Here’s exactly how to use gratitude to get what you want in life. For a long time I struggled with gratitude, but when I did start to feel it, my whole life changed.
Right back at step 1 in the manifestation process, we focused on getting into a peaceful place and focusing on bringing one thing that you loved into your life so that you could bring more high vibrations into your life.
Today we are going to build on that sense of peace by making the feeling of gratitude much more present in our lives.
When people say that you need to vibrate at the right frequency to manifest your desire, this is what they mean.
You are trying to manifest something right now. The reason you want to manifest that particular thing to you is really so that you can feel positive emotions. No doubt if your manifestation were to come true, you’d feel a massive amount of gratitude.
Gratitude is one of the highest frequency emotions you can feel. So in order to attract things into our lives to be grateful for, we need to experience more of this emotion in our lives right now.
I actually found it hard to feel gratitude when I didn’t have the life that I wanted, and I managed to find some really great ways to turn this around.
So today I’m going to share 11 unique ways that you can bring more feelings of gratitude into your daily life.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
I have now turned this series into a FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge. During each day of the challenge we will go deeper into each step of the steps to manifestation.
If you haven’t already joined the challenge, sign up for the complete videos, daily email reminders, and workbooks by clicking the link below.
Join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
In this challenge I will take you through the 10 steps of manifestation and how they can be applied to business.
Today we are focusing on Day 9 – How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
10 Steps Of Manifesting Business Success
Here is a summary of the 10 steps:
- STEP 1 PEACE: How To Prepare For Manifesting (You Need To Do This First)
- STEP 2 DECIDE: How To Decide What To Manifest For Your Dream Business
- STEP 3 INTEND: How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST
- STEP 4 CLARITY: How To Use Scripting For Success (This Changed My Entire Life)
- STEP 5 BELIEVE: How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System
- STEP 6 DETACH: How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- STEP 7 TRUST: How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- STEP 8 ACT: Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- STEP 9 UPLIFT: How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
- STEP 10 RECEIVE: How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
To get all 10 steps, join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
Today You Will
- Understand how being grateful helps you attract more things to be grateful for
- Discover a gratitude practice that will really work for you from whatever state of mind you are currently at
My Name is Kath Kyle.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Let me ask you a question…
Are You…
- Struggling to find things to feel grateful for in your life?
- Wondering why your manifestations are not working as well as you want?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, or send me a DM on Instagram.
Let’s change your struggles into solutions now…
Do You Want To…
- Feel a sense of gratitude almost all of the way through every day
- Wake up wondering how your life got to be so good
How I Went From Being Unable To Feel Gratitude To Loving My Life
I just wanted to share my own personal journey with gratitude with you.
I’ve got to admit, that gratitude was something that I struggled with for many many years.
I spent about 5 years of my life really struggling to be grateful for anything at all.
I really didn’t like my life at all. I was living in a freezing cold and grey climate that didn’t allow me to get outdoors and do what I loved to do best which was to enjoy nature.
I had two young kids and I felt trapped by my life. I had had 3 long episodes of Chronic fatigue syndrome which had lasted for 2 years, a recovery, then another 2 years of cfs, then a recovery, then another 6 months of cfs.
We had moved yet again to a brand new area and I didn’t even see the point in getting to know anybody as I wanted to move away so badly.
I put my life on hold for 5 long years.
I was so low that some of the time I just wanted to run away. I wanted to disappear and I didn’t see the point of anything. I didn’t enjoy anything. I had no hobbies and I became obsessed with my work by means of escapism.
I didn’t enjoy the weekends with my family. I always thought the weather was too bad to enjoy myself so we just ended up doing chores and never did anything fun.
It was a pretty miserable time in my life to be honest.
During this time, I developed a keen interest in manifestation and the law of attraction, and I did try and use manifestation tools, and nothing ever worked for me.
So I got really fed up with the law of attraction and just declared that it didn’t work for me.
I was stuck in a rut and I was pretty low and couldn’t seem to get out of this negative spiral that I’d entered into.
I had heard people talk about gratitude journals for a long time and how life changing they were, so I started a gratitude journal.
I wrote in my gratitude journal for about a year, and I’ve got to be honest, it did nothing for me at the time.
I wrote down things that I thought I should be grateful for, but I was feeling so sorry for myself that I never really experienced the emotion of gratitude even while I was writing my gratitude journal.
