I share the results from my monthly reflection session in this business manifestation results report. I share my new blog traffic and income report, evidence log, goals update, milestones met, and mindset breakthroughs.

Today I am bringing you the third installment of my brand new series to start sharing a report on my monthly manifestation results with you.
In this report I am going to share my evidence log of what has been manifesting that month including:
- Everything I manifested or achieved during the month
- An income report
- An update on the 3G goals that I set for that month and whether or not I achieved them
- My deepest feelings about how the month went
- Analyse what worked, and what didn’t work, and what needs to be improved
- How I can be more productive
- Did I stick to my commitments?
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Today You Will
- Be motivated to work on your own goals
- Be interested in starting your own monthly manifestation report
- See how to work through mindset issues and improve your belief system
Please Note…
My aim is for you to use my results as a manifestation model, to show you how to take inspired action to manifest your own desires. You can apply what I’m about to share with you to inspire yourself to complete any of your passion projects.
As I share my own report, I want you to notice if you are thinking any negative thoughts about yourself such as “I could never achieve all that in one month”
I call these negative feelings, disbelief because you don’t believe in your own success.
I have a whole section on how to reject disbelief in my book, STAMP Goals. This is part of the process of achieving the goals that you have set for yourself.
We all know of people who started making five or six figures the first or second months of starting a new business. And I myself have previously had that kind of success.
But right now, this business has not yet taken off in a big way. Despite this, I am not giving up. I know that all businesses and personal journeys are different. So I’m being honest and showing you that although things can start off small, I have completely certainly, and expectation that they will increase in a big way in the future.
My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
As I’m going through this report, I would love to know what you liked about it, or how it could be improved. Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
Why I’m Sharing My Goals And Income Reports
Here are all of the reasons I’m sharing my monthly manifestation report with you, even though committing to sharing my income every month does scare me quite a lot.
- I want to motivate you to manifest your own success, work on your own business goals, and enjoy the process
- I want to hold myself accountable to working on my business goals each month
- I want to encourage you to start a monthly manifestation report of your own so you can hold yourself accountable to your own success
- I want to be completely honest with you and show you that things aren’t always perfect, and I don’t always hit all of my own goals, my mindset isn’t always positive, but I am optimistic that my results will keep improving and in time you’ll see that commitment and self-belief are some of the biggest determining factors in success
- I want to share my mindset and belief system with you and how I work through my disappointments when I don’t achieve my own goals, so you can get an example of how to work through challenges and avoid giving up altogether
Before I share my results with you, I want to highlight the importance of planning your success before you review your success.
I will be sharing my in-depth monthly planning session with you at the end of the month, so stay tuned for that. And if you can’t wait that long, grab a copy of my STAMP Goals book as my planning system is one of the items in the book bonus bundle.
1. Success Evidence Log

The success evidence log involves making a list of any achievements to celebrate. There are 3 categories of the success evidence log:
- Manifestation Milestones Met
- TONS Done and Success Rituals achieved
- Mindset Breakthroughs.
Let’s look at each one in turn.
Manifestation Milestones Met
Manifestation Milestones Met are things that happened that you didn’t have control over that you can be grateful for, such as revenue earned, and followers and subscribers gained.
Here’s everything I manifested this month:
- ALL of my social media followings increased
- Facebook likes increased from 60 to 64
- Pinterest followers increased from 448 to 563
- Instagram followers increased from 109 to 124
- TikTok followers increased from 749 to 783
- YouTube long content account followers increased from 18 to 25
- YouTube long content account views increased from 87 to 94
- Youtube shorts account followers increased from 6 to 59
- Youtube shorts account views increased from 6 to 7600
- Podcast downloads increased from 54 to 76
- Email subscribers increased from 381 to 457
- Website visitors increased from 5,461 to 6,548
- Blog traffic increased from 8669 to 10,530
- My total audience size increased from 7374 to 8647
- I sold 4 different Kath Kyle products.
