Here’s my goal-setting transformation where I share how I went from being a goal-setting failure, to consistently achieving goals and loving the process.
How I Figured Out How To Achieve Goals
Goal achievement used to really confuse me.
I knew I’d had massive success achieving certain goals in my 10 years of online business, but on the other hand, I also had a lot of blockages.
For a long time, I had absolutely no idea how I’d managed to achieve certain goals.
I didn’t have a particular strategy that I could apply to achieve all of the goals I’d set for my business.
I read all of the books on goal setting and bought many courses and did everything they told me to do.
Yet most of the goals I set didn’t happen, and I was tearing my hair out.
I gave up on goal setting for many many years. It was just too painful to be constantly disappointed at the end of every month. I continued to work hard year after year implementing different strategies I was learning, but month after month my business was in constant decline.
Now, many years later, I feel like I’ve finally mastered the art of goal setting and goal achievement.
The contents of my STAMP Goals book have been placed on my heart in the hope that it will give you as much success as it’s given me.
My aim is to help to remove the awful disappointment from your own life so you can continue to work on growing your business.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
What’s Your Goals Story?
How do you feel about setting goals for your business? Do you love the process and look forward to smashing your goals? Or do you avoid thinking about setting goals at all costs?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel, or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
Today You Will
- Be inspired by my journey to want to start setting goals in your own business
My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Here’s my goal-setting story. This is an excerpt from my book, STAMP Goals which is now available on Amazon. STAMP Goals helps you put your STAMP on the world in 30 days and set goals that you will actually achieve.
Why I Started A Business
The plan was for me to stay at home raising my kids. I gave up my teaching job when we moved to a new area and I didn’t want to go back to teaching.
As soon as I had my first baby, I started my first business. Although I loved spending time with my baby girl, I needed a challenge for my mind.
I needed to feel like I was achieving something and giving something back to the world. Plus we were really stretched financially, living in a tiny house.
We saved every spare penny so we could go and visit our families who didn’t live near us.
We had no money for any luxuries at all.
I wanted to be able to provide for my family in the same way my husband provided for us.
I was yearning for more money to enable us to have some fun, go out to restaurants, and give our kids a little bit more.
I also really wanted to be a good role model for our kids, show them what is possible in life by building something purposeful that can really help people.
Business Success Came Quickly
My first few businesses were a massive success. In fact, I still have them up and running today. Although I am not active in them and they are now almost completely passive.
My first business was a healthy food blog that I started just after having my first baby. I needed a way to engage my brain again.
So I started a new business called Green Thickies. I had invented a new recipe formula which was a filling green smoothie for weight loss.
I called my new invention a Green Thickie. I had easily lost 56 pounds by drinking Green Thickies and I knew it could help so many people in the same way. I was so excited to share this with as many people as I could.
I always planned for it to be a business that would make money.
I set my goals and read them out loud twice a day for over 6 months.
I had so much fun working on my blog and it never felt like hard work.
I was so grateful when the money started to trickle in and very soon a flood of money was poured into this business, and I was earning a 6-figure revenue within about 6-9 months of starting the business.
How My Revenue Increased When I Stopped Working On My Business
I got pregnant for a second time and had some health challenges during my second pregnancy. I was finding it is a struggle to just do the essentials every day so I stopped working on my blog for most of my pregnancy.
During this time I was amazed to see my traffic and revenue rising and rising. I continued to be so grateful for this and I started work on my business again as soon as I was able to.
I feel like the first few years of this business went amazingly well because I was in perfect alignment with my purpose and had a very positive attitude towards my business and life. Everything felt so easy and success came effortlessly.
The only goals I really set were very long term goals to earn a very large amount of money in 10 years. I feel like this kept me thinking big about my business, but at the same time, it stopped me from feeling any immediate pressure.
I am the kind of person who often gets stressed under the pressure of immediate deadlines and I’m very self-motivated to take constant action.
I am that annoying person who would begin a college essay straight away and have it finished well before the deadline. That way I always maintained an attitude of success and feeling like I was on top of my workload which helped me achieve more.
So this type of long term goal worked well for me. However, knowing what I know now about goal setting, I have now mastered the art of setting short term and long term goals.
This is because I have learned how to detach myself from the goals and avoid disappointment, which keeps me in a state of happiness and success, and makes it much more likely that I will achieve short term goals.
How I Hustled My Way To Success
A few years later, I started a new business working for a network marketing company selling essential oils.
This isn’t something I ever planned, but these oils had such a positive effect on my mental and physical health that I couldn’t help but share them with other people.
The essential oils company had an incentive to earn money, gifts, and a place for yourself and your partner on a cruise if you met certain sales targets within 6 months.
