Here’s the exact steps to get your blog posts to actually show up on the first page of Google, and precisely how long it takes to get there.

Have you been wondering how to get your blog to appear on the search listings on Google?
If you are new to blogging, or have been blogging for a while, you are going to find out exactly what it takes to get your blog to show up on Google Search today.
Today You Will Discover
- The exact steps to take to get your blog posts to show up on Google
- How long it takes to rank your blog posts on the first page of Google
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest a massive audience and transform millions of lives by creating a Magnetic Movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
Do you have a blog? Do you get traffic from Google? Do you want more traffic from Google?
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kathKyleOfficial.
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
10 Steps To Get Your Blog To Show Up On Google
Here are 10 very important steps to get your blog to show up on Google. As you will soon discover, there is more to this process than first meets the eye.
1. Decide On Your Blog Topic
It can be overwhelming to decide what to write a blog post about, so here’s how to make it easy to decide.
You should always create blog posts that lead people to want to buy your paid products, so your blog posts should almost always be on the same subject as your products.
For example, if you are selling a green smoothie meal plan, your blog posts should all be around the result that people want to get, which is weight loss, or the tool that they are using to get the result, which is green smoothies, or focusing deeper on the ingredients used to make the smoothies.
You can also broaden your content out a bit by focusing on what your audience would be interested to see from you.
Maybe they’d like an occasional day in the life from you, or what you eat in a day blog post that brings a bit of personality to your content.
2. Where To Get Ideas For Blog Topics
Once you are clear on your topic for your blog post, you will still want to get some inspiration for different ideas to blog about.
I suggest you search for some of the keywords related to your topic in Google, YouTube, Pinterest, and Podcasts. Find some people who are posting exclusively about your topics and see what they are creating content about.
YouTube makes it easy to search by popularity to see which is the most popular videos per channel. You can use these topics as inspiration for creating your own content.
You never want to copy someone’s content but I highly suggest that you use popular content as an idea for content for your own site.
3. Choose Your Main Keywords For Your Blog
You used to have to select an exact keyword for each blog post to rank highly on google for that keyword. However, times have changed, and Google has got more sophisticated. That means that Google can group certain keywords together and understand that they all mean the same thing.
So it’s not as important to choose an exact keyword – but a topic for your blog post.
I still like to choose a set of keywords for each blog post and I understand that this keyword also fits into a group of keywords.
For example, if you type into Google “How To Make A Weight Loss Shake” you will see results for weight loss smoothies, and protein shakes.
Google understands that a smoothie and a shake and a protein shake are very similar to a weight loss shake.
Google also understands user intent when it comes to search keywords.
For example, if you are searching for a weight loss shake, what you really want is a meal drink that will help you lose weight.
Google understands your intent and gives you the best of the blog posts that will give you that result, even if it isn’t specifically what you’ve asked for.
So although you will be choosing keywords for your blog post, understand the intent behind the people that type in this keyword, and do some brainstorming around similar words that could also mean the same thing.
You have to tell Google what the topic of your blog post is, otherwise Google won’t know when to show your content.
Choosing your topic is crucial to showing up in Google.
4. Choose a Topic For Your Blog Post That People Are Searching For
This next step is crucial. You have to choose a topic for your blog post that people are actually searching for.
If you write blog posts based on topics that nobody wants to know about, Google will not ever be able to show your blog post as it won’t relate to anyone’s search.
So how do you know if people are searching for the topic you want to write about?
Go on to Google and type the main keyword that relates to your blog post.
Don’t type in the full phrase and see if Google autocompletes it. If Google doesn’t autocomplete your keyword phrase there is a good chance not many people are searching for your phrase.
There are many expensive keyword tools out there, and I personally don’t use any of them.
What most people do is find the keywords with the highest potential search volume and create blog posts around that topic.
The problem with this approach is that you aren’t using your intuition as to what posts are going to be popular in your niche, and also you are competing with most other people when it comes to the topic of your posts.
There are many search phrases that auto-populate in Google that keyword tools would tell you get no searches, and it’s simply not true.
I often create blog posts on topics that tools tell me get no searches, and they end up getting thousands of searches per month.
My rule of thumb when it comes to choosing topics is:
- Is it relevant to my paid product?
- Does my perfect audience really need to know this to get results?
- Am I interested and excited about the topic?
- Does Google auto populate the keyword or the keyword phrase that I want to use?
If the answer to all of these questions is yes, then I write the post.
5. Scan The Marketplace For Contributors
When I’m new to a niche I like to have a good look at some of the most popular blog posts that come up when I type in my keyword phrase so you can tell the quality of the posts that are already out there in your niche and who some of the most popular bloggers are.
