Here are the 5 pillars of creating viral content. Once you know the proven formula to going viral online, you’ll soon be reaching millions with your message.
Do you want to create content that goes viral?
You’re in the right place.
Going viral is something that almost all business owners want, but yet it seems so elusive and hard to obtain.
Did you know there is actually a formula for going viral?
You’re in luck because today I’m sharing this entire formula with you.
There is actually a scientific process that you can follow to create viral content, and by the end of this content you’ll be able to follow these exact steps to create viral content on demand.
And, If you keep reading this content until the end, I have a surprise for you that you’re not going to want to miss.
Today You Will Discover
- The 5 Pillars Of Viral Content
- How To Create Content That Gets Shares
- How To Create A Viral Concept For Your Brand
- How To Create Many Content Pieces From One Concept
My Name is Kath Kyle. I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.
I help creators and change-makers manifest a massive audience and transform millions of lives by creating a Magnetic Movement using my proven Dream Business Framework©.
What Are You Struggling With?
Have you ever gone viral? Do you know why your content went viral? Or maybe going viral is something you’ve always wanted to do? Do you have any questions about how to go viral?
Let me know by leaving a comment on my blog, YouTube channel or send me a DM on Instagram @kathKyleOfficial.
Let’s change your struggles into solutions now…
You can either read this blog post below or listen to the audio version. Click here to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to watch the video on my Youtube channel.
The 5 Pillars Of Viral Content
There are 5 things you need to do if you want to go viral online with your content. Let’s start with number one.
1. Be Different
The most important thing that you need to do to go viral is to stand out from the crowd in some way. You have to grab the attention of the masses, and to do this, you have to be unique.
If you create content that is exactly the same as everyone else’s it won’t stand a chance of going viral.
You have to put your unique spin on your message.
For example, my brand Green Thickies went viral because my message was totally different from everything else out there.
A Green Thickies is a green smoothie that is also a complete meal containing all nutrients that helps people lose weight.
It is totally unique because most other people were either just talking about green smoothies that were nutritious, but not filling enough to keep you going from one meal to another, or people were promoting weight loss shakes that were made from packet ingredients and contained unhealthy fillers and preservatives.
The Green Thickie took all of the best bits of all of the smoothies and shakes out there and combined them into one glass of gorgeous green goodness.
How To Be Different
To be different, you first of all need to know what’s already out there. So spend a bit of time consuming all of the most popular content and learning about all of the concepts and products that already exist in your marketplace.
Spend some time using them, and being a consumer in your industry.
Make a list of what you don’t like about each solution and how it could be improved.
Then create a concept that incorporates all of the best bits from everything already out there and put a unique twist on it by creating your own framework or concept name.
Whenever you create content, you can talk about your unique concept from lots of different angles, but all of your content will be unique as it will all point back to your one unique concept.
For example, my unique concept was the Green Thickie. I created over 1000 different content pieces that on first glance looked fairly similar to other people’s, but when people started consuming my content they were surprised by the unexpected twist, which was that I was talking about The Green Thickie.
I created content about green smoothies, weight loss shakes, how to lose weight, smoothie ingredients, the best diets, the benefits of spinach etc. which were types of content that had all been created before. The difference was that I was talking about something unique with every single one of them, which was my unique meal drink.
2. Be Clear
To create content that goes viral, you need to make things simple. Too many people like to get too clever with their messages and this makes things confusing. When people are confused they don’t take any action and leave.
You only have a few seconds to capture the attention of your audience, so you need to get crystal clear on why they should consume your content.
For example, when you first create your unique concept, and give it a name, you might be tempted to start giving your content titles that are focused on your unique concept.
But what you might be forgetting is that if you’ve only just created your concept, nobody actually knows about it yet. So if you start talking about your concept without taking people on a journey towards it, you are just going to confuse them, and nobody is going to be interested.
I have actually put this to the test numerous times myself so I know this to be true.
For example, I created a blog post called:
Basic Green Thickie Recipe.
Now seeing as my concept was new, this blog post obviously didn’t go viral, for the simple reason that nobody knows what a Green Thickie is.
Would you click on that blog post if you had no background information as to what a Green Thickie was?
Probably not.
Why would people care?
You need to give people context and build up to your concept.
You need to meet people where they are at with words that they actually understand right now.
