I show you the easy way to determine exactly what you want, and the secret to getting it instantly, and for free.
OK, I know it is a bold claim to make that I can show you how to get everything you want in an instant, but I promise you it is true.
The real magic lies in knowing exactly what you truly want to start with.
Believe it or not, when I ask most people what they want, they can’t actually give me an answer.
They usually say something like “I don’t know. I guess I want what everyone else wants, just to get through life without losing my job, without getting sick too much, and without any major tragedy. Maybe less stress at work would be pretty nice too”
All they end up doing is telling me what they don’t want, not what they do want.
The reason most people don’t know what they don’t want is actually because of the way society conditions us. We are not taught in school or by our parents to go after what we want. We are told to conform, to work hard, to get a good job, to keep out of trouble, to stay safe, to keep our heads down.
It’s all pretty negative really. And it leads to people feeling pretty low most of the time.
So it’s no wonder people don’t know what they really want. They have not been taught that’s it’s OK to want things. They’ve not been told that they are worthy of having desires in this life.
Do you feel like you need permission to want something for yourself?
If that’s how you feel, I gladly give my permission to you now. You have my wholehearted blessing to go forth and desire something just for the sake of it.
Another reason most people don’t allow themselves to dream is that they don’t feel worthy of it. Most people have low self-esteem and they believe that they are here just to struggle on. That’s why people don’t allow themselves to really feel anything. They block out their emotions with constant entertainment, mobile phones, TV, video games, and music, etc.
If people gave themselves just a second to sit still and observe their thoughts for a minute, they would not like what they would hear.
That constant chatter in the mind would all be negative self-talk, worry, and stress.
This kind of thinking just becomes a habit. No wonder most people don’t know what they want. Their thoughts are so full of negativity that there is no room for anything else. And most of these thoughts are totally blocked.
But I have a feeling that you’re different.
And that is because you are here right now. You are seeking. You are searching for some answers, and that makes me so happy because now you are ready to change your life, I have something very powerful to share with you today.
I am literally going to show you what you want. And then I’m going to tell you how to get it.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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How To Determine What You Want In Life
The best place to start when determining what you want is to work out why you currently do what you do.
Most people go through their whole lives on autopilot expecting the same thing to happen day after day.
Do you know the main thing that drives people to take action every day?
The problem is that most people are not tuned into this fact.
Let’s start with an example of something that most people do every day, which is to go to work.
- Start by identifying something that you do that you feel like you have to do, but probably would rather not do, like go to work.
- Then keep on asking yourself ‘why’ until you uncover the emotions behind the action.
Example Of Uncovering The Emotional Reasons Behind Taking An Action
Here is an example.
If I asked you why you went to work, you’d probably say to make money.
Then if I dug a bit deeper and asked why you wanted to make money, you might say a variety of things such as “pay my bills, pay my mortgage, be able to buy food, to save some money, or to provide for my children”.
If there are many answers to the same question, you need to ask yourself why after all of them. That is why it makes sense to write this down so you can remember your answers.
Let’s take just one of the answers, and uncover the reason behind that.
If we dug deeper still, and I asked you, why do you want to pay your bills?
You might say, “so I can pay my electric bill.”
Why do you want to pay your electric bill?
“Because I like to be able to turn on my electric lights in my own home. “
Why do you want to turn the lights on?
“So I can see better in my own house.”
Why do you want to be able to see better and not have to rely on candles for light?
“Because I want to be able to easily read a book and see the pages.”
Why do want to easily read a book?
“Because it feels relaxing. It feels easy. It feels comfortable. It feels illuminating. I feel interested in my book. I feel motivated and excited by my book. I feel entertained, amused, and captivated by my book. I feel curious and attentive. I feel intelligent when I’m learning new things. I feel affluent because I have electric light and a book to read in a comfortable home.”
Bingo. This answer finally revealed the emotions.
These are some of the emotions that this person wants to feel and that’s one of the many reasons why she goes to work every day.
When we ask “Why” enough times, we eventually uncover the emotional drive behind the actions.
When you finally realize that emotions are driving all of your actions, you can finally start to create the results you want in life.
This process makes life very hard because you struggle and strive all day in a job you don’t like so you get to experience a little bit of the emotions you want to feel for 30 minutes at the end of the day.
These emotions are the core of what you truly want. It is not just the money you want, but it is really the feelings of security, freedom, or joy that money can bring to you.
It is not just positive emotions that drive you, but negative emotions drive you too. The fear of going hungry, being homeless, or not having things that make you feel good are a big driver for most people.
If we are honest with ourselves, we’d all much rather have less negative emotions in our life, and more of the positive ones.
Now that you know that you are being driven by emotion, why not create those positive emotions on purpose?
When you flip this process on its head and uncover the emotions you want to feel, you can choose to start to feel these emotions straight away.
Something miraculous happens as soon as you start to feel positive emotions on purpose. You get everything you always wanted, and you get it immediately.
