See how I plan my business manifestations each month. You can plan with me by planning the success of your own business and setting your own goals at the same time.

Every month I take some time to plan my business success manifestations for the following month.
Planning my manifestations is my secret weapon when it comes to rapidly growing my business every month.
All planning is, is just making a decision. It is just deciding what you want.
Manifestation always starts with deciding what you want. If you don’t decide what you want, things will never improve for you.
Here’s what I always say about planning:
When you plan successful actions, you action your plan and become successful.
The more detailed your plan, the more committed you feel. The more committed you feel, the more you will achieve.
So I would like to encourage you to take some time to go through my manifestation planning process with me now and make success a priority in your business.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Today You Will Discover
- How to plan the manifestations of business success next month
- How to create a success action plan that is right for you
- How to set monthly goals that you will actually achieve
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
I would love to know what you are planning to manifest next month.
I’d also love to know what you think of my content, what you like best, and what improvements you’d like to see in the future, and if you have any questions for me. I love to hear your questions so I can help you out, and also answer them in my content in the future.
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kath_Kyle.
Monthly STAMP Planning Overview

I call my process my Monthly STAMP Planning process because my goal setting framework is called STAMP and this planning process is something that I share in detail in my book, STAMP Goals.
You can also get my complete Monthly STAMP Planning checklist and workbook as part of the book bonus bundle when you buy a copy of STAMP Goals.
But don’t worry if you don’t have my book yet, you will still be able to use the following process that I’m about to share to plan your own business right now.
There are 10 sections to my Monthly STAMP Planning Process. Here’s a quick overview before I walk you through each step in detail.
- ASK Questions
- Set Gratitude Goals
- Set Giving Goals
- Set Growing Goals
- Write New Brain STAMPS
- Plan Promotions & Launches
- Write STAMP Statement
- Create A STAMP Plan
- Perform Monthly Manifestation Rituals
- Create New Future Overviews
Now I’m going to walk you through each point in detail and share my own plans that I have created for next month.
This monthly STAMP Planning process should be done at least one month in advance.
What I do is I allocate the last working day of every month to planning my business for the following month. That way I always go into a new month feeling organized, totally in control, full of clarity and confidence because I know exactly what I’m focusing on for the entire month.
1) ASK Questions
We start the planning process by tapping into our future self and ASK questions about how the next month should play out in an ideal world. These are just questions that you ask to a higher power, it is like a prayer to request help with our manifestations.
ASK stands for Ask Supernatural Knowledge. It helps us tap into divine infinite intelligence.
ASK some questions such as these ones.
- What does your future self do?
- What did you create?
- What did you promote?
- How much did you make?
2) Set Gratitude Goals
Here is where we set our gratitude goals which are revenue and income goals, things that we can’t control but that we get to be grateful for.

What you need to do is decide how much money you want your business to make next month.
Now create a range of 3 amounts of revenue that you would be happy with in a range. I call these FAB goals.
For example, say you want to make $10,000 in revenue next month, but you’d still feel over the moon if you achieved $8,000. What you do is you attach a word to 3 different levels of income.
F stands for Fantastic and $8,000 is your Fantastic goal
A stands for Amazing, and $9,000 would be your Amazing goal.
B stands for Brilliant, and $10,000 would be your Brilliant goal.
That way, if you achieve close to your goal of $10,000 but don’t quite hit it, you still feel like a winner.
I personally don’t share my exact revenue goals before I achieve them, because as you can imagine that would put a lot of negative pressure on me which would impact negatively on my state of mind, making it less likely for me to achieve my goals.
I suggest you also keep your revenue goals a secret, because you don’t have direct control over them, and your manifestation mindset is very delicate and needs to be kept in a positive place at all times.
I do think it is a good idea to share the other types of goals with other people, gratitude and growing goals as it holds you accountable for your own actions which you have direct control over. I will get to those in a minute and share my own goals with you.
I think it’s fine to share long-term goals with people such as your annual goals, 5 years, or 10 year goals, as it doesn’t feel like it puts pressure on you to share something that is not so soon.
My gratitude goal for the next year is to get Kath Kyle revenue to 6-figures, and then I intend to take it all the way up to several million per year within 5 years.
I feel really comfortable with these goals and I feel like I’m already working at the million-dollar level, so I am convinced this will happen.