So for example, I created the following blog post:
How I lost 56 Pounds With The Green Smoothie Diet
The title of this blog post gives people information that they already know about. Everyone knows what a smoothie is. Not everyone knew what a green smoothie was, but seeing as the word green is matched with the word smoothie, this title causes enough intrigue for people to want to know more.
This was one of my most viral blog posts with over 23,801 page views to this blog post.
Another one of my most popular blog posts was 20 Ways to Make Homemade Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss.
Again, I don’t mention Green Thickies in the title and use simple, clear words that everyone understands.
This blog post has generated 84,172 page views to date.
In both of these viral blog posts, I took people on a journey from what they already understood towards my unique concept, Green Thickies.
So why did I create the blog post called “Basic Green Thickie Recipe”?
This blog post was never intended to go viral. This blog post is intended for people who had already read one of my “viral” blog posts, who then wanted to know more about Green Thickies and how to make them.
My Basic Green Thickie Recipe has had 11,006 page views to date.
What happens is a lot of people make this recipe and get great results, and they tell their friends about it and share this recipe with them.
How To Be Clear
How do you get your unique concept to go viral by being clear? You take people on a journey by keeping things simple and using words they already understand in your titles. You avoid confusion by explaining everything step by step in the right order.
3. Be Memorable
To be able to go viral, you need your brand or your concept to be memorable which helps all of your content to be memorable.
How To Create A Memorable Brand Name
To do this, you need to create a brand name or a concept name that is easy to remember. That means it is better if it’s fairly short.
When you are naming your brand I would also avoid combining very generic words together unless you are certain that your name is totally unique and different from everything else out there.
If I had called my brand “Healthy Green Thick Filling Smoothies For Weight Loss” nobody would have ever remembered that. It’s too long, and it’s too generic.
That’s why I created a short brand name incorporating 2 words that never would normally be combined together. Green is a very common word, but Thickie is not a common word. However everyone can conjure up what a thickie could be – something thick. So it is obvious that I am talking about something green and something thick.
It is unlikely anyone would hear about your brand out of context, so it doesn’t need to describe exactly what your concept is, only for it to be memorable.
How To Create Memorable Content
Now that you know how to create a memorable brand, you also need to make sure your content is memorable.
You make your content memorable by evoking at least one of the 5 senses.
1. Sight
Sight is the most obvious sense to evoke. You can evoke the sight by creating images or videos that contain memorable objects. If your concept is about an object, such as a green drink, it’s easy to create images of that actual object.
But what about your concept is something not as tangible? How do you get that to be memorable?
You can use objects to describe intangible concepts. The brain remembers objects, but it does not remember concepts.
For example, if your content is around mindset, you could use an image of a brain, or if you concept is around feeling popular, you could include an image of someone surrounded by friends.
I did this myself recently when creating my Ultimate Guide To Starting A Magnetic Movement. This guide is a digital download, so not a tangible object, and the concept that I’m talking about is how to grow a large audience online, which again, is not tangible. So what I did was I found a great image of a car covered in magnets, which shows the car that moves and magnets moving on the car. Then I created a front cover and put that front cover inside a tangible object which is an ipad. This demonstrates how people use my digital download in their lives using a physical object.
Click here to discover more about the Ultimate Guide To Starting A Magnetic Movement.
2. Sound
Did you know that the brain actually has a separate place to store memories that come from music? Music is one of the most memorable types of media that you can use, so if you are creating a video or audio, try and include some music to create a catchy theme tune.
When I created one of my brands, Magical Life Of Fruit, I wrote my own theme tune and had it created professionally.
Even though I haven’t really done anything with this brand for years, my family still clearly remembers this theme tune and breaks into this song whenever the words Magical or Fruit are mentioned which is very funny.
It also shows how powerful music is when it comes to evoking the memory and helping your content go viral.
Even though I only created 28 videos for this brand, I attracted a lot of views to my videos and an audience who seemed to love what I was doing.
You can check out one of my videos below, the theme tune starts at 8:50.
3. Touch
Is there some way you can get people to physically use your concept in their actual life? With Green Thickies it was easy to get my audience to touch them because they had to make a recipe. What about if you create digital products that are based on concepts? In this online world where everything has gone digital, I think it’s really clever to send things to your prospects or customers in the post.
