Here’s my story of how I went from zero to manifesting revenue of over $100,000 in just 6 months.

Today I want to bring you my story to show you what’s possible when it comes to manifesting results in your business.
A lot of people say that it takes years to manifest 6-figures but I did it in my very first business with absolutely no previous business experience.
One thing I want to mention before I share my story is that my motivation for sharing this story is to encourage you that these kinds of results are possible, and within a shorter time frame than you might possibly think.
But don’t think that I’m some kind of magical unicorn when it comes to my business success. I can assure you that many of my other “big” manifestations such as my move to my dream seafront home in a warm country took around 7 years to manifest.
We are all on a different journey with different lessons to learn and different timescales attached to our results.
I hope that you are inspired by my story and it motivates you to keep going, or even start your business.
But please don’t feel like this would never happen for you. One thing I believe is that if we have a desire to do something, there is a reason for that, and it will happen one day. Just don’t give up hope that it will ever happen.
If you have felt drawn to my story, it is because everything that you need to grow your business is inside of you too. We always possess the same qualities as those who inspire us to take action.
You would not desire something that was completely not possible for you. For example, I have no desire to be a famous basketball player so I do not feel much emotion, no jealousy, or excitement when I hear about successful basketball players.
There is a good reason why you are here and that is because you ARE meant to get similar (if not better) results than me in your lifetime.
Today You Will Discover
- How I grew my business to 6-figures in 6 months
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
- I Help Entrepreneurs and Creators Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Strategy, And Success Rituals
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifest More Money, And Build Your 6+ Figure Business on your terms Using My Dream Business Framework
What Are You Struggling With?
Have you ever wanted to build a successful business? What revenue would you love for your business to make per year?
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kathKyleOfficial.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
How I Manifested A Revenue Increase From Zero To $100,000 In 6 Months

Here are 5 ways that I manifested a revenue increase from zero to 6-figures in 6 months.
1. I Set A Crazy High Mammoth Goal
The first type of goal that I ever set is something that I call a Mammoth Goal. A Mammoth goal is a goal that has a really long time frame like 10 years. It is something you could only dream about happening but you’d love to have it happen within your lifetime.
My Mammoth goal that I set was multiple 7 figures. Some may say that is a crazy goal. Part of me didn’t believe it was possible but part of me thought “why not me?”.
Setting that goal helped me to think really big about my business. I no longer saw it as a small 1-person blog. I now saw it as a massive business. Seeing my business as a big operation reaching millions helped me to get to 6 figures so quickly and reach over 30 million people with my blog.
2. I Consistently Stuck To My Desired Business Plan
At the start of my business I decided which business plan I was going to stick to and I was very consistent with it. I decided I was going to start a blog, and from that blog I was going to offer a free gift. I was going to sell meal plans and recipe books, and that was pretty much it.
I started my blog before the days of podcasts and YouTube channels so those weren’t really on my radar, but keeping it simple really helped me to stay in my lane.
Whenever someone asked me to partner with them at a local event to run health events for local people, I always declined because I knew it would take me away from my mission to reach as many people as I could all over the world using a business model that made me happy.
I loved to blog, and I loved to create products so spending my time doing what I love helped me focus on giving people what they wanted doing activities that I wanted to do. This win-win scenario gave me consistent results.
Later on when my state of mind changed to fear I started to try all other types of business models out of desperation.
Adding new complexities to my business wasn’t a good idea, and it just made me feel even more overwhelmed about my business to the point where I hired 10 people when I really shouldn’t have needed to if I had stuck to my original business model.
3. I Differentiated Myself From Everyone Else
Right from the start I knew that I had to make myself stand out in the marketplace. My first niche was on the subject of green smoothies. Back then there wasn’t a crazy number of people blogging about green smoothies, but there were a few people who had also chosen green smoothies as their niches.
Thankfully an idea came to me about how I could differentiate myself, and the idea was based on something that actually made a massive difference to my personal life, so I was able to fully get behind it.
My unique concept was to add the contents of my bowl of porridge which contained oats, nuts, seeds, raisins, and dairy free milk to my green smoothie to turn my green smoothie into a complete filling meal.
I called my unique concept a Green Thickie.
Green smoothies just left me too hungry after I had a baby, so the Green Thickie enabled me to have a full meal while fully attending to my baby on the go, have enough calories including protein, and drink exactly the right calories to lose all of my baby weight within months.
I got such great results myself with my unique concept that I was so passionate to base my entire business around it, and it worked very well.
4. I Followed My Intuition
I followed my intuition in terms of listening to the ideas that popped into my head. My unique concept came from my intuition, and ultimately from my super conscious mind.
During the first few years of my business I closely followed my intuition and did what felt right including joining a network of health bloggers, which really helped me take my blog to higher heights.