I decided I was going to go for this goal. I was in such a positive place after the success of my first business, which I was still running, that I felt on top of the world. I could achieve anything.
Most people had a very hard time achieving this goal in just 6 months, so I knew they had set the bar high.
As soon as I started working towards this goal, they announced that they were taking this incentive away completely in just 4 months in my country. I now only had 4 months to achieve the goal, not 6 as I originally thought.
I didn’t let that discourage me. I stayed true to my goal and changed the date to 4 months’ time.
I noticed my mindset changing from the mindset I used in my first business where everything was always relaxed and easy, to a different mindset.
I knew that I’d have to push myself way out of my comfort zone to achieve this goal. I’m a natural introvert, which is why writing, blogging, and creating videos suits me down to the ground.
But I actually had to sell to people by talking to them for this task, so I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone and adopted the attitude of helping as many people as I could by talking to them on the phone. I was never pushy, but I did feel a lot of discomfort during this task.
I was over the moon to reach my goal in just under 4 months and earned all the prizes. That Mediteranean cruise was the best vacation that me and my husband have ever had in our lives, and we’ve definitely got the cruise bug now.
After that, my husband got a big promotion in a new area and we moved into a luxury house twice the size of our previous house in a prestigious housing estate.
Between the two of us, we had more money than we ever thought possible, and we started to splash the cash.
We had upgraded our house, got a nicer, bigger car, hired a housekeeper, bought lovely new furniture, and signed both of the kids up for a very expensive, full-time outdoor forest nursery. We felt like we’d made it and achieved everything we’d always wanted.
My First Business Goals Setback
I was so happy that I achieved my goal with the network marketing company that I wanted to continue to reach higher and higher levels in that company.
The next month I set myself a higher goal, and for the first time ever, I didn’t hit it.
I didn’t give up and continued to set goals month after month for the next half a year and I was so upset that I didn’t hit any of them.
I finally realized that I simply didn’t want to continue doing this type of work anymore. I was fed up with talking to people all day long, and I wanted to get back to doing work I loved again which was to create things.
That was the very first time that I didn’t achieve a goal by a deadline, and I didn’t take it very well. I allowed it to cloud my thoughts, judge myself and and lose my confidence in the process.
I didn’t put two and two together at the time. I didn’t realize that I just hadn’t achieved my goals simply because I didn’t want to do this type of work anymore. I just labeled myself a failure.
I saw a lot of my friends rising to success in this company very quickly and some of them even became millionaires in a very short space of time. I wanted what they had, and I didn’t understand why I wasn’t good enough.
This failure attitude permeated it’s way back to my first business, Green Thickies. I went back to working on this blog, and now with my new adoption of a failure attitude, things were never the same again for this business.
The Harder I Worked The Less I Achieved My Goals
I worked harder than I ever worked on my business, working 10 hour days – including weekends – and adopting strategies that had worked for other people.
Every few months I’d try different strategies. I set up memberships. I ran webinars. I set up coaching programs. I set up dropshipping stores. I set up funnels. I created more products. I focused on increasing traffic. I hired a team of 10 people. I hired a coach. I ran paid ads. I wrote more books. I bought training after training, implementing everything I learned.
What happened was that I always received an initial boost of revenue from implementing a new strategy, but some other parts of my business that had been working well on autopilot, suddenly dropped by exactly the same amount that the new strategy had increased by.
That meant that my revenue stayed the same month after month despite more and more investment in time and training. This pattern carried on for years.
During this time I also became more and more miserable with my life. We were living in a cold climate, and I felt like I couldn’t get outdoors as much as I wanted to.
My main goal was to move to a warmer climate. I thought that was the only thing that could make me happy.
I constantly moaned about how bad the weather was and my main goal was to earn enough money to support my whole family so we could move to a sunnier, warmer shore.
Funnily enough, what I should have realized right from the start was that my husband didn’t want to be supported solely by my earnings. I had earned enough money for years to support my family on my own, and I always felt like I needed to earn more.
However, my husband enjoyed his job and was living his purpose. I felt constantly trapped. I kept thinking, if I earn a million dollars, maybe he’ll think that is enough money to quit his job for?
The more I focused on this goal of moving house and earning more and more money, the more desperate and miserable I felt, and the further away the goal got from me.
I Gave Up On Goal Setting
I got so fed up with setting new revenue goals that I never achieved, that I finally gave up setting targets completely. I just assumed that goal setting didn’t work for me and there was no point in writing down these goals as I never achieved any of them.
Eventually, during a very stressful launch where I committed to more work than I could physically handle, I had a complete burnout and ended up with adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. I basically couldn’t move for around 6 months and physically had to stop working on my business.
