Are you making these mistakes with your product launches? If you are, this might be why you’re not having the success you desire.

We’ve all been there.
Anyone who has done several launches will tell you that they don’t always go to plan.
I have been running online businesses for over 10 years now, and I have had my fair share of disastrous launches.
From every launch failure comes a learning opportunity, and I want to share what learning lessons I’ve learned from all of my launch failures to help you shortcut your success and avoid making the same mistakes over and over again.
Today You Will Discover
- The biggest mistakes you are making with your product launches
- How to learn lessons from your failures to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
- I Help Creators, Changemakers, And Passionate Business Owners Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
What Are You Struggling With?
What mistakes have you learned with your launches? What would you do differently next time?
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7 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making With Your Product Launches

Here are the biggest mistakes I’ve made myself over the years, and the biggest mistakes I see other people making over and over again.
1. You Don’t Really Believe You Will Get The Success You Want
Let’s start with the most important mistake first. You don’t actually believe that you can hit your goals. (Or perhaps you don’t even have goals. See mistake number 2 )
How many times have you written down your income goals? Have you ever wanted to make $10,000 a month?
That is a pretty common income milestone that most entrepreneurs want to hit when they first start their business.
If I asked you what your income goal is, and then asked you if you truly believe you are going to achieve that this month, more times than not, you’d probably say no.
When I ask people why they don’t actually believe they will get the results they want they say a range of answers such as:
- I don’t know how that can happen. I don’t have a plan for that to happen
- My audience is too small/ I don’t have enough followers
- I don’t believe that I am the kind of person who gets that kind of success
- I’m not worthy enough/ I’m not as good as other people in my niche
This is the main reason why you haven’t been successful.
Your belief system is EVERYTHING.
Take a good look at your reasons why you can’t hit your goal.
Ask yourself, is it actually true? Can you let go of that disbelief so you can choose to believe in your own success instead?
2. You Haven’t Decided What Results You Want To Get
We need to backtrack a little bit.
If you don’t know what results you want, how will you know when you’ve achieved them?
It is critical that you make decisions in your business, and deciding on what your success looks like is one of the biggest decisions that you need to make.
Don’t shy away from setting goals, even if you’ve struggled with hitting your goals in the past.
Let me let you into a secret…
Everyone fails to hit their goals at some point in their business (and life).
It’s just that most people don’t tell you the truth.
The truth is that you need to expect failure to hit your goals. You need to expect challenges.
You should actually welcome challenges because things would be boring if you achieved your results too quickly – and it strengthens you as a business owner.
So it’s time to embrace goals, and set them.
What is the point in setting goals if we don’t achieve them most of the time?
Because eventually we do achieve our goals, and that is such a fantastic feeling.
You won’t achieve any goals if you don’t set them.
I’m going to show you exactly how to set goals for your business the right way.

