These mistakes that most spiritual entrepreneurs are making will keep your business stuck, and will prevent you from becoming successful.
I end up working with a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs because they are really into manifestation which is the basis of what I teach.
And there are some really big mistakes that I see spiritual entrepreneurs making all of the time.
I have made a lot of these mistakes myself in the past, and they have really held me back.
A lot of these mistakes will stop people from making good money, or even any money at all in their businesses, so it’s really important to address these mindset blockages.
So today I’m highlighting some of the biggest mistakes that I have noticed so that you can finally get the results you deserve in your business.
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My Name is Kath Kyle. I’m the author of STAMP Goals book and I’m so happy that you’re here.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
10 BIG Mistakes Spiritual Entrepreneurs Are Making
I would love to know if any of these things have been holding you back, or if you used to struggle with any of them.
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1. Waiting For Alignment Before Taking Action
This is one of the biggest mistakes I see spiritual entrepreneurs making.
There is a myth going round in the entrepreneurial world that you shouldn’t take any action at all in your business if you’re not in a 100% happy mood, and you feel very excited about the task you are doing.
People are saying that if you don’t feel in a great mood while you are working then you’ll bring your bad vibes to your business and anything you do while you are in a bad mood will give you bad luck in your business.
Let me just say that I am a massive fan of starting a business that you feel in alignment with, and also creating products that you also feel in alignment with. That makes sense to me, because you have to believe in your products to be able to sell them, and loving what you do will make you much more motivated to help other people.
But I’m not a fan of the advice that if you wake up in a bad mood, or feeling tired, that you should just take the whole day off work, and do what you feel like, watch Netflix and eat a big tub of ice cream.
I am more a fan of commitment and sticking to your word.
If you have promised your customers or your audience that you are going to do something for them, then I believe that you should deliver that, even if you aren’t feeling in the best mood in the world.
I believe that trust is more important than doing what we feel like. We need to trust ourselves to do what we have promised ourselves that we will do. And we need our customers to be able to trust us to help them get results.
I don’t understand how some of these coaches make any money if they just tell their clients they are not in the right vibration to show up to their coaching call that their clients have already paid for.
Fair enough, things happen that prevent us from sticking to our promises, kids get sick, people get too sick to work, disasters happen.
But most of the time, we are perfectly able to show up to work and stick to our promises.
So it makes sense to be careful about what you commit to in the first place if you know that you are the type of person to regret showing up.
I personally don’t like a lot of appointments filling up my calendar. Most of the time I love to be on my own creating new things so this is how I choose to spend most of my time.
But I have suffered from a lot of insomnia in the past, and whenever I would have a bad night sleep, which would be often, I would still show up to work at my business because I am committed to it.
The great thing about owning your own business is that a lot of the time you can swap tasks in and out depending on what you are in the mood for.
But I believe that if you have decided that you are going to work for 3 hours, 5 days a week between 1 and 3pm, then that is what you should do, even if you wake up not feeling like it.
If you consistently don’t feel like working on your business, either you’re in the wrong type of business for you, or you are doing the wrong type of work within your business.
Another thing I hear all the time is that no wonder everything went wrong last month because Mercury was in retrograde. And if you follow this logic to its natural conclusion, next time Mercury is in retrograde, that means that everything is going to go wrong for you.
I don’t like to give my power away like this. I decide what I’m doing, and I stick to it. Simple as that. Sometimes it doesn’t work out exactly as I want, but I just move on and keep going. No blame, no excuses, I just keep my eye on my goal and keep moving towards it.
2. Saying That You Don’t Care About Money
A lot of spiritual entrepreneurs don’t feel like it is spiritual to talk about money, to charge what they’re worth, and to focus on money, so they often throw around the statement that they don’t care about money.
First of all, this can’t possibly be true.
Every single one of us needs money to survive. Either we ourselves need to bring in money, or someone else needs to make money and give it to us, or they need to be providing resources that are paid for using money.
Someone somewhere has needed money to pay for your food, your accommodation, your electricity, your phone, and your computer.
Without money, how can you survive?
We all need money, so therefore we all need to care about money.
Saying you don’t care about money is sending a very powerful signal that you are not open to the abundance that is rightfully yours.
A lot of people think it sounds greedy to say that they care about money, and it is more spiritual to say they care about people.
However, if we look at the analogy about putting on your own oxygen mask before you help other people, the same applies to money.
Before you can truly help other people, you have to have your own basic needs met. If you’re hungry and cold you’re not going to be at your best for helping other people meet their needs. So we have to be grateful for money first and foremost.
If we are grateful for money, that means we care about money.
I used to say I didn’t care about money when I was broke. Then after I started a business, I realised that I had to care about money because my business would not survive without making any money.
By definition you are not in business until you’ve started to make money, so you have to care about money if you have a business.
