Here are the 10 steps to reprogram your subconscious mind so that you can adopt a new belief system. I became a much better person during this process.
![How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System](
I am going to share my powerful story with you about how I became a completely different person after changing my belief system.
I’m also going to share the exact steps that you can take to become a new, more successful version of yourself.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
I have now turned this series into a FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge. During each day of the challenge we will go deeper into each step of the steps to manifestation.
If you haven’t already joined the challenge, sign up for the complete videos, daily email reminders, and workbooks by clicking the link below.
Join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
In this challenge I will take you through the 10 steps of manifestation and how they can be applied to business.
Today we are focusing on Day 5 – How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System
10 Steps Of Manifesting Business Success
Here is a summary of the 10 steps:
- STEP 1 PEACE: How To Prepare For Manifesting (You Need To Do This First)
- STEP 2 DECIDE: How To Decide What To Manifest For Your Dream Business
- STEP 3 INTEND: How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST
- STEP 4 CLARITY: How To Use Scripting For Success In Your Business (Manifest Quickly)
- STEP 5 BELIEVE: How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System
- STEP 6 DETACH: How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- STEP 7 TRUST: How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- STEP 8 ACT: Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- STEP 9 UPLIFT: How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
- STEP 10 RECEIVE: How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
To get all 10 steps, join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
Today You Will
- Discover how to change your belief system
- Get the science based proof that this works
- Receive my exact 10-step process for transforming your belief system and your life
My Name is Kath Kyle.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Let me ask you a question…
Are You…
- Fed up of repeating the same complaints to your friends and family?
- Constantly putting yourself down?
- Feeling like you don’t have what it takes to be successful?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, or send me a DM on Instagram.
Let’s change your struggles into solutions now…
Do You Want To…
- Become a more naturally successful person
- Develop a much more positive, easy going attitude
- Be the person you need to be to get the results you want
What Are Brain Stamps?
Brain Stamps are my unique method of reprogramming your subconscious mind so you can adopt a brand new belief system.
Affirmations are a proven way to help you to rewire your brain, and there is a specific type of affirmations called “I Am” affirmations that work faster than any other type of affirmation.
When you use the words “I Am” you are literally affirming who you are. Your brain has no choice but to believe these words, and the universe will rearrange itself to make sure that your reality lines up with what you believe about yourself.
![How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System](
Brain Stamps focus on using “I Am” affirmations to reprogram your brain, as these are the most powerful type of affirmations.
I call them “Brain Stamps” because they literally “STAMP” your brain with success. In other words, your brain forms new neural pathways, so you do end up behaving in a completely different, more positive way.
Another reason I use the word “STAMP” is because I coined the term, STAMP Goals and wrote a book on the subject. I created a new framework for goal setting specifically to help entrepreneurs to put their STAMP on the world.
If you want to read my book, click here.
My community is also called STAMPERS as I help entrepreneurs who are focused on putting their stamp on the world.
So in a nutshell, I help STAMPERs to STAMP their brain with success using BRAIN STAMPS.
Scientific Proof That You Can Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
You might think that all of this sounds a bit woo-woo, but there is actually scientific proof behind it.
The results of a study by Falk and colleagues suggest that when we choose to practice positive affirmations,”
A study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania found that there is MRI evidence suggesting that neural pathways change when people practice self-affirmation tasks.
When these neural pathways were changed in people’s brains, they were now able to view information that they used to find threatening, as relevant and valuable.
How Guided Meditation Transformed My Negativity Into Success
I just wanted to share a story with you about how I started along the path that led me to creating Brain Stamps.
A while after having my second baby, I was suffering from a horrendous depression that had taken me to the depths of despair for 2 years.
I had been so so depressed and had long since stopped calling my friends seeing as I just couldn’t seem to stop boring them with my tales of woe every time they visited me.
I knew I was THAT friend that would bring you down just by being in the same room as me. The world was against me and I was against the world. I could see no hope or joy in anything.
The doctors offered me medication as they always did, but after talking with numerous friends who were on antidepressants and said they felt empty and flat after taking them – and they struggled to get off them, I decided I didn’t want to go down that path.
I was already eating a good healthy diet, so I wasn’t sure what else to do to recover, but I desperately wanted to.
