Here’s exactly how to grow a big audience without having to use social media, and where to find people who actually want to be helped.
Are you fed up of trying to promote your business on social media and getting nowhere?
You’re not alone.
There is a good reason why you’re not seeing much business from social media.
Despite what experts will tell you, social media isn’t actually the best place to grow your business.
I’m not saying it’s not possible to grow a thriving business via social media. We’ve all seen people who have done it.
And when you see that other people have done it you assume that this is the norm, and this is where most entrepreneurs are getting their customers.
But sadly this is not the case. And I have data to back this up.
Today I’m sharing 7 ways that you can grow your business online without social media, and some good reasons why you should focus most of your efforts on other platforms and not on social media.
Today You Will Discover
- How People Generate Business From Social Media
- Where To Find People Who Want To Be Helped
- Why You Shouldn’t Focus Most Of Your Efforts On Growing Your Business On Social Media
- Where To Build Your Audience Off Social Media
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest a massive audience and transform millions of lives by creating a Magnetic Movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
Have you been struggling to build your audience with social media? Are you a fan of social media?
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kathKyleOfficial.
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I have started several successful online businesses now, and almost all of my business comes from other sources which are not social media.
It’s not like I haven’t tried to grow a business via social media. I have set up all of my social media accounts for all of the businesses I’ve ever started, and for most of them I have dutifully posted once a day to most of the biggest social media platforms for years, and guess what my results have been?
Almost nothing at all.
I track my traffic using Google Analytics so I know where my traffic comes from, and I can tell you that most of my traffic does not come from social media.
Only 1% of my total traffic comes from social media.
And by social media, I mean Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
This is the case across the board for all of my brands.
If I post on a daily basis to a platform and it returns only 1% of my traffic, is it even worth my while to continue to post there?
Why does anybody bother to post to social media?
How To Generate Business From Social Media
Here’s the thing about social media…
It’s not meant to be a marketing tool for your business.
It’s a place to be social, to chat, to build relationships, and to show up.
It’s also a great way to get more personal with your existing audience, so I don’t think it’s a good idea to avoid social media altogether, but I know for a fact you absolutely don’t need social media to have a profitable and thriving business.
Social media really doesn’t work very well as a tool to get traffic to your website.
When I’m building my business, I’m primarily concerned with getting traffic to my website because my website is a media that I own myself.
I don’t like to build my entire business on a channel that I don’t own.
That’s why I can’t see myself as someone who puts more effort into growing a social media following than I do my own asset, which is my own website.
Of course people do manage to make a success of growing a business via social media, and they do it by building relationships on social media.
So you need to ask yourself, are you the kind of person who wants to build a business based on social media?
If the answer is yes, then social media is perfect for you, just don’t expect much traffic back to your website. You’ll have to do most of your selling directly from the platform after building up an audience.
For me the answer is no. I don’t want to spend most of my time building relationships on social media.
I’ve had a network marketing business before and it was actually very successful, but I totally burned out from basing my entire business on having chats with people.
It’s not to say I don’t want to engage with my audience. I love to help people and engage with people who want to be helped. I just don’t want to have conversations with people before I know they are interested in my help as I’m not one for small talk.
I am a creator and an introvert, so exclusively focusing on social media doesn’t suit me. I love to create resources and help people who want to be helped.
Where do you find people who want to be helped?
The thing is that people on social media didn’t go on there to be helped.
They went on to social media to be entertained or to engage with people.
So if you’re in the business of helping people, exclusively focusing most of your attention on trying to help people who are not looking to be helped is not the smartest idea.
You find people who want to be helped on search engines.
Search engines are where people go to find information when they need help.
If you show up on search with the solution to someone’s problem or query, people who want to be helped will find you.
That means you don’t need to know where to find people. They find you, which is pretty sweet when you’re an introvert who doesn’t like to initiate conversations with strangers.
Why You Shouldn’t Focus Most Of Your Efforts On Growing Your Business On Social Media
There are several very good reasons why it’s not a sensible idea to focus most of your attention on growing your business on social media.
1. You Don’t Own Your Social Media Channel
Have you ever stopped to realise that you don’t own your Facebook page or your Instagram profile?
How would you feel if you had spent years building your business exclusively on social media, pouring your heart out in your Facebook captions, spending day after day posting to Instagram stories sharing your life on there and building up a big audience that starts to buy from you…
And you wake up to a banned account?
It happens all the time.
And it’s devastating.