Magical Results When You Let Go And Trust
A funny thing happened during this time of illness. I mentally let go of my business and the striving that came with it. I just felt a deep sense of trust that everything would be OK.
What happened next was unbelievable. My revenue actually went up when I stopped working on my business completely. This was the second time this happened and should have been a lesson to me about having faith and letting go of the attachment to my goals.
But I still didn’t put two and two together. To me, it was a bit like a slap in the face. I worked so hard for years on my business and never managed to increase my revenue, but the second I stopped working, my revenue went up in a big way.
I actually took a little tantrum with my business and mentally said to it, “right you obviously think you can run much better without me, so I give up on you now, you’re on your own, and I no longer give my time and attention to you.” At that point, I made my business passive.
Eventually, I recovered and dabbled in setting up different businesses that never took off. Then I started feeling desperate about money again and ended up going back to Green Thickies.
Hitting Rock Bottom With My Business
By now Green Thickies had been labeled in my mind as a failure and something I could never really figure out. My mindset around this business was still in a bad place and I started to notice a decline in revenue every month.
Every single month without fail, my revenue decreased. Every month I had to go through a cost-cutting exercise.
I had to let almost all of my team members go.
I was constantly in a state of fear because I worried I wasn’t going to be able to pay my expenses, both in my business and at home.
After I reduced my business expenses as low as I could, we then went to work reducing our personal expenses as my reduced salary could no longer afford to pay them. We sold our car, the kids were now in school, so we didn’t have nursery places to pay for, but we took them out of the after-school club to save money. We let our housekeeper go and stopped going on expensive vacations, and instead started planning budget breaks locally.
It was all so depressing and I felt like a constant failure.
I got to the point where I had to decide whether to wrap up the business as it was no longer viable. My expenses were higher than my revenue.
I knew it was make or break.
Mindset Means Everything When It Comes To Goal Achievement
If my business didn’t pick up, I’d have to go and get a job, and in my heart I knew I was destined to be an entrepreneur. I just had to make this work.
I remembered that I’d had a lot of success previously, and I knew there had to be an answer out there somewhere, or inside of me somewhere.
So I started to read a lot of books about mindset, goal setting, spirituality, the law of attraction, and manifestation and I realized how my change in attitude had affected the success of my business in such a big way.
I realized that working hard never guaranteed success and that it was your mindset that primarily determined whether you succeeded or failed, and no amount of hard work was ever going to make up for my lack of faith in my own goals.
I also realized that I’d stop being grateful for my business. When I first started my business, I was always in a constant state of gratitude because every extra penny we earned made a massive difference to the quality of our lives.
But when we moved into a more expensive house and our expenses shot through the roof, I developed a fearful attitude where I felt constant pressure to earn the money and I was terrified of losing it all. And when you feel such intense fear, often the thing you are fearing is exactly what happens.
I learned how important gratitude is by reading many books on the subject. I had no idea what an impact my attitude was making on my business success.
Choosing To Be Happy
I also made a very important decision that I was going to be completely content and happy with my life right now.
I totally let go of striving to move to a new area.
I let go of the need for my business to earn more and more money.
I focused on the things that mattered which were my family and spending more time having fun with them. It wasn’t always easy, but I made a massive shift in my mind to keep choosing happiness in the present, in the here and now. I let go of waiting for happiness in the future.
I chose happiness despite being cold, and found other things to give me happiness like going to the gym with my husband, and playing board games with my kids.
I chose to be grateful for my entire life exactly as it was right now.
Success Comes From Being Purpose Led
Another piece of the puzzle was that I had been trying to work on a business that I was no longer passionate about. My passion for my health business had decreased a long time ago and I still continued to hustle and overwork on this business. I believed that because it was still making revenue it would be stupid to give up working on it.
I now realize how important it is to follow your purpose in life. It used to be my purpose to help people to improve their health, but a few years later my passion shifted to helping entrepreneurs to improve their businesses.
I didn’t follow my purpose and what resulted was doors continuing to shut. I still didn’t listen – and ruined my health in the process.
I still let fear stop me from branching out with my new passion. I felt like I needed to prove myself with another successful business before I helped other people with their businesses. I just needed to prove to myself that I really did have what it took before I gave myself the credibility in the business niche.
So I set up a new blog from scratch in the health and beauty niche, and created a series of blog posts. After a while, this blog started earning me some good passive income. So my confidence increased and I finally felt ready to help entrepreneurs.
At this point, I set up another new business and website, in my own name. I now focus on helping business owners to improve their mindset so they can achieve their business goals.
My STAMP Goals Book is my first purpose-led project and I have the same passion for this business as I did for my health business almost 10 years ago.
Living The Dream
As soon as I figured out my purpose and started working on this new business, we got the exciting news that my husband had got a new job in another new area.