Somehow I stumbled into the world of positive thinking, power of the subconscious mind, visualization, and guided meditation.
I started out writing my own affirmations and repeating them every day. But as I was someone with a negative mind, I even struggled to write positive affirmations, so I knew I needed some outside help with this.
And that’s when I found guided sleep meditations
It is best to listen to these, either while you are drifting off to sleep or when you wake in the morning is usually the best time to do this as your brain is half asleep and more receptive to the suggestions.
If you have a partner, they might not appreciate listening to this, especially if they don’t need any help whatsoever to get to sleep.
So what I do is use some sleeping headphones, to listen to these guided meditations.
They really are very comfortable for sleeping with, even if you’re a side sleeper.
Using sleep headphones is actually a better way to listen to these meditations as they often have been recorded in stereo and have different voices in each ear to reach a different part of your brain.
I started listening to these meditations every day and that very same day I felt different – much more positive. My husband started noticing the very dramatic change in me too.
I was hooked!
I listened to at least one different meditation every day and very quickly saw so many improvements in my life – I was like a new person! Here’s what happened:
- My depression completely went away
- I became one of these annoyingly positive people who see the good in everybody and everything
- I actually started teaching positive thinking
- I got the confidence to start creating my own videos
- I reached my ideal weight
- My chronic fatigue went away
- I joined a gym and became fit and healthy
- My panic attacks went away
- I traveled on my own for the first time in a few years (I was too nervous before that)
- My business went from strength to strength, so good that I could even hire a team of people to help
- We moved into a house twice the size and had the space we’d been dreaming of and were able to take several trips abroad each year
- All of my relationships improved and I became the friend who was always positive and uplifting instead of negative and moany.
- I managed to forgive people who had hurt me and let go of anger that had been holding me back
- I managed to achieve a work-life balance and learned how to enjoy relaxing (something I never used to be able to do)
It was truly life-changing!
And as life changing as these were, I stopped listening to these guided meditations for several reasons:
- I didn’t want to constantly sleep wearing headphones every night
- I wanted to be able to listen to short “I am” meditations during the day as I was getting ready and I couldn’t find any that were short enough
- I wanted “I am” affirmations that were specific to entrepreneurs and I couldn’t find any that met my needs
- I wanted to listen to not just relaxing I am affirmations, but energetic uplifting I am affirmations to beautiful music, but I couldn’t find any.
- I didn’t want to listen to “I am” affirmations on YouTube because the videos are full of ads, and I wanted to get into the zone without ads popping up.
For a long time I didn’t listen to any guided hypnosis or affirmations, and my mindset went downhill along with my business.
When I decided to get back into manifestation in a big way, I knew it was time to start getting some positive messages back into my brain again.
How I Rewired My Brain With A New Belief System
@kath_kyle How To Create A New Belief System In 10 Steps 🖤 ##lawofattraction ##lawofattractiontips ##lawofattractioncoach ##thelawofattraction ##loa
♬ original sound – Kath✅Manifest Business Success
As I couldn’t find anyone that was offering exactly what affirmation audios I wanted, I decided to create my own.
I went through a series of steps that I am about to share with you to change my belief system, and then I wrote a list of “I am” affirmations down that were specific to my life as an entrepreneur.
I then did an extensive search for music that filled me with joy when I listened to it. I needed the music to be catchy so it stayed in my head all day.
You know when you get some annoying jingle stuck in your head, and you keep singing meaningless songs all day. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you got something positive stuck in your head?
So I found some music that made me feel deep emotions when I listened to it.
Then I recorded a series of relaxing “I Am” affirmation audio tracks for the evening to listen to as I’m getting ready for bed and sometimes I fall asleep to them. And I recorded another series of tracks to energize me in the morning as I’m getting ready.
I started listening to these brain stamps every day and the change in me was incredible.
Before I began this process, I was feeling quite a lot of imposter syndrome as I had just started this new brand, my Kath Kyle brand and had yet to make any money from it. I was looking at other people in my niche and I was comparing myself to them in a negative way, feeling like I’d never be as good as them, and really putting myself down.
