When you tap into the power of intention, you will find your desires manifesting faster than you ever thought possible. I will show you the exact steps.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and subscribe.
Most people do have some idea of what they really desire in life. The problem is the attitude they take towards their desires leaves them feeling unfulfilled.
When you spend most of your time wishing and hoping that you will get what you want, you never end up getting what you want.
This is because you attract more of the things you are feeling. So if you are in a state of wanting but never having, you will attract more things that leave you in this state.
What we are going to do today is change your state so you are in a state of expectation instead of wishfulness.
Expectation is a very powerful state to be in as you intend to get what you want.
I’m going to show you how to do that today.
You can watch a summary of this post in the video below.
I have now turned this series into a FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge. During each day of the challenge we will go deeper into each step of the steps to manifestation.
If you haven’t already joined the challenge, sign up for the complete videos, daily email reminders, and workbooks by clicking the link below.
Join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
In this challenge I will take you through the 10 steps of manifestation and how they can be applied to business.
Today we are focusing on Day 3 – Intend: How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST.
10 Steps Of Manifesting Business Success
Here is a summary of the 10 steps:
- STEP 1 PEACE: How To Prepare For Manifesting (You Need To Do This First)
- STEP 2 DECIDE: How To Decide What To Manifest For Your Dream Business
- STEP 3 INTEND: How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST
- STEP 4 CLARITY: How To Use Scripting For Success (This Changed My Entire Life)
- STEP 5 BELIEVE: How To Believe In Your Manifestation: 10 Steps To A New Belief System
- STEP 6 DETACH: How To Detach From Manifestation Of The Outcomes (5 Step Process)
- STEP 7 TRUST: How To Trust The Universe: 5 SURPRISING Law Of Attraction Tips
- STEP 8 ACT: Inspired Action Vs Action (The Dangers Of Waiting For Inspiration)
- STEP 9 UPLIFT: How To Use Gratitude To Get What You Want (Money, Business, Life)
- STEP 10 RECEIVE: How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
To get all 10 steps, join The FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge.
Today You Will
- Understand the difference between wishing and setting intentions
- Discover how powerful intentions are
- Uncover my exact process for setting intentions that manifest
My Name is Kath Kyle.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
Are You…
- Struggling to manifest any of the things you want
- Feeling desperate because you feel like you can’t be happy without the things you want
- Feeling stuck because you never seem to get anything you desire
Let me know what you are struggling with by leaving a comment on my blog, or send me a DM on Instagram.
Do You Want To…
- Feel in control of your life
- Feel satisfied because you are able to manifest what you want
- Feel certain about your future that it will work out for you
- Feel powerful because you can build a business that you desire
How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST
So let’s start by looking at the definition of the word intention.
An intention is basically defined as something you want and plan to do.
Whenever I set out with my intentions, I envision myself becoming a person I aspire to be. In that sense, I understand that intentions are what contributes to my character-building.
So what is the difference between goals and intentions?
A goal is defined as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed.
The big difference between goals and intentions are that goals can be external to us so we don’t always take ownership of them, such as “Increase sales by 200% by the end of the year”.
Whereas when you set an intention, it suddenly becomes something that you take on yourself such as “I Intend to increase my revenue by 200% by the end of this year”. It has a vastly different energy about it when you take ownership of something.
That is why wishing or hoping is not going to help you get results.
What are you really saying when you wish or hope for a result?
You are saying that you hope that someone comes into your life and waves and magic wand and makes everything OK.
Now, I do believe in the powers of God or the universe to send us some magic, but I do believe that we have to meet them half way.
When you are simply in a state of wishfulness, in no way are you taking responsibility for your own achievements.
That’s the main reason intentions are so powerful. Because you take ownership of the fact that your results are dependent on you.
Once you start owning your results, everything will change for you.
Benefits Of Setting Intentions
There are so many benefits of setting intentions. Here are some of the benefits.
