Here are my simple steps for starting the business of your dreams with no money. I also share my story of how I started a 6-figure business when I was broke.
Are you interested in starting a new business, but you’re reluctant as you don’t feel like you’ve got enough money to start a business?
Believe it or not, you can start any type of business with absolutely no money, and I’m going to show you how to do that today.
There are 5 steps involved in starting any business, so the steps I am going to share with you can apply to any type of business.
This will give you a great overview on all of the steps that you could take to start a business, and it will give you the confidence to take the very first step.
I am also going to share how I started my very first business with no money at all. When I started my business, I was also very busy with my first baby, and had no prior business experience. This proves how accessible the world is right now for anyone to start a business, even if you have no experience, no time, or no money.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Today You Will Discover
- How To Set Goals For Your Business That Align With Your Desires
- How To Make A Plan For Business That Leads To Success
- How To Manifest Business Success Even If You Have No Money
- How To Create An Offer For Your Business With No Money
- How To Market And Sell Your Offer Without Any Money
My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Are You Interested In Starting A Business?
Have you ever wanted to start a business? I’d love to know what your business ideas are.
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
How I Started The Business Of My Dreams With No Money
When I started my very first business I had no time, no experience and no money. We had just had our first baby, and money was very tight. We didn’t have any spare money at all.
As we didn’t even have any money to buy our kids new clothes or new equipment, I certainly wouldn’t have had any money to put towards a new business.
We didn’t even have any savings at the time, so taking money out of savings wasn’t even an option for us.
I decided to start my business based around a blog. The reason why I chose a blog is because it was free to start a blog, and I loved to write and teach, so this seemed like a perfect fit for me.
Many people start blogs and don’t make money, but I had done my research and I found lots of other people who had made money through blogging, so that inspired me to know what was possible.
If they could achieve it, so could I.
I hope you get the same motivation from my own story that I’m sharing with you right now.
So yes blogging is technically free. If you use a free account, you can set up a blog for free.
But I discovered very quickly that these free blogging accounts had some major limitations.
The biggest limitation was that you didn’t actually own your own blog. Your domain name ( doesn’t belong to you. That means that your blog can be taken away from you at any time, and if you want to forward your domain to another domain in the future, you might struggle for various different reasons.
So I decided that having my own name was something I absolutely had to have.
Buying a domain name is fairly cheap, around $10. But if you use your own domain name, you also have to pay to host your website yourself. So these were 2 expenses that I did need to pay for straight away.
And as I didn’t have any money, what I needed to do was find some extra money. After my birthday, I got some birthday money and I used some of it to buy 1 year’s worth of hosting. It was around $30 for a year’s worth of hosting at that time, so I invested this money into hosting. And I bought my first domain name,
If you want more help to start a blog, I have another blog post that helps you to do that. Click on the link below to read that.
{READ THIS: FREE 3 Step Tutorial: How To Start A Blog And Make Money}
And after I paid for my domain name and for hosting, I literally didn’t need to buy anything else for my business until after I started making money.
After that I got busy blogging and just poured all my efforts into creating blog posts, and my traffic shot through the roof.
After a few months, I joined an ad network for free, and I put banner ads on my website. Other people’s ads were now displayed on my blog and I started making money which was fantastic.
During my first month I earned $30 and covered my whole expenses. And my income went sky high after that.
Very quickly I decided to start selling my own products, as I now had the money to invest in this process.
I invested in an email list provider, a shopping cart, and an assistant to help me reply to customers emails.
So as you can see, the more money you want to make, the more money you have to pay, but I started by creating something which was free. I just chose to invest a tiny amount of money to secure my business and make things easier for myself in the long run.
This business very quickly started making 6 figures and I invested more and more of my money back into my business.
Since then I’ve started numerous different businesses which all follow similar models. As I love to teach, the teaching model suits me just fine.
Using a teaching based business model is a very easy way to start a business for free because you can build up an audience for free without having to invest any money into the process.
In a minute, I am going to show you more ways to build businesses for free, and different types of business, not just teaching models.
Now I’m going to go through all 5 steps that will help you start the business of your dreams with no money.
1. How To Set Goals For Your Business That Align With Your Desires
Before you even start to take action towards setting up a new business, the very first thing you need to do is set goals.
Another word for setting goals is to simply decide what you want.
Here are some questions that will help you decide what your goals should be:
- How much money do you want to make each year?
- What would you like to offer in exchange for money?
- Who would you like to become in the process?
What I suggest you is answer these questions in reverse order as it will help you answer them more easily.
3. Who would you like to become in the process?
How would you like to feel when you are a successful business owner? What kind of skills would you like to learn?
For example, do you want to feel excited, secure, helpful, confident, successful?
Would you like to learn how to blog, create videos, create podcasts, create courses, make products, manage a team?
2. What would you like to offer in exchange for money?
What are you going to sell? Who will you sell it to? I will go into this in a bit more detail in a minute.
3. How much money do you want to make each year?
What you need to do is to calculate that the thing you want to sell is going to be able to make you the money that you want to make.
