I walk you through using all 8 types of visual imagery to manifest what you want into your reality. I also share one essential way to make your manifestations work.

If you have been into manifestation for any length of time you’ll already know that visualization is one manifestation technique that is very powerful for manifesting your desires into your reality.
Visualization is the formation of a mental image of something.
The definition of an image is to make a representation or an impression of the external form of something.
Forming an image of something in your imagination impresses the subconscious with that very thing.
When you impress something in the subconscious mind, that is what creates it in your reality.
When people think about visualization they often think of creating pictures of something in their mind.
However, did you know that visualization is not the only way to form a mental impression of something?
There are actually 8 different ways to make an impression on the subscious mind by using different types of imagery.
Some people find it hard or impossible to form images in their minds. I know of some people who literally can’t do this at all. But don’t worry, there is a way for you to use imagery to manifest because you have 8 options to choose from.
So you can pick and choose which is your favorite type of imagery.
I’m also going to be sharing which is my favorite type of imagery to help me manifest, and it’s not by forming a picture of something.
My Intention For You Is That You
- Manifest your desires using the type of imagery that suits you better
- Have a range of different types of imagery to choose from to make your imagery scenes more lifelike
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help conscious creators and change-makers manifest success through my Dream Business Coaching, Courses and Club.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
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What Are The 8 Types Of Imagery?
The 8 different types of imagery are:
- Visual
- Auditory
- Olfactory
- Gustatory
- Tactile
- Kinesthetic
- Organic
- Emotional
I’m going to go over them all in more detail now and how you can use them to manifest what you want.
1) Visual Imagery
Visual imagery is imagining graphics, visual scenes, pictures, or the sense of sight.
When people talk about visualization they are generally referring to bringing images into your mind.
Visual imagery is very powerful when it comes to manifestation because the brain tends to remember pictures very easily. Whatever you commit to the long term memory has been impressed on the subconscious mind.
Although images are very powerful for manifesting, they don’t have the power to make anything manifest into your reality until you give a meaning to the image.
Images have to be combined with beliefs to make them manifest.
For example, you could imagine an image of yourself inside a beautiful home that you’d love to live in. But unless you believe in your imagination that the image of the home actually belongs to you, that scene doesn’t have the power to manifest anything.
That’s why visual imagery isn’t actually my favorite type of imagery because I still have to use other types of imagery to give meaning to the images.
To use visual imagery, just bring an image of something that you want to appear in your reality into your imagination. If you struggle with visualization, it can help to have a photo of the thing you want in front of you. Then try and imagine yourself seeing what you want with your own eyes, and combine it with one of the other types of imagery below.
2) Auditory Imagery
Auditory imagery (also known as audiation) is imagining sounds, noises, music, voices, or the sense of hearing.
Auditory imagery is my favorite type of imagery. The reason is because this type of imagery can be used on it’s own and the exact intention is impressed on the subconscious mind.
You don’t have to combine audiation with any other type of imagery which makes it a very quick type of imagery to use in all situations.
Another benefit of audiation is that it is very easy to use in everyday life. You don’t have to tune out of your current reality to see something different with your eyes. You can continue to engage in your current reality, and just change the voice you hear in your mind.
The best way to use sounds to manifest your desires is to hear voices or a conversation.
You can imagine your own voice talking to yourself and telling yourself what you want to hear. We actually have imaginary inner conversations all day long. We always have a voice in our heads telling us what is and isn’t possible for us as we go through our days. That voice comes from our subconscious mind and our belief systems.
The easiest way to manifest a new reality is to change the words that you use when you talk to yourself. Instead of saying negative things to yourself, flip them to positive messages instead. This technique is very powerful and works very quickly.
Another way to use voices to manifest is to imagine that you are having a conversation with someone else, or that you are overhearing a conversation about you. What you do is to create a conversation in your mind where you are either telling someone that you received what you wanted, and they are congratulating you, or you imagine 2 people talking about you and the results you desire.
If you can combine this technique with some of the other types of imagery it will become even more powerful.
3) Olfactory Imagery
Olfactory imagery is imagining odors, aromas, scents, or the sense of smell.
The sense of smell is more closely linked to our memories than any of the other senses.
Scent can transport us back to a specific time and place with just one sniff.