One thing to notice is the word count in the posts that are coming up top.
However long the blog posts are that are coming up on the first page of Google, this is a standard to match or beat when it comes to your own blog posts.
I think it’s a great idea to be aware of the other contributors in the marketplace so you know what’s already out there and what Google thinks is the best content in your niche so you know the standard you are aiming for.
I have heard people saying that you should research the top 5 blog posts for each topic you write about, and try and create something better, and I used to do this and think it’s helpful when you are new to a niche. But I don’t do this anymore.
There are several reasons why I don’t look at what’s already ranking for the topic I’m writing about and I don’t suggest you do for every single blog post either:
- When you read someone else’s blog post just before you write your own blog post, your post is too heavily influenced by their content. Your blog post would end up being a copycat version of their content which is not helpful to anyone.
- When you sit down to write a post, but fill your mind with someone else’s ideas, you are not allowing intuition to flow into your words. You are not starting with a blank slate but trying to make sure you don’t forget all of the points that someone else wrote about.
- When you are comparing yourself to someone else you turn your business into a battle and you’ll never feel good enough compared to what’s already out there. Coming from a place of wanting to help someone with your unique message is a much nicer energy to base your business on, and will help you be more successful in the long term.
- If you sit down with the attitude of creating the best piece of content you can possibly create you’ll often do a much better job than taking the attitude of trying to write a slightly longer post than someone else.
- I don’t believe in competition when it comes to business and content creation. I believe that there are enough people in the world that need to be helped and many different ways to reach them. When you create a blog post you end up ranking for hundreds of different keywords that you haven’t even thought of, therefore you are not in competition for one single keyword when your audience are typing in many different variations of that phrase, and finding different blog posts as a result.
6. Write A Catchy Title
It can be hard to think of a good title, but this is the most important thing you can do to get people to click on your blog post. If nobody clicks on your blog post, Google will stop ranking it on the first page, so it’s critical you get people to click over to your content.
The most important thing with a title on Google is to keep the length of the title under 60 characters. Anything longer than that and it probably won’t be displayed in the search results. It’s fine to create a longer title but just keep the most important parts of the title to the start.
The best type of headlines appeal to your perfect audience and highlight the value that they are going to get by reading your blog post.
I recommend writing at least 20 different titles and picking the best one. Unless you have a lot of practice, it can take a while to get into the habit of writing good titles.
So how do you write a blog post title?
I recommend using a title template. I always use templates for my titles and it saves me so much time knowing that I’m already using something that has been tried and tested many times over.
There are so many different headline titles that you can use, and I have hundreds of templates that I share inside my Dream Business Movement program, but I just wanted to share 10 of the best with you now.
Here are some of the best headline title templates you can use when creating your blog posts.
- Why X Does X (Why Successful Entrepreneurs Are Using Pinterest To Grow Their Audience)
- X Best X For X (5 Best Blenders For Green Smoothie Lovers) – Replace the word Best with other words such as Easiest or Fastest.
- Why You Should X (Why You Should Avoid Social Media If You Want To Build A Big Audience)
- X Most X Lessons I Learned By X (10 Most Impactful Lessons I learned Growing My Online Business)
- X Ways To X (35 Ways To Market Your Business Online)
- X Mistakes You Are Making With X (5 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Blog Posts)
- The Ultimate Guide To X (The Ultimate Guide To Green Smoothies)
- X vs X: Which Is The Best? (Smoothies vs Shakes: Which Is Better For Weight Loss?)
- How To X Without X (How To Create A 100K Product Without Hiring A Team)
- How I Did X With X (How I Lost 56 Pounds With The Green Smoothie Diet)
7. Write A Helpful, Comprehensive Post On The Topic
One of the biggest mistakes I see people making is writing blog posts that are too short.
Most of the top ranking blog posts are at least 2000 words long, so that’s an average standard to write at least this amount of words per blog post if you want to stand a chance of ranking on the first page of Google.
However, I don’t recommend continuing to check your word count as you type. I recommend that you simply put everything into your blog post that someone is going to need to help them get results.
Your blog post needs to be as long as it needs to be for someone to get what they came for.
You want people to be totally satisfied that whatever they searched for has been met with your post.
The only exception to this rule is if you are creating a summary, high level blog post which shows someone an overview of all of the steps needed to create a bigger project. In that case, a summary is expected and welcomed because people who are new to the topic will need to know the basics involved in each step.