If you want to delve deeper into setting goals, I have created a free masterclass that helps you get crystal clear on 3 essential goals that all business owners need to set.
2. How To Make A Plan For Business That Leads To Success
The next step is to make a solid plan for your business.
The biggest mistake I see business owners taking is to launch into creating a new business without making a plan.
And I’m not talking about a business plan that you need to make to satisfy the bank. I’m talking about a plan that satisfies your own requirements.
You need to make sure that YOUR desires are going to be met by the creation of this business, otherwise you’ll be wasting so much of your time, and your business is not likely to succeed.
Most businesses fail because they failed to plan. That old cliche is so true. Fail to plan, plan to fail.
So how do we make a plan?
A plan is just a series of decisions that you make about your business in advance.
The main purpose of a plan is so you know what actions to take next, and this gives you so much confidence and clarity. It also helps you make a commitment to your business which is absolutely crucial.
Confidence in business is everything. And having a plan will give you this confidence that you need.
Having a plan doesn’t mean that you can’t change your plan. It’s your business. You can change your plan whenever you like. I change mine all the time.
So what types of things should we plan for our businesses?
I suggest you make plans for the following:
- What type of lifestyle you want to lead
- What type of business would fit with your ideal lifestyle
- What type of business allows you to do the work you love and live your purpose
- What business would fit with your values
- Find a business model that is proven to work already
- How you are going to be unique in the marketplace
- What type of message you are bringing to the world
- Who your ideal customer is
- What you want to sell to your customer
- How you are going to bring your product to market
- Your method of generating traffic or interest
- Your method of generating leads
- Your method of generating sales
- Will you be offline, online, or both?
- What type of marketing channels will you use?
- What will your regular work involve?
These are just some of the things that I suggest you make a rough plan about before you start your business.
I actually have a list of 30 different areas that I suggest people make decisions on before starting a new business.
This is what I have always done for all of my successful businesses.
When I have failed to make my own business plans before starting a business, those businesses have always failed.
If you are wondering how to plan a new business, I have a free masterclass that walks you through the exact process.
3. How To Manifest Business Success Even If You Have No Money
Here’s a step to starting a business that you won’t find in any business textbook.
Manifesting business success.
Yes it is true that most businesses fail, and we want to make sure that we are in the small percentage of businesses that actually succeed.
How do we do this?
The simple answer is by believing wholeheartedly that this business is definitely successful.
That’s all manifestation is at the end of the day, just changing your belief systems.
When you believe in something completely, the laws of the universe dictate that it shall be so.
Changing your belief system is simple but it is not necessarily easy.
That’s because things that are worth having often take time and effort to build up, and a business definitely falls into this category.
As time goes by, you will have challenges. It is guaranteed. That is the fun of this game of life, and business is another fun game you can choose to play.
And now you know there definitely will be challenges to setting up a business, the best way to keep your motivation high is to invest some time in learning the process of manifestation, so you can ensure your belief system remains strong.
As soon as you lose faith in your business, and in yourself, that’s when you give up and it’s game over.
So giving up is something that you need to avoid at all costs.
The fun of learning manifestation will help you to keep remembering that this is a fun game and to focus unwaveringly on the end result that you desire.
If you would like to learn more about how to use manifestation to get the success you want, and to keep your belief systems in the right place, I have a free resource for you.
I created the Manifest Business Success Challenge, which is free at the moment. The content in the videos in this challenge is so good that I’m going to offer this for sale at some point in the future, so grab it free while you can.
In this challenge I walk you through my 10-step business manifestation process, and also show you how I took all 10 steps to create my first 6-figure business.
As well as 10 in-depth video tutorials, you also get a workbook to help you work through the challenge too.
Click here to join the FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
4. How To Create An Offer For Your Business With No Money
When people think of businesses they often just think in terms of creating a product and selling it, but there are actually so many different ways to make money than most people think.
One business model is to offer something valuable for free, like a resource, or education, or a community, and then to allow advertisers to advertise their products to your audience. You get paid by the advertiser, not by the end user. You provide value to the end user, but you get paid by someone else who sells something to them.
With a model like this you can get paid for creating content and inviting advertisers to display their ads on your blog, podcast, videos, community, or live event.
This is how I first got started making money.
This is a good way to start making money because it is much easier to build an audience when you aren’t always desperate to sell them something, as it focuses your attention on giving value.
It is similar to the affiliate marketing business model which I also have used to make a lot of money in all of my businesses.
With affiliate marketing, you focus on creating free content, and then you recommend that they buy someone else’s product to help them solve their problems. When someone buys the product you recommended you get a percentage of the sale value as commission.
These are all examples of passive income where you create something in advance and make money passively while you are doing something else.
If you want to know how to make passive income, I have a post that shares 57 ways to make passive income.
{READ THIS: 57 Best Passive Income Strategies To Replace Your Salary}
You can also choose to give away your time in return for money. For example, you could offer coaching or consulting to other people, giving them your knowledge and time to help them solve problems.
Or you could offer someone a service in return for money, such as writing a blog post for someone else, or helping someone to schedule their social media posts as a virtual assistant.