Now you need to decide how much of that revenue you’d like to keep as profit.
This month. I have set 66% as profit as I know what my expenses are likely to be so this is a realistic figure for me.
Allocate Your Business Money
Money likes to be put to good use, so what we need to do now is to give our revenue a purpose.
What will you do with the money you receive as revenue into the business?
I personally like to use my Grow 6 Business Rule to allocate business revenue. How this works is you figure out how much revenue you’ve made in total, and also add up your expenses for the month. One of my expenses is to pay myself a personal salary. This is a fixed amount that I always take every month.
Then you calculate how much you’ve got left by taking your expenses away from your revenue. With this excess money, you need to decide what to do with it.
I use the following percentage allocations for my own excess revenue. You could also call this excess revenue profit, but seeing as I am spending some of it on even more business expenses, it’s not strictly profit.
Grow 6 Business Rule
- WEALTH: I use 50% of this excess revenue to pay myself personally
- TEAM – I use 10% of the excess revenue to go towards building my team or hiring new sub-contractors
- BRAND – I put 10% towards testing paid ads until I find an ad that is profitable and then I scale this up
- ENVIRONMENT – I put 10% towards equipment and new tools
- YOURSELF – I put 10% towards training myself as a CEO of my own business. I love to constantly buy new training courses and books so I can learn great lessons from other successful people who have gone before me.
- CASH – I save 10% in a business bank account that starts off as an emergency fund and then becomes an investment fund
Now that you have decided how much business revenue you need to make, we need to look at the other type of monetary goal that is important to set.
You need to decide how much income did you personally make next month?
I want to point out that it is good to remember that your personal income needs to be separate from what the business makes. You don’t get to personally keep everything the business makes, and the business is not your only source of income.
So even if you don’t expect your business to be bringing in a full time salary for you just yet, you can still set a personal income goal that you’re happy with, because money can come from a variety of sources.
So how much personal income would you like to make next month?
Now we go through a similar process of allocating our personal income so we always know what we’re doing with our money.
This is what I personally do with my income.
I make sure that my expenses are always lower than my income. I take my personal expenses off my income and whatever is left, I allocate to different places.
I use my 40% Income Allocation Rule to allocate whatever is left over.
40% Income Allocation Rule
- A minimum of 10% goes towards investment (often a lot more than 10%)
- 10% goes towards charity
- 10% goes towards saving for future fun such as vacations
- 10% goes towards fun for now. I call this my personal budget and I spend this on whatever I want straight away if I choose to. This helps me to never feel guilty about spending money and I always feel like I can buy whatever I like.
- 60% goes towards whatever you choose. Right now I’m investing a lot of this into stocks and shares.
This month I am manifesting some money for moving house as we have a lot of things we are going to buy for our new house and the moving process.
3) Set Giving Goals
Now we are going to move on to setting Giving Goals. Giving Goals are focused on what you are going to offer in return for money. What are you going to create or what are you going to offer your customers next month?
What do you want to create next month? How can you help your customers in the best way? Who are you creating this for?
My own giving goal is to create the bonuses for my signature course that helps business owners manifest business success.
The reason I want to do the bonuses before I finish the whole course is because I want to sell the bonuses separately before the course is actually ready. This helps me create lower ticket price items, and demand for my main course because I will give coupon codes for money off the main course for those who buy my bonuses.
It is also good to brainstorm some names for new products right now too.
If you have already created all of the offers you want for your business right now, a good giving goal to set would be to improve the products or services that you already offer. Try and get some feedback and learn how you could take your offer to the next level.
I am also going to create 2 content pieces every week as normal.
4) Set Growing Goals
Now let’s set our Growing Goals. Growing goals are focused on how we feel and think about ourselves and our businesses. You should set growing goals that focus on removing beliefs that are keeping you stuck, or stepping into a more successful version of yourself.
I’m going to walk you through this process and share my own answers to each question with you now.
What is holding you back from success? Why don’t you have what it takes to succeed?
I have had a fear of appearing on video because of the way I look. I am in the middle of some major work on my teeth, and I had a hand injury during my first pregnancy, so I have a finger that no longer has a nail and is an odd shape.
I used to make HD videos for Youtube and I no longer want to do that because of these deformities.
I am scared that people will be so disgusted by the way I look that they won’t follow my brand anymore.