Of course, we can’t control things like that, and I’m never suggesting you should avoid something you can’t control, we don’t control our entire lives yet we still put effort into our lives.
But what I am saying is that I don’t recommend putting everything you have into your social media.
I suggest you spread the risk by repurposing your content across different social sites, and putting all of your media on to your own website.
If you start by creating a blog post, adding your text, your images and your videos on to your blog post, and then sharing it out from there, that is the best strategy to spread your risk and keep all your assets safe and secure in a place that you own.
2. A Small Fraction Of Your Traffic Will Come From Social Media
Did you know that the average amount of traffic that most business owners get from social media is just 6%?
So I’m not alone when I tell you that a very small percentage of my traffic comes from social media. This is actually the norm.
If you want to use your social media account to get traffic, I’d say forget that idea.
However, if you are a coach who doesn’t need people to visit your website, social media could be perfect for you.
3. Most Of Your Following Won’t See Your Posts
Back in the good old days, you could get a great amount of traffic from your Facebook Page. You could get hundreds of clicks back to your website every time you posted a link. Everyone flocked to Facebook to get some of this traffic, until Facebook put an end to that a few years ago.
Now Facebook only shows your content to around 5% of your followers, and most social media sites have pretty similar metrics.
If you want traffic from Instagram, the metrics are much lower seeing as Instagram only gives you space for one active link on your entire account.
4. It’s Not A Good Idea For Introverts
If you’re not a fan of having small talk with strangers and trying to build relationships with people, spending too much time trying to build your brand on social media is probably not a good idea.
Once you have a following, it can be much easier to just respond to comments that you already have, but when you are building your following you might need to engage in conversation that has nothing to do with your business to start conversations with people who haven’t heard of your brand.
5. It’s Harder To Build A Big Audience On Social Media Than Other Platforms
Although most of the people you follow will probably have pretty large followings on social media, you can get suckered into thinking that this is the norm.
Anyone who posts long form content on other platforms will find it much easier and faster to build a bigger audience on any other platform other than social media.
It’s not obvious how much traffic a website has when you visit a blog post, so it doesn’t encourage you to want to start your own blog, as the stats are not so in your face.
But on social media, the following counts are unavoidable meaning that people tend to focus on building their followings where the numbers are visible rather than on channels where the following count is invisible.
The more people that compete for a following on social media, the harder it is to get noticed on there.
So why not play in the blue ocean where there isn’t so much competition such as by posting blog posts or videos on YouTube?
6. It Can Be A Time Suck
Most people who want to build an audience on social media usually enjoy spending time on the platform themselves.
For this reason it is a good idea to avoid trying to build a big following on social media if you tend to fall into the scroll hole and surface 2 hours later wondering why you always seem to run out of time.
I personally do not love social media, so I feel lucky that I don’t waste my life scrolling through the newsfeed. I personally can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing less than this. So I’m counting my blessings as it means I’m super productive, even though I don’t work long hours, I get a lot done.
Where To Build Your Audience Off Social Media
So now that you’ve got a good idea as to whether social media is right for you, you might be wondering what you can do to build an audience off social media? Here are all my favorite places to grow my own audience.
Google Search
I generally get between 49% and 71% of all of my traffic from Google Searches, and this complies with the industry norm.
So how do you rank your content on Google?
Typically you can either rank blog posts or YouTube videos on Google, so either of these mediums are great for getting the most traffic to your website.
Blog posts generally get more traffic to your website than YouTube videos via Google Search.
This means that writing blog posts is the best way to get traffic back to your website, so if you’re not writing a blog, I highly recommend you start. Even if you prefer creating video or audio content, getting this content transcribed is a great way to create blog posts from the content you are already creating.
Podcasts have grown massively in popularity, and until now it was pretty hard to get discovered directly from creating a podcast.
However, this is starting to change now with the creation of several podcast databases. Google has just started to track podcasts and it looks like the future will be brighter for getting found directly from a podcast.
I have found several good podcasts by searching for keywords in my podcast player, so it definitely can be done.
It’s just that podcasts won’t send a lot of traffic back to your website.
However, it is still a very good way to build up an audience because you control the medium directly, and podcast audiences have proved to be very lucrative and very engaged, which is one of the reasons why they are growing so much in popularity.
Video Search Engines
YouTube is actually a video search engine and not a social network. A lot of people assume that YouTube is a social network, but it is a search engine and a content discovery engine, which means people go there to find content, and not to engage and be social with other people.
