Here’s how to manifest success by living your purpose. You will finally receive your manifestations when you become a successful person. Here’s how to do it.

Today I’m sharing a very important concept with you.
Without mastering this technique, you’ll never be able to manifest what you want.
One thing that holds people back from manifesting their desires more than anything else is not becoming the person who has the success they desire.
If you don’t start acting like the type of person to achieve what you want to achieve, it will never happen.
Today we’re going to change all of that and we are going to start being the people that we need to be to get the results we want to have.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
I have now turned this series into a FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge. During each day of the challenge we will go deeper into each step of the steps to manifestation.
If you haven’t already joined the challenge, sign up for the complete videos, daily email reminders, and workbooks by clicking the link below.
Join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
In this challenge I will take you through the 10 steps of manifestation and how they can be applied to business.
Today we are focusing on Day 10 – How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
10 Steps Of Manifesting Business Success
Here is a summary of the 10 steps:
- STEP 1 PEACE: How To Prepare For Manifesting (You Need To Do This First)
- STEP 2 DECIDE: How To Decide What To Manifest For Your Dream Business
- STEP 3 INTEND: How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST
- STEP 4 CLARITY: How To Use Scripting For Success (This Changed My Entire Life)
- STEP 5 BELIEVE: How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System
- STEP 6 DETACH: How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- STEP 7 TRUST: How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- STEP 8 ACT: Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- STEP 9 UPLIFT: How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
- STEP 10 RECEIVE: How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
To get all 10 steps, join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
Today You Will
- Figure out what your purpose is
- Step into your purpose right now to be successful
My Name is Kath Kyle.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Let me ask you a question…
Are You…
- Wanting to be a successful person but you’re not getting any results yet?
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, or send me a DM on Instagram.
Let’s change your struggles into solutions now…
Do You Want To…
- Start to become successful right now and manifest your desires
How I Manifested Success By Living My Purpose
For a long time I was imagining being a successful entrepreneur, but I wasn’t really being that successful version of myself, and therefore I wasn’t getting the results that I wanted to have.
Once I started to really see myself as a successful entrepreneur, I knew I wasn’t getting the results that a successful entrepreneur would get, so I knew I hadn’t really started to live my purpose just yet.
My purpose was to reach and help millions of entrepreneurs and in the process to make millions.
So I asked myself the questions, how can I live this purpose right now? What actions would I be taking right now if I were living this purpose?
The first thing I had to do was to create something to sell. I obviously wasn’t going to be able to make millions if I didn’t make any money. So creating something valuable in exchange for that money needed to be a high priority.
I knew I wanted to help other people transform, so I dedicated a couple of weeks to creating my signature course, Dream Business Blueprint. I created 2 lessons every single day for 2 weeks until the course was complete.
This course had been hanging over me for a long time. I started it before we moved to a new country, and had put it on hold as the move was very time consuming.
I had already created the bonuses for the course, and I just needed to finish the lessons.
As soon as my kids went back to school after a really long break during lockdown, I knew that now was the time to get serious about this business and start to make some money.
I was so happy with my finished course and funnily enough, it even helped me in my own business. I already knew and practiced everything that I taught in the course, but I organised the information in such a way that I actually made it much easier for me to create systems in my own business around my content, and my sales messages etc.
As I was actually finding my own course so useful and valuable I knew that it would be transformational for other business owners, so my confidence in my course was sky-high.
It was important to me to create a product that I loved myself, because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to be successful in my business unless I 100% believed in the value of the products that I was selling.
The next question I asked myself was, what does my business look like when it is ultra-successful?
I knew I would have a very large audience. I would have to have a big following or I wouldn’t be able to reach millions of people.
So for me, that meant that I needed to get on top of my content game.
I had a lot of success in the past with previous businesses by creating free content, and I had previously reached over 30 million people. I wanted to do this again, so I decided I had to commit to a regular content plan.
Now that I had my product to sell, I was ready to commit to a content publishing schedule and announce it to the world.
Successful business owners are committed to their businesses and I knew that this was the next step for me to take to live my own purpose.
After I started creating regular content and started to see how long this content was taking, I felt like something else was holding me back from success.
I knew that at the moment I was working around 3 hours a day, and I was spending most of that time either creating content or completing projects.
Although I have a really small audience right now, the time would come when my audience would grow a lot bigger and I’d need more time to dedicate to helping my clients and students who had questions in my course.
So I knew that to be successful, even though I didn’t yet have many questions from existing students if I wanted to live my purpose and step into success, I had to carve out some free time each day that I would allocate to answering questions in my members’ group.
After juggling some things in my life, I dedicated one extra hour to supporting my students. And even though right now I am not filling this hour with answering questions, I am choosing to spend this time engaging on Instagram and replying to comments on my TikTok channel.
Another thing that needed to happen for me to feel successful was that I needed to actually get students that I could help.
But how could I do that if I didn’t have any yet?
I decided I needed to focus heavily on getting a beta tester team together. I put all of my efforts for 2 weeks to look for people to test my new course.
This was more challenging than I thought seeing as I have a really small email list, so I had to look further afield.
It was actually quite like selling my course as I have to bear in mind that even when people get gifts for free, they don’t always see the value in it, and they say they’ll go through your product, and then they don’t end up doing that.
So I had to really demonstrate the value to my beta testers to encourage them to actually use my product.
I put just as much effort into this process of getting free clients as I would if I were selling my product.
It worked and I got a great group of people together who gave me amazing feedback.
Now that I have students for my course, I am so aligned with having students. I know what it feels like and it feels natural and normal for me to have students who go through my course and get success from it.
I’ve stepped into the role of course creator and group coach now.
So now I feel like I am completely aligned with success. I don’t feel like there is any gap between the actions I’m taking now and the actions that I’ll take when I am reaching a lot more people.
So I have stepped into my successful reality, and it’s a very good place to be.
I’ve started to see some evidence of the results of being a successful person, and I know it is just going to snowball from here.
How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose

We have already learned how to reject disbelief in step 6 of the manifestation process which is detaching from our limiting beliefs.
So if you have started to use the process I shared with you in that step, you’ll already feel like you don’t have so much holding you back from success.
So now it’s finally time to receive.
@kath_kyle How To Receive Your Manifestations 🖤 ##manifestor ##manifestationtips ##manifestationtip ##manifestationcoach ##manifestationisreal
♬ original sound – Kath✅Manifest Business Success
It is time to manifest your desires.
How do we do this?
We do this by stepping into our success.
I’m going to walk you through the process of doing that right now.
Now I’m going to ask you a series of questions to help you increase your own belief and manifest success in your own life.
1. Who Do You Desire To Be? What Are Your Core Desires?
I’ve talked about core desires previously, but just to give you a recap, a core desire is the highest level of desire. It is a desire to be a specific type of person. Perhaps you are already that person and in that case you desire to be the kind of person that you already are. And this is the best frame of mind to get into.
So for example, you might have a desire to be an entrepreneur, a writer, a speaker, or a teacher.
What are your core desires? How would you give a label to the type of person that you desire to be?
2. What Is Your Purpose?
Now that you’re certain what type of person you desire to be in the world of work, you can go one step further and add the word ‘successful’ to the front of the word. Or you can choose any other word that brings emotion to this desire.
What would a successful entrepreneur be thinking?
How can you start to think more successful thoughts?
Can you start to see yourself as successful?
Have you ever been successful at anything in the past?
Can you be successful again?
3. How Can You Live Your Purpose Right Now?
If you are not living your purpose and are not yet being the person you want to be, the first step is to take some kind of action which would mean that you are now living that purpose.

So for example, if you desire to be a writer. Start writing every day.
If you want to be a speaker, start creating videos or audio recordings every day.
If you want to be an entrepreneur, figure out how you are going to make money and take one action towards that.
4. What Actions Will You Be Taking When You Are Making The Money You Desire?
Now we’re going to take a good look at the actions that you will be taking when you are successful.
Will you have created a product?
Will you be selling that product?
How many people will be buying your product each month?
How much profit will you be making?
How will you reach people?
How will you create a loyal audience?
What systems will you need to have up and running?
Will you have hired anyone to help in your business?
Create a list of all of the actions that you can think of that a successful entrepreneur in your niche would be taking.
5. How Can You Take Those Actions Right Now?
The most powerful thing you can do to be the person that gets the results you want is to start to take the actions that a successful person would take right now.
Even if you are not yet able to take the exact actions, create a space in your day that you would use to take the success actions.
So for example, perhaps you’re a coach but you don’t yet have any clients.
If you did have clients right now, what would you be doing?
This next step is very powerful.
You are going to create space in your life for the success to come pouring in.
If you were a coach right now, you’d be replying to people’s messages who want coaching. You’d be blocking off time in your calendar to do the coaching calls. You’d be adding them to your coaching system and welcoming them. You’d be asking them for feedback once the coaching program has ended.
So what you need to do right now is create all of the resources you are going to need for this process.
Block off time in your calendar for clients during the next month.
Create a system where clients can see your availability and book coaching calls with you.
Decide what platform you are going to use for your calls and also to communicate with your clients.
Write a generic welcome message and some other resources that you will send to your clients.
Create a program for your coaching clients to go through.
Write a sales page for that coaching program and set up payment systems.
Write some questions that you will ask at the end of the program.
Then spend your time messaging people and ask them if they want a few free coaching sessions in return for some feedback.
Once you get your first client, even though they are not paying – you are living your purpose. You are being a successful coach.
Once you’ve gone through this process a few times, you’ll be so confident that you’ll be able to start charging for your services.
Whatever type of business you are running, go through this same process, and become the person right now who takes the actions that you need to take to live your purpose.
In my STAMP Goals book, I have a concept called The Perfect Character Bio where I walk you through becoming the person who gets to have everything you desire.
Like most people, I have struggled with imposter syndrome and feeling like I was lacking in some way when it came to my business success.
I took myself through some exercises which really helped me to see that I had already demonstrated my abilities to achieve success in life, and there was no reason why I couldn’t apply those same skills to my business.
So if you want to take this one step further, grab a copy of STAMP Goals book and you will find this exercise inside the book.
The fastest way to be successful is to take the actions of a successful person. If you are being a successful person, your self-belief will be sky high and there will be nothing stopping you from manifesting all of your desires.
Being a successful person is the final step in the 10 step manifestation process. Thank you so much for investing in your success by going through all 10 steps.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how to manifest success by increasing your self-belief to get what you want, you might be wondering how quickly you can manifest your dream business. Next time, I’m going to be sharing my own story with you of how I manifested a 6 figure business in just 6 months.
To make sure you don’t miss that make sure you subscribe to my podcast and my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss that.
While you’re waiting for the next step in the manifestation process, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE workshop where I walk you through my complete process of planning the business of your dreams in just 30 days.
This is part of my premium course, Dream Business Blueprint, and I’m only making this workshop free for a limited time because, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to get my FREE Workshop: How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days
Until then, go and put your STAMP on the world.
Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
- How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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