Odours are processed differently than other senses which are routed through the thalamus.
Smell bypasses the thalamus and goes straight to the olfactory cortex and straight to our memory.
Because of this, smells can be formed as memories without us even consciously being aware of them. Smell is the only sense that is active even while we are asleep, or even while in a coma.
Smells can help to keep us safe by warning us about food that’s gone off, fire or chemicals.
Smell can also help us meet a partner as we are all attracted to particular scents of partners, and that is individual and unique for all of us. We all smell the scent of people completely differently.
As powerful as smell is, it is much harder to use it to manifest because it requires a bit more effort to decide what type of smell you want to associate with receiving your manifestation in your imagination.
However, if you have a favorite scent, a perfume or essential oil that you love, you could inhale the aroma as you create an imaginal scene where you have manifested what you want.
You will be able to bring your scene to mind much more easily in the future by remembering the scent that you associated with it.
You can also bring smell into your imaginal scene by imagining you can smell something in that particular scene. For example you could be cooking in the kitchen smelling food while chatting to your friend about your manifestation.
Or you could be walking in the countryside smelling flowers while walking with a family member who is congratulating you on your manifestation.
4) Gustatory Imagery
Gustatory imagery is imagining flavors or the sense of taste.
The sense of taste is very closely linked to the sense of smell. Although you can taste certain flavours on the tip of your tongue, it’s only when you swallow the food and breathe through your nose that you actually taste the full taste of the food.
Between 75 – 95% of what we taste actually comes from the sense of smell.
Despite that fact, we do remember the taste of food differently to the smell of food, because the art of eating requires smell, taste, the feel and texture of the food, and movement of the body chewing and swallowing.
So eating is a different experience to smelling.
For that reason you can link the taste or the act of eating food with a particular thing that you want to manifest.
One way to do this is to eat a particular type of food as you visualise what you want.
Another way to bring taste into your imaginal scene is to imagine yourself eating while you are talking about receiving your manifestation.
For example, in your imagination, you could be sitting in a restaurant eating your favourite food while being congratulated for achieving something.
5) Tactile Imagery
Tactile imagery is imagining physical textures or the sense of touch.
Imagining touch can be very powerful because you can use it in so many different ways.
You can bring your imaginary scenes to life using the sense of touch because it actually places you directly in the scene. Scenes don’t appear real unless you can feel yourself in them. Touching something is one of the main ways to actually feel like the scene is real. Unless you can feel that your scene is real, it won’t be impressed on the subconscious mind.
To use Tactile imagery for manifestation, I suggest you create a scene where someone is congratulating you for achieving what you want. In that scene imagine yourself touching something. You could be having a meal imagining eating your meal at the same time as chatting. Or you could imagine yourself giving the person a hug as they congratulate you.
6) Kinesthetic Imagery
Kinesthetic imagery is imagining movements. Another name for this is motor imageries.
There are two main types of motor imageries: kinesthetic motor imagery, and visual motor imagery.
Kinesthetic motor imagery is the ability to imagine performing a movement by having an impression of the muscle contraction and sensation during an actual movement.
Visual motor imagery is the ability to imagine seeing yourself performing the movement from someone else’s eyes.
Both Kinesthetic Motor Imagery and Visual Motor Imagery can help you to manifest what you want, Kinesthetic Motor Imagery is most effective.
It is much more effective to imagine yourself moving through your own eyes. That is because you generally only view the world from your own eyes so the subconscious recognizes that as natural and that is more likely to manifest.
When you move around in your imaginal scene, that brings it to life.
Athletics use Kinesthetic Imagery to imagine themselves carrying out their sport and winning their competitions.
We don’t have to be an athlete to make use of Kinesthetic Imagery because almost all imaginal scenes will involve some kind of movement by your body to place yourself in them.
Similar to Tactile Imagery, you can imagine yourself on vacation, running around on the beach, on stage performing, bowing for applause, or hugging someone who is congratulating you. The list is endless.
7) Organic Imagery
Organic imagery (also known as subjective imagery) is imagining personal physical experiences or physical sensations.
