Here’s the only guide you’ll ever need to start a movement. These 5 steps are the key to building a massive audience and exponential business growth.
If you’ve ever tried to build an audience you’ll know how hard it can be. Sometimes it can feel like all you do is post content constantly, and it rarely moves the needle.
Today I’m going to share the secret to growing a massive audience and exploding your business growth.
Here’s what you need to do…
You need to build a Magnetic Movement.
The definition of a Magnetic Movement is to attract a group of people to your business, and help them to adopt a Transformational Habit.
A Transformational Habit is a small action that your audience takes on a regular basis that helps them get a small result.
When a group of people all start getting results and seeing progress towards something that they desire, you have created a Magnetic Movement. These people will share your Magnetic Movement with everyone they know, and your movement will go viral.
The result of this is that you will get a massive amount of brand recognition within your niche, and from there you can sell aligned products to your audience.
Now I’m going to walk you through the exact steps that you need to take to create a Magnetic Movement.
Today You Will Discover
- How to brainstorm ideas to create a massive movement
- How to get clear on the message you are sharing with your audience
- How to create your Magnetic Movement
- How to trigger your audience into joining your Magnetic Movement
- How to make money from your Magnetic Movement
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help entrepreneurs manifest more revenue by bending their belief system, practicing Success Rituals, and creating a movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
What Are You Struggling With?
Have you ever wanted to build a massive audience? What are you selling that requires you to have a massive audience?
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kathKyleOfficial.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
What Is A Movement?
The definition of a movement is a group of people with a particular set of aims or ideas.
Creating a movement is a good goal to have and if you simply created a movement, you’ll still be able to build an audience from that.
However, we’re not creating any old type of movement. We don’t just want to stop at bringing together a group of like-minded people and stop there.
We want to create a Magnetic Movement.
A Magnetic Movement helps a group of people to adopt a Transformational Habit for free.
A Transformational Habit is a small action that your audience takes on a regular basis that helps them get a small result.
The reason that we want our audience to take action is because when people build habits around our products and services, they get results and share their results with other people.
There are SO many reasons why you should create a Magnetic Movement, and I’m going to share some more of the benefits with you now.
Benefits Of Starting A Movement
If you want to grow a massive audience, here are 10 reasons why starting a movement is a great marketing strategy.
- Starting a movement helps you build a big audience very quickly because you are helping them get results for free and that attracts a lot more people than paid products do
- A movement is likely to go viral because people are much more likely to share your movement with their network.
- Your audience will be very engaged because your movement will attract action-takers, and people love to engage with like-minded people
- It doesn’t matter what marketing tactics you use when you have the right message which means you can use any style of communication that you enjoy the best
- Your audience is much more likely to want to become customers because they are already adopting a habit needed to get results with your product
- Your audience will be very loyal because you’ve helped them get results for free
- This business model is very profitable because your business will attract a big audience without you having to pay for any advertising
- A movement naturally generates a lot of social proof which helps people to trust you and buy your products
- Starting a movement is a fun way to run a business because you get to enjoy having a massive positive impact on a large group of people
- You build a brand that is widely recognised which means you are going to be able to generate a good amount of revenue
How I Reached Millions By Starting A Movement
I have had over 28 million visits to my website, and all of them have come from free organic methods without me having to pay for paid advertising.
I have created movements for all of my businesses and my most successful one to date was for my brand called Green Thickies.
I figured out a way to lose weight by eating natural food on the go, without spending hours in the kitchen and without going hungry.
I created a concept for a complete meal shake recipe called a Green Thickie.
I then created a movement around getting people to adopt a Transformational Habit which was to drink Green Thickies daily.
My Magnetic Movement went totally viral, got featured on a popular TV show (without me having to appear on TV) and Green Thickies became a household name in the smoothie niche. It also generated my business a lot of revenue, and was a lot of fun to be involved in.
I’m so grateful that I got to help so many people transform their lives by creating a Magnetic Movement, and now I’m walking you through the exact steps so you can do the same thing.
STEP 1. How To Brainstorm Ideas To Create A Massive Movement
This is where you will brainstorm ideas for your own movement to reach the masses.
The main reason your current marketing efforts aren’t working is because your message isn’t moving people into action. Your message doesn’t have a solid foundation that is capable of changing the world.