Once you have outlined all of the steps in an overview, you can then create one blog post per point and delve more into the details needed to get the result (providing people are actually searching for this level of detail). Then you can link the overview post to the more detailed posts and you’ll create very helpful resources for people.
A good example of a summary post is this blog post that you are reading right now.
I am giving you a summary of everything that you need to do to rank on Google. However, I could go into a lot more detail in each point, but these basics will give you a good starting point.
In the future I will expand on these points inside my programs, and also on future blog posts, and when I do I will link this blog post to the new, more detailed blog posts if this post is successful.
Why do we need to make a comprehensive blog post just to show up on the first page? How does Google know whether the post is a good one or not?
Google knows if your blog post is good because someone stays on your post for a decent length of time (more than 1 minute) and then don’t click the back button and start reading the other posts in the search results.
Soon after you publish your blog post, Google will start doing tests on that post by putting it on the front page of Google for a small number of people.
Google notices how people behave around your blog post. If your blog post is being clicked on, and people are not hitting the back button and going on to someone else’s blog post that is a success in Google’s eyes, and it will continue to show your blog post to more people.
You want to create a blog post that is back-button proof.
That might mean that whatever questions someone may have after reading your post, you have a link at the bottom of your post linking to further blog posts that answer those questions. That is creating the ultimate resource for people that truly helps them.
8. Make Your Blog Post Easy To Read
One of the best ways to encourage someone to continue to read your blog post is to format it in a way that makes it easy to read.
That means that you have a lot of white space so people can easily scan the page. Break up big paragraphs by hitting enter after 1-2 sentences so you don’t scare anybody with big walls of text.
Having headlines, lists, images, videos and links throughout your content also makes it easy to read.
You have to make sure your website looks good on a mobile phone considering most of the people reading your post will be on a phone, so make sure all elements work well on a phone too.
9. Make Your Blog Post Engaging
One of the best ways to make your blog post engaging is to get personal with your writing.
Talk about your own experiences and tell short stories within your content. That way you’ll come across as relatable and trustworthy which will encourage people to keep reading.
I recently created a blog post explaining how to go viral online, so I highly suggest reading that post because it will show you exactly how to make your content engaging.
{READ THIS: How To Go Viral Online And Reach Millions With Your Message}
10. Share Your Blog Post Online And Link Back To It
One of the ways that Google decides whether to rank blog posts is whether or not they have any links pointing to that content from other sources, and also the traffic that your blog post is getting from other sources.
Many years ago, one of the biggest ranking factors was the number and quality of the backlinks pointing towards a piece of content, and while this does have some weight today, this is not one of the biggest ranking factors which is why I’ve included this point at the end.
Some people still think that getting backlinks back to your content is the most important factor involved in ranking content, and that’s why if you’ve had an established blog for a while you’ll get constant emails from people asking you if you’ll link to their content within your blog post.
What these people don’t realise is that it’s not a big of a deal as they think it is and they are wasting their time putting so much of their energy into getting backlinks.
The sad thing is that Google can actually tell if you’ve got unnatural links pointing to your website, so that’s why you don’t want to try and cheat the system when it comes to ranking your blog posts. The quality of your blog posts are the highest determining factors when it comes to ranking content on a particular topic, and quality will win out in the end.
I have ranked many of my websites highly in Google and I have never created any unnatural backlinks back to my website with any of them.
So I’m just sharing what I generally do which results in links back to my blog post.
Try and do as many of the following list as you can which will all result in natural links back to your blog post, and create different, additional ways for people to find your blog post other than Google.
- Share your blog post on Pinterest
- Share your blog post on Facebook, Linked In, and other social media you may use that allows links
- Email your list with a link to your blog post
- Create a video on the topic of your blog post and link back to your blog post in the YouTube description box
- Create a podcast on the topic of your blog post and link back to your blog post in the Podcast description box
- Find at least 5 previous blog posts and link from those blog posts to the new post
- Create a roundup/summary post and link from that content to your new blog post
- Create a guest post on someone else’s site and link back to your blog post
- Share your blog post in your community, forum, or Facebook group
- Run paid ads straight to your blog post
10. Check Google Analytics To See Where Your Traffic Is Coming From
After you’ve had your blog post published for a few months, check Google Analytics to see where your traffic is coming.
In your Google Analytics, to see where your traffic is coming from click on Acquisition, All Traffic, Source/Medium.
As you can see in my website At Home Spa Day, I get most of my traffic from Pinterest, and I still get a lot from Google Search.
How Long Does It Take To Rank Your Blog Post On Google?
It can take between 1-24 months to rank your blog posts on Google.
