I share the results from my monthly reflection session in this business manifestation results report. I share my new monthly income report, evidence log, goals update, milestones met, and mindset breakthroughs.

Today I am bringing you the results of my fifth month in business where I share my monthly manifestation results with you.
In this report I am going to share my evidence log of what has been manifesting that month including:
- Everything I manifested or achieved during the month
- An income report
- An update on the 3G goals that I set for that month and whether or not I achieved them
- My deepest feelings about how the month went
- Analyse what worked, and what didn’t work, and what needs to be improved
- How I can be more productive
- Did I stick to my commitments?
Today You Will
- Be motivated to work on your own goals
- Be interested in starting your own monthly manifestation report
- See how to work through mindset issues and improve your belief system
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
- I Help Creators, Changemakers, And Passionate Business Owners Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
As I’m going through this report, I would love to know what you liked about it, or how it could be improved. Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Why I’m Sharing My Goals And Income Reports
Here are all of the reasons I’m sharing my monthly manifestation report with you, even though committing to sharing my income every month does scare me quite a lot.
- I want to motivate you to manifest your own success, work on your own business goals, and enjoy the process
- I want to hold myself accountable to working on my business goals each month
- I want to encourage you to start a monthly manifestation report of your own so you can hold yourself accountable to your own success
- I want to be completely honest with you and show you that things aren’t always perfect, and I don’t always hit all of my own goals, my mindset isn’t always positive, but I am optimistic that my results will keep improving and in time you’ll see that commitment and self-belief are some of the biggest determining factors in success
- I want to share my mindset and belief system with you and how I work through my disappointments when I don’t achieve my own goals, so you can get an example of how to work through challenges and avoid giving up altogether
Before I share my results with you, I want to highlight the importance of planning your success before you review your success.
I will be sharing my in-depth monthly planning session with you at the end of the month, so stay tuned for that. And if you can’t wait that long, grab a copy of my STAMP Goals book as my planning system is one of the items in the book bonus bundle.
1. Success Evidence Log
The success evidence log involves making a list of any achievements to celebrate. There are 3 categories of the success evidence log:
- Manifestation Milestones Met
- TONS Done and Success Rituals achieved
- Mindset Breakthroughs.
Let’s look at each one in turn.
Manifestation Milestones Met

Manifestation Milestones Met are things that happened that you didn’t have control over that you can be grateful for, such as revenue earned, and followers and subscribers gained.
Here’s everything I manifested this month:
- Facebook likes increased from 67 to 71
- Pinterest followers increased from 749 to 858
- Instagram followers increased from 125 to 130
- TikTok followers increased from 783 to 795
- YouTube long content account total watch hours in the last year increased from 20 to 34
- Youtube shorts account total watch hours in the last year increased from 50 to 53
- Podcast downloads increased from 87 to 113
- Podcast total downloads increased from 227 to 348
- Email subscribers increased from 569 to 699
- Blog total traffic increased from 59,460 to 73,615
- I sold 8 different Kath Kyle products. Making a total of $788 for this brand.
TONS Done And Success Rituals
TONS Done and Success Rituals achieved is a list of everything that you did to move your business forward this month. TONS Done are single one off tasks, and Success Rituals are things that you repeat over and over.
Here’s what I achieved this month:
- Created 9 videos, 9 podcasts, 9 blog posts, and social media posts for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok for February, and March.
- Did morning and evening routines every day
- Did my Monthly STAMP Planning, Monthly Reflection (this process), content planning session, product planning session, and my Financial review session
- Create 6-Figure Content Mini course
- Created all of the marketing for my 6-Figure Content course
- Created new Facebook ads to my Manifestation Milestones Packs
- Created another new product, my Business Manifestation Toolkit
- Created all of the marketing for my Business Manifestation Toolkit
- Reviewed and upgraded my systems in Asana
Mindset Breakthroughs
Mindset Breakthroughs are focused on what improvements you made in terms of your belief system, what did you discover and learn this month?
Here’s the mindset breakthroughs and insights I have had this month:
- Recognise how far you’ve come and the strength you have
- God is testing me. It’s taken me many years to realise this. A coach probably would have helped me see this but I wasn’t ready to see it.
- Failure is an interpretation
- The more you charge, the bigger the transformation. Fees are an energetic exchange that works as soon as someone pays and even backdates itself
- One person’s complaint is another person’s opportunity
- Things get to be the way I want them to be. If I don’t want to build my traffic from Instagram, I don’t have to
- If I want people to buy from me as soon as they find me, that’s exactly what I can have if I decide I have that
- Act like you believe it’s already happened
- There is no need to create themed content that tie in with the theme of the product you are trying to sell. People buy your energy
- I dedicate my life to helping entrepreneurs. I would have and have done this without being paid. This is my purpose
- Your ideal client is you – just an earlier version