I remember when I received a business training on a CD. That CD hung around my house for ages. Every time I saw it lying on the counter I remembered about the company that had sent it to me. When you only create digital files, they can easily get lost, but flyers, or business cards tend to be remembered for longer. Can you get your audience to write notes based on your teaching? That is creating tangible objects that will be a constant reminder in their real world about your brand.
4. Taste
If you have a food brand, it’s easy to create recipes that people will taste that will make your brand memorable, but what if you don’t have a food brand?
Something you could do is to send your customers a small food item in the post like a chocolate bar. They say that the way to people’s hearts is through their stomachs, so they will always think of you when they taste something similar in the future.
Another thing you could do is get people to visualise eating something if it seems relevant to make a point. Try it right now. Imagine seeing a lemon in your fridge, getting out a cutting board and knife, cutting the lemon in half. Squeezing the juice into a glass, filling the glass with water and taking a sip. Listen to the sound of the water running and gluggling as it fills up the glass. Can you imagine the taste of lemon water as you drink it?
I have just engaged all 5 of your senses virtually without you having to do a single thing. Is there a way you can do that with your own audience?
5. Smell
The final sense is of course smell. Food brands will find it easy to engage the smell, but there are other ways to do it even if you don’t have a food brand. You could send an object in the post and make it smell nice, maybe add a scent of essential oils to the packaging, or send something scented as a gift. You can also encourage your audience to imagine a certain smell. You can do this while you tell stories. You could start a story with something like “I was walking in the rain, and the air smelled of the scent of freshly cut grass”. Immediately you have engaged the smell senses. From there you can talk about anything you like in your story, but because you have engaged the senses you are much more likely to be remembered.
You might still be struggling to engage all 5 senses with your content, and the good news is you don’t have to engage all 5 senses. As long as you engage at least one sense that is enough to create memorable content.
One great way to engage all 5 senses is to create metaphors. You can describe a concept that looks like, sounds like, smells like, tastes like, or feels like.
Two other ways to create memorable content is to engage the emotions, and to tell stories. I am moving on to describe both of these concepts in more detail now.
4. Be Emotional
One of the best ways to create viral content is to engage someone’s emotions. If you can get someone to feel something, you will move people to take action and share it with someone else.
Feelings create movement.
When you are creating your own movement always remember this concept.
“To create a movement, you have to create something moving which then moves someone into action.”
If you look at the word emotion, it stands for energy in motion. When you feel emotion it literally is moving energy.
We need people to feel emotions otherwise there is no energy surrounding our content and no movement is created.
So how do we know what types of emotions create the most viral content?
There have been many studies carried out as to what makes content go viral and stimulating emotions come out top.
There are several tools used by psychologies to determine emotional states, and one of the tools is the PAD model. PAD stands for Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance.
Let’s look at each one in turn.
Emotional Dominance
Dominance means how much control someone feels they have over a situation that they just heard about.
For example, if someone stumbled upon a piece of content where they just heard that a political party that they didn’t vote for just came into power in their country, they might feel emotions like depression, sadness and fear because they feel powerless to do anything about the situation.
When content makes people feel like they have no power over a situation the dominance is low.
Content that evokes low dominance doesn’t tend to get as many shares as high dominance content.
If, however, you wind back the clock before the political party has been elected, and everyone is battling over which party they want to win, because the election results have not yet been called, people still feel like they have control over the situation as they can influence other people’s decision by sharing content.
Content about a political party that was shared before the election results were announced is more likely to create high dominance, and therefore get more shares.
If you can help people feel like they have control over a situation rather than feeling helpless it is much more likely to get shared.
Emotional Arousal
Arousal measures how intense the particular emotions are. High arousal emotions are emotions that have a lot of energy behind them. These emotions can be negative or positive and usually stir people into action. High arousal emotions are excitement, joy, anger, and surprise.
Low arousal emotions include boredom, disappointment, hope, contentment, and peacefulness.
Content that evoked high arousal emotion is much more likely to get shared.
For example, if someone watches a video of an adorable cat that has an element of surprise and at the end of the video the cat gets a cuddle from a dog, the content provokes many high arousal emotions and that’s why these types of videos tend to go viral.
However, if a piece of content tells you that your insurance policy doesn’t cover as many damages as you thought it would, although that content is useful, the emotions you might experience might be boredom, disappointment, and a feeling of not being surprised. You are not very likely to share this content with someone else.