3. Avoiding Masculine Energy
A lot of spiritual entrepreneurs have a lot of feminine energy. Feminine and masculine energy is not about whether you are a man or a woman, it is about your energy.
Feminine energy is all about being in the flow, being creative, going within, and receiving.
Masculine energy is all about being direct, and taking action, and knowing what you want and going for it.
A lot of spiritual entrepreneurs are so far into their feminine energy that they are not even aware of what they want, and they are not taking action to get any results in their business.
For me personally, I have been far too much in my masculine energy for most of the 10 years I’ve been in business.
In the last couple of years I have tried to strike a good balance between masculine and feminine energy and have felt a lot more balanced as a result.
We need a good balance of both masculine and feminine energy because we are in co-creation with the universe. We trust that the universe will provide for us. But the universe also asks that we play our part and take the necessary action.
4. Trying To Stay Positive All The Time
The belief that we have to stay positive all of the time is very prevalent in the self help community.
There are so many books on positive thinking, and so many people are teaching that the key to business success is to just think positive all of the time and you’ll manifest exactly what you want.
I’m not saying there is anything wrong with trying to be more positive. It is generally a good thing to be positive more of the time because being positive will help you to enjoy everything you do a lot more, and naturally you will have more success as a result.
The problem arises when you are trying to stay positive ALL of the time.
It is just not possible to stay positive all of the time.
We have been given a whole range of negative and positive emotions for a reason.
There are times when it is perfectly normal and acceptable to feel negative emotions, and it would be a bit strange to feel positive emotions during these times.
For example, when someone has died, or someone has been hurt, or abused, or is going through a hard time.
Naturally when the people you care about get hurt, or you get hurt, or are in pain, or miss out on something you wanted, it is perfectly acceptable and right that you should feel negative emotions.
The healthiest thing you can do is to fully feel all of your feelings and don’t try to fight them. Accept them and allow them to be there. But then release them and let them go so you are free to move on and experience something different.
Clinging on to emotions is not healthy. Riding the waves of life and taking the ups and the downs when they arise is the best thing you can do.
To experience all emotions is what makes us human. Without the downs, we wouldn’t know how good it feels to experience the ups.
5. Not Expecting Challenges To Occur
Spiritual entrepreneurs often say that if things don’t feel right, and things don’t work out straight away then it’s not meant to be and they should give up.
But that’s not how life works.
The first time we do anything it always feels awkward, slow and challenging.
If you were a kid and you just gave up on learning to walk because you kept falling down and it felt so awkward, you never would have learnt to walk.
Expecting challenges to occur is much healthier because challenges are to be expected and welcomed.
If you are being challenged, it means you are growing, and with growth comes a feeling of achievement and success which are very nice feelings.
Businesses are the ultimate self-development program because there is one challenge after another. You are always learning something new and growing.
If you are not learning something new as a business owner it means your business is going backwards, or has not yet taken off.
As spiritual entrepreneurs we should welcome challenges because we have the tools to deal with them much better than non-spiritual entrepreneurs.
As soon as we embrace the fact that business, and our entire lives are full of challenges, we can then experience life with more ease and grace.
When we ride the wave of challenges, we feel exhilarated, and we can legitimately say that things are easy.
I’ve always enjoyed the challenges of having a business, and that’s why I’ve always said that having a business is easy.
I’ve never once thought of my business as hard, because I am constantly comparing the fun game of building a business to things that I’ve truly felt hard like long term sickness, or horrific accidents. And as I keep my mindset there, the actions that I take in my business always seem easy to me.
6. Being Scared That Your Thoughts Are Creating Reality
A lot of spiritual entrepreneurs have heard that Thoughts Become Things and they take it so literally that they are scared to think a bad thought.
The thing is that yes, we do have a lot of power over our own lives, but we don’t have the ultimate power over the universe and we can’t change the laws of the universe. So we are not as powerful as that.
Manifesting good things is much easier than manifesting bad things.
I believe that we are always offered some degree of protection in our lives even if we are thinking bad thoughts. I believe that we are constantly being protected and cared for and even though bad things happen to us, we can always handle them and can grow from them, either in this life, or the next.
I believe that sustained belief systems are what affect change in our lives, and even then we may have to wait a long time for things to manifest.
I don’t believe that random negative thoughts change your entire reality.
Really weird random thoughts pop into my mind all of the time, and I sometimes think, “Where on earth did that come from? I do not believe that thought in the slightest. That is a very extreme and negative thought”. I just dismiss it and go about my day as normal. I don’t make this mean anything about myself.
However, if I am constantly thinking the same negative thoughts over and over such as “I’ll never earn that much money because of X” then I start to pay attention and realise that this might actually be an ingrained belief system of mine that is probably affecting my results in my life.
7. Believing That You Always Made The Right Choice
A lot of people say that it doesn’t matter what choice you make because whatever you choose is always the best choice.