- Business is the ultimate test of faith because the stakes are so high, and the losses can also be so big. You give a business everything you’ve got to make it succeed so you have to have faith in its future success
- The reason you shouldn’t hustle and overwork for your business is because you need to have balance in your life to experience the wonder of truly being alive. You need to notice the simple things to experience true happiness. Working every hour of every day will not result in fulfilment no matter how much money you earn.
- Just decide what you want and then give that desire to God. Then show up and do the work that you can’t NOT do.
- I need to stick to my boundaries and not overgive if someone isn’t meeting me half way.
- Live the dream right now. Don’t wait for the future. All there is is the present. Be fully you right now.
- I can do everything I desire to do in a much shorter amount of time. If I want something enough, I can make it happen.
- It is time to change the way I create my content to save myself time and enable me to create one product every month in just 3 hours per day.
- You don’t always need to price high to reach your income goals. Trust your gut. Trust that the money is yours regardless of your pricing. People become millionaires with high AND low pricing.
- A lot of people think manifestation is sitting back and doing nothing and things appearing, but it is co-creation. When we take action from alignment, things appear.
- We finally got the keys to our dream house. My husband and I had the same vision, a beach house overlooking the sea. As we were both so fixed on the same vision, it was only a matter of time before it happened.
2. Gratitude Goal Update
Gratitude goals are goals that can’t be controlled, and in particular revenue goals.
Please note: I am only reporting revenue for my Kath Kyle brand. My other businesses generate a lot of passive income which is what I use to pay for my online business tools which I share across all of my businesses. For my new brand, I want to start reporting from the very first month I made any money to take you on my journey from making nothing to growing in the future. I created one income report focusing on one month of revenue from my health blog and I also show you all of my expenses that I pay for across all of my businesses.
Click here to read my health blog income report.
Here is my income that I made this month in my Kath Kyle brand.
I made a total of $195 this month. I sold 1 Brilliant Business Brain STAMPs, I sold 1 Dream Business Blueprint, I sold 4 STAMP Goals books, and I sold 2 6-Figure Content courses.
My revenue increased from last month.
I am happy that my income increased, but I still consider my income very low. However, I know that I am currently in the testing phase of my business. All businesses go through this phase and I am no different. The length of the testing phase is different for everyone, but it is needed for so many reasons including strengthening your character so you are so committed to your business that you will continue with it and you won’t let your customers down. I welcome this challenge, embrace it and I am grateful for it as I am totally walking in the shoes of my ideal client and understanding exactly how it feels to put your full effort into something and feel like you are yet to receive full compensation for that effort.
What did I do differently this month?
I did have another launch for my Dream Business Blueprint and it didn’t do as well as last time I launched this. It is potentially too soon to launch again as my email list hasn’t grown massively since the last time I launched this.
This is why I’m working on creating a lot more products so I don’t repeat launches for products more than twice in any year in the future.
3. Giving Goal Update
Giving goals are goals focused on what you are offering for sale.
I more than exceeded all of my Giving Goals because not only did I get all of my content done for an entire month, but I actually created 2 different courses in one month. One of my courses was easy because it was a section of a bigger course that I’d already created. But I did create all of the marketing from scratch, and sold 2 of these courses, 6-Figure Content which I’m very happy about.
I also created my Business Manifestation Toolkit completely from scratch which is a big product for a very small price point, so I feel like I’ve definitely over delivered when it comes to this course. I also created all of the marketing for this course too.

