Here is my story of how I manifested my dream business and made 6 figures in just 6 months. I share how I used all 10 steps to manifestation to make this happen.

I want to share my own story with you about how I manifested 6 figures within 6 months in my very first business.
Hopefully this story will inspire you as to how quickly your business can take off when you get serious about it.
As I’m telling this story, I also want to share how I used each of the 10 steps of the manifestation process to manifest my dream business.
If you haven’t already heard about the 10-step manifestation process, go to and join my free manifestation challenge as this will guide you through all the steps so you can get this kind of success for yourself.
At the time, I hadn’t even created my 10-step manifestation framework, so it’s only now that I look back that I realize that I nailed every point of the process, and that’s the reason why this business did so well.
You can either read this post below or listen to the audio version. Click the button below to listen to my podcast episode and click here to subscribe to my podcast.
You can also watch a summary of this post in the video below if you just want the highlights. Click here to subscribe to my Youtube channel.
Today You Will
- Understand how to practically use all 10 steps in the manifestation process to manifest your dream business
My Name is Kath Kyle.
- I Help Content Creators And Changemakers Manifest Business Success Through Spirituality, Self-belief, And Strategy
- I Help You Master Your Marketing, Manifestation, And Money Mindset
How I Manifested My DREAM Business (6 Figures In 6 Months)
@kath_kyle How I manifested a 6-figure business. ##startabusiness ##spiritualentrepreneur ##wealthmindset ##lawofattractioncoach ##manifestations ##successstory
♬ original sound – Kath✅Manifest Business Success
Here’s my story.
It all started when I’d just had a baby. The plan was for me not to work, and look after my baby full time.
At the start, I was enjoying the new world of all things baby, going to all of the baby groups and chatting about babies with other mothers constantly.
I was really content where I was and didn’t feel any desperation for things to be radically different. This is step number 1 of the manifestation process, to feel a sense of peace about where you are right now.
And although I did really enjoy all the baby things in my life, after a while my brain started to get a bit bored of ONLY doing baby stuff. In the world of babies, you don’t actually exist. You are only there to talk about your child, and to care for their every need. You forget that you are a person in your own right with your own desires and passions. You tend to have many conversations that go like this; “How is your little one today? Is she sleeping any better? Was it colic that she had last week? Lovely baby bib. Where did you get that?”
I longed for something to get my teeth stuck into, for me to feel like I was contributing to society and part of something that was bigger than just my own little bubble.
I still wanted to care for my baby and enjoy spending time with her, but I also wanted to do something where I felt like I was achieving something, as my enneagram personality type is type 3 which is the achiever.
I really wanted to be able to earn good money working from home, on my own terms, while doing something I was passionate about and helping other people to transform their lives in some way.
This was a desire that had suddenly been placed unexpectedly on my mind. Recognizing this desire was me tapping into my intuition.
One day, as I was making a batch of green smoothies in my blender, I had a great idea.
I had previously lost 56 pounds with green smoothies, and I had recovered from debilitating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and I just realised how cool it would be to help other people get the same kind of results.
Could this be the project that would provide some excitement in my life?
Could it really be possible to make money helping people to transform their lives with green smoothies?
I mulled it over for a while, and then decided that yes, this is what I desired more than anything.
So I started a blog. It was a crazy time to start a new business when you have a new baby, but I felt really excited about it.
This was me taking inspired action. I had never started a business before. I had no clue what I was doing or how I was going to make money. I didn’t wait until I knew exactly how everything was going to happen. I just took action straight away and did what I felt drawn to.
Inspired action is actually step 8 of the manifestation process. We don’t always go through all of the steps of the manifestation process in order. Success isn’t linear, and we have various lessons to learn along the way. So it is perfectly natural to jump around with the steps to manifestation.
Taking immediate action is in my nature. So I just went for it as it felt like totally the right thing to do.
Action is actually something that we should be doing at every step along the way, but the type of action that we will be doing will change.
I started a blog sharing green smoothie recipes to help people reach their ideal weight and increase their energy naturally.
I knew if I could just get people to hear my message and try my recipes, that I could help them transform in the same way I did. I was so excited about my mission.
At first I was hardly getting any visitors to my website each month and I didn’t really know what I was doing.
It was all completely new to me. I’d never had a blog or a business. All I was doing was sharing my recipes online.
I just wanted to help people, but my efforts were going nowhere. All I got back in return was a wall of silence. In the blogging world we say “It was crickets” when things were so silent that you could hear crickets.
I didn’t have any kind of plan, I was just creating content.
I felt totally out of my depth with a new business, and creating a successful business felt really daunting as I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I also didn’t feel like a successful business woman as I was in the world of baby milk and poop, nursing clothes, crying, and sleepless nights.
I didn’t exactly have a massive amount of confidence in my ability to create a successful business with no experience and a new baby to look after.
