Here’s how I overcame my fear of not having enough money with my unique STAMP It Out Process to reject disbelief. If you are worried about money, you’ll get so much benefit from this.
Do you find yourself constantly worrying about not having enough money?
Do you have a desire to attract more money into your life, but your fear of not having enough money seems to keep coming back over and over again and you can’t seem to shake it off?
Were you taught that money doesn’t grow on trees and therefore you are always going to be lacking in money?
I totally understand how this feels as I’ve been experiencing this problem myself for the last 6 years of my life.
I finally let go of the fear of not having enough money after taking myself through my STAMP It Out Process and rejected this disbelief.
I’m sharing how I did that today so you can experience the same level of relief that I now have when it comes to your thoughts around money.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Today You Will Discover
- Why money doesn’t actually exist
- Where money really comes from
- How to make more money
- My unique process for releasing fear of not having enough money
My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
What Are You Struggling With?
Do you have a fear of not having enough money?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
My Battle With Fear Of Not Having Enough Money
Here’s my story of how I developed a crippling fear of not having enough money.
When I first started my business I had no income at all because I had just had my first baby and we had decided that my husband would be the sole provider, and I would stay at home with the kids while they were young.
We were surviving on my husband’s wage from his first permanent job and although we technically had everything we needed for survival, money was very very tight. We had no money for luxuries or to buy new clothes or go on any vacations.
My money mindset at this time was fine. I was really happy and content with my life and I didn’t mind scrimping and saving because I’d done that all of my life. My parents had done it and it just seemed normal to me. It’s not the greatest money mindset to have, but I was happy and didn’t worry about money.
Then I started my first business, and very quickly I was earning six figures.
We were over the moon as now we could afford all of the luxuries that we couldn’t have before that. We went on a lovely vacation to Greece. We took the kids out to restaurants on a regular basis, bought them new clothes and generally had much more fun.
We also paid for both kids to go to a private outdoor nursery which they both adored.
Life was good.
It all changed when my husband got a promotion and we moved to a brand new area.
We doubled the size of our house, bought a brand new car, enrolled both of the kids into a lovely forest nursery, and hired a housekeeper.
The main difference with this new way of living was that my income from my business was now responsible for paying for quite a lot of the bills.
Whereas before, all of the expenses came out of my husband’s salary.
Instead of enjoying my new wealth, and our lovely new lifestyle, I found myself crippled with fear about losing all of my business revenue.
I kept asking, what if my revenue decreases?
What if I have a bad month?
What if I have a bad year?
How will we survive?
The kids would be devastated if I had to take them out of the nursery that they adore.
Would we have to sell our car? Would we have to sell our house?
It just didn’t bear thinking about.
I didn’t want to be the one to bring those awful things to my family just because my business wasn’t doing so well.
I was terrified of not having enough money to pay my bills.
I’d never had this fear before when I’d had a solid income. Relying on business revenue that fluctuated wildly to provide for my family was so scary to me.
I did nothing but worry about it.
I got to the point where every month I’d dread the 1st of each month. On the first of each month I always do my finances from the previous month and see how much revenue, and profit I’d made the previous month.
Sure enough, the thing I was dreading was starting to become a reality.
Every month my income would decrease more and more.
That just fueled my fear even more. Now it was actually true. Now I wasn’t just worrying about nothing. Now I had the evidence. The proof that the decline was real. I started to talk about my declining business, and my husband also started to use that language. We talked about what we were going to do with my failing business.
After a little while, my daughter turned 5 years old and left nursery and started school. School was free, so we no longer had to pay for her expensive nursery place anymore.
Me and my husband were excited because we assumed that we would now be able to start saving the amount that we used to use to pay nursery.
But guess what happened?
My revenue dropped by exactly the same amount the following month.
There was no spare money to save.
Every month I’d scrape by. My expenses were very high as I had a large team to pay at this point, and my own salary and dividends which covered a lot of our own personal expenses.
There was never very much left over after all of the expenses were paid.
My revenue continued to go downhill gradually and each month I had to look at my expenses and decide how to cut costs.
One by one I let almost all of my team of 9 people go until I was left with 1 person.
2 years later my son left nursery and started school and we no longer needed to pay for his nursery place.
Again we were excited thinking surely we would have some spare cash now, but guess what happened again?
My revenue decreased by exactly the same amount again.
This sounds unbelievable but this is exactly how it happened.
I then knew there was something weird going on. I knew I had some kind of money block that was allowing me to have just enough income but no excess.