Emotional Pleasure
Funnily enough, it actually doesn’t matter whether the emotions that you stir up in someone are positive or negative as to how likely it is to be shared.
What matters most is whether the emotions are high dominance and high arousal. For example, anger and joy are both high in dominance and arousal and are the emotions that are most likely to stimulate people to share content.
The Best Emotions For Creating Viral Content
The best way to create viral content is to combine positive emotions such as happiness with an element of surprise.
When you surprise someone with your content, it is much more likely to get shared because you’ve created a state of high arousal and high dominance.
When I look at the kinds of videos that my kids love to watch online, they almost always involve some kind of element of surprise like “you’ll never guess what happened after this girl found a hidden room in her house”.
Obviously that kind of content is good for young audiences, but as business owners, how do we include some kind of surprise in our content, especially if we are explaining a concept in our content?
How To Create The Feeling Of Surprise In Your Content
There are several ways that business owners can create an element of surprise in their content.
Sharing Unusual Content
If you always make your content unique, there will always be an element of surprise in your content. Try and think outside of the box when creating content and make it as interesting as possible.
It’s very easy to include an element of surprise in your content as long as you include some kind of twist at the end. I’m going to talk more about story telling in a minute.
Breaking The Rules
Do you feel like you always have to do things the same way that people have always done them? Why not try breaking the rules and see what happens. Explain that you are a company that does things differently and see what reaction you get.
Including Surprising Images
Is it possible to add in some images to your content that creates an element of surprise?
For example, I came across this cat image, and I just couldn’t look away. This is the kind of imagery that makes your content more memorable.
Include Surprising GIFs
Including some GIFs in your content is a great way to surprise people and inspire feelings of joy. There’s always a way to relate your content to cute cat GIFs somehow.
Show Up In Unexpected Places
Even though you may be running an online business, you can still show up in unexpected places. You can run Facebook ads retargeting people who have viewed one of the pages on your website. Or you can send an email letting you audience know that you are aware that they have or haven’t taken a particular action.
Give Away Gifts
A great way to surprise and delight your audience is to give away unexpected gifts. Why not email your list and offer free coaching calls to the first 5 people, or give away your new course for free the first time you launch it?
I have a very special gift for you at the end of this blog post, so stay tuned for that.
Engage With Your Audience
Something I like to do is to surprise my email list subscribers by creating videos for them, answering questions or welcoming them to my brand. If you can go above and beyond to engage with your audience, this will surprise and delight them and make them want to share more of your content and become a brand ambassador for you.
How To Creating Feelings Of Joy In Your Content
To create Joy in your content you can do some of the following:
By telling stories, and using humour, you entertain people with your content. This can help turn dry boring subjections into something that people keep coming back to time and time again.
If you tell somebody something useful that helps them to improve their lives, they’ll feel joyful and grateful. Even if you title your content something slightly more negative such as “5 mistakes you are making with X” you can still show them how to avoid those mistakes and what to do instead. That turns a negative into a positive and makes people feel happy.
When you share your own results or client results that makes people feel motivated and excited that they can get the same results themselves because you’ve demonstrated that what they want to do is actually possible, and there is a step by step method of getting that result.
Engage The Senses With Joy
Use words, images, and videos that encourage happiness. Use positive language in your text and speech, use images and videos of people smiling, cute babies, and animals, and that will very quickly get your audience smiling.
5. Be Real
One of the best ways to create content that gets shared is to be real, and personal in your content.
A lot of blog posts can come across as very impersonal and boring, but as soon as you add an injection of your own personality into your blog post, all of a sudden, people can relate to you as a person. And when people relate to you, they trust you, your content comes to life, and you get way more shares.
So how do you inject personality into your content?
Share Stories
Stories are one of the best ways to engage people and create content that goes viral.
Stories are very memorable and as humans we just light up when someone starts sharing a story with us. Stories tend to have a beginning, middle, and end, and we just have to have closure and stay engaged until the end of the story.
Waiting until the end of the story creates anticipation and an element of surprise as you know there is something coming up but you don’t know what, so that creates emotions of joy and surprise which as we know gets more shares than anything else.
A lot of people get very confused by how to start to tell stories in your content, but it really doesn’t need to be hard. Stories don’t need to be long either.