I wasn’t making any money at all. I had no job, no income, no nothing.
We lived totally on my husband’s salary and money was really tight. We didn’t have enough money to go on vacation, buy new clothes, or buy any luxuries at all.
Having a baby is really expensive, and we were wondering how we were going to be able to buy everything that the baby needed, let alone have any way to treat ourselves. We lived in a very cold, grey climate and I felt like we were never going to be able to afford to go abroad and get any warm sunshine again.
I had always earned my own money throughout my life so I found it really hard to not be earning my own money, and I desperately wanted to contribute to the family finances and afford a few luxuries for ourselves.
I just wanted to feel like I was creating something and contributing something to both society and my family.
And I know that having a baby is a massive contribution to both the world and your family, but that’s just how I felt at the time.
I just had a desire to do this, and if you have that desire yourself, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
I just knew that I could find a way as I just had this burning passion inside of me.
For months I spent my evenings blogging instead of watching TV. I really enjoyed it but I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep this up indefinitely without earning any money and being able to slow down a bit and hire somebody to take some of the workload off me.
So I started to look into how to make money from this blog and I got some great ideas.
The first thing I did was to set goals and intentions for my business.
I set a 10 year goal to earn millions from my business. I had no idea what was realistic so I thought, why not dream really big. What have I got to lose by thinking big?
I also set more short term goals about what I wanted to create and offer for sale in my business. The first thing I did was to create a 7-day detox helping people drop a dress size with green smoothies.
Other types of goals I had were to push myself out of my comfort zone by finding business buddies, and holding myself accountable to my own success.
The process of setting goals is step number 2 in the manifestation process. I set these 3 types of goals without even realizing it. I call these 3 goals, my 3 G goals, and they are gratitude goals which are revenue goals, giving goals which are what you are going to do to help people, and growing goals, which are how are you going to grow into a successful version of yourself.
After I set these goals, I created an intention statement. This intention statement is something that I now call my STAMP Statement, and at the time, I didn’t have a name for this. But basically it is something that you read every day to STAMP your brain with your own success.
My STAMP statement had on it my 10 year gratitude goal, a very general giving goal, and some affirmations and statements of intention, trust, and belief in this manifesting.
I read this out loud twice a day for 6 months, and it was so powerful for transforming my state of mind and getting me to really think big.
Creating this STAMP Statement incorporates step number 3 which is to intend what you want, step number 4, which is to script your desires as if they have already happened, step number 5, which is to reprogram your subconscious mind so you believe that your success is inevitable, AND step number 7 which is to trust that your manifestation will happen.
So as you can see, I had stumbled upon this very powerful manifestation method that met so many of the steps to manifestation, and I was using this very powerful tool on a daily basis. The best thing is that it really doesn’t take long to read your STAMP Statement. So now you might be able to see why I am in love with the use of this statement so much as it ticks so many of the boxes.
The STAMP Statement is something that I teach in great detail in both my STAMP Goals book, and my Dream Business Blueprint Course.
Something I need to mention at this point is step number 6 which is detaching from the outcomes. When I think back to the first 6 months of my first business, I can honestly say that I was not attached or desperate about any outcomes at all, and therefore didn’t need to detach from anything.
I think this is one of the reasons why my success came so quickly, because once you fix your gaze upon the desires that have been placed on your heart, and you don’t have any blockages that are stopping you from going for it, success can come faster than you would ever think possible.
I definitely developed a negative mindset after a few years of having this business, and at that time I had to learn how to reject my disbelief, but at the start, my energy was so pure, that I didn’t have anything holding me back.
People often say – what could you achieve if you believed that you could 100% do whatever you wanted. And that was the state of mind I was in at the time. I was on fire and nothing could stop me. This is proof that when you let go of your blockages, your life can transform in front of your very eyes, so quickly.
When you look at some people who seem to have success really fast, it is likely because they are just not blocking themselves.
It is something that I’ve since reflected a lot on and I’ve tried to get back to that innocent “I can do anything” kind of attitude, as it really works.
Because it was my first business, I was SO grateful for all of my results, so gratitude came very easily to me.
The first few people that ever came and read my blog, I was so amazed that other people from the other side of the world had found me and my content. I was blown away when I started getting emails and comments on my blog thanking me for changing people’s lives.
I remember my very first pay cheque. I received $30 from Google Adsense for putting banner ads up on my blog. That first month that I ever got money from my business was life changing for me. It felt so magical that I could do what I loved and type words on my screen, and I’d actually been paid for it.
$30 was actually a lot of money for us at the time. It really made a big difference to what we could buy that first month, and I was overcome with gratitude for that money.