Best of all, it is totally free and comes at no cost apart from a little bit of your time.
When you start to feel positive emotions on purpose, something else incredible happens…
You attract more things into your life that give you more of these feelings.
If money makes you feel secure, and secure is an emotion you are feeling on purpose, you’ll get more money.
If a partner helps you feel more love in your life, and love is an emotion you were already feeling, you’ll attract the right partner to you.
If a job helps you feel important, and important was an emotion you were feeling on purpose, then you’ll attract the right job to you.
Do you see how this works?
It’s absolutely magical.
Most people have no clue that this is the way that life works.
And it’s the absolute key to happiness and all the feelings you ever wanted to feel.
How To Get Everything You Want In Life In An Instant
Now that you know how the process works, here’s how you get everything you want in life in an instant.
- First of all, look through my list of 400+ positive emotions so you can choose the exact emotions you want to feel on purpose to transform your life.
- Write down your chosen emotions on a piece of paper.
- Now next to your emotions list, write down some things in life that could help you to feel more of these feelings.
If you start to feel bad, change the thought to a different one.
For example, you want to feel abundant. If you were to have a bank balance that was overflowing with more money than you could ever imagine, would that make you feel abundant? If yes, write that down.
If that thought makes you feel lacking in some way or stressed, or that you find questions arising, or doubt that it’s ever going to happen, that’s not the best example for you.
What other ways could you feel abundant today that is easy for you to do? For example, what about having a long candlelit bath with some relaxing music playing in the background. Would that make you feel abundant? If yes, write that down.
- Now that you have finished your list, I want you to daydream about each item in the list. Imagine that you are experiencing it right now. Make it as real as you possibly can. You can either do this just in your mind, or you can write down more details on a piece of paper. I choose to write down the details in a journal because it stops my mind from wandering away from the topic and the desired feeling. The most important thing is you need to feel the emotions right now.
You want to do what you need to do to actually feel your desired feeling right now.
Do this at the start or the end of the day and make a habit out of it.
If you have a spare moment in your day, allow yourself to drift into a positive daydream and feel those feelings again.
Before long, these feelings will come naturally to you, and you will literally be a different person.
Best of all, all of the experiences you wrote down will start appearing in your life, and this will only be the start. You’ll be attracting so many positive things into your life you’ll be blown away.
By feeling the emotions that you truly desire right here right now, you get to have everything you want in an instant.
Make a habit out of this and I promise it will be the most transformative thing you could ever do in your life.
Don’t forget to download your positive emotions list by clicking here.
How To Discover What You Want In All Areas Of Life
Here are some questions you can ask yourself when it comes to discovering some more of the emotions you truly want to feel.
Don’t just answer the first question. Ask why over and over again until you uncover the emotional driver for your actions.
Write down the emotions that are important to you for every area of life. If you want to improve any of these areas, choose to feel more of the emotions that you have associated with them.
- Why do you clean your teeth?
- Why do you clean your body?
- Why do you do exercise?
- Why do you eat healthy food?
- Why do have a job?
- Why did you start a business?
- Why do you manage your home?
- Why do you take care of your kids?
- Why do you do things for your partner?
- Why do you have a partner?
- Why do you have friends?
- Why do you spend time with your family?
- Why do you watch movies/read books/ play video games?
- Why do you use your phone/tablet/computer in your spare time?
- Why do you meet up with friends?
- Why do you go on day/evening trips?
- How do you have fun and why do you do that?
- What was the best thing you’ve ever bought and why?
- What do you use most often and why?
- What else did you buy that you like and why?
- Why do you help people?
- Why do you give donations?
- Do you give advice or time to anyone and why?
- What do you do that is spiritual and why?
- Do you have a religion? Why?
After you’ve been through this process, you may still have some desires that you are really attached to and desperately want. For example, you want a new car but feel like you can’t afford one. Ask yourself how you would feel if you got your desired car. You might feel abundant, free, light, and easy.
Choose to feel those emotions anyway. If you struggle to just feel those emotions, choose to create an experience that will conjure up those emotions in you, such as buying some new running shoes, and going for a run. Only do this if running makes you feel free, light, and easy, and abundant with your new running shoes. If running makes you feel stressed, slow, and exhausted, choose something else.
You get to choose your emotions, and you get to choose your experiences that will help you feel more of those emotions every day.
At first glance, you might dismiss the power of what I’ve told you here as boring feeling stuff. You might still feel like I haven’t told you how to get your dream job, your dream house, partner, car, or money you desire.
But ask anyone who has any of the things that you want how they feel about having those things, then ask them if they felt those emotions before they got the thing they wanted. Most of the time they will tell you they already felt rich, successful, and happy before they manifested their dream job, house, and partner.
This is how life works. You can take this information and change your life, or you can continue on the way you have been. The choice is yours.
If you do follow my advice, I would love to know how things went for you.
Goal setting is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
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✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
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