TONS Done And Success Rituals
TONS Done and Success Rituals achieved is a list of everything that you did to move your business forward this month. TONS Done are single one off tasks, and Success Rituals are things that you repeat over and over.
Here’s what I achieved this month:
- Created 9 videos, 9 podcasts, 9 blog posts, and social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok for December
- Created 31 new short videos for TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram Stories & Reels, & YouTube shorts
- Did morning and evening routines every day
- Did my Monthly STAMP Planning, Monthly Reflection (this process), content planning session, and my Financial review session
- Created a goal setting workshop to walk people through setting their 3G goals for their businesses.
- Published my STAMP Goals book on Amazon in kindle and paperback formats.
- Paid someone on Fiverr to convert my book to a paperback version
- Created a new product page for Kath Kyle.
- Wrote an email launch sequence for January for my STAMP Goals book.
- Created some ads for my STAMP Goals book to display on my own website.
- Promoted my new book.
- Wrote a new email marketing welcome series.
- Created a new email automation for my Goals Planning workshop.
Mindset Breakthroughs
Mindset Breakthroughs are focused on what improvements you made in terms of your belief system, what did you discover and learn this month?
Here’s the mindset breakthroughs and insights I have had this month:
- Although I don’t have very many money mindset blocks, a fear of not making enough revenue has been keeping me stuck.
- My revenue for all of my businesses in total has been static for a really long time now. What lesson could I need to learn from this so I can move forward? A lesson that I need to learn is that I need to trust that God will always provide everything I need. I have had all of my needs met and more for a really long time now, and still I have allowed my mindset to be filled with fear around not having enough money.
- I have noticed that I am still dreading the 1st of every month as I’m worried about doing my finances, because I am assuming that there will never be enough as my sales never look high as the month goes on.
- Whenever I get sales I have noticed that I often feel a feeling of relief before I feel gratitude. Relief is not a helpful emotion because you are only ever relieved when you expected something worse that didn’t turn out to be the case. I need to get into an expectation of receiving and feel gratitude for that.
- I have also noticed that although I feel very responsible with my business finances, I haven’t been keeping up to date with my personal finances because my husband has the primary responsibility for that task. We used to have monthly financial meetings, but since we moved house this has fallen by the wayside. So I have made a point of asking him for monthly updates so I can keep my mindset in the right place with personal finances as well as business finances.
- I have been getting some great insights for regular content ideas and new product ideas. These are based on struggles that I’m having or have had and how I am resolving them or have resolved them myself.
2. Gratitude Goal Update
Gratitude goals are goals that can’t be controlled, and in particular revenue goals.
Please note: I am only reporting revenue for my Kath Kyle brand. My other businesses generate a lot of passive income which is what I use to pay for my online business tools which I share across all of my businesses. For my new brand, I want to start reporting from the very first month I made any money to take you on my journey from making nothing to growing in the future. I created one income report focusing on one month of revenue from my health blog and I also show you all of my expenses that I pay for across all of my businesses.
Click here to read my health blog income report.
Here is my income that I made this month in my Kath Kyle brand.
I made a total of $147 in my second month in business. I sold three of my STAMP Goals book And I sold one of my Dream Business Blueprint courses.

My revenue decreased from the previous month. Last month I made $337 so this is not the direction I want my revenue to go in.
To be honest, I really don’t want to report this income as it’s gone backwards and is next to nothing, but I made a commitment to do this, and I think it will help us all in the future when we can look back and see that things didn’t take off in the way I wanted them to straight away.
What did I do differently this month?
I didn’t have any kind of launch at all. So here is the main problem. If I don’t focus on promoting anything, it is not going to be very likely that I will sell very much.
I did have a welcome series that sold my Dream Business Blueprint automatically so I was thinking some of that would lead to sales.
But the more I thought about that welcome series, the more it didn’t feel right to me.
In my email welcome series, I was launching straight into a promotion without providing very much value first.