When people see the drive and energy behind your message they will be moved into action. We are coming up with a big idea that will put your brand on the map.
To create a Magnetic Movement, you need a brilliant idea that is capable of getting millions of eyeballs on your message.
Decide Your Transformational Habit
The first thing you need to decide is what Transformational Habit you are going to get people to adopt.
The best way to do this is to look at the biggest transformation that you could help someone achieve, and ask yourself the following question:
What one habit could move people closer towards this big transformation than any other action?
For example, the big transformation that I wanted to help people get was to reach their ideal weight in the healthiest and easiest way possible.
The habit that can move people closer towards this big transformation than any other action is to drink Green Thickies daily.
Green Thickies is a unique concept that I invented. Your concept should be unique and be able to stand out so that people get curious about something new that they’ve not tried before.
Here’s another example from my personal brand.
The big transformation that I want to help people to get is to manifest the revenue that they desire.
The habit that can move people closer towards this big transformation than any other is to read an intention statement, called a STAMP Statement every day.
A STAMP Statement is something that I invented. It is my new, unique concept.
Find Your Tribe
The next thing you need to do is to find your tribe.
Start by answering the following question:
Who can benefit from your big transformation?
For Green Thickies, the people who can benefit from losing weight in a healthy way, on the go are mothers who are extremely busy and have baby weight to lose. They have a massive desire to be healthy as they might be nursing their babies, so eating nutritious meals is very important to them. As Green Thickie recipes are all vegan, they might also be into plant based eating.
Now go to Google and search for some keywords that your audience might type in if they were looking for a solution to their problem.
See if you can find some contributors who are already in your niche. Click on their social media icons and see how big their followings are on social media and what kind of engagement they’ve got. Look at the comments people are leaving on there. This is where your tribe is hanging out and the kind of conversations they are having.
For my Green Thickies brand, I am more likely to find my tribe on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, blogs, YouTube, and podcasts, and in any groups or forums where new Mums would hang out such as baby groups, and weight loss groups.
STEP 2. How To Get Clear On The Message You Are Sharing To Build A Movement
This is where you will devise your message for your magnetic movement so you speak to the people who are actually ready for a transformation.
When you create content for your business, people can feel the energy behind it. If you have created content from the place of ticking off a task on a to-do list, your audience can feel this stale energy.
In this step we’re shifting your energy to make you and your message totally magnetic.
Once you’re done with this step you’re going to be so pumped up and excited to reach people with your new ideas.
We are doing something very exciting here, we are changing the world one habit at a time, and when people discover your purpose they will mirror your excitement and jump on board with your mission.
By the time you’ve finished Step #2 you’ll have an exciting message crafted that really speaks to people and draws people towards you.
How To Hook Attention For Your Magnetic Movement
You need to create a hook for your Magnetic Movement. You can use this hook to describe your movement in one sentence.
In this hook, you need to make sure you are focusing on the results that people are going to get when they adopt your Transformational Habit.
For example, here’s a hook from Green Thickies:
Drop A Dress Size In 7 Days By Drinking 2-Minute Homemade Liquid Meals.
In this example people know exactly what measurable result they can typically expect to get in what length of time, how much time investment it’s going to take and what they are going to be doing.
This hook describes your Magnetic Movement because it describes the Transformational Habit that people are going to adopt.
When you craft your own Magnetic Movement hook your message will start to spread like wildfire.
This is a hook that I wrote for an audience who have never heard about Green Thickies so that’s why I didn’t put the words Green Thickies in the title.
If you are sharing your hook with people who do know about your brand, you can put your own unique concept in your hook.
STEP 3. How To Create A Movement
At this stage you will plan your promotions and content that creates buzz around your Magnetic Movement.
There is a fine line between creating content that goes unnoticed and content that gets shared, liked, commented on, saved, and acted upon.
The difference is subtle to the untrained eye, but small shifts in the way you create content can make a massive difference when it comes to getting noticed.
In this module we’re creating content that wows and engages your perfect tribe members.
Once you’ve completed this module you’ll be all set to unleash your Magnetic Movement Trigger that will move your tribe into action.
Create Magnetic Content
You are now ready to start creating content that leads people towards your Magnetic Movement.