I knew this was an energetic problem but I didn’t know how to fix it until a couple of years later.
My revenue continued to go downhill. We became frugal. We took the kids out of their after school clubs, we started cleaning our own house, we sold our car and bought a very cheap car, and started going on budget holidays instead of expensive foreign holidays.
And did we save any money?
No. Because my revenue went down by exactly the same amount.
One day in frustration, I declared enough was enough. This pattern had to stop and I was going to dedicate my time to working through the energetics of the situation until I had the answer.
And that’s what I’ve been doing ever since. I am totally immersed in the energy of money, delving into the topic of manifesting money, and have totally changed my viewpoint on money since then.
A Healthy Way To View Money
When I started addressing my attitude, I realised how unhealthy my viewpoint was.
The results of living in constant fear of not having enough money will be that you’ll get exactly what you will fear, that you are lacking money, you are wanting money, and there is never enough money.
With my belief system about never having enough money and worrying about not having enough money, I literally created my own reality. Once I saw the evidence of the reality that I had created, I solidified it and the belief system was now set in stone.
The interesting thing about my own journey was that even though I was terrified of not having enough money, and I saw the evidence that my money was constantly decreasing, our basic needs were always taken care of.
We always had enough to pay our bills and pay for the things that we had already committed to like nursery places. Once we no longer needed them, that money was no longer available to us.
It also adds another layer of complexity to the situation that me and my husband share our finances and resources. I can only tell you about my own fears, but I don’t know exactly what my husband’s belief system or thoughts are.
I do know that he does expect to always be able to pay his bills though, so perhaps that’s why we always had enough to pay our bills.
Even though I was terrified of money disappearing, I had an overarching belief that everything would be OK. So perhaps that is why we always had just enough and no more after I started developing an intense fear of not having enough money.
Everyone has different beliefs around money. Everyone’s standard of living is different and so is everyone’s definition around having enough, and not having enough money.
What is acceptable to one person would be devastating to another person.
We can’t compare our journey and our standard of living to other peoples. The only thing we need to do is look inside ourselves at our own beliefs and how they are shaping our own lives.
It is natural to experience negative emotions around money and inevitable that these kinds of feelings will arise, but it is vital that you resolve these issues and let them go.
I’m going to show you how to do that in a minute, but first of all, I’m going to share with you a much more healthy attitude towards money.
I have now got a completely different attitude towards money and I’m going to share that with you now.
Here’s what I now believe:
1. Money Doesn’t Actually Exist
What is money really? And why do we want it so much?
Money is just a concept that humans created to represent value.
It doesn’t actually exist in a tangible form.
Yes the concept exists. What money really is, is a promise to be able to use it to create tangible results. But there is nothing really tangible to demonstrate that money really exists. And you might think your money is safe and well in your bank, but actually it’s not physically there either.
Although we do have coins and notes which are physical and tangible and we refer to them as money. They are not actually money. They just represent value. The coins and notes are not worth anything themselves. We use them because it is a convenient way to create a record of value.
Before money was invented, people had to trade their products or services with other people. But that proved too tricky because not everyone wants to do direct trades, so money was invested to represent the value that you had provided to other people.
Money is a symbol of value.
A lot of people refer to money as energy. It is the energy of value.
Humans change the value of money all the time. The value you have accumulated yesterday might be less valuable today according to society.
So money changes value based on many different things that are happening in the world at any one time including where you live in the world, and the state of the economy in the world.
So, because money only represents value, money doesn’t actually exist.
Also, the value of money is constantly fluctuating so it’s value is never fixed.
Another way in which money doesn’t actually exist is because most of the money in the world is in bank accounts.
Say if you have $10,000 in savings in your bank account. You might say that you have $10,000. You own $10,000. But you don’t actually physically have this money. The bank has it. And guess what the bank does with it?
It loans most of it out to someone else. And the bank itself is able to get a loan from the central bank for even more money because you gave the bank money, so your one deposit could be multiplying many times over in terms of the value it provides for the bank and for other people. This is one way that the amount of money in the world keeps increasing.
So someone else actually ‘has’ your money, not the bank.
The bank only has to keep around 10% of your money physically – and this varies depending on what country you live in. But this is how banks operate. So if everyone suddenly wanted to withdraw all of their money from the bank at the same time, they physically wouldn’t be able to do it.
So even though you feel like you have money because it is a number on your savings account in your bank, technically you don’t actually have the money. You’ve loaned it to someone else.
This might sound scary, but this is how the economy operates and it’s a good thing because it’s how money keeps circulating around.