3. You Didn’t Realize It Is Possible To Get Better Results Without Stress And Overwork
One of the myths that has spread like wildfire and now is adopted as the truth is that launches are stressful and time consuming.
I used to buy into this lie and now I have found a better way.
Most people do find launches stressful and time consuming because they have been told that this is the case, so that is true for them. But it does not have to be true for everyone.
I used to run myself into the ground during my launches, and now I have systems that I plug my new products into and press play and out pops a launch.
It really does feel as simple as that, and I find launching really fun. I’m right in the middle of a launch right now, and right now I’m chilling out creating content in my lovely comfortable home, and life couldn’t be easier. Nothing stressful about this at all.
I will not work overtime. I don’t work evenings or weekends, and I stick to my healthy habits like glue because I remind myself daily that there are several things that are important to me every day.
My business is one of them, but so is family, my health, fun, and spending time in nature. So I always prioritise every single one of these without fail when I’m launching and when I’m not launching. I’ve learned my lessons the hard way and I’m not going to make these mistakes again.
4. You Didn’t Realize Launching Could Be Fun And Easy
It seems like every entrepreneur that I listen to tells me that running a business is hard and anyone else that tells you otherwise is lying.
This makes my blood boil a little bit, because I actually believe running a business is easy, and I am not lying.
Let’s look at the word hard for a minute.
Can one person perform a task and find it easy, and another person perform the same task and find it hard?
So the word hard is subjective, meaning it is based entirely on opinion.
And anything that is based entirely on opinion can easily be changed with a simple decision.
If you simply decide that from now on business is easy then it simply is for you. It’s not true that everyone will find it easy just because you do, but you can choose what is easy and hard in your own life.
Have I ever had challenges in my business. Yes of course. And despite these challenges, I still choose to say that business is easy because my measure of what is easy and hard in my life often comes down to if I feel in physical pain.
I find sitting at my computer typing words and talking with my mouth one of the easiest activities that my body can do. Therefore to me it is easy.
And yes, most of us don’t run online businesses with our bodies. We run them with our minds.
So do I find running a business mentally tough?
I personally don’t find mental challenges hard. I find them fun, like a mental puzzle that needs to be solved.
Therefore I declare that business and also launches are fun and easy for me. I encourage you to do the same.
5. You Didn’t Get Everything Ready In Advance
Do you know what makes launching so stressful most of the time?
Failure to get everything ready in advance.
Even if you are a last minute kind of person, you must admit that this creates a lot of stress living life this way, and having things done in advance is always way more relaxing.
A lot of the gurus will tell you to create minimal viable products where you create your whole product live for your first group of students, or you create your marketing materials live on the fly just by doing live streams based on what you feel like on the day.
It is true that some people do seem to thrive by just pitching up and doing what they do but that isn’t true for most people.
The truth is that those people who just turn up and make their live streams look effortless without even planning what they were going to say first, have actually been practicing this stuff for a very long time.
For those who are new to running a business, it is almost impossible to just turn up for a livestream and not get stressed talking without having prepared it in advance.
In time, you do get more confident just talking around your subject of expertise because you’ve been doing it for years, but like anything it takes a massive amount of practice. Yes you will get there, but I don’t advise starting this way.
What I suggest you do is start by planning things in advance.
Plan out what you are going to create content on.
Start by creating a blog post or an outline of what you are going to talk about.
Then try recording videos to get yourself used to being in front of a camera.
And then maybe progress to doing live streams on the same subject that you’ve already created content on. This is the way to build up your confidence.
Preparation and practice is the key to having stress free launches. The more you plan in advance, the easier your launch is going to be.
I prepare literally everything in advance. That’s why I never get stressed during my launches. I’m so relaxed I barely notice I’m launching, and I’m launching all of the time so it does feel very normal to me now.
6. You Are Making Your Results Mean Something About You And Your Business
Have you ever had a failed launch and got so upset about it that you decided you would never do launches again?
I have been there myself, and I know this is very common, and it’s totally understandable.
Most people see launching as such a massive thing to happen, and if big things don’t go well people can get very upset about them.
It can be traumatic to build up a big event and not have it go the way you want it to. You can end up feeling like you’re not good at running a business, that you’re not good at helping people, or that you’re a complete failure.
Instead, why not make your launches a lot smaller in terms of how important they are?
When you see launches as smaller and more normal, you won’t make the results mean anything about you.
For example, say you usually go for a daily run. Sometimes you complete your 5K run in 30 minutes and on other days it takes you 35 minutes to do the same distance. Most people don’t get overly bothered by this. They just see it as the ups and downs of life. As long as they generally improve over time, they aren’t too bothered about each run.
But say for example that you run a marathon once a year. You end up running this year’s marathon 30 minutes slower than last year. You would probably not see this as a general up and down of life, but instead would wonder what went so badly wrong.
I want you to take the same approach to your launches as you would do to your daily runs. If you do them more often and make them smaller, then you won’t be as concerned about your results. You won’t make it mean anything and will be able to take a much more subjective look at how to improve your next launch, rather than getting overly emotional.
When you are new to the world of launches, don’t try and copy the gurus by doing one launch a year. You’ll put far too much emphasis on making that a success and you’ll get far too attached to it.
Instead I suggest doing much smaller launches on a more regular basis either by creating more smaller products, or by repeating the same launch to new people.
7. You Didn’t Realize That Failure Always Has To Come Before Success
If you gave up doing launches after a failed launch, you have failed to see that failure always comes before success.
So what is a launch failure? I would say that a launch failure is a failure to make any money at all, or spending more money than you made, or the effects of the launch having a negative effect on your business or your life.
I know we all talk about launch failure, but I don’t like the word failure.
I prefer to talk about challenges or just state the facts.
What does failure mean anyway?
Failure is another one of these subjective words that means different things to different people.
I don’t define a launch as a failure if I sold a product to one person. But there are plenty of people out there who would not agree with me.
Therefore it is a good idea to first of all define what you mean by failure. And then ask yourself if it is really true. For example you might say that failure to you is making anything under $10K from a launch. And then I’d ask you if you made $9,999 would that still be a failure?
That’s why it’s not a good idea to use the word failure and just talk in terms of facts instead.
It is a fact that you spent more money than you made. It’s not a failure. Just a fact. It is also a learning experience.
So what have you learned from this? What consequences does that have? What can you do about the situation now? Is there any way you can recover some of this loss?
Perhaps you didn’t sell any products at all during your launch. That is a fact. What can you learn from this? How can you improve for next time? What would you say to a friend if that happened to them?
It is very normal to have at least one launch where you didn’t make any sales at all.
And for those people who always made sales right from their very first launch – all that tells me is that those people started launching too late. If they had launched earlier on in their business they would have made more money or had more experiences that they could then have used to improve their future launches.
If you start a business with the attitude of acting the way you would act if you were already successful, that means you start launching straight away because it gives you the practice. It is better to test out mistakes when you have a small audience rather than on a bigger audience.