People would say to me that I had so much to be grateful for and they were right. I had a thriving business, a lot of money, a big house, big car, we lived in a lovely street, I had a loyal husband, healthy, happy children.
On paper, I had it all.
I did have so much to be grateful for, but I was so depressed, I just couldn’t feel gratitude. On the emotional scale, it was just too far out of my reach.
I’d spent the last 5 years desperate to move away but it was looking like that just was never going to happen.
One day I came to the realization that if I didn’t try and enjoy my life as it currently existed right now, I might feel this miserable for the rest of my life.
I’ve always been the kind of person who fixes things. And for the last 5 years, I had thought that the way to fix my unhappiness was to move somewhere that I wanted to be, to change my conditions so that it would bring me the happiness I craved.
But deep down I knew that if you can not feel positive where you are right now, you will just bring your negativity to any new situation.
So at that very moment, I decided that I was just going to accept where I was.
Acceptance was a major shift forward for me in terms of moving myself up the emotional scale.
I didn’t have major hope for the future, but I did just accept where I was right now.
I said, OK this is where I live. I’m going to let go of the need to move away from this area. I’m detaching from the outcome that I’ve been clinging on to for the last 5 years.
It was a really big step for me to let go of that desire for myself.
And letting go of the outcome doesn’t mean that you don’t still desire it, it just means that you are happy right now and you’re not desperate for anything to be different to make you happy.
So yes I still would have loved to move away, but right in that moment, I chose to let go of the attachment to it.
That was such a pivotal point in my journey with manifestation, because from that moment on, everything changed for me.
I asked myself the question, what would my life look like right here right now if I were happy with it?
I decided that I would have friends, so I prayed for friends, and people started talking to me at the kid’s school and inviting us over, so I started making friends.
I also decided that I would do something every day that made me happy, even if I didn’t enjoy walking outside, I tried to remember other things I loved before I had kids, and reading was one of them. I’ve already shared the story about how life changing it was to just start doing something every day that I absolutely loved.
I also realized that I would be having fun at the weekends if I really loved my life, so I started planning more fun trips for my family. I knew that I found it hard to be outside in the freezing cold, but I also knew that good memories can still be made outside in the cold, so I decided to invest in good quality moments that would give us so many nice memories as a family.
We went to a luxury firework display at a country house, and then we went to a winter wonderland Christmas gardens experience, and both were so amazing that I literally didn’t notice the cold and the rain.
I started to create things in my life to feel grateful for. And when I did that, I experienced real gratitude for the first time in a long time, and it changed everything for me.
It was round about this time that we got the news that my husband had got a job in a warmer climate close to my family, and I manifested all of my deepest desires.
Feeling gratitude made it possible for my manifestations to work.
The way that I felt true gratitude was to let go of my desired outcomes, and start to find ways to enjoy what I currently had and be grateful for my current life.
Gratitude really did change everything for me. I’ve already shared my story about how I manifested the life of my dreams during step 4 of the manifestation process which is about clarity.
11 Ways To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
There are so many different ways to start feeling true gratitude in your life. Not all methods work for everyone so it is worth experimenting with a variety of different methods until you find something that works for you.
Once you find something that works to help you feel true feelings of gratitude every day, keep going with it as this is the key to unlocking the life of your dreams.
Here are 11 different ways to use gratitude to get everything you want in life.
1. Write A Gratitude Journal
Writing a gratitude journal involves writing a list of around 3 things every day that you are grateful for. It is good to use a specific journal for this so you get into the habit of doing it every day.
Although this didn’t initially work for me when I was feeling very low, I do write a gratitude journal every day now and I really do feel a sense of true gratitude now that I am vibrating at a higher frequency.
There are so many different gratitude journals that will help you so just choose one that you like. You can also just use a regular journal, the choice is yours. You can also use other types of journals that have a section for gratitude within them like my STAMP Planner. I give away my STAMP planner free to customers who buy my book, STAMP Goals.
2. Focus On Appreciating Something That You Really Love About Your Life
If you are struggling to find much that you appreciate about your life, try and just zone in on one thing that you do really love about your life. Do you have a hobby, a family that you love, a job you love, a TV show that you love, some music that you love, a nice walk that you take every day?
Whatever it is, no matter how small, really focus on that one thing and feel an immense sense of gratitude for that.