Click here to get the Business Manifestation Toolkit
4. Growing Goal Update
Growing goals are focused on personal growth.
My Growing Goal was to overcome not having enough time to help students. Not only did I overcome this but I overcame it in such a big way I actually took on my first coaching client and consistently coached him on a daily basis. I had more than enough time for this and all of my content AND creating 2 different products while still only working 3 hours per day.
5. Success Signs
Success signs are things that worked well, things that enabled you to reach your goals, things you enjoyed working on, and also things you experimented with even if you haven’t seen any results from them yet.
I had a major energetic shift around coaching. From going to not feeling like I ever wanted to offer coaching to clients, to deciding this is something I definitely want to do. I went for a walk with my husband and told him that I wanted to start coaching clients, and I felt like I did have a dedicated time slot for doing this every morning. I said the thing that was holding me back was not being able to offer coaching calls because I only work for a short amount of time and my time zone does not line up with the majority of my audience’s time slot as most of them are in the US. However, I came up with an idea that I call Continuous Coaching where my clients and I leave messages for each other on a daily basis, and I give people more support than they would do with just a coaching call once a month.
Then the very next day I got an email from a guy asking if I was offering 1-1 coaching and I said yes and agreed to coach him. He liked the idea of Continuous Coaching, and the concept worked very well. We both really liked the model and I was able to delve much deeper into helping him with his business by using that model.
My Facebook ad is working well and more people are subscribing to my email list.
I developed a new system for creating products and content that means I can get more of both of them done in less time.
I launched a product and gained experience doing that.
I improved my emails to my list by including more detail in them.
I became a business manifestation coach, and I realised that I CAN do it, I DO enjoy it, and I CAN fit it in my short working day and still get everything else done.
6. Success Blockers
Success Blockers are things that are blocking your success and stopping you reaching your goals.
What has been missing for a long time has been offering coaching packages and I am going to create my first coaching package for sale in the next couple of weeks right after I move house.
I still haven’t done live streams. I have a fear of them.
I have started creating plans that involve lifestreaming but still have felt that I don’t want to dedicate the time to do them which may or may not be an excuse.
7. My Feelings About This Month
I felt like my use of time was amazing. I created so much stuff. I’m so happy with my progress.
I felt disappointed about my low sales numbers but I feel good about carrying on and know this will improve in time.
I had a really difficult month with 2 close family members being in hospital with serious health problems and serious surgeries. So I was worried about them most of the month and my sleep was very poor most of the month.
Even though my business didn’t produce the revenue I desired I still deeply and completely love and accept myself. This means nothing about me and my ability to help people.
I have proven that my previous businesses have been very successful, and this business is no exception. I am getting great feedback from people and know it’s only a matter of time before my revenue explodes.
8. Improvements
- Next month I am moving house – but I am still intending to make good progress with creating a new product and stay ahead with my content.
- My future business needs me to start offering coaching packages which I will do as soon as I am settled in my new house.
- To take my business to the next level I will create 1 new product every month.
- I want to start doing lifestreams.
- I need to time block better and pace myself more.
- I need to raise my prices.
- I need to tweak my ads.
9. Time Savers
I am going to write shorter blog posts, and not do any video editing. I want to create 1 short video every day instead of batching it so much.
10. Commitments
- I am still committing to two content pieces per week.
- I am committed to investing a certain amount of money each month in the stock market and regularly increasing this investment.
- I am re-committing to 1 hour of personal development in the morning and evening.
- I did not engage with new people every day but I did engage with the same client every day this month.
- I commit to moving house and everything going well with the move.
- I commit to finishing 1 more product next month.
Next Steps
I am just curious, have you ever had a failed launch and been too put off to launch again? Or maybe you’ve never plucked up the courage to launch for the first time as it just seems like too much hard work? I’ve been there myself, and even had a debilitating burnout after one launch that zapped all of the life from my entire body. I was too scared to launch again for a long time, until I finally discovered a strategy that helped me to launch quickly and easily, and have a lot of fun in the process.
I have documented my system for launching with confidence and ease in my new course called Manifest Your Dream Launch.

I take you through a 30 day journey from planning your dream launch, manifesting your results, launching with fun and ease, and then analyzing your results and planning your next launches.
Click here to discover more about Manifest Dream Launch
Make sure you don’t miss my next podcast episode by subscribing to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, so you don’t miss that.
I can also send you an email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I give away so many more free gifts to my email subscribers.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my Easy Launch Tech Toolkit.

In this Easy Launch Tech Toolkit, I am showing you EXACTLY which tools I use in ALL of my launches across all of my businesses. After a lot of research, I believe I have found a collection of online tools that are the most effective, economical, and easy to use.
Save yourself the hassle of weeks upon weeks of research into the latest and greatest tech solution, because I’ve done all of the hard work for you over the last 10 years and tried most of the solutions out there.
This FREE toolkit is part of my Manifest Your Dream Launch course, so grab it now FREE for a limited time only by clicking the link below:
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- February 2021 Manifestation RESULTS: Growth & Monthly Income Report
- How To Get Everything You Want In Life In An Instant
- 4-Stage Product Launch Strategy Framework For Less Stress And More Success
- Launching Your Product: The Critical First Steps Most People Fail To Do
- My Biggest Product Launch Disaster And What I learned From It
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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Thank you for such a big article.