And even if you have no email list to launch to, I STILL encourage you to launch, because you will create your launch assets and these are part of your system that you will use over and over again. When you are much busier with clients, you won’t have to worry about creating your launch assets.
So getting no results at launching should be welcomed as it is helping you practice and saving you time in the future.
Next Steps
I am just curious, have you ever had a failed launch and been too put off to launch again? Or maybe you’ve never plucked up the courage to launch for the first time as it just seems like too much hard work?
I’ve been there myself, and even had a debilitating burnout after one launch that zapped all of the life from my entire body. I was too scared to launch again for a long time, until I finally discovered a strategy that helped me to launch quickly and easily, and have a lot of fun in the process.
I have documented my system for launching with confidence and ease in my new course called Manifest Your Dream Launch.

I take you through a 30 day journey from planning your dream launch, manifesting your results, launching with fun and ease, and then analyzing your results and planning your next launches.
Click here to discover more about Manifest Your Dream Launch
Make sure you don’t miss my next podcast episode by subscribing to my podcast, Manifest Business Success, so you don’t miss that.
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You can subscribe by opting in to any of my FREE gifts such as my Easy Launch Tech Toolkit.

In this Easy Launch Tech Toolkit, I am showing you EXACTLY which tools I use in ALL of my launches across all of my businesses. After a lot of research, I believe I have found a collection of online tools that are the most effective, economical, and easy to use.
Save yourself the hassle of weeks upon weeks of research into the latest and greatest tech solution, because I’ve done all of the hard work for you over the last 10 years and tried most of the solutions out there.
This FREE toolkit is part of my Manifest Your Dream Launch course, so grab it now FREE for a limited time only by clicking the link below:
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Strategy is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- My Biggest Product Launch Disaster And What I learned From It
- 7 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making With Your Product Launches
- How To Make Launching A Product Fun And Easy While Making More Money
- How To Relaunch A Failed Product Or Service: 7 Ways To Increase Your Sales
- Manifest With Me: June 2021 Monthly Business Planning & Goal Setting
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
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✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

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