What are the effects of thinking this way?
The effects of thinking this way and staying in fear is that I am not showing my true self. I am assuming my audience will be bothered by the way I look, and I am holding back from being myself and helping them in an authentic way.
Are there any advantages of thinking this way?
The advantages of my not showing my true self is that I don’t have to face more judgement and criticism so it feels safer and more positive.
What are the disadvantages of this way of thinking?
The disadvantages of not being my true self is that people might struggle to connect with me and trust me, and therefore might be less likely to consume my content and transform their lives.
Is this disbelief true? What proof do you have?
My disbelief is not true. There are plenty of people who have major deformities who have big followings. The types of people that are my ideal clients would not be bothered by this in the slightest.
The next step is to let go of your disbelief. Can you release your disbelief now?
What I like to do is to STAMP out my disbelief by writing it down on a piece of paper and put it in my STAMP box which is a box created specifically for this purpose.
How did you feel as you rejected your disbelief/ overcame your fears?
I feel free, relieved, excited and nervous.
How did you act next month to achieve this success?
I am going to try and forget what I look like and allow myself to gesticulate on videos instead of trying to hide my hands all of the time.
What did you think/ believe/ feel next month?
- My audience is interested in the transformation I help them get, not the way I look
- My audience will be inspired that I am able to be successful without looking like a model
- My body is perfect exactly the way it is
These are your Brain STAMPs and we will use these in a minute.
What growing goals are you focusing on next month? (Name the disbelief/struggle/fear)
Releasing Fear over the way I look
5) Write New Brain STAMPS
Now take your Brain STAMPS that you’ve already written as part of overcoming your challenges, and program them into your phone as reminders, or write them on post-it notes.
This helps you keep these positive beliefs at the forefront of your mind and reprogram your subconscious mind.
My BRAIN Stamps for next month are:
- My audience is interested in the transformation I help them get, not the way I look
- My audience will be inspired that I am able to be successful without looking like a model
- My body is perfect exactly the way it is
6) Plan Promotions & Launches
Now you’re going to plan how you’re going to make money next month. This is very important.
There is no point in setting gratitude goals about how much money you’re going to make if you don’t take action towards making money by actually offering something for sale.
What are you going to offer for sale next month?
Even if you don’t have a product to sell yet, you can always offer your expertise and knowledge in the form of coaching or consulting, so there is always a way to make money.
Next month I am promoting Brilliant Business Brain Stamps. Also bear in mind that I did this particular planning session at the end of February as I create my content in advance, so although you are planning April in March, I am using examples of planning March in February. So you’ll actually be seeing promotions for Brilliant Business Brain Stamps this month and that is because I planned these promotions in February.

What was your offer priced at?
Choose a price that fits your current confidence levels.
How confident are you that you can get results?
If you’re not confident at all because you’ve never sold your offer before, your price point should be zero. You need to start by finding beta testers who can use your offer and give you some testimonials.
I have decided the price of my offer, which I’m not going to list here, because I am constantly raising my prices. At the end of every promotion my offer becomes unavailable and my prices are raised significantly for the next launch.
So next time you see Brilliant Business Brain Stamps for sale, the prices will be much higher.
I also started my pricing for my products at zero and got some testimonials from beta testers before I started my introductory pricing. I have gradually raised them since then and I do this with all of my new products.
When you get results for your customers, it will give you the confidence to price your offer accordingly. You can ask your beta testers what they would expect your program to be priced at and use that as a guide.
Who did you sell your offer to?
I am selling my offer to entrepreneurs and those people looking to start a business, who are open-minded and in agreement that mindset is the key to business success.
Where are these people hanging out?
These are the marketing channels you are going to focus on.
Marketing channels are places like YouTube, Google search, paid Facebook ads, Instagram. I highly recommend one of these should always be your email list as people are much more likely to read your emails than your social media posts.
Start by focusing on the marketing channels that you love the best.
I focus a lot of my attention right now on my blog, podcast, and email list. These are my favorite marketing channels right now and I’m putting my attention here. I am also sharing my content on all of the marketing channels where my audience is hanging out.
How often did you promote your offer and to which marketing channels?
I usually do a monthly launch for the product that I am promoting, but I do also share free content and opt-in freebies that leads to my offer all month long.
