test. I am so proud of myself for being so consistent and getting such great results. I now apply that same level of dedication and consistency to my business to achieve more great results”.
An example of a growing goal could be to become more consistent.
In my book, I help you to use the STAMP framework and apply it to all 3Gs to get the maximum results for our businesses.
How To Begin Working On The 3Gs
The order in which I have listed these 3Gs is the order in which most people think about them. They start by thinking, “What do I want? How much money do I want to earn?” and then they start thinking ‘How can I achieve that? What do I have to do to get this money? What do I have to give?” and then finally, usually after years of struggle and trial and error they finally start asking the questions “Who do I have to be in order to achieve my goals? What do I have to believe?”
In fact, this is the only way to set your goals because it is very difficult to think about who you need to do and what you need to do without thinking about what you want to receive first.
But when it comes to actually achieving these goals, we need to start by focusing on our growing goals, then move on to working towards giving goals and finally we need to receive our gratitude goals.
So now I want to flip these goals on their heads and suggest we look at them in the reverse order.
- Growing Goals
- Giving Goals
- Gratitude Goals
We need to start by growing our mindset, then when we’re in a good place with our thoughts, we need to take action and create something, and finally, we receive the reward for providing something that people want.
Next Steps
Now that you’ve got everything you need to get your mind in the right place for success with your goals, you might be looking for the right tools to set your goals and actually achieve them? I have a free gift for you that you’re going to love. For a limited time, I am giving away the planner that I use to set goals for my six-figure blog.
Click here to get your free business goal planner.
I hope that I’ve convinced you to focus on improving your personality and mindset before you start to take action in your business. It doesn’t matter how much action you take if you have labeled yourself or your business as a failure.
Goal setting is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- What Are STAMP Goals & How To Write Them (With Examples)
- 3 New Types Of Goals In Business You Really Need: The 3Gs (Part 1)
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

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✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

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