I already had a variety of other passive businesses that did bring me in regular income which was great, but my income was at an all-time low, and my income seemed to have been stuck at a particular place for years, and I didn’t seem able to get it to increase.
I kept telling myself that my existing businesses weren’t doing as well because I was no longer focused on them, and I just needed to wait for my new Kath Kyle brand to take off before I could raise my income again.
But after about a week of listening to these brain stamps, I suddenly felt way more confident. I felt like I could achieve what I wanted to right now, and I was inspired to set some new income goals, even though I didn’t yet have anything ready to sell on yet.
I felt so confident that I set an income goal to double my income from the previous month. All month long, I remained convinced it was going to happen.
The moment of truth came, on the first of the month, I did my monthly finances and logged all of my income sources. I added them all up, and the total was just under my goal.
I was amazed that it was so high, but I felt sure that I should have met my goal. After going over all of my figures again, I remembered that I had forgotten to add one of my income sources as my login wasn’t working. After I finally got into the correct system and logged the correct amount, I sat looking at the screen in amazement.
I had done it. I had doubled my business revenue in my passive businesses by doing no extra work on them.
To me, this was the proof that this was really working.
Since then, my faith, trust, and confidence have gone through the roof and I continue to go from strength to strength. I do feel like I am a completely new person now – a much more successful one, who is unstoppable.
I have stamped my brain with success and I’ve never been more fulfilled in my life.
At that point, I knew I had to share both my process for creating Brain Stamps, and my actual recordings with you to help you in the same way.
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind With A New Belief System
![How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System](
Here are the steps you can take to reprogram your subconscious mind, so you become a new person who has a new belief system.
1. What Do You Currently Believe?
The first step in the process is to acknowledge what you currently believe. This helps you to work out what you do want to believe.
For example, do you believe that you are not good enough to earn a lot of money or reach a lot of people with your content?
2. What Would You Like To Believe?
Let’s turn this negative belief on it’s head. What would you like to believe instead?
For example, “I am worthy of success. I am fully able to help people to transform their lives. I am a successful business owner.
3. Visualise Your New Belief
Sit with this new belief for a minute or so. Close your eyes and picture your life if this belief system were true. Where would you be living? What would you be doing? Who would you be with? What does this kind of belief enable you to do? What do you look like?
4. Write Down Your New Belief
Now write down your new belief on a piece of paper. It is better to use a dedicated journal for this so you can keep all of your new affirmations together in one place, and you won’t lose them. I have a journal specifically for affirmations.
5. Read Your New Belief
For best results, read your new belief at least once a day. You can add reminders to your phone so it pops up with these new affirmations throughout the day.
6. Speak Your New Belief
Read your new belief out loud at least once a day. You can either do this in the morning, in the evening, or just read it out loud when it pops up on your phone if you are on your own.
7. Listen To Your New Belief
It is important for your brain to hear your new belief system with your ears. This engages more of your sense. The more senses you can engage in this process, the more powerful it is.
Speaking your new belief out loud is often the most powerful way to change your belief system, but if you can’t or don’t want to speak your new belief system out loud yourself, consider listening to a recording of some I Am affirmations.
You can get my own recordings of my I Am Affirmations here.
8. Attach Music To Your New Belief
Music is a very powerful stimulant for our emotions and also helps our brains to form new memories. Have you ever listened to some music and it’s brought back so many memories?
You can use this same process to attach new success memories to new belief statements.
There are two ways to use music to help introduce new belief systems into the brain:
- You can play some music that you like while you are saying your affirmations out loud or reading them in your head. The music shouldn’t contain any singing of words so that it doesn’t distract from your affirmations.
- You can listen to audio tracks that already contain music and I am affirmations. (Like mine)
9. Reprogram The Subconscious Mind With Your New Belief While You Are Sleeping
One of the easiest ways to reprogram your subconscious mind is to listen to guided “I am” affirmations while you are sleeping.
During sleep, the brain is the most receptive to being reprogrammed. That doesn’t mean you can’t reprogram your brain at any other time of the day, but it does make things easier if you listen to these affirmations at least some of the time when you are sleeping.
I actually love to listen to these affirmations while I’m awake as I feel like I’m more likely to remember them and be able to bring back the memory of the music with the associated affirmations much more easily to my conscious mind.