These are examples of active income which involves trading your time for money.
It is often much easier to get started making money with active income rather than passive income. I have another post that shows you 50 best active income ideas to earn money right now.
{READ THIS: 50 Best Active Income Ideas To Earn Money Right Now}
All of the above examples that I’ve shared don’t require you to invest any money to make money.
Once you have started to earn money using some of these methods, you can invest that money back into your business and create money with more costly methods like manufacturing your own products.
But let’s just say that you have a very specific business idea in your mind, and you know it will take a lot of investment to get started with this. And you are so passionate about this that you only want to do this and don’t want to build up to this gradually.
If you need money to invest into your business, and you don’t have it, the only options available to you are to ask someone else to give you a gift, or as for a loan from either the bank, or other types of investors like angel investors, or by doing something else to raise money like a kickstarter campaign.
If you are lacking in confidence to share your ideas with others and ask for investment, I suggest you definitely start to learn about manifestation using my free challenge. In the process you will discover you have beliefs that are holding you back, and I show you exactly how to shift them so you can move to the next level of success.
5. How To Market And Sell Your Offer Without Any Money
If you have a product to sell but no money to pay for ads to market your product, then I suggest you look into building traffic organically instead.
Building traffic organically is normally free and is much more time consuming than paying for ads. But it will be much more profitable in the long term so it is well worth investing your time into it.
The method that you use to gain traffic to your products organically is by doing content marketing.
Content marketing means you create some valuable information and you share it with other people.
Content marketing involves doing things such as:
- Writing blog posts
- Recording podcasts
- Creating videos
- Creating social media posts
- Creating short videos
- Going live on social media
- Writing emails to your email list
You don’t have to do all of these things, but focusing on just 1 or 2 is the best way to get started with content marketing.
You might be thinking that this sounds like such a lot of effort.
Why not just post about your product and send people directly to it?
The main reason is because if you have not taken the time to build up trust with people, and educate them as to why they need your product, your posts about your product will simply not interest them and they will not buy your product.
Once people begin to become aware of your brand through your content they will begin to trust that you have their best interests at heart, and they will be much more interested in what you are selling.
Does everyone need to use content marketing to avoid spending money on marketing?
Not necessarily. There are other ways. If you are able to give away your product for free without it costing you any money, you might be able to grow your brand that way with word of mouth and by sharing testimonials, but in my experience, if you are giving away something that is not tangible, like a course, coaching, or consulting, it is hard to even find people to take your offer for free.
Why wouldn’t someone want to take a free product that was offered to them?
Because often it will also require them to give up something valuable to them like their time.
If they don’t trust you because you don’t have a social media following, or you don’t have any content, or you don’t have any previous testimonials it is unlikely that people are going to want to invest their time into something they know nothing about.
So that’s why content marketing is such a great idea to help businesses grow a secure and sustainable business.
This is what I’ve always done and it has worked fantastically well for me.
You might notice that a lot of businesses use many of these methods to help grow their brand, they do content marketing, and give away products for free, and use paid advertising.
If you are starting from scratch and have no money to invest in your business, content marketing is the perfect starting point for you.
Next Steps
I hope you can see how valuable it is to create content to help start the business of your dreams with no money, and you might be wondering how does content actually help you to sell your products?
How do you lead people from your free content to your paid content?
It is so easy to get caught up in the content creation cycle of just creating content piece after content piece and then wonder why you’re not seeing any extra revenue as a result.
I know exactly how this feels, and once I learned how to make every single piece of content convert into sales, it changed everything for my business.
I now am one of those people who makes money in my sleep, and I want to share all of my secrets with you to help you do the same.
Are you ready to create content that gets you sales on autopilot?
I want to share my exact formula to help you create binge-worthy social media posts, blog posts, podcasts, and videos that constantly convert your audience into customers without you having to be salesy or pushy.
I have created a FREE video tutorial called Constantly Converting Content.
- The real reason why you’re not making any sales from your content
- The secret to categorizing your content for constant conversions so you never waste time creating content that doesn’t lead to a sale again
- My exact 4-step formula for leading people from your free content to buying your products
- The method for creating a call-to-action at the end of your content that people just HAVE to follow
- A step by step Checklist walking you through the 13 elements of constantly converting content
- My exact script swipe file as an example of my own constantly converting content
Click here to get this tutorial FREE for a limited time only.
Next time I’m sharing some BIG Mistakes Spiritual Entrepreneurs Are Making, so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
This FREE Manifestation Milestones board pack is the ultimate motivator to help you manifest more business success.
From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you recognize, and celebrate all of the amazing milestones and goals you are achieving in your business which is so exciting.
Click here to download my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Planning is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- December 2020 Manifestation RESULTS: Income Report, Goals Update & Reflection
- 9 Ninja Ways To Manifest Money (Works Immediately)
- How To Overcome Fear Of Not Having Enough Money: STAMP It Out Process To Reject Disbelief
- How To Make A Manifestation Board For Business (+ FREE Printable Template Pack)
- 5 SIMPLE Steps To Starting The Business Of Your Dreams With No Money
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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