So what I’ve decided to do instead is to do a very short welcome series of just 3 emails that provide a massive amount of value.
Then after that people will get 2 emails per week from me that also provides a huge amount of value from me. And then I will do a monthly launch for one of my products.
This feels like a much better balance to me. So this is what I was working on this month.
As a result of only just executing my regular content plan, I forgot that I had decided to do a launch every month.
So no launch = no so much money made.
My email list is still really small and this is the main place that I’ve been doing any selling. So I need to focus on reaching more people in the future.
I was originally going to just launch my new book, STAMP Goals in January but I decided to get it out right after Christmas as I know that people start thinking about their goals soon after Christmas.
So I’m happy with the fact that I sold a few of my books already. That has given me a lot of confidence that people are actually willing to part with money for my book. And as I always say, if I can sell 1, I can sell 1000.
My Facebook ads didn’t seem to be doing as well so I paused those for now. Ad prices go through the roof in December so it’s no surprise that I’m reaching less people for the same price as competition for ad spaces is very high in December. So for now, I’ve paused my Facebook ads.
As soon as I get some reviews written about my book, I’m going to start some Amazon ads and see how they do.
Although my revenue went down, I am over the moon that I got my book published. This is a major achievement for me. And although I don’t have a massive audience to promote the book to just yet and I don’t have a launch team to write me loads of reviews, I am not going to give up on this book.
I 100% believe that this book can help anyone to achieve their business goals, no matter what stage they are at with their business, and I am going to keep mentioning my book because it is my core product and I know how valuable it is.
I see this as a marathon, not a sprint.
3. Giving Goal Update
Giving goals are goals focused on what you are offering for sale.
My two main Giving Goals were to publish my STAMP Goals book which I am so happy that I achieved.

And my other Giving Goal was to automate sales from my planning workshop, which I have also achieved, so I feel like my business is set up exactly as I want right now.
Part of the process of me publishing my book was to create a workshop that teaches some of the content in the book, helps people to set their 3G goals and then mentions the book at the end of the workshop. I am very happy with how this workshop turns out because I think it can really help people.
I achieved an amazing amount this month and I’m really pleased with my progress.
4. Growing Goal Update
Growing goals are focused on personal growth.
As part of my Growing Goals, I have been doing some inner child work which involves looking back to your childhood to see if you picked up any beliefs that are holding you back from success.
I identified quite a lot so I’ve been working through one issue at a time starting with the belief that I’m too stupid to be successful.
The way in which I’ve been feeling stupid is around general knowledge and current affairs. It is to be expected that I would feel like this though because I don’t watch the news, and have no interest in keeping up with politics or that kind of thing.
I don’t feel stupid in every way, but I’m certainly not someone you’d want on your team in a pub quiz. So I have been working on processing that to the point where I am not phased by saying this in public. I also believe that I am smart in a lot of other ways and I can definitely recognize my strengths and weaknesses without becoming emotional about them any more.
Feeling stupid is something that would really trigger me, but now that I have brought it to the surface, I have confronted it head on, and let it go, and I feel fine about this now.
I’ve also set myself some boundaries in place with this. And I’ve decided that I’m no longer going to go to any pub quizzes or play any trivia games. I’ll just politely sit them out.
I have a very focused mind, and I get very obsessed with particular subjects and want to know everything about them. Therefore I get really deep on subjects that I love such as business, and spirituality, and personal development, but my general knowledge definitely takes a back seat.
5. Success Signs
Success signs are things that worked well, things that enabled you to reach your goals, things you enjoyed working on, and also things you experimented with even if you haven’t seen any results from them yet.
My new STAMP Plan is continuing to work very well. I now focus on creating content first and I don’t allow myself to work on any other tasks for the month until the content for the next month is created. Although I love creating content, I also love completing projects to create new products and get them ready for sale, so focusing on my content first gives me something else to look forward to, a different type of work during the second half of the month.