The value that you provided now helps someone else create more value in the world.
Money creates more money.
Value creates more value.
If you start to see your money as simply value, and that the value you created is contributing to the good of society it can completely change your view of money.
Even if you have no savings, the same principle applies. You create value in the world by offering your time, skills, or creations to someone else and you get paid for it. You then spend this money on valuable things that other people have given to you.
You’ve traded your value for their value. You get to have something valuable that they gave you, and they get the money which they will use to pass on to someone else.
Therefore, no matter how much money you have, and whether you spend more of your money or save it, the money and value keeps on being spread around the world. None of it is yours to keep and own. It all belongs to the world.
Therefore it is helpful to think of money as a resource that benefits everyone, not something that only benefits you. The more money you have, the more money the world has.
2. Money Is Infinite For You
A lot of people are scared of money because they believe that there is a finite amount of money in the world and that all of the rich people have taken it and there is none left for anyone else.
The truth is that although right now there is a finite amount of money in the world, it is constantly increasing all of the time. So there is always more money available in the future. The amount of money you can make is infinite.
People also feel guilty when they have money because they believe that in order for them to have more, other people must be suffering with less as a result.
This is not true.
Yes it is true that the rich keep on getting richer, because money makes money, but people will not get poorer as a result because people who don’t have much money probably wouldn’t choose to spend their money on your offers anyway because they don’t have any spare money.
People get rich because they provide something of value that other people are willing to gladly hand over their money for. Nobody is forcing anyone to buy anything they don’t want. Therefore you are not taking money from people by increasing your own wealth.
Although with a capital society there will always be inequality, the standard of living for everyone is constantly increasing which is a good thing. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything to help other people. My own belief is that the more money I personally make, the more money I can give to charity and help other people who are struggling.
3. The Way You Value Yourself Translates Into The Value You Create
If you want to make more money and have more than you could possibly need, you need to create more value in the world.
People who lack self-confidence often don’t create much value in the world.
If you can begin to see yourself as someone who was created for a purpose, to provide value to others and help to enhance the world for everyone and raise the standard of living, you’ll start to see yourself as valuable.
Once you see yourself as valuable, start to be open to ideas that come to you about how you can create more value in the world, and therefore make more money.
And if you want to know how to manifest more money, I showed you how to do that in my last content piece.
{READ THIS: 9 Ninja Ways To Manifest Money (Works Immediately)}
4. There Is A Difference Between Having Your Needs Met And Having More Than Enough Money
For a lot of people, their needs are met even though they haven’t personally made any money.
How does that work?
When people have children, one person often takes time off work to look after the children, and they make no money or less money.
But they still receive money, either from the state, their family, or their partner.
Raising children is creating value in the world, even though you’re not directly providing value to someone else in return for money.
Some people don’t appear to provide any value to society but they still get benefits from the state or their families and have their needs met.
So therefore, we know by looking at these examples that we can see that there are people who are not directly making money but are still receiving money and having their basic needs met.
Therefore if it is possible for some people to have their needs met, it is also possible for us to have our needs met.
Everyone has a purpose in this life. I have had periods of my life where I haven’t given any value to society and I have still been provided for. If you think about it, most of us go through a long period of time as children and teenagers where we don’t actively generate value and make money but we still get our needs met.
I believe that if you are not able to work you will be provided for because we all have a purpose in this life, and when we are able to create value, we will do that.
Yes it is true that not everyone does have their basic needs met in this world. Some people don’t have access to enough food. That is absolutely tragic. But we do know that we get what we expect to get. So expecting to have your needs is an essential criteria for having enough money.
There are charities that exist that help other people have basic access to food and clean water. We don’t know what is going on in other people’s minds and what their belief systems are and why some people seem to receive help and other people don’t. We can’t judge other people like that.
But what we do know is that what we can control is our own minds and belief systems, and science has proven that you will get what you believe you are going to get.
The first step for overcoming fear of not having enough money is to accept that your needs will always be met.
The second step for overcoming fear of not having enough money is to actually make money by providing value. This will help you feel more secure.
Although I do believe the ultimate security is found in trusting in God, or The Universe.
I believe that money ultimately comes from God through people.
Let me walk you through the process I used to overcome my own fear of not having enough money.
How To Overcome Fear Of Not Having Enough Money
Now I’m going to take you through my STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief to show you how I overcame my fear of not having enough money.
First of all I identified what the disbelief was. My disbelief was that I didn’t have enough money because my old businesses were declining, and my new business wasn’t growing fast enough and that meant that I didn’t have enough money.