Gratitude is step number 9 of the manifestation process, and I was overflowing with it. After a few years, my gratitude dried up and that’s when my business success plummeted. So I know how powerful gratitude is when it comes to manifesting success.
Around the same time, I also came across some advice that was telling me I needed to plan my ideal business. They said that I needed a plan so that I could stay focused on what I was supposed to be doing.
Initially I dismissed the idea of planning my business as I thought that was something that only big, corporate businesses needed to do.
Stay at home Mums with recipe blogs didn’t need to get so serious, did they?
But I realized that there were different types of plans, some were long and complicated, and other plans could be very simple and tailored exactly to your own needs.
Eventually I came to the conclusion that for me to have any kind of growth, I knew I had to make some kind of plan to make that happen. If I wanted success, I had to plan for it to happen.
I actually found it quite hard to make the decision to create a plan for my business, because it meant that I was committing to my business.
I was mapping out what I wanted my business to look like, and once I’d had that thought, I wouldn’t be able to say I didn’t know what I needed to do.
Making a plan meant I was getting serious about my business.
I knew that I’d probably want to change my mind in the future but at least I would have direction for the moment.
I knew I didn’t want to go and get funding for my business, so I didn’t need an official business plan, and the thought of that was actually very scary. But I just wanted something that would get my own mind in the right place about the future of my business.
I had limited time and part of me was telling myself that my time was better spent creating content than on creating a plan that wouldn’t have any immediate benefit.
But I knew deep down that it was the right thing to do to map out my dreams, otherwise they would never happen.
So I created a simple dream business blueprint projecting into the future how much money I wanted to make (a lot!), what lifestyle I wanted (be able to take vacations and spend time with my kids when I wanted), and what I wanted to do in return for the money (sell meal plans and recipe books).
Once I’d created this simple plan, it changed everything for my mindset because now I was daydreaming about the future and really started to change the way I saw my business.
It was no longer just a blog, it was now a six figure business.
Looking back now, this plan that I made for myself was very similar to a manifestation technique called scripting. Scripting is where you write down what you want to happen in the future as if it has already happened.
I had created such a detailed blueprint of my business that I had scripted the future success of my business.
When you plan or script the details of your business, this is when you get extreme clarity around what you want to manifest. Getting clarity is step number 4 in the manifestation process.
Having this detailed plan helped me to take my business seriously, and it enabled me to live my purpose and focus on my mission every day. Living your purpose means you are receiving your manifestation, and this is step number 10 of the manifestation process.
So now I’ve shown you how I followed all 10 steps in the manifestation process, what were my results?
I began to check my traffic levels every day, and I began working on some ways to monetize my business.
I kept creating content, but now I had a new method, because of the plans I had created. I set new intentions to create regular and good quality content that was really going to help people solve problems.
I carried on with a new level of commitment and certainly about my future, and this is what happened…
Very soon my traffic exploded and I was getting around 2,000 people visiting my blog every day. From there it just kept rising exponentially until it reached a peak of over 800,000 page views per month a few years later.
As my traffic was so high, I was making really good money from having banner ads on my website. I also promoted products that people would need for their smoothie recipes, ingredients, and equipment, and I was getting a lot of commissions from that.
Then I launched my own product, and I started with a 7 day detox, and I sold hundreds of copies the same month that I released it. My sales from that continued to rise exponentially too.
In just 6 months, all of a sudden, I was making a six figure revenue.
Isn’t that incredible?
The first thing we did was book a trip to Greece to get some warm sunshine. I was over the moon that we could go and buy new clothes for us all, and eat out in restaurants whenever we liked. Suddenly we felt very rich.
My success didn’t stop there. My income went up and up and our lifestyle changed beyond all recognition.
This is what happens when you change your mindset and allow yourself to think big about your business.
It can happen a lot faster than you could have ever imagined, and that’s because you changed what you imagined.
You’re no longer thinking about your business as a small business, you’re dreaming about it being a big business.
And once you allow yourself to dream at the same time as taking action towards your dream, your dream actually becomes a reality.
My story makes it sound like everything always went perfectly for me, but it wasn’t always the case.
Over the last 10 years I have started many businesses. Some have been equally as successful, and others never even got off the ground and were a complete failure because I gave up on them.
It took me a really long time to realize that the reason my businesses had succeeded or failed was purely down to whether or not I had planned for the success of that business.
I had a few really successful businesses and then I got a bit complacent with future businesses and just launched straight into creating content without any kind of future plan for the business.
I thought I knew it all and didn’t need a plan any more.
The businesses that I failed to plan were always the businesses that failed.
Another moment of realization that really changed my life was this:
If I am not committed enough to my business to spend time planning its success, then I’m not committed enough to creating the success in my business.