Similarly to podcasts, YouTube videos won’t send a lot of traffic back to your websites most of the time, but you can build a very loyal and lucrative audience from your YouTube channel so it’s well worth doing.
The biggest advantage between YouTube and social media is that all of your videos on YouTube will keep gaining popularity the longer they are on there. They are an asset that will serve you well in the future as people can search for them.
Whereas social media posts have just a few hours of a shelf life.
Image Search Engines
Did you know that there is such a thing as an image search engine?
This is a place that people go to find content from browsing through images.
One example of an image search engine is Pinterest.
Most people lump Pinterst in with the social networks, but it’s definitely not a social network.
Just because something is quick to post doesn’t mean it is social.
Pinterest is perfect for introverts as people do not go on there to chat and rarely leave messages.
However, it can be a very good driver of traffic to your website if you are in the right niche.
Pinterest’s audience is predominantly women, so if you post content that women would be interested in, you’ll probably do very well on Pinterest.
I actually get 49% of my traffic to one of my websites from Pinterest. One of my websites has had over 4 million visits from Pinterest, so it’s well worth investing your time into.
Email List
To me, the email list is the ultimate place that I want my audience to end up.
The best thing about an email list is that you own it. You can download your email list and upload it somewhere else. You have your audience’s best asset which is their email address and that means you can always get in contact with them, unless they unsubscribe from your email list.
So why is an email address the best asset you can get when it comes to building an audience?
Compared to only around 5% or less of your audience seeing your social media posts, 100% of your emails will arrive in your audiences email inbox. It still doesn’t mean that your emails are actually being seen though if someone has a cluttered inbox, or if your messages are automatically landing in a promotions folder or junk folder.
However, we do know that an average of around 20% of your emails will actually be opened and read which is a really good number.
Even if your emails aren’t being read, you are still staying top of mind with your audience, and when the time is right, they’ll start reading your emails again.
The email list is the best place to sell from because people have deepened their trust with you to even give you their email address in the first place, so your email list has a closer relationship with you than your social media followers, which means they are much more likely to buy from you.
However, we can’t just get people straight on to our email list without first finding them somewhere else first, so the email list is usually the second stage of the process of building an audience.
To get people on to your email list, it’s a good idea to offer something valuable as a free gift for getting on your list.
Another channel that can be almost as good as an email list for building your audience is to start a community or a group. These groups could be a Facebook group, a LinkedIn group, or a forum on a different platform.
A community could be free to join or it could be a place where you engage with paying customers.
Either way, building a community is a really good idea when it comes to building an audience as it will deepen your relationship with your audience and mean they are much more likely to buy from you.
Similarly to an email list, building a community is often the second or third stage in the process of building an audience as you need to find people on a different platform so that you can invite them to your community.
Word Of Mouth
One of the best ways to build your audience is to encourage people to share your brand with other people.
There is nothing more powerful than a recommendation from someone you trust. And the best thing is that word of mouth marketing is totally free and doesn’t take any of your time.
The best way to do this is to create viral content. I just created a content piece showing you exactly how to do that.
{READ THIS: How To Go Viral Online And Reach Millions With Your Message}
And although you can’t directly control who shares your content online, you can definitely encourage it, and incentivise people sharing your content with other people.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to build an online business without social media, would you like to know how to grow a tribe of millions with your message?
The best way to reach millions of people through your business is to start a Magnetic Movement.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
I have reached multiple millions in my business by creating massive movements and I am now revealing the secrets to my method in my brand new masterclass.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
Click here to download your free copy of my ultimate guide
What if I told you that you could create your Magnetic Movement in just 30 days using FREE easy-to-use tools, and get millions of eyeballs on your products?
I am walking you through the exact steps to coming up with an idea for a movement that will make your business unforgettable and make your message go viral.
This masterclass worth $77 is called Moving Millions and it’s part of my Dream Business Movement program, but for a limited time only I’m giving you free access to it.
Click here to discover more about the Moving Millions Masterclass.
The information that I’m sharing in this action-packed masterclass is so valuable you are going to want to take notes.
Click here to get FREE access to my Moving Millions Masterclass for a limited time only
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Go Viral Online And Reach Millions With Your Message
- How To Build An Online Business Without Social Media
- How To Get Your Blog To Show Up On Google (And How Long It Takes)
- My Digital Content Creation Strategy For Growing A Brand Fast Online
- Free Content Vs Paid Content: The Ultimate Strategy
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✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
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