That’s what I did when I started to wake up early just to read my book. I felt so grateful that I could start off the day by doing something that was just for me, something that felt indulgent, instead of always rushing around getting the kids ready first thing every morning.
3. Imagine Your Life Without Everything You Currently Have
This is a little bit of a negative way to get into a state of gratitude but it can work well if you are currently feeling generally low and struggling to feel gratitude.
If you are struggling to find anything to be grateful for because you wish that everything in your life was different, try imagining that everything in your life had been taken away from you.
Imagine that instead of having a car that you hate, you had no car at all.
Imagine that you were alone instead of being with your family.
Imagine that instead of having to do the dishes every night, you had no running water to be able to do the dishes.
Imagine that instead of living in your home that you hate, that you were homeless on the streets.
This is not a practice that I would recommend doing on a regular basis, but it can give you a good wake up call to help you appreciate the things you have and motivate you to take action to turn your mindset around.
4. Appreciate The Things You Don’t Love About Your Life
If your life doesn’t look the way you want it to look, believe it or not, but you can feel grateful for these things. You can feel grateful for the things that you don’t want in your life.
Why would you do this?
Because if you can notice the things that you don’t like, you can feel grateful for your new awareness of what you actually do want in your life.
So for me, all I thought I wanted was a warm climate, but it was not actually the truth.
Yes I wanted a warm climate, but I also wanted to have fun with my family. I also wanted to relax and enjoy myself.
I didn’t think I could get any of these without first moving to a warm climate so I could have fun in the sunshine.
But when I really took a lot at each of the items on my ‘wants’ list, I realised I could have almost all of them right now.
I wasn’t having fun with my family – but I could do something about that right now by arranging fun trips for us.
I wasn’t currently doing anything just for me that I enjoyed – and even though I couldn’t enjoy my walks that I loved, I did still love reading, so I could do more of that.
Focusing on ALL of the things that I didn’t have, and not just ONE of the things that I didn’t have, really helped me to notice where I had the ability to improve things right now.
5. Use Brain Stamps That Help You To Feel Grateful
Sometimes when you are feeling really low, it is really hard to change your own mindset to become more positive.
This is when you might need some external help.
Listening to guided meditations or Brain Stamps (which are I Am Affirmations) that have been recorded by other people can really help to reprogram your subconscious mind in a much more positive way.
During this time I was also listening to a lot of sleep hypnosis that was stamping my brain with positivity. I was too low to write any of my own affirmations as my brain just wasn’t in a positive space at all, but I did find it really helpful to listen to other people’s recordings.
Now that I’m in a very positive place, I’ve been able to record some very high-frequency brain stamps, and if you would like, click here to get access to my Brilliant Business Brain Stamps.
6. Think Of Something That You Have Felt Grateful For In The Past
If you are really struggling to feel grateful for your life right now it can really help to feel grateful for something you’ve enjoyed in the past.
Bring up a past memory that fills you with joy. This can really help you to feel grateful right here and now.
7. Remember How Far You’ve Come
Even though you may not be exactly where you desire right now, remember how far you’ve come. Bring to mind some of the challenges that you’ve been through in your life.
What things have you overcome in your life?
What successes have you had?
What transformations have you had in your life?
How bad did things use to be? How much better are they now?
This can really help to put things in perspective for you.
Imagine you were talking to a friend. How would you reassure them that things were better right now. Are you stronger than you used to be? Are you less willing to settle for things you don’t like now?
8. Start Smiling For No Reason
This might sound a bit cheesy, but setting a timer for 1 minute and just smiling for 1 minute straight can put you in a much more positive mood.
When you physically shift your body and force it to display more positive emotions, your mind often follows the same course and feels happy too.
9. Give Thanks For Nothing And For Everything
This is a powerful technique that I learned when I was at a fruit festival. We were asked to sit down and close our eyes and say “thank you, thank you, thank you” over and over again out loud for 2 minutes.
I felt a bit silly at first, but I kept doing it, and something really weird happened to me. I started feeling myself welling up with an intense feeling of gratitude. By the end of the chant, I was literally crying tears of gratitude. I couldn’t even pinpoint exactly what I was grateful for. It was just for everything.
When you are alone and you say thank you and you don’t attach something to the end of the sentence, you have a powerful connection to God and you’re literally being thankful for your entire human experience.