All you need to do when you are creating your content is try and think of an example of how you or someone you know has done something that you are explaining. That’s the easiest way to tell a story.
I remember when I started my very first blog. To start with I created blog post after blog post all just sharing my recipes, and they weren’t really getting much traction.
It wasn’t until I published my first blog post story that my whole business blew up. My blog post called “How I Lost 56 Pounds On The Green Smoothie Diet” went totally viral and suddenly I was getting loads of emails from people asking me to create a product for them.
When people hear about your results and relate to you as a person, they trust you and want to learn from you.
That’s the power of storytelling.
And you may have noticed that I just told a short story. That’s how easy it is to tell stories and be more relatable.
Use The Word I In Your Content
You may have heard that every blog post should be written to help someone else. Every post is written for the reader. That means that naturally you’ll probably include the word “you” quite often in your content.
When you include the word ‘You’ it helps people to see that you do really care about them and you really want to help them.
Fun fact: I just looked up the number of times I have used the word “you” so far in this content and I surprised myself with the number.
I have used the word “you” or “you’re” 315 times so far.
On the other hand, an often overlooked word that we also need to include is the word “I” in our content.
When you include the word I, you give authority to your content and make it more personal and relatable. Hopefully you won’t include the word “I” more than the word “you” but it still should be used fairly frequently.
I just looked at how many times I used the word “I” in this content so far and I have used the word “I” 74 times.
I am very happy with this balance and it demonstrates the point I’m making nicely.
Share Your Own Results
One of the most powerful things you can do to get people to engage with and share your content is to share your own results.
Which blog post would you trust the most? One that just tells you what you should do, or one that shows you what results the blogger got themselves by putting something to the test?
That’s why bloggers can get so popular when they share their own results. I am such a big fan of this concept that I like to create at least one piece of content every month where I’m sharing my own results of something that I put to the test myself.
Share Your Opinion
Even if you don’t have any results to share, you can always share your opinion on something. It is much better to be very opinionated than sit on the fence.
When you are neutral, you are also boring and boring content never gets shared very often.
However, as soon as you have a strong opinion on something you will start to get shares and develop a strong following.
For example, I believe that you don’t have to work hard to get fantastic results in business. That view can be polarising. Some people won’t agree with me and will say the harder you hustle, the better your results will be, and other people will agree with me and will say that you can be very successful by working just a couple of hours, a few days a week, by doing work that you love.
At this point, people who agree with me are more likely to share my stuff as they resonate with me and my message.
Yes I have alienated some people with my strong opinion, but if I hadn’t shared my opinion, I probably wouldn’t have resonated with anyone at all. I know which opinion I’d rather choose. What about you?
My Gift To You
To say thank you to you for getting to the end of this content, I am giving everyone who shares this content a gift for free.
If you share this content on your social media and send a link or a screenshot to [email protected] showing me that you’ve shared it I will give you one of my mini courses for free called 6 Figure Content. This course helps you create content that converts to sales while you sleep. I currently have this course for sale so this is a valuable gift that I’m sharing with you.
Click here to discover more about this course.
Next Steps
Now that you know how to create content that goes viral, would you like to know how to grow a tribe of millions with your message?
The best way to reach millions of people through your business is to start a Magnetic Movement.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
I have reached multiple millions in my business by creating massive movements and I am now revealing the secrets to my method in my brand new masterclass.
A movement totally puts your business on the map and creates a massive amount of desire for your products.
Click here to download your free copy of my ultimate guide
What if I told you that you could create your Magnetic Movement in just 30 days using FREE easy-to-use tools, and get millions of eyeballs on your products?
I am walking you through the exact steps to coming up with an idea for a movement that will make your business unforgettable and make your message go viral.
This masterclass worth $77 is called Moving Millions and it’s part of my Dream Business Movement program, but for a limited time only I’m giving you free access to it.
The information that I’m sharing in this action-packed masterclass is so valuable you are going to want to take notes.
Click here to get FREE access to my Moving Millions Masterclass for a limited time only
Now it’s your turn to go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Growth is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Go Viral Online And Reach Millions With Your Message
- How To Build An Online Business Without Social Media
- How To Get Your Blog To Show Up On Google (And How Long It Takes)
- My Digital Content Creation Strategy For Growing A Brand Fast Online
- Free Content Vs Paid Content: The Ultimate Strategy
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✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
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