- There doesn’t have to be a deadline to intentions. This can reduce the amount of stress that you feel when you set deadlines for your goals
- You can make intentions as small or as large as you like
- You can set as many intentions as you like as frequently as you like. You can set intentions on a daily basis if you like
- Intentions can help keep you balanced if you set them for every area of your life
- When you set an intention, it sends a message to your subconscious mind that this is the reality that is actually going to happen. It starts to take you seriously. And when that happens your subconscious mind will send signals to your conscious mind to bring about whatever changes you need in order to meet your intentions. In other words, you’ll manifest your desires.
- When you set intentions you naturally feel in control of your life
- Setting intentions makes you feel happier
- Intentions help you become more productive as you go through your day so you achieve more
- Setting intentions that align with your goals makes you much more likely to achieve them
Intention Setting Example
I got some mind-blowing results in my first business when I consistently used the power of intention. Within a few months of setting intentions I went from no traffic or revenue in a brand new business to 100,000 page views and a 6-figure business.
When I first started my business I just started a blog and I was just constantly putting content out there trying to help people, but nobody was finding my blog at all. I was making no money. I had nothing to sell and I didn’t really know what I was doing.
I then discovered how to set goals and intentions so I set some long term revenue goals, decided what I was going to sell in the long term, and started setting some intentions for my business. I set an intention to always put out at least 3 blog posts per week, share it on social media and create a weekly newsletter for my email list.
I continued with this routine staying consistent every single week.
Then I took things to a whole new level by creating something called an Intention statement. This is a statement that creates intentions out of your goals so it makes them personal to you.
I wrote down my intention statement and I read this statement out loud in the morning and in the evening every single day for 6 months. My husband used to think it was really cute that I was so dedicated to reading this intention statement. In my heart I just had a feeling that I was going to be successful and I wanted to make sure I kept my mind in the right place by committing to the journey.
It certainly paid off in a big way.
My results were incredible and they came SO fast.
Within 5 months I was getting around 60,000 page views on my blog each day, which is around 2,000 page views per day.
That rapidly climbed to 100,000 per month a few months later, all the way up to over 800,000 page views per month a couple of years later.
My income also jumped from zero to 6-figures very quickly.
This kind of growth was life changing for me and my family.
My husband was speechless that my business was doing so well and so quickly.
There were a lot of things that contributed to my fast growth, but I attribute about 99% of my results to my mindset.
Reading that intention statement every single day was the basis for keeping my mindset in exactly the right place even while I was getting no results at all and most people would have quit at that stage.
So what happened after I stopped reading my intention statement every day?
My intentions remained quite firmly planted for a couple of years in this business so it did me the world of good.
But at some point, I just completely lost motivation for my business. In my heart, I wanted to focus on a different business, but I wouldn’t let myself because my income was so good, so I kept plugging away at a business that I’d lost my passion for, and my results started a steady decline.
At numerous points I did start new businesses, and for one of the businesses, I did write an intentions statement and started to read it daily, but for some reason I gave up after a couple of days, and I gave up on that business after about 6 months. I think the reason I gave up on the intention statement was because I didn’t really believe in the new business while I was reading the statement.
I did not realize at the time the reason I’d given up reading my statement and continued to see my first business decline year after year.
I’m now back on track with my intention statement, and I have been reading my intention statement daily for my new business KathKyle.com for 5 months so far.
Every time I read my statement I feel a sense of excitement and knowing that this is going to work. That’s how I know I’m on the right track because I’m still excited about my intentions statement enough to keep reading it every day.
How To Write Intentions
There are two different ways to write intentions. Short term and long term.
I like to use both when it comes to getting results in my business.
I am going to go over the steps to writing both short term and long term intentions now.
How To Write Short Term Intentions
Short term intentions and things that you need to do within the next 3 months.
I like to write overviews of things I intend to do within the next 3 months. When it comes to the next month, I write detailed intentions lists of everything I intend to happen during this period.