Now that I have regular consistent good quality content going out twice a week, I am finally seeing an increase across the board with all of my marketing channels.
The biggest increases I’ve seen this month are with my new YouTube shorts account which is the account I use just for short vertical videos. I decided to keep these short videos separate from my main YouTube account as an experiment to see which one grew quicker, and the short is winning by a long way.
Although I only started my Shorts channel at the end of last month, it grew from 6 to 7600 views which is very high. I’ve already more than doubled the number of subscribers I have on my shorts account compared to my long content YouTube account in just one month, so this growth is crazy high.

It just takes one viral piece of content to set you up for life in business.
In business, 10% of your efforts will yield 90% of your results. So most of your content will fall on deaf ears, and that’s to be expected.
But it just takes 1 or 2 pieces of content to absolutely blow up, and you’ll find yourself with more success than you ever imagined was possible.
So how do we increase our chances of getting these viral pieces of content that really explode your growth?
By publishing consistent, good quality content.
The more often you publish, the more of a chance you have of hitting that jackpot.
And when you get there, your new massive audience will want to check out the rest of your content, so all of your content will get a boost.
That’s why you want to make sure all of your content is good quality, because if it’s not, your new audience will leave and they won’t come back.
But if you prove that you’re in it for the long haul with a proven backlog of good quality content, you’ll have thousands of true fans for life.
6. Success Blockers
Success Blockers are things that are blocking your success and stopping you reaching your goals.
I feel like engagement was missing for me this month. I was so focused on getting my book launched that I didn’t reach out to anyone new to engage with anyone.
The reason why I’ve not done this is because I’ve felt I’ve run out of time, and when I look at the reason why I’ve run out of time it is because I’ve been focusing on creating content for all of my working day. I have been making my content far too long which hasn’t led to having a balanced business. My blog posts have been around 5,000 words each which is really crazy, and my videos and podcasts have been really long. I need to reduce the size of each content piece to have more time for engagement.
As already mentioned, my lack of launch was probably responsible for my decrease in sales this month.
What have I been avoiding? Coaching people. I keep hearing about how you need to coach people. For some reason I follow a lot of coaches. All of the podcasters I listen to coach people so I feel like this is something that I need to consider carefully in the future.
I also feel like I put far too much emphasis on sales this month and felt quite negative as my KK sales were so low. I have to remind myself that money comes in so many different ways, not just through sales. My other businesses have numerous income streams, so perhaps that’s something I need to focus more on.
7. My Feelings About This Month
I felt so good about getting my book published finally. I wrote the book so quickly and decided not to launch it until January, so I have been sitting on this book for a long time, which is not something I like to do with products. It feels so good to be able to provide so much value to people at a price that is affordable for everyone.
I also feel good that I have now got regular content that leads people directly back to my book again.
I felt really bad about my low sales this month. Most of the month went by without selling anything at all in Kath Kyle brand so this was a big testing time for me. I responded by putting all of my effort into my Giving Goals, and working on my money mindset. I’ve made some progress but still have a way to go. I’m learning so much that can help other people which is a very positive thing. But I know that I won’t feel confident to really help people with their money mindset until I start to get results that are a little bigger than what I’m getting right now.
I got a little bit tested by the book publishing process as I was working with someone and my book kept on being rejected by Amazon over and over again for formatting issues which is what I paid someone else to do. It was like a daily frustration that went on for weeks, and I got very frustrated as it was taking so long.
8. Improvements
- I am always going to have a launch every month from now on.
- I am going to focus 1 hour every day on engaging with new people who I can help with my business.
- I’m going to consider coaching in the future, but not until I’ve moved house in February.
- I’m going to focus on being calmer.
- I need to think about getting a coach myself, but again I’m not going to think about this until I’ve moved house.
- I am going to create a new product specifically for testing Facebook ads so I can see how well they are working.
- I am going to increase the size of my emails by providing more value in each email. And I’m going to give more free gifts to my list to say thank you for opening my emails.