10. Say Thanks To Others
This is another technique that I’ve heard people recommend – to say thank you to other people. To go out of your way to writing thank you messages or letters to other people. I did struggle to do this very often, but I found another way to apply this same principle that felt very easy for me.
I decided to go through my Amazon orders and write reviews for products that I truly loved. I did a really great job of writing a review that I knew would bring in way more sales for that business. Then I started doing this with other products and services that I had bought and really loved.
Something amazing happened after I started doing this.
Testimonials for my own products started pouring in.
This is what happens when you remember something you were grateful for and express your appreciation, people then start to appreciate you a lot more.
11. Treat Yourself. Do Something You Are Going To Feel Grateful For
When you start to treat yourself, you have more things in your life to feel grateful for so you will naturally experience more gratitude in your life.
For me personally, I’m not a big buyer of things. I’m not obsessed with clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry, or anything of a physical nature. What I love most is mindset shifts, and experiences in my life.
So naturally I started to treat myself in the form of giving myself more ‘me’ time by reading every day, taking a sauna and a candle lit bath every day, and planning some fun things to do every weekend with my family.
I was so grateful for these new fun experiences with my family every weekend, that I then went on to manifest moving closer to a lot more of my extended family, so now a much bigger group of family go out every weekend and have fun together.
Being grateful for the family I did have attracted even more experiences with more family to be grateful for in the future.
What experiences do you love to have? How do you best love to treat yourself? Try and do something daily and also weekly to treat yourself so you always have something to look forward to and be grateful for.
How To Boost Your Business By Using Gratitude
@kath_kyle How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want 🖤 ##manifested ##manifestdestiny ##manifestyourdreams ##manifestinglife ##manifestnow
♬ original sound – Kath✅Manifest Business Success
When you experience more gratitude in your everyday life, it will naturally translate into your business too.
You can use the same gratitude practices I’ve shared here to boost your business. Whatever you feel about your life, in general, should increase all aspects of your life.
But I do understand that sometimes we are able to experience gratitude for one particular area of our lives and not apply that to another area.
When I was feeling really low, I also felt really negative about my business and I lost my passion for it completely.
When I started to experience gratitude in my life, I was then truly motivated to start a new business, this Kath Kyle brand helping entrepreneurs. It was something I’d always wanted to do, and when I started to feel more joy in my life, I knew that I was ready to bring that energy into my new business to help other people in the same way.
However, I did still keep some negative thought patterns about my previous business without even realising it. I was in a bad habit of dreading the first of the month which is the day where I total up my revenue from the previous month.
As my revenue had been declining for a long time, this day had become something I started to dread.
I continued dreading it for many months until I suddenly realised that I needed to be applying gratitude towards my business.
So here’s what I did to bring gratitude into my business that I’d lost my passion for:
- I started being grateful for all of my business expenses and the service that had been provided for me.
- I developed a practice of thinking thoughts of gratitude and saying a prayer for success for each new customer that came in.
- I wrote a big long list of everything that I was grateful for about my business
- I wrote a list of everything that I’d been able to do with my business revenue and how much it had changed our lives
- I remembered how far I’d come in my business, even though my revenue had dropped, it was still better than making nothing which is what I had before I started my business
- I made a list of all of my business successes and all the skills I had learned and I felt grateful for those
- I thought about an alternative to my business which was to get a job, which I really didn’t want to do and that helped me feel a lot more grateful for my business
- I went through my payment systems and I got a number of how many customers I had ever had in my business. The number was over 8000 and I felt grateful for all of those people that I had helped.
- I also got a total number of page views for all of my websites, and that number was over 30 million. I felt grateful for all of the people I had ever reached and helped with my free content.
Once I’d done all of this, I felt so much more grateful for my business, and the very next month, my passive business that had been stuck at a particular revenue for a very long time, doubled.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how to use gratitude to get what you want, you might be wondering how to be the type of person who manifests whatever they desire.
This is what I’m going to be sharing next time so make sure you subscribe to my podcast and my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss that.
While you’re waiting for the next step in the manifestation process, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE workshop where I walk you through my complete process of planning the business of your dreams in just 30 days.
This is part of my premium course, Dream Business Blueprint, and I’m only making this workshop free for a limited time because, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to get my FREE Workshop: How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days
Until then, go and put your STAMP on the world.
Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
- How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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