I have looked back to the start of my most recent blog, to look in detail about the traffic I was getting from Google each month.
Although it is possible to tell which keywords you are ranking for each month, I don’t usually look at the individual keywords that I’m ranking for, because each blog post ranks for hundreds of different keywords.
My most popular post ranks for over 1,000 different keywords so I couldn’t possibly track all of those, and they are all at different ranks ranging from 5 keywords that are ranking at position number 1, all the way down to 2 keywords ranking at position 97.
This is why I look at the actual traffic I’m getting to my website, as this is more important than the keywords that I’m ranking for.
On my blog, I thought it would be good to use this as an example of how long it takes to get traffic because I get a large amount of my traffic from Google, over 70% so the following figures will reflect that most of the visits will have come from Google.
I started publishing blog posts regularly in January 2020.
At first Google was giving these blog posts small numbers of impressions as test data. The first month I was noticing between 1-30 visits to my new blog posts from Google.
These numbers grew gradually each month and 5 months later 2 of my blog posts were looking like they’d started to get traction getting around 100 page views per month.
By month 6 I had 7 blog posts around the 100 page views mark, and one of them had taken off and was starting to rank highly getting over 500 page views per month.
By month 7 that popular blog post was now getting 1000 page views and there wasn’t much change with the other posts.
By month 8 I had about 9 blog posts that were getting well over 100 page views per month and my most popular post had over 1,700 page views.
By month 9 most of my blog posts had gained page views and my most popular post had almost 3,000 page views that month.
By month 10, I had over 14 blog posts that were getting over 100 page views per month and my most popular post had over 4,000 page views.
By month 11, I had over 18 blog posts that were getting over 100 page views per month, and a few were getting over 200 or 300 page views. My most popular blog post views went down to just over 3,000.
By month 12, I had 23 blog posts that were getting over 100 page views per month. I had some in their 200s, 300s and even another blog post that was getting over 600 page views.
By month 13, I had 28 blog posts that had over 100 page views, 4 that had over 200 page views, 2 that had over 300 page views, 1 post over 400 views, 3 posts that had over 600 views, 1 post over 800 views, and 1 post over 4,000 views.
By month 14, I had 28 blog posts that had over 100 page views, 3 that had over 200 page views, 1 that had over 300, 2 that had over 400, 1 that had over 600, 1 that had over 700, and 1 that had over 4,000 views.
By month 15, I had 28 blog posts that had over 100 page views, 2 that had over 200 page views, 2 that had over 300, 1 that had over 400, 1 that had over 500, 2 that had over 800, and 1 that had over 4,000 views.
By month 16, I had 29 blog posts that had over 100 page views, 9 that had over 200 page views, 1 that had over 300, 1 that had over 500, 1 that had over 600, 1 that had over 800, and 1 that had over 3,000 views.
By month 17, I had 32 blog posts that had over 100 page views, 3 that had over 200 page views, 2 that had over 300, 1 that had over 400, 2 that had over 600, 1 that had over 1000, and 1 that had over 3,000 views.
By month 18, I had 36 blog posts that had over 100 page views, 1 that had over 200 page views, 3 that had over 300, 1 that had over 400, 2 that had over 500, 1 that had over 700, 1 that had over 1,000 and 1 that had over 3,000 views.
My traffic grew from 252 page views in January 2020 to 15,069 page views per month, 18 months later.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to get your blog to show up on Google, would you like to know how to grow a tribe of millions with your message?
The best way to reach millions of people through your business is to start a Magnetic Movement.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
I have reached multiple millions in my business by creating massive movements and I am now revealing the secrets to my method in my brand new masterclass.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
Click here to download your free copy of my ultimate guide

What if I told you that you could create your Magnetic Movement in just 30 days using FREE easy-to-use tools, and get millions of eyeballs on your products?
I am walking you through the exact steps to coming up with an idea for a movement that will make your business unforgettable and make your message go viral.
This masterclass worth $77 is called Moving Millions and it’s part of my Dream Business Movement program, but for a limited time only I’m giving you free access to it.

Click here to discover more about the Moving Millions Masterclass.
The information that I’m sharing in this action-packed masterclass is so valuable you are going to want to take notes.
Click here to get FREE access to my Moving Millions Masterclass for a limited time only
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Go Viral Online And Reach Millions With Your Message
- How To Build An Online Business Without Social Media
- How To Get Your Blog To Show Up On Google (And How Long It Takes)
- My Digital Content Creation Strategy For Growing A Brand Fast Online
- Free Content Vs Paid Content: The Ultimate Strategy
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