Therefore it will fail because I will give up on it.
Once I realised that creating a business plan, or a blueprint was directly responsible for the success or failure of my businesses, I never failed to create my blueprint for new businesses again.
And if I was reluctant to even plan my business, that meant that this business was not the right business for me, and I should find an idea for a business that I’m more committed to.
The last few businesses I have started have been a big success so I’ve put this to the test. This doesn’t just work for me, it also works amazingly well for everyone else who does this.
Let me tell you that the reason for creating a plan is not just so you know what you are doing and know what you need to be creating.
The main purpose of a plan is to get your mind in the right place.
The real reason for planning is so you can BELIEVE that your business is actually going to make it.
Once you’ve invested your precious time into planning your business, you are now committed to it. You feel a different level of determination to succeed.

The more detailed your plan, the more committed you feel.
That commitment and drive is exactly what you need to keep going when you’re not getting any results.
Because you have planned the future and you know where you’re headed.
Once you have created that dream business blueprint, you WILL feel different, and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.
You’ll feel confident, successful, committed, secure, excited, and full of peace and joy.
The best thing about creating your dream business blueprint is how it changes you as a person.
Because you start to believe in your business blueprint, you start to become the successful person that you need to be to make that dream a reality.
I have grown in so many ways since I created my business blueprint because I actually believed it was going to happen, and therefore I needed to become the person who needed to make that happen.
Developing a new level of confidence makes you feel unstoppable, and that is a feeling that you just can’t beat.
I never thought I’d have the confidence to create videos and really put myself out there, and it took me a really long time to even attempt at making my first video.
Your business blueprint gives you the long term vision for your business, and you just end up stepping into your own vision.
It is truly life changing.
Would you like to know how to plan your dream 6-7 figure business in 30 days that fits your personality, desires, and ideal lifestyle, and make money from a brand new business even if you have no experience or product to sell?
I’m sharing all of my secrets in my FREE workshop.

Click the link below to access this FREE workshop and get the accompanying workbook that walks you through the process of creating your dream business:
How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days: Workshop & Workbook
P.s. I’m giving away SO much information for FREE on this video training, that you won’t want to miss out on this. So make sure you watch this training while it is still available
Next Steps
Now that you have got some inspiration by reading my story, I want to delve a bit deeper into how to set goals for business owners, and the mistakes that most entrepreneurs are making with their goals.
This is what I’m going to be sharing next time so make sure you subscribe to my podcast and my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram so you don’t miss that.
While you’re waiting for the next content piece, you can start taking practical action in your business today.
Watch my FREE workshop where I walk you through my complete process of planning the business of your dreams in just 30 days.
This is part of my premium course, Dream Business Blueprint, and I’m only making this workshop free for a limited time because, so grab that while it is still available.
Click here to get my FREE Workshop: How To Plan Your Dream 6-Figure Business In 30 Days
Until then, go and put your STAMP on the world.
Business Manifestation is a massive passion of mine, and I have many more posts and videos to help you reach your goals so stick around and see what else I can help you with by checking out the links below.
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- How To Manifest Success By Living Your Purpose & Receiving Your Desires
✔️ MANIFEST YOUR PERFECT DAY COURSE: Manifest the life of your dreams and live your perfect day every single day. Click here for access.

✔️ BUSINESS MANIFESTATION CLUB: Manifest a MASSIVE, engaged, and positive FOLLOWING, and MANIFEST the MONEY you desire using never-seen-before manifestation techniques that will transform your results in both your work and your life as a whole. Get a FREE 7 day trial

✔️ DREAM BUSINESS MASTERY: Get access to ALL of my current and future products. This is my entire system to take you from your current reality to business mastery. Learn more by clicking here

✔️ STAMP GOALS BOOK: Put Your STAMP On The World In 30 Days And Finally Achieve Your Goals. Grab your copy by clicking here

✔️ ALL PRODUCTS: See all of my products and courses by clicking here.
Free Gifts
✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ 10 MINUTE MANIFESTATION MEDITATION: This powerful 10 minute manifestation meditation will reprogram your subconscious mind and is guaranteed to bring your manifestation into your physical reality. Click here for FREE access.

✔️ MANIFESTATION MILESTONES BOARD PACK: MANIFEST FAME, FORTUNE, and FOLLOWERS by creating a vision board and achievement board to manifest business milestones. Click here for FREE access.

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