You are going to create a combination of longer content pieces such as blog posts, podcasts, videos or live streams and smaller content pieces like social media posts that encourage your tribe to take action and join your movement.
The main aim of your content is to get people to adopt your Transformational Habit.
So in your long form content, you are going to share any details that are necessary to help people to take action.
Your short content will nudge people either towards the long form content, or towards your Magnetic Movement.
For example, in Green Thickies, I created numerous blog posts that contained Green Thickie recipes. In total I created well over 100 different recipes and published them all for free on my blog.
I also created numerous other types of content that encouraged people to start drinking Green Thickies.
You don’t have to worry that you are giving away too much free content for free at this stage, because it will actually encourage people to buy your paid products. People will pay for the organisation, step-by-step structure and ad-free experience they get when they buy your products.
Thousands of people who used my recipes for free on my blog went on to buy my recipe books, so I know that this definitely works.
From my blog posts, I then encouraged people to join my movement. So what does this look like in practice, to join your movement? That’s what we’re focusing on in stage 4.
STEP 4. How To Trigger Your Audience Into Joining Your Movement
We are now ready to launch your Magnetic Movement Trigger, and this is where all of the action happens.
We need to create a trigger that brings people together and challenge them to adopt your Transformational Habit for a short amount of time.
This is where the magic happens because the buzz of creating this kind of event will help people adopt your Transformational Habits for life.
Your Magnetic Movement Trigger Event will be either a challenge, bootcamp, or detox.
It is a good idea to create a space online such as a Facebook group or other space where people can join and motivate each other to adopt your Transformational Habit.
People will be sharing their results publicly in this group and on your social media and it will generate a massive amount of excitement in your industry.
For Green Thickies I created a 7 Day Green Thickies Challenge where I encouraged people to drink 1-2 Green Thickies each day. I gave them a free package containing all of the recipes they would need, instructions, and even a free shopping list.
I gave away so much value and people were getting great results from this challenge, and my business went totally viral as a result.
That leads us nicely on to generating revenue for our businesses.
STEP 5. How To Make Money From Your Movement
As a business owner, you have two desires for your business, to change lives and to get compensated for it.
You’ve dedicated yourself to helping people and changing lives, and now it’s time to get paid for your efforts.
The good news is that creating a movement is one of the best ways to create such loyal fans, that selling your products has never been easier.
People will have received such great results from your Magnetic Movement that they’ll be lining up to buy your products.
Because you’ve taken the time to build such great relationships with people and helped them so much, they’ll naturally want to work with you, so selling at this point is one of the easiest things you can do.
The great news is that you don’t have to get on calls with people, you don’t have to do live streams to make sales. You can even automate this process 100% if you choose to. Whatever method of selling you choose, you’ll still get paid well.
What To Offer For Sale
The best thing to sell directly after your Magnetic Movement Trigger Event is a product that helps people continue along the same journey that they’ve already started. Your product should just take them a bit deeper and get them even more results.
For Green Thickies, after I had taken people through the challenge, I then offered them my lowest priced front end product, called Green Thickies 7 Day Detox.
This product is very similar to the package that I gave away in the challenge but instead of just asking people to drink 1-2 Green Thickies per day, it has a complete meal plan for all meals and snacks telling people exactly what to eat to get specific results. It also includes more instructions, educational content and bonuses that goes along with it.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to create a Magnetic Movement, would you like to know exactly how to grow a tribe of millions with your message?
What if I told you that you could create your Magnetic Movement in just 30 days using FREE easy-to-use tools, and get millions of eyeballs on your products?
I am walking you through the exact steps to coming up with an idea for a movement that will make your business unforgettable and make your message go viral.
Click here to discover more about this masterclass.
This masterclass worth $77 is called Moving Millions and it’s part of my Dream Business Movement program, but for a limited time only I’m giving you free access to it.
The information that I’m sharing in this action-packed masterclass is so valuable you are going to want to take notes.
Click here to get FREE access to my Moving Millions Masterclass for a limited time only
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- 10 Reasons You Need To Create A Movement To Reach Millions
- How I Reached 28 Million People By Starting A Movement Online
- How To Start A Movement [THE COMPLETE GUIDE] 5 Steps To Massive Business Growth
- How To Choose A Transformational Habit For Your Movement
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✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
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✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
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