I then analysed the disbelief.
I started off asking myself what the advantages of believing this belief were.
The advantages of believing that my old business was declining was that I no longer wanted to take responsibility for it because I had lost my passion for that particular niche. I tried for many years to revive this passion and despite that I couldn’t seem to get interested in this business again.
An advantage of believing that my new business has yet to take off is that I don’t have to do anything that pushes me out of my comfort zone in order to help it take off. I don’t have to do anything that scares me if I’m always in a state of waiting for my business to take off.
Advantages of generally not having enough money in my business is that I don’t have too many people to have to manage. In the past I had a tendency to hire too many people and managing 9 people at once really took the fun out of my business.
Another advantage of not having enough money is that I don’t have to worry about managing the money itself. I realised that I had a bit of a fear of not having enough cash flow to manage large revenue. For example, having to pay a lot of money towards Facebook ads that would help to generate income would feel a bit scary for me in case I forgot about my Facebook ads and left them running and ended up with a big bill that was higher than the revenue I’d made.
Then I asked myself what the disadvantages of this disbelief were. For me, the disadvantage was I was making less money. I didn’t feel successful and didn’t have a sense of achievement. I also wasn’t being a good role model to other business owners, which is what I want to be.
Not making enough money in my business means I can’t put more money back into the business to help it grow, so I reach and help less people. I also spend less money on expenses which doesn’t bless other people with money when I pay them.
Not making enough money in my personal life means that I am worrying more about the future, about not having a pension, and how to provide for myself when I’m older. There is also less money for having fun now, especially when my children are still young.
Next I asked myself if the disbelief was actually true.
First of all I asked myself is it true that I don’t have enough money?
Of course, this statement is very subjective. Everyone would answer something different if they looked at my financial situation.
What does enough even mean?
It is human nature to always want more, and never think we’ve got enough.
In our society we tend to expect that our basic needs will be met, but have many wants that just keep growing and growing.
There are so many ways to answer this question it’s hard to even know where to start.
What does enough mean to me?
My honest answer to the question, do I have enough money is yes and no. Yes I do feel like all of my basic needs have been met, and always have been.
I’ve survived all of the challenges I’ve faced in life so far. I’ve even been homeless before and still survived that. I’ve hit rock bottom and I know I’d always rise up and things would improve.
I feel like I do lead a lifestyle where I have more than enough. Generally whatever I want, I can buy. We are doing well, have savings and investments, and are just about to buy a new house. So by most people’s standards, we have way more than most. And I am so grateful for this.
And despite this, I’ve got to admit that I still want more.
I want to be able to have more fun experiences with my family, go on cruises, and see different places around the world, and so I know that I have a desire for more money to pay for these things.
Saying that you don’t have enough comes from a place of lack and is negative, so it’s not a statement that I want to continue to say. I do want to let go of the negative and rephrase it into something more positive.
Although it is natural to feel like you don’t have enough. It is much better to think that you are abundant and have access to anything you desire.
If you look at the evidence around you, nature is abundant and is perfectly balanced to have everything it needs. You are part of nature therefore your needs will be met too.
So is it true that I don’t have enough money?
There are two parts of having enough money.
- To have enough to have your basic needs met
- To have more than enough money to choose how to enhance your life in different ways
So looking at part one, do I have my basic needs met? Yes I do and always have done, therefore there is no evidence to suggest I don’t have enough money.
Looking at part 2, do I have more than enough money to choose how to enhance my life? Actually yes. The fact that we have savings and investments allows us to make choices about our life. We could buy numerous cruises with that money so if I allow myself to think that I don’t have enough, I am denying the abundance that is already mine.
How about wanting something that I clearly don’t have enough money for at the moment like a million dollar home with a swimming pool?
I don’t have enough money right now to buy a home like this outright. So that is true. But that doesn’t mean that I can never experience staying in a million dollar home with a pool. There are numerous ways that this experience could manifest with or without money. I hear stories like this all of the time where people have manifested things that they don’t have the money for.
And if they can do it, there is nothing also preventing me from doing the same apart from my own belief system, so this experience is also available to me.
I then proceeded to ask myself if all of my advantages for not having enough money were also true.
It is not true that I can’t increase my revenue from a business that I am no longer actively working on. I proved that by doubling my revenue for the passive business the month after I let go of this disbelief.
Is it true that I can’t make money if I don’t do something that scares me? No, I have done plenty of things that scare me in my business and now that things are easier, I can definitely make money without constantly being scared all of the time.