- I also want to decrease the size of my content, but I want to be a bit more chatty at the start of my podcasts and start to do more personal updates. If my content is shorter, I can fit in more of these personal updates which I personally love on other people’s podcasts so I want to do the same thing myself.
9. Time Savers
Writing shorter content will save me time.
10. Commitments
- I am still committing to two content pieces per week.
- I am committed to getting my STAMP Goals book ready to launch officially in January.
- I am committed to investing a certain amount of money each month in the stock market and regularly increasing this investment.
- I am committing to getting 2 months worth of work done in one month to get ahead before I move house.
- I am re-committing to 1 hour of personal development in the morning and evening.
Next Steps
Now that you have seen how valuable it is to do a monthly reflection to keep yourself accountable and resolve any negative thinking you have around your business, you might be wondering how you can start doing your own monthly reflection sessions.
I have created a STAMP Reflection Workbook For Business Growth to help you work through these questions yourself.
This STAMP Reflection Workbook is available as part of the FREE STAMP Book Bonus Bundle for those who purchase my STAMP Goals Book.
The reason I added it to the book bonus bundle is because I explain how to do these reflection sessions in my STAMP Goals book, and I also have a shorter weekly reflection session as part of the STAMP Workbook which is also one of the free bonuses you get when you buy the book.

In my book I show you where you’ve been going wrong with goal setting, how to transform your business by setting the right type of goals, how to make sure you achieve your goals every time, how to make a plan for achieving your goals that will lead you to success, and how to make goal achievement a habit.
Click here to read more about STAMP Goals book
While you’re waiting for your copy of STAMP Goals book to arrive, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE Workshop: How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days.
In this FREE workshop I show you how to plan your dream 6 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell.

This workshop is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Blueprint course. I am giving you FREE access to this workshop, and an associated workbook for a limited time.
Click here to get FREE immediate access (no opt in required)
You are going to be so glad you did.
Next time I’m sharing some Ninja Ways To Manifest Money (Works Immediately), so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.

This FREE Manifestation Milestones board pack is the ultimate motivator to help you manifest more business success.
From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you recognize, and celebrate all of the amazing milestones and goals you are achieving in your business which is so exciting.
Click here to download my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- December 2020 Manifestation RESULTS: Income Report, Goals Update & Reflection
- 9 Ninja Ways To Manifest Money (Works Immediately)
- How To Overcome Fear Of Not Having Enough Money: STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief
- How To Make A Manifestation Board For Business (+ FREE Printable Template Pack)
- 5 SIMPLE Steps To Starting The Business Of Your Dreams With No Money
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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Hello Kath, 1st response, my first social Media representations were widely regarded as illegal at best. For many years I was a fan of Hollywood Actors and musician guile personalities, As a child I was faced with a painful internment, for lack of a better term I the mind of a sociopath. A Mass Murderer of children was found to be Teacher at my fifth grade year at Aumsville Elementry School in Oregon. And the city was decimated by a 10 kiloton Hydrogen device. By a representative of the Agency God. His name was Natas. The presence of Animal Man Gene splice people including a pig morph, was recorded as well as a spider boy, And a girl named Toni was mutilated on her unformed great area. Sliced with Satanic crosses. So my Google queries included. Black Assassination Black Warfare. Transhumanism The light of mind invasive biotechnology. Cybernetics Satanic ritual child Abuse Cult following Cult Stalking Gang Stalking Crimes against humanity war crimes psychological Abuses and Eugenic Or crimes against Ones family as in a blood fued. I uncovered pictures of the rape of young Hollywood including pictures of the rape torture of Britney Jean Speara, see Brandyn Potts.com Twitter account. I uncovered BDSM device and bloody child pornography and the phenomenon of rape torture of teenagers on 18 and abused Fappening leaks.com Mr skin and 1000000000 lesbians videos the original representation of woman hatred My BDSM files.