This really helps me when I’m trying to manifest something, as the brain stamps come into my mind at just the right time.
10. Repeat These Steps
Now that you have gone through all the steps to change your belief system for one of your beliefs that you were struggling with.
The next step is to identify more of your beliefs that you would like to transform and go through these steps again.
You can use this process any time you need to revamp your belief system. It’s very powerful.
Common Mistakes
Here are some common mistakes that people make when they write their own brain stamps, and I’d now like to help you avoid these mistakes.
1. Creating Negative Beliefs
Don’t write affirmations based on what you don’t want. Only write what you do want to believe.
For example, don’t write “I am no longer going to be scared to do live streams”. The mind often doesn’t hear the “no longer” and just hears “scared to do live streams”, so try and reframe your affirmations into a more positive language such as “I have all the confidence and support I need if I chose to do live streams”.
2. Speaking Negativity To Other People
There is no point in going to the effort of working on your belief system if you are going to continue to affirm your existing belief system to your friends and family.
For example, say you have a belief that you can’t afford to hire a team member for your business and you want to believe that you have enough money for all the support you need. If you keep moaning to your family, saying things like “I always have to do everything myself, and I am struggling to keep my business going” then you are enhancing your existing belief system in a very powerful way.
Your brain can hear you speaking those affirmative words out loud to your family, and it feels the emotion that you are feeling when you say it. No doubt you’ve said this kind of thing so many times that this literally becomes your reality and will continue to be until you stop saying these things.
I’m not saying that you should lie about your current situation and pretend things are different, but there are ways to phrase things in a more positive way when you are talking to other people.
For example, you could say “I am expecting my business to go from strength to strength, and I know it won’t be long before I am hiring a new team member”. You’ve got two I am statements in this sentence, and you’re not lying or deceiving anyone about anything.
3. Giving Up Too Early
Another mistake that most people make is to give up too early with this process. Most people will say affirmations once and forget all about it. I’ve been there myself, and what I find is that it is too easy to forget to do these kind of things unless you build them into some kind of process.
For example, I always have a morning routine in the morning. And during this morning routine, I have a list of things I want to do. Listening to my brain stamps is one of them and I do this while I’m brushing my teeth and getting dressed.
If I didn’t have my morning routine, I would totally forget to do this process, and it’s not going to work if you only do it once.
You have to keep going with this until you start to see changes in your belief system, and the words that come out of your mouth. And if it’s working, why stop? If you get bored of your brain stamps, re-write them or change them, and keep the process fresh.
That’s why I love having music attached to my brain stamps as I love the music so much that I haven’t got bored of it yet.
Get Access To My Own Brain Stamps
Are you ready to automatically become the successful business owner you always wanted to be in just 2 minutes a day?
I have 10 guided “I am” affirmations to help you develop the mindset of a 7-figure entrepreneur even if you have no time, money, customers, or confidence.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how to change your belief system, you might be finding it difficult to trust that your brain stamps are actually true because you just don’t believe them. Next time I’m going to help you to detach and reject disbelief in your manifestations.
This is what I’m going to be sharing next time so make sure you subscribe to my podcast and my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss that.
Believing is step 5 in the process of manifestation. You can get all 10 steps in the Manifesting process by signing up for my FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge here if you haven’t already.
Join the challenge while it is still free because I am in the process of turning this content into a book.
While you’re waiting for the next step in the manifestation process, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE workshop where I walk you through my complete process of planning the business of your dreams in just 30 days.
This is part of my premium course, Dream Business Blueprint, and I’m only making this workshop free for a limited time because, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to get my FREE Workshop: How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days
Until then, go and put your STAMP on the world
Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System
- How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
![Manifest Your Perfect Day](
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
![Business Manifestation Club](
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
![Dream Business Mastery](
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
![STAMP Goals Book](
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
![Guide To Reverse Memories](
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
![10 Minute Manifestation Meditation](
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
![Manifestation Milestones Board Pack](
- How To Pray 🙏 - October 25, 2022
- NO COMPLAINING Challenge 👏 - October 24, 2022
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I loved every part of this article. I’m going to start using these steps in my everyday life. for anybody else who wants help manifesting, this link helped me a lot.
lets grow together!!