Is it true that having a bigger business will mean I have to manage more people? No this is not true. If I feel like I need more support, I can hire one person to manage all of the people in my business.
Is it true that I won’t be able to manage my cash flow if I need to increase my spending on ads. No. I can always hire someone to help with me this too, and I’m pretty sure I will make it a priority with so much money going in and out on a daily basis that I’m sure I won’t forget.
So all of these worries turned out to be lies.
My main statement that I didn’t have enough money was a lie. It was not the truth. And that’s why it is called disbelief because it is the refusal to believe in the actual truth.
And when I realized this statement was disbelief, I was more than ready to let go of it.
Now it’s time to release the disbelief.
What I do to release disbelief is I write the disbelief down on a piece of paper that I call a STAMP it out note, and I fold it up into a tiny square. Then I drop it into my STAMP Box which is a box that I’ve allocated specifically for this purpose.
I then feel the feeling and relief of letting go of this statement.
Now that the disbelief is gone, what is left is empty space, and this feels awkward.
The brain needs some kind of positive new belief to fill this empty space otherwise it won’t be convinced the disbelief has truly gone.
I then brainstormed some new beliefs that would feel good to think instead of the old belief. These new statements are called Brain STAMPS because they STAMP your neural pathways in your brain with a new belief that makes you feel successful.
Here are some of my new Brain STAMPS:
- Money doesn’t actually exist in a physical form. It is a measure of the value that I have provided therefore I place my emphasis on providing value.
- My basic needs have always been and will always be met
- When I keep focused on helping people, I create value for the whole world
- I choose to believe that if someone has achieved something, it is also possible for me.
- There is no end to the amount of money that I can make
- I was created for a purpose, therefore I choose to provide value to other people
- God loves me and provides everything for my highest good
- I am a highly valued and unique creator, who constantly creates more and more value
- There is always a way to manifest anything I desire
- I am rich beyond my wildest dreams
- The more people I provide value to, the more money I make
- I am blessed with ideas that provide the answer to other people’s problems
It is good to read these Brain STAMPS out loud at least once a day for at least 30 days. Also try to catch negative thoughts and reframe them as they pop into your mind by releasing the old thought and thinking one of these Brain STAMPs instead.
Next Steps
I hope you can see how valuable it is to go through this process of releasing disbelief, and you might be wondering how you can start using this process on all of your disbelief that is keeping you stuck.
I have created a STAMP It Out Process checklist and Workbook to help you work through these questions yourself.
This STAMP It Out Process Workbook is available as part of the FREE STAMP Book Bonus Bundle for those who purchase my STAMP Goals Book.
The reason I added it to the book bonus bundle is because I explain in much greater detail how to use this process in my STAMP Goals book, and I also have a checklist you can print out as part of the STAMP It Out Process Workbook which is also one of the free bonuses you get when you buy the book.
In my book I show you where you’ve been going wrong with goal setting, how to transform your business by setting the right type of goals, how to make sure you achieve your goals every time, how to make a plan for achieving your goals that will lead you to success, and how to make goal achievement a habit.
Click here to read more about STAMP Goals book
While you’re waiting for your copy of STAMP Goals book to arrive, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Now that you have learned how to let go of the fear of not having enough money and you now understand that value is what creates more money, you might be wondering how to set up your own business so you can have the opportunity to have a consistent source of unlimited income.
When you work for someone else, your income is usually fixed which can lead you to having a poverty mindset. But when you work for yourself the sky’s the limit. Which is why most wealthy people are also entrepreneurs.
I have created a FREE workshop to help you start your own business called How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days.
In this FREE workshop I show you how to plan your dream 6 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell.
This workshop is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Blueprint course. I am giving you FREE access to this workshop, and an associated workbook for a limited time.
Click here to get FREE immediate access (no opt in required)
Next time I’m sharing some SIMPLE Steps To Starting The Business Of Your Dreams With No Money, so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
This FREE Manifestation Milestones board pack is the ultimate motivator to help you manifest more business success.
From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you recognize, and celebrate all of the amazing milestones and goals you are achieving in your business which is so exciting.
Click here to download my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Mindset is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- December 2020 Manifestation RESULTS: Income Report, Goals Update & Reflection
- 9 Ninja Ways To Manifest Money (Works Immediately)
- How To Overcome Fear Of Not Having Enough Money: STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief
- How To Make A Manifestation Board For Business (+ FREE Printable Template Pack)
- 5 SIMPLE Steps To Starting The Business Of Your Dreams With No Money
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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