Some examples of physical sensation are hot, cold, hunger, thirst, fatigue, pain, pulsing, dizziness, energetic, wired, shaking, sweating, exertion, nauseous, constricted, breathless, congested, numb, tense, throbbing, floating, itchy, streaming, awake, relaxed, still, tickled, cringe, prickle, flinch, recoil, shudder, bloated, goose bumpy, blocked, hard, gurgling, brittle, heavy, silky, smooth, buzzing, soft, flexible, stretchy, limp, tender, paralyzed, thick, thin, dull, pounding, elastic, pressure, tight, empty, puffy, fluid, quiet, loud, vibration, flushed, fluttery, radiating, weak, strong, frantic, wobbly, ragged.
Using Organic Imagery is another very powerful way to bring manifestations to life and make them appear more real.
It wouldn’t make sense to imagine any physical sensation that you didn’t want to experience more of, so only imagine the physical sensation if you actually want to experience it in real life.
For example, you could imagine your veins pulsing, feel floaty, getting goosebumps as you receive some good news.
You could imagine being on vacation lying on the beach feeling hot, relaxed, and still.
You could imagine yourself having the body of your dreams and your skin and muscles feeling sweaty, hard, silky, smooth, flexible, elastic, and strong.
You could imagine yourself standing on stage delivering the performance of your life feeling pulsing veins, energetic, wired, awake, buzzing, radiating, strong, and slightly flushed.
Add some of these physical sensations to your imaginal scene and watch it come to life a little more.
8) Emotional Imagery
Emotional imagery is imagining personal emotional sensations.
Some examples of emotions are happy, sad, fearful, excited, angry, hurt, distrustful, confident, ashamed, openhearted.
You can get a full list of emotions by clicking the link below:
{READ THIS: 400+ Positive Emotions List: Happy Feelings Words For High Energy}
Emotions are very powerful for helping something to be stored as a memory and also to impress themselves on the subconscious mind.
When we feel emotions during scenes we tend to bring more of these things into our reality so we can continue to experience these same emotions again.
You can attach any emotion you want to your imaginal scene to bring it to life. I suggest you choose a positive emotion, however I also suggest you choose something appropriate and natural.
You might feel elation and immense gratitude when you first get told some good news, but if you fast forward a year into the future your emotions will have dulled down dramatically to something like expectancy. Expectancy is a very powerful emotion because it helps you to continue to manifest the same good things over and over again in your life.
A lot of people will tell you that you have to use emotion in your imaginal scenes to manifest anything, but this is not true at all.
A lot of people don’t actually get very emotional even when they are experiencing something they want to experience. That’s why it’s important to keep the emotions natural to you.
The most important thing when it comes to creating an imaginal scene for manifestation is to feel that it is real. Use however many of these types of imagery that you need to use to feel that your scene is actually real. Feeling it real is essential for manifesting.
How To Manifest Using Reverse Memories
Now that you know about all 8 types of visual imagery that you can use to create imaginal scenes for manifestation, would you like to know how to manifest the exact results you desire by using a technique called creating Reverse Memories?
You can use any of the 8 types of visual imagery to create Reverse Memories.
Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. In this FREE guide, I walk you through exactly how to do it.

One of the most exciting things to happen to my business when I implemented this process is to double my revenue in my passive business in one month without taking any additional action towards it.
Get my free guide by clicking here.
How To Create Your Own Reality
If you would like to dive deeper into using visual imagery for manifestation, I invite you to join my Business Manifestation Club.
Get Ready To:
- Manifest the business of your dreams
- Step into a new reality as a confident CEO
- Transform your destiny as a successful business owner

I have created a Reality Creation Journal, guide, and a Reality Creation Course that walks you through a series of transformational journal prompts that are going to change your life.
Right now I am giving you FREE access to my Reality Creation Journal, Guide, Course, and EVERYTHING else inside my Business Manifestation Club for 7 days.
Every month in the Business Manifestation Club we take challenges together on different themes that are guaranteed to radically transform your life and your business.
Come and join us and put it to the test.
Click here to join the Business Manifestation Club FREE.
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Success Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
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- How to COLLAPSE Time & Manifest FASTER! POWERFUL Manifestation Technique To Achieve Goals!
- Everyone And EVERYTHING IS YOUR MIRROR: Thought Reflection Rule (Mind-Blowing!)
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- What’s Happening Behind The Scenes When Manifesting: Automatic Unfolding
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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