I don’t agree with this line of thinking.
There are a lot of things that I’ve done in the past that I wished I had chosen to do something different, like the moment I chose to fly down a steep hill on my bike as an 8 year old with a friend on the back of my bike.
And like the day I decided to put my fingers in my juicer.
Yes the results weren’t pretty and I’m living with the consequences of both of these actions and will be for the rest of my life.
I think on both of these occasions I made the wrong choice.
However, I try not to look back with constant regret because that’s not helpful. But if faced with either of these decisions again in the future, you can bet that I would not be making the same decision again.
8. Thinking There Is Nothing More Important Than Feeling Good
I hear a lot of spiritual entrepreneurs talking about how the most important thing in life is to feel good. That it is their job is to get back into alignment, and feel joy on all occasions.
I used to believe this myself, and I no longer believe that feeling good is the most important thing in life.
The effect of focusing on feeling good above all else means that you effectively have to really distance yourself from getting too close to people.
Real people have real problems, but if you and your spiritual friends all agree that you all just have to focus on feeling good, and anyone who brings the vibe down in your friendship group gets banished for good, it will be a very shallow group indeed.
The best relationships are based on people being honest and open with each other and going through both challenges, struggles, and joyful times together.
If you try to have friendships that are only based on a positive vibe, that means during your down times, you will be totally alone, as you’ll be too scared to reach out for help from anyone else.
Another problem with focusing on feeling good to the detriment of all else, is that you can’t truly ever help anyone else.
To help other people you need to hear and see their struggles, and offer your solutions or advice. If you shut down all forms of negativity from coming out of other people’s mouths, you will not be able to help anyone.
For businesses to make any money, they need to be able to solve people’s problems. You need to take them from lack to a solution. So you need to immerse yourself in both the negative and the positive side of your customer’s results.
9. Making It All About You And What You Want
A lot of spiritual teachers encourage people to focus exclusively on what they want, and if you do this, you can’t possibly help anybody else.
The very nature of business is that there is an exchange of equal value. You give something of value to help someone else, and they give something of value to you which is money.
If you only ever focus on yourself and what you want, you’ll never care enough to put effort into helping someone else, and therefore your business won’t take off.
10. Avoiding Doing The Deep Work
A lot of entrepreneurs become more spiritual on their journey, because they realise that your mindset is always totally responsible for your results in business.
Therefore it is hard to ignore mindset or spirituality when you are a business owner.
A lot of people hear of spiritual practices that will help them de-stress and manifest more, such as meditation, visualisation, affirmations, going to retreats, and breathing techniques.
These practices are very helpful but if they are the only form of spirituality being practiced, it can lead to spiritual bypass.
Spiritual bypassing means to practice spiritual techniques without addressing any of your beliefs or emotions that are causing problems in your life.
For example, someone who does meditation every day may wonder why they are still having angry outbursts at their family for no apparent reason.
One of the reasons could be that they had issues related to their childhood that they have bottled up and refused to look at, and now have self-esteem issues and let people take advantage of them.
If you notice that you have a lot of these beliefs that I have mentioned today like trying to force everything to be positive in your life, or saying that money doesn’t matter, it might be that you need to start delving a bit deeper in your spiritual journey.
Doing the deep work means that you acknowledge that you have certain ingrained belief systems and release them.
I have a whole process that takes you through all of these steps in my STAMP Goals book. It is also one of the many bonuses in the bonus bundle (valued at $297) that you get when you buy either my kindle or my paperback book.
Click here to check out STAMP Goals book and see the bonus bundle.
Next Steps
I hope you can see how valuable it is to look at your belief systems, so you can finally get the success you deserve in your business.
And if you are interested in starting a new business, or interested in getting better results in your existing business, you might be wondering how to plan to take your business to the 6-figure level.
I have created a FREE workshop to help you do this called How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days.
In this FREE workshop I show you how to plan your dream 6 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell.
This workshop is valued at $77 and is part of my Dream Business Blueprint course. I am giving you FREE access to this workshop, and an associated workbook for a limited time.
Click here to get FREE immediate access (no opt in required)
Next time I’m sharing How To Use Music To Get Powerful Manifestation Results so make sure you subscribe to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, my YouTube channel, Kath Kyle and follow me on Instagram @Kath_Kyle so you don’t miss that.
I will also let you know via email when my next piece of content has arrived, and I am currently giving away 4 brand new gifts every month to my email subscribers. So don’t miss that.
You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
This FREE Manifestation Milestones board pack is the ultimate motivator to help you manifest more business success.
From this one pack, you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.
This Manifestation Milestones Board Printables Pack will help you recognize, and celebrate all of the amazing milestones and goals you are achieving in your business which is so exciting.
Click here to download my FREE Manifestation Milestones Board Pack.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Spirituality And Business are massive passions of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
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✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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