In business, we have to do things uniquely. If we just follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing rather than listening to the still small voice inside ourselves, we won’t be able to be successful.
Business is a game where you make up your own rules, which is why I love it so much. I don’t need to follow some step by step plan exactly laid out for me. If I get a nudge to do something in particular, then I just do it.
Sometimes intuition does look like a nudge to take someone else’s course, and that’s why it’s so fun to tune in to your inner voice because it’s always going to give you something that you least expected.
5. I Gave People What They Asked For
After I’d been sharing my recipes for a while online I’d built up quite a large audience, and often got immediate feedback when I put out a new blog post.
One day I decided to share my story. I actually created 2 versions of my story.
One version of my story was focused on how I lost 56 pounds with green smoothies.
The other version of my story talked about how I recovered from debilitating health problems with green smoothies.
Can you guess which blog post became more popular?
The blog post about me losing weight went absolutely viral on all channels and Google was sending me organic traffic to this post for many many years.
I was always more focused on helping people to improve their health before I did this experiment. But it was clear to me that the people had spoken and what they wanted was help losing weight.
I knew that by following my recipes, they’d also improve their health so I was fine with focusing more on the weight loss angle.
Have you heard the expression, sell them what they want, and give them what they need? That’s exactly what I did.
A side effect was that people recovered from all kinds of horrible health problems while they were losing weight. Win-win.
I also got inundated with people asking how I lost the weight and asking me to create a meal plan.
So that was my first product. I gave people exactly what they wanted and my 7 Day Detox went on to sell many thousands of times.
Next Steps
I am just curious, have you ever tried manifestation before and you couldn’t get it working for you?
Have you ever tried to manifest results for your business?
A few years ago I was fed up, overworked, and business strategies and manifestation techniques just weren’t working for me.
After a lot of experimentation and some soul searching I finally discovered where I’d been going wrong.
Once I learned how manifestation actually works I was able to feel confident to start a business that I’d been putting off for years, and manifest the doubling of my business revenue on my passive business that had been static for a really long time.
I have shared my system for manifesting more revenue, more customers, more ease and flow, while doing work that you adore working the number of hours you choose, all without any hustling or striving in my signature course called Dream Business Manifestation.

I take you through a 30 day journey from manifesting being the person you want to be, to manifesting your dream business, and manifesting the money you desire to make .
Click here to discover more about Dream Business Manifestation
Make sure you don’t miss my next podcast episode by subscribing to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, so you don’t miss that.
I’m also SO excited to share my masterclass with you called Double Your Revenue Masterclass.

If you’ve tried all of the strategies to grow your revenue and it’s still not increasing, this FREE masterclass will help you easily get to the next level. I am sharing 3 extremely powerful manifestation techniques to help you manifest your first sale and double your revenue.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- Can You Manifest Bad Things? And Why Do Bad Things Happen?
- 3 Manifestation Mistakes: You Are Doing Manifesting All Wrong
- How I Manifested A Revenue Increase From Zero To $100,000 In 6 Months
- The Real Reason Why You Attract Haters
- How To Use Intuition In Business Decision Making And Never Feel Confused Again
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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