Within a business this is basically writing a list of tasks that I am going to complete and allocating a date and time to do them.
If you don’t allocate a date and time to completing your tasks, you are not expecting short term intentions to actually happen. If you expect something to happen, you create space for it and make a solid plan for it to happen.
You can even break short term intentions down even further by deciding if the tasks are one off tasks or routines.
Within a business one-off tasks would be things like creating a webinar, creating a sales page, writing your about me page or setting up an Instagram account.
Whereas routines are things that happen repeatedly.
I call routines success rituals as the only point of creating routines is if you intend for them to bring success to your business.
Examples of success rituals are things like writing 3 blog posts per week, posting daily to instagram, emailing your list once a week, or recording a video once a week.
Intending your whole month one month in advance is one of the fastest ways to manifest your desires more quickly than anything else.
How To Write Long Term Intentions
Long term intentions are things that you plan to happen within the next 1-10 years.
I don’t get very detailed with my long term intentions because I know that things change all the time when it comes to our desires, so I keep it very general.
What you do is create an intention statement which is a short statement that you read on a daily basis which keeps your brain motivated and committed to your long term goals.
I go into much more detail and have various templates that you can use in my STAMP Goals book, but I will explain to you now how to create a basic intentions statement.
What I like to do is to write my statement in the form of a gratitude statement as if my intentions have already happened.
I put my 3G goals in my statement. If you haven’t heard about 3G goals yet, go back to my previous content piece called How To Decide What To Manifest For Your Dream Business and you will decide exactly what you want your 3 business goals to be.
You start your statement by writing “I am so grateful that I have made a revenue of $X by DATE.
Then you write some of the main things you are going to do with that money which helps you to stay motivated. It might go something like this: “This has enabled me to hire a housekeeper, by a campervan, give money to charity and become financially free”.
Then you write how that makes you feel. For example “This makes me feel abundant, excited and secure.”
Then you write a general statement about what you are going to give in return for this money, for example “I am so happy to have provided educational products and mentoring to help entrepreneurs become more abundant.”
Then you write about the characteristics that you have that enable you to be the person who gets the result. For example “I am so grateful that I am responsible and committed enough to my business to be able to help people and for them to be able to trust that I’m going to be there for them”.
Then you read this out loud (if you can) every single day. Try and get into a routine so you don’t forget to read it.
It really is life changing.
So now it’s your turn to write some short term and long term intentions for your business. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Let me know in the comments or send me a DM on instagram letting me know how this goes for you.
Next Steps
Now that you have learned how to use the power of intention to claim your desires fast by setting short term and long term intentions, you might be wondering how to get clear on the specifics when it comes to your business so you can manifest exactly what you desire. Clarity is so important and I’m going to share a very powerful technique with you that I use daily to create the exact life I desire.
This is what I’m going to be sharing next time so make sure you subscribe to my podcast and my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss that.
Setting intentions is step 3 in the process of manifestation. You can get all 10 steps in the Manifesting process by signing up to my FREE Manifest Business Success Challenge at KathKyle.com/Challenge if you haven’t already.
Join the challenge while it is still free because I am in the process of turning this content into a book.
While you’re waiting for the next step in the manifestation process, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Get my FREE lesson where I walk you through my complete process of creating content that converts.
This is part of my premium course, Dream Business Blueprint, and I’m only making this lesson free for a limited time because I’m testing different lessons, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to get my FREE Lesson: Constantly Converting Content
Until then, go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
Related Resources You Will Love
- How To Manifest Business Success In 10 Easy Steps
- How To Prepare For Manifesting (You Need To Do This First)
- How To Decide What To Manifest For Your Dream Business
- How To Use The Power Of Intention To Claim Your Desires FAST
- How To Use Scripting For Success In Your Business (Manifest Quickly)
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.
✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial
✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here
✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here
✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.
✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.
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