I was over the moon about the move because it meant I was closer to my family, and the climate was a lot warmer. We were also moving right next to the beach which is something I had set as a goal for years, and it was finally happening.
I was finally living the dream.
I couldn’t believe that it happened so easily once I got my mindset in a better place. It had taken me about 5 years to come to this realization.
The move to a warmer climate happened not because of my own striving, but because I let go of my striving and chose happiness.
For the next 3 months, selling the house became a full-time job as we decluttered, and fixed up the house. Then I spent every day cleaning the house and making it look like a show home for the daily viewings.
So I had to put my new business on the back burner for a while until we moved house.
For the first time in a decade, I didn’t feel pressure to be working, and felt much more trusting that life was happening for us. I felt like delays working on my new business were beneficial as we were living out our dream.
It turned out the delays were beneficial for writing this book as I spent that time cleaning the house listening to audiobooks and learning everything I could about goal setting, doing research for this book, which allowed new ideas to flow into me that I could base this book on.
When you take a rest from your business and trust, you’ll be amazed how ideas pour into you. You have to give yourself space and time to get truly inspired.
During this time, I started to experiment with my mindset working on setting goals for my finances on a personal level. Money and blessings started pouring into our personal life in a big way, and I really got my head in the right place.
Figuring Out How To Achieve Goals
I now fully understand what it means to set goals and how to lose attachment to my goals so I never let myself get paralyzed by disappointment just because I didn’t hit my goals.
When I do that I notice that I have way more success and achieve more of my goals than I ever have done. I’ve rekindled my passion for goal setting.
During my journey I always wondered why I went through such a long period of effortlessly reaching my goals, and why I then went on to struggle with goals for such a long time.
Now I understand that if I hadn’t struggled with goals, I’d never have been able to relate to other people who struggle with goals.
If I didn’t have to overcome my struggles, I wouldn’t know how to do it. So all of my struggles make sense now. It was all part of my purpose.
I finally feel like I have goals figured out and I knew that it was time to write a book sharing everything I’ve learned with you.
I know this book is my purpose as it was one of the easiest things I’ve ever done. It flowed out of me in just 1 hour a day, in exactly 1 month. That’s how you know you’re living your purpose, when everything feels like it is flowing so effortlessly.
I know I am following my purpose as I wake up excited to start work on my business, things just flow easily to me and I’m so grateful to be doing something I love. Success also follows with the same level of ease and I have a great sense of trust and confidence that I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to.
Now that I’ve adopted my new attitude, all 4 of my businesses have been increasing for the first time in many years, and I’m not even working on 3 of them. They are almost completely passive and I’m so grateful for this income which I can rely on while I build up my new business.
I’m now able to spend less time working, more time with my family (at the beach!), and I’m so grateful every day that this is my life.
And this is what I want for you too. My STAMP Goals book is going to help you step into your purpose, figure out exactly the right goals for you, and achieve your deepest desires for your business. I’ll show you how to put your STAMP on the world.
Are you ready? Let’s take the next step…
Next Steps
Now that you have heard how I transformed my relationship with goals, so I could set goals I actually achieve and enjoy focusing on my purpose, you might be wondering how you can do the same. I break down everything you need to know about setting goals you actually achieve into 30 daily steps in my STAMP Goals book.
To get hold of my book you can click the link below to read more about it, the fabulous bonuses that I’m giving to anyone who purchases my book, and get the link to both my kindle and paperback books on Amazon.
Click here to get your copy of STAMP Goals book.
Now that you’ve heard my own story about how I figured out where I’d been going wrong with goal setting, would you also like to figure out where you’ve been going wrong with goal setting with your own business?
This is what I’m going to be sharing next time so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle, and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
While you’re waiting for your copy of STAMP Goals book to arrive, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE Business Goal Setting Workshop For Fast Results where I show you exactly how to set 3 essential goals that will get you results within one month. Boost your confidence, feel like a winner, and attract more success to you by achieving your goals every time.
“I really like 3 Essential Goals For Business Success. It has really given me something to think about and is really helping me to re-think my business.” Julie
This free workshop and associated workbook is part of my book bonus bundle for STAMP Goals, and I’m only making this workshop and workbook free for a limited time, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to take my FREE Business Goal Setting Workshop For Fast Results and get my FREE workbook.
You are going to be so glad you did.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Goal Setting is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How I Started A Business (ALL The Steps I Took To Launch)
- 3G Goals: 3 ESSENTIAL Business Goals You Need To Set For Growth
- October 2020 Manifestation RESULTS: Income Report, Goals Update & Reflection
- Gratitude Goals: How To Set Revenue Goals WITHOUT Fear Of Failure
- How I Figured Out How To ACHIEVE Big Goals By Letting Go
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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