How many of your offers are you expecting to sell next month?
Now set the dates of your promotions next month and put them in your calendar.
I use Asana for my project management so I add the dates in there.
7) Write STAMP Statement
Now you’re going to write a STAMP Statement. This is a statement that you read every day to keep yourself on track with your goals. I go into this in great detail showing you exactly how to do this in my STAMP Goals Book but I will give you a couple of pointers here to get you started with a very brief STAMP Statement.
Write down how much money you expect to make, what you intend to create, and how you intend to feel next month in a statement.
Read this out loud every day to help to reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve your goals. I share my own examples of this in my book, and give you a template in my STAMP Workbook that is one of the book bonuses.

8) Create A STAMP Plan
This is where you actually focus on achieving what you intended to achieve. You’re going to make a specific plan for taking all actions necessary to achieve your goals.
Schedule your fun
If you know anything about me, the most important thing that matters to me is having a balanced life and something to look forward to, a celebration. So the first thing you’re going to do is schedule daily and other regular fun activities for next month in your calendar.
This helps you feel abundant and relaxed. We’re in the business of husting less, and manifesting more, and we do that from a place of having the exact lifestyle that we want. We schedule our fun first to send a powerful signal to ourselves that we are important and our happiness matters more than anything else. We are worthy of anything we set our minds to.
What I do is to plan a daily walk or a run by myself and some time to read my books. This gives me something to look forward to. I always plan a walk with my family at the weekend, and when we are able to, we schedule a fun day trip with extended family somewhere outdoors and scenic.
Schedule your accountability
The next thing you’re going to do is to hold yourself accountable for your actions by Scheduling an accountability session with an accountability partner, coach, or mastermind group. I also help to connect accountability partners for all customers of my STAMP Goal books in my customer only membership area.
All of my own accountability sessions are already in the calendar on a recurring basis so I don’t have to think about this anymore.
Schedule Success Rituals
Next you are going to schedule Success Rituals for your 3G goals.
Success Rituals are groups of tasks that you perform repeatedly. Examples of some of my own success rituals are:
- My morning routine
- My evening routine
- Writing blog posts
- Recording a podcast
- Shooting a video
- Writing emails to my list
- Writing social media posts
- Writing sales pages
- Creating workshops and webinars
- Monthly STAMP Planning sessions (what we’re doing right now)
- Monthly STAMP Reflection sessions
- Business Finance Reporting day
- Creating courses
I do all of these tasks at least once a month, and many of them I do on a daily basis. I have systems, lists, and routines for all of them so I know exactly what I’m doing and it becomes a success habit for me.
What Success Rituals will you carry out next month?
Brainstorm TONS Tasks
Now you’re going to create new TONS lists for your 3G goals. TONS stands for Today’s One Next Step. It means focusing on one task at a time until an entire project is done, or they could just be one-off tasks. TONS tasks are not usually repeating tasks, as repeating tasks form part of Success Rituals.
Now that I have my business up and running, I don’t have as many TONS tasks as I used to, but examples of these might include:
- Creating your about me page on your website
- Setting up social media accounts
- Learning how to use new software such as video editing
- Creating a welcome series for your email list
My own TONS tasks for next month are:
- Reading up on coaching and developing my coaching skills further
- Moving house
Now you are going to create a TimeSTAMP by adding your STAMP 6 to your calendar/ project management system for next month.
Let me explain some of this terminology to use.
A Time STAMP means to add Success Rituals and TONs tasks to a particular time slot in your week.
STAMP 6 means there are 6 essential tasks that you need to focus on during any time period.
These are:
- Gratitude Goals Success Rituals
- Gratitude Goals TONS Tasks
- Giving Goals Success Rituals
- Giving Goals TONS Tasks
- Growing Goals Success Rituals
- Growing Goals TONS Tasks
So examples of these might be:
Gratitude Goals Success Rituals
- Writing blog posts
- Writing a sales page
Gratitude Goals TONS Tasks
- Learning how to improve your results with Facebook ads
- Doing a split test with your sales page
Giving Goals Success Rituals
- Creating a new course
- Having a coaching call with a client
- Responding to customers in your membership community
Giving Goals TONS Tasks
- Moving to a new course provider
- Updating one of the lessons in your course
Growing Goals Success Rituals
- Morning routine
- Evening routine
Growing Goals TONS Tasks
- Doing a Facebook LIVE to overcome your fears of public speaking
- Investing in a new course and going through it
These are your STAMP 6 and you need to schedule them on a regular basis. A lot of these will be done every day by you or by a member of your team.
Growing goals can only be carried out by you. You can delegate a lot of your Gratitude and Giving Goals tasks to other people if you want to.
9) Perform Monthly Manifestation Rituals
This is my most fun part of the planning section because I just adore all the magic that comes with manifestation.
Now you are going to perform your favorite manifestation ritual to bring success to you next month.
You can also use this time to plan a new manifestation ritual that you will start using during your morning or evening routine.
I do a lot of manifestation rituals and a lot of them take place during my morning or evening routines, but things that I do during this time are:
- Starting a new abundance evidence log to log down all of the money I’m manifesting on a daily basis
- Write a new manifestation list of things that I want to manifest the next month
- Script the next month writing down exactly how I want it to turn out
10) Create New Future Overviews
Now what we are going to do is to plan an overview of our perfect day, week, month, and year. This may take longer the first time you do it, but you don’t need to keep re-doing this every month. You might just want to make a couple of tweaks on a monthly basis.
Create an outline of how you will use your time each day, week, month, and year.
Now use these Perfect Time Outlines to create an actual overview of your next week, and month.
As part of my book bonuses I give you Perfect Time Outlines to help you plan your ideal week, month, and year. Then you use the STAMP Overviews to plan your actual week, month, and year.
I share all of my own TIMEStamps and Perfect Day Outlines as examples in my book but this is constantly changing depending on whether the kids are in or out of school due to lockdown.
Generally I stick to the following Perfect Day Outline:
- 6-7am: Morning routine
- 7-9am: Kids and household stuff
- 9-10am: Walk/Exercise
- 10-11am: Household or admin
- 11-2:00pm: Business Work
- 2-4pm: Kids and household
- 4-5pm: Catch up or kitchen prep
- 5-6.30pm: Make and eat dinner
- 6:30pm – 8pm: Household, kids clubs etc.
- 8-9pm: Reading
- 9-10pm: Wind down & evening routine
Also answer the following question:
What are you committing to next month?
If you don’t commit to anything, you won’t be able to grow, so committing to your business is absolutely essential. This gives you the mindset of success.
Here is what I am committing to:
- Sharing 2 pieces of long-form content each week, in 3 different formats. I share one new blog post, one new video, and one new podcast every Monday and Friday each week.
- I am moving house so I’m not committing to anything else, and I have already prepared all of my content well in advance.
We have now planned our entire month. Congratulations. If you actually worked through this at the same time as me, hopefully you’ll be feeling very organized, clear, and confident about how you are going to achieve your goals next month.
If you would like a numbered checklist and a workbook with all of these monthly planning tasks, you get that FREE as part of the book bonus bundle that I give away to all customers of my STAMP Book. The price of the book is SO low compared to the massive value that you get, so I urge you to grab my book before I raise the prices, and this FREE bundle that won’t be available forever.
At the moment I’m massively incentivising buying my book, but in the future, I will take a lot of these bonuses out of the book bundle and sell them separately so this is your chance to get this super offer for a tiny investment.
Next Steps
I hope you can see how valuable it is to plan the manifestation of your business in advance, and after people hear how to plan your business success, their next question is how to plan your entire business from scratch.
I have created a FREE workshop to help you do this called How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days.

In this FREE workshop I show you how to plan your dream 6 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell.
This workshop is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Blueprint course. I am giving you FREE access to this workshop, and an associated workbook for a limited time.
Click here to get FREE immediate access (no opt in required)
Next time I’m sharing my manifestation results from January so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.

This FREE Manifestation Milestones board pack is the ultimate motivator to help you manifest more business success.
From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you recognize, and celebrate all of the amazing milestones and goals you are achieving in your business which is so exciting.
Click here to download my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- 5 SIMPLE Steps To Starting The Business Of Your Dreams With No Money
- My Morning Routine: How I Set My Mindset Up For Success
- Using Music To Manifest: How To Get Powerful Manifestation Results
- 10 BIG Mistakes Spiritual Entrepreneurs Are Making
- Manifest With Me: April 2021